Vocabulary List for class12

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pali pos meaning root construction pattern cl.
thera 1.2 masc (vinaya) elder; senior monk; monastic of ten or more years standing √ṭhā 1 a (stand) √ṭhā > thā + ira > thera a masc 2
kāya 1.1 masc body; physical body; physical process √ci 5 nā (gather, accumulate) √ci > ki > kay + *a a masc 2
bāla 2 masc fool; idiot; immature person a masc east 2
kāma 3 masc sense desire (of); sensual pleasure (of) √kam 8 *e (desire) √kam > kām + *a a masc 2
paṭilābha masc obtaining (of); acquiring (of); gaining (of); personal acquisition (of) √labh 1 a (get) pati + √labh > lābh + *a a masc 2
vipāka 1 masc (of an action) result; outcome; consequence; fruit √pac 1 a (cook, mature, ripen) vi + √pac > pāk + *a a masc 2
kassapa 1 masc name of the 1st previous Buddha a masc 2
samaṇa 1 masc ascetic; renunciant; holy man; monk; recluse √sam 3 ya (exert, strive) √sam + aṇa a masc 2
balibaddha masc ox; bull a masc 2
vinipāta masc state of suffering; purgatory; underworld √pat 1 a (fall) vi + ni + √pat > pāt + *a a masc 2
vinaya 1 masc discipline; training √nī 1 a (lead, carry) vi + √nī > nay + *a a masc 2
kassaka masc farmer; ploughman √kass 1 a (drag, draw along) √kass + aka a masc 2
vitakka 1 masc thought; reflection; pondering √takk 8 *e (think) vi + √takk + a a masc 2
sekkha masc trainee; apprentice; learner; (comm) seven stages of a noble person before arahantship √sikkh 1 a (learn, train) √sikkh > sekkh + *a a masc 2
balibadda masc ox; bull a masc 2
sekha 1 masc trainee; apprentice; learner; initiate; (comm) seven stages of a noble person before arahantship √sikkh 1 a (learn, train) √sikkh > sekh + *a a masc 2
samatikkama masc surpassing (of); overcoming (of); going beyond; transcendence √kam 1 a (go) saṃ + ati + √kam + a a masc 2
phassa 1 masc contact; sense impingement; raw experience; touch √phus 1 a (touch) √phus > phass + a a masc 2
pessaka 1 masc messenger √pis 8 ya (send) √pis > pes + *ya + ka\npessa + ka a masc 2
samatha 1.1 masc stilling (of); serenity (of); calming (of); settling (of); peace (of); (comm) mental unification √sam 3 ya (be calm, be tired) √sam + a + tha\nsama + tha a masc 2
paṇḍita 2 masc sage; intelligent person; wise man; smart person a masc east 2
patta 1.1 masc bowl; alms bowl; begging bowl √pā 1 a (drink) √pā + ta a masc 2
purisa 1 masc man; male; person a masc 2
vikappa 1.1 masc alteration (to); improvement (to); distinction (regarding) √kapp 1 a (be fit, be suitable) vi + √kapp + a a masc 2
kāya 1.2 masc group; host; company; collection; multitude; mass √ci 5 nā (gather, accumulate) √ci > ki > kay + *a a masc 2
patha 2 masc range; mode; way √path 1 a (go, move) √path + a a masc 2
kāra 1 masc deed; action; service √kar 7 o (do, make) √kar > kār + *a a masc 2
vibhaṅga 1 masc analysis; classification; breakdown √bhañj 1 a (break, destroy) vi + √bhañj > bhaṅg + a a masc 2
bhoga 1.1 masc wealth; possessions; property; riches √bhuj 2 ṃa (use, eat, enjoy) √bhuj > bhoj > bhog + *a a masc 2
bheda 3 masc (vinaya) schism; split; breakup √bhid 2 ṃa (break, split) √bhid > bhed + *a a masc 2
bheda 2 masc death √bhid 2 ṃa (break, split) √bhid > bhed + *a a masc 2
paccaya 1 masc support; requisite; necessity √i 1 a (come, go) pati > paty > pacc + √i > ay + *a a masc 2
virāga 2.1 masc fading (of); disappearance (of); cessation (of); destruction (of) √raj 1 a (colour) vi + √raj > rag > rāg + *a a masc 2
gaṇḍa 1 masc boil; abscess a masc 2
paccaya 2 masc cause (for); reason (for); supporting condition (for); requirement (for) √i 1 a (come, go) pati > paty > pacc + √i > ay + *a a masc 2
suriya 1 masc sun √sur 1 a (shine, be supreme) √sur + a + iya\nsūra + iya a masc 2
khaya masc wearing away (of); exhaustion (of); erosion (of); depletion (of); destruction (of) √khī 1 a (exhaust, destroy) √khī > khay + *a a masc 2
khandha 3 masc aggregate; combination; conglomeration √khandh 8 *e (collect, accumulate) √khandh + a a masc 2
khandha 1 masc mass; heap; pile; volume; aggregation √khandh 8 *e (collect, accumulate) √khandh + a a masc 2
khattiya 2 masc man of the ruling caste; high caste man; nobleman a masc 2
bhava 3 masc state of existence; form of becoming √bhū 1 a (be, become) √bhū > bhav + *a a masc 2
pajjunna masc name of a deity; god of rain; rain cloud a masc 2
bhava 2 masc being; becoming; existence √bhū 1 a (be, become) √bhū > bhav + *a a masc 2
kesa 1 masc (head) hair a masc 2
pañha 2 masc question; enquiry √pañh 1 a (ask, question) √pañh + a a masc 2
abhisamaya masc complete comprehension (of); total understanding (of); completely getting (of); breakthrough (to) √i 1 a (come, go) abhi + saṃ + √i > ay + *a a masc 2
paṭighāta 1 masc warding off; repelling; driving off; keeping at bay √ghaṭ 8 *e (strike, kill) pati + √ghaṭ > ghāṭ + *a\npati + ghāta a masc 2
brāhmaṇa 2 masc arahant; awakened being; saint; paragon √brah 1 a (increase) √brah > brāh + ma + *aṇa\nbrahma + *aṇa a masc 2
brāhmaṇa 1 masc Brahman; priest; man of the Brahman caste √brah 1 a (increase) √brah > brāh + ma + *aṇa\nbrahma + *aṇa a masc 2
byāpāda masc dislike; ill-will; hatred; hostility; enmity; malevolence (towards) √pad 3 ya (go, step) vi > vy > by + ā + √pad > pād + *a a masc 2
paṭinissagga masc giving up (of); relinquishing (of); dropping (of); abandoning (of) √sajj 1 a (relinquish, let loose) pati + nī + √sajj > sagg + a a masc 2
kāraka 2 masc builder √kar 7 o (do, make) √kar > kār + *aka a masc 2
seda masc sweat; drop of perspiration √sid 3 ya (sweat, steam) √sid > sed + *a a masc 2
papañca masc various opinions; proliferation; endless conceptualization √pañc 8 *e (expand, spread) pa + √pañc + a a masc 2
ākāra 1.2 masc aspect; facet; detail; property; quality; attribute √kar 7 o (do, make) ā + √kar > kār + *a a masc 2
āsava 1.2 masc discharge; suppuration; outflow; effluent; (comm) defilement √su 1 a (flow) ā + √su > sav + *a a masc 2
pātimokkha 2 masc (vinaya) precepts for Buddhist monastics √mokkh 1 a (be freed) pa + ati + √mokkh + a a masc 2
āvāsa 1 masc home (of); dwelling place (of); residence (of) √vas 1 a (live) ā + √vas > vās + *a a masc 2
āhāra 1 masc food (for); fuel (for); sustenance (for); nutriment (for); (comm) condition √har 1 a (take, seize) ā + √har > hār + *a a masc 2
vasa 1.2 masc control (over); authority (over); power (over); mastery (over) √vas 1 a (want, control) √vas + a a masc 2
pāṇa 3 masc being; living being √an 1 a (breath, blow) pa + √an + a a masc 2
uposatha 1 masc full moon or new moon observance day √vas 1 a (live) upa + √vas + a + tha\nup<b>ava</b>sa > up<b>o</b>sa + tha a masc 2
paripāka 1 masc decay; deterioration √pac 1 a (cook, mature, ripen) pari + √pac > pāc > pāk + *a a masc 2
upāsaka masc lay disciple; lay devotee √ās 1 a (sit) upa + √ās + aka a masc 2
upāyāsa 1 masc affliction; difficulty; trouble; despair √yas 3 ya (strive, struggle) upa + ā + √yas > yās + *a a masc 2
vanatha 2.1 masc desire; craving √van 7 o (like, desire) √van + a + tha\nvana + tha a masc 2
uccāra masc excrement; faeces √car 1 a (move, walk) ud + √car > cār + *a a masc 2
samuppāda 2 masc issue; conflict; something which arises √pad 3 ya (go, step) saṃ + ud + √pad > pād + *a a masc 2
passāva masc urine √su 1 a (flow) pa + √su > sāv + *a a masc 2
sippika 1.1 masc craftsman; artisan sippa + ika a masc 2
paribbājaka masc homeless spiritual seeker; wandering ascetic √vaj 1 a (go on) pari + √vaj > baj > bāj + *aka a masc 2
uddesa 1 masc proposition; synopsis; statement in brief; summary; introduction √dis 1 a (point out, explain) ud + √dis > des + *a a masc 2
upassaya 1 masc dwelling; shelter; home √si 1 a (depend on, associate with) upa + √si > say + *a a masc 2
upajjhāya masc preceptor; teacher; mentor √i 1 a (study, recite) upa + adhi > adhy > ajjh + √i > āy + *a a masc 2
pariyāya 5 masc way; nature; habit; property; quality √i 1 a (come, go) pari + [y] + √i > āy + *a a masc 2
samudda masc sea; ocean √ud 2 ṃa (be wet) saṃ + √ud + ra a masc 2
upasama 1 masc calmness (of); tranquillisation (of); stillness (of); peace (of) √sam 3 ya (be calm, be tired) upa + √sam + a a masc 2
samudaya 1 masc source; origination; appearance √i 1 a (come, go) saṃ + ud + √i > ay + *a a masc 2
āsaya 2 masc home (of); dwelling (of); abode (of) √sī 1 a (lie, sleep) ā + √sī > say + *a a masc 2
pāda 1 masc foot √pad 3 ya (go, step) √pad > pād + *a a masc 2
āloka masc light; brightness; clarity √lok 8 *e (look) ā + √lok + a a masc 2
uppāda 1.1 masc arising (of); appearance (of); coming into being (of) √pad 3 ya (go, step) ud + √pad > pād + *a a masc 2
ākāsa 1.2 masc sky; air √kās 1 a (shine, be visible) ā + √kās + a a masc 2
putta 1 masc son; child a masc 2
soka masc grief; sorrow; sadness (over) √suc 1 *a (grieve) √suc > suk > sok + *a a masc 2
ovāda masc advice; instruction encouragement; exhortation √vad 1 a (say, speak) ava + √vad > vād + *a a masc 2
ācariya 1 masc teacher; religious leader √car 1 a (act, behave) ā + √car + iya a masc 2
ājīva masc livelihood; mode of living; way of life; way of earning a living √jīv 1 a (live) ā + √jīv + a a masc 2
sota 1.1 masc stream; river; current √su 1 a (flow) √su > so + *ta a masc 2
sambodha masc full awakening; perfect understanding; enlightenment √budh 3 ya (know, wake up) saṃ + √budh > bodh + *a a masc 2
ogha 2 masc (of defilements) deluge; inundation; torrent a masc 2
puggala masc person; individual a masc 2
ogha 1 masc (of water) flood; deluge; torrent a masc 2
apāya 1 masc state of loss; state of misery √i 1 a (come, go) apa + √i > ay + *a a masc 2
ānanda 2 masc name of an arahant monk; attendant of the Buddha; great disciple of the Buddha; foremost disciple in great learning, remembrance, conduct, resoluteness and service √nand 1 a (delight, enjoy) ā + √nand + a a masc 2
oka 1.1 masc home; abode √uc 3 ya (comfort) √uc > ok + *a a masc 2
samaya 1.1 masc time; occasion √i 1 a (come, go) saṃ + √i > ay + *a a masc 2
pamāda 1 masc carelessness; negligence; heedlessness √mad 3 ya (be mad, be intoxicated) pa + √mad > mād + *a a masc 2
parābhava masc ruin; downfall; disgrace √bhū 1 a (be, become) parā + √bhū > bhav + *a a masc 2
vāṇija masc trader; dealer vaṇija > vāṇija + *a a masc 2
parikkhāra 1 masc requisite; requirement; necessity √kar 7 o (do, make) pari + √kar > khār + *a a masc 2
pariṇāyaka 1 masc counsellor; adviser; strategist √nī 1 a (lead, carry) pari + √nī > ṇāy + *aka a masc 2
pariṇāyaka 2 masc leader; who shows the way √nī 1 a (lead, carry) pari + √nī > ṇāy + *aka a masc 2
parideva masc lamentation; wailing; crying √dev 1 a (lament) pari + √dev + a a masc 2
vaccha 1.1 masc calf; yearling; young animal a masc 2
ārāma 3 masc park; parkland; nature reserve √ram 1 a (delight, please) ā + √ram > rām + *a a masc 2
ānisaṃsa 1 masc profit (in); benefit (in); advantage (of); good result (of) √saṃs 1 a (proclaim, praise) ā + ni + √saṃs + a a masc 2
saṃsāra 1 masc wandering on; moving on continuously; transmigration; passing from one state of existence to another; stream of existence; cyclic existence √sar 1 a (go, flow) saṃ + √sar > sār + *a a masc east 2
pallaṅka 2 masc cross-legged sitting position; meditation posture √añc 1 a (bend) pari > pali > paly > pall + √añc > aṅk + a\npari + aṅka a masc 2
magga 1 masc road; path; track; way √magg 8 *e (seek, search) √magg + a a masc 2
nara masc man; person a masc 2
loma 1 masc body hair a masc 2
sakuṇa masc bird a masc 2
dosa 1.1 masc aversion; ill-will; hate; hatred √dus 3 ya (hate, dislike) √dus > dos + *a a masc 2
yamaka 2 masc name of a monk √yam 1 a (support, stretch) √yam + a + ka\nyama + ka a masc 2
saṃvara 2 masc control (over); restraint (of); holding back (of) √var 1 a (cover, dress, restrain) saṃ + √var + a a masc 2
saṃvara 1 masc control (according to); restraint (according to); holding back (according to) √var 1 a (cover, dress, restrain) saṃ + √var + a a masc 2
sakka 3 masc Sakyan; man of the Sakyan race √sak 4 ṇo (be able, be powerful) √sak + ya a masc 2
moha 1 masc illusion; delusion; hallucination √muh 3 ya (be deluded, be confused) √muh > moh + *a a masc 2
moggallāna 1 masc name of a monk; chief disciple; great disciple of the Buddha; foremost disciple in psychic power muggala > moggala + *yāna a masc 2
deva 1 masc deity; god √div 3 ya (shine) √div > dev + *a a masc 2
chanda 2 masc (vinaya) consent; agreement; approval √chand 8 *e (desire, please) √chand + a a masc 2
sāra 2 masc core; essence; substance; value √sar 1 a (go, flow) √sar > sār + *a a masc 2
chanda 1 masc interest (in); desire (for); wish (for); intention (to); impulse (for) √chand 8 *e (desire, please) √chand + a a masc 2
accaya 3 masc fault; offence; transgression √i 1 a (come, go) ati > aty > acc + √i > ay + *a a masc 2
cora masc thief; robber √cur 8 *e (steal) √cur > cor + *a a masc 2
ñāya masc way; means; method; system √i 1 a (come, go) nī > ny > ñ + √i > ay + *a a masc 2
sugata 2 masc Accomplished One; Fortunate One; epithet of the Buddha √gam 1 a (go) su + √gam + ta a masc 2
cāga 2 masc generosity; sharing; liberality √caj 1 a (give up, let go) √caj > cāg + *a a masc 2
nakha 1 masc fingernail; toenail a masc 2
hattha 1 masc hand a masc 2
dhaja 1 masc flag; banner √dhaj 1 a (move, flap) √dhaj + a a masc 2
makkaṭa masc monkey; ape a masc 2
dhamma 1.05 masc mental states √dhar 1 a (hold, carry, endure) √dhar + ma a masc 2
rukkha 1 masc tree a masc 2
loka 1 masc world; universe; cosmos √lok 8 *e (look) √lok + a a masc 2
rāhula masc name of an arahant monk; Buddha's son a masc 2
dhamma 1.06 masc matter; thing; phenomena √dhar 1 a (hold, carry, endure) √dhar + ma a masc 2
rāga 1.1 masc desire (for); passion (for); infatuation (with); lust (for) √raj 3 ya (desire) √raj > rag > rāg + *a a masc 2
rasa 1 masc taste; flavour √ras 1 a (taste) √ras + a a masc 2
loka 2 masc world; plane of existence √lok 8 *e (look) √lok + a a masc 2
dhamma 1.09 masc law; case; rule; legal process √dhar 1 a (hold, carry, endure) √dhar + ma a masc 2
cāga 1 masc giving up; relinquishing; abandoning √caj 1 a (give up, let go) √caj > cāg + *a a masc 2
sīha 1 masc lion a masc 2
hāraka 1 masc carrier; bearer √har 1 a (carry) √har > hār + *aka a masc 2
dhamma 1.02 masc quality; characteristic; trait; inherent quality √dhar 1 a (hold, carry, endure) √dhar + ma a masc 2
dhamma 1.01 masc nature; character √dhar 1 a (hold, carry, endure) √dhar + ma a masc 2
attha 1.1 masc meaning; sense; significance √ar 1 a (move, attain) √ar + tha a masc 2
attha 2.1 masc need (for); want (for) √atth 8 *aya (wish for) √atth + a a masc 2
dhamma 1.14 masc act; practice √dhar 1 a (hold, carry, endure) √dhar + ma a masc 2
yāma 1 masc watch (of the night); one eighth of the day; about three hours √yam 1 a (control, strive, end) √yam > yām + *a a masc 2
taca 1 masc (of a humna) skin a masc 2
taṇḍula 1 masc dehusked rice; (comm) grain from grass a masc 2
satta 2.1 masc being; living being; creature √as 1 a (be) sa + tta a masc 2
vūpasama 1 masc peace (of); calming (of); subsiding (of); settling (of) √sam 3 ya (be calm, be tired) vi + upa + √sam + a a masc 2
dhamma 1.03 masc teaching; discourse; doctrine √dhar 1 a (hold, carry, endure) √dhar + ma a masc 2
nirodha masc ending (of); cessation (of); termination (of); finishing (of) √rudh 2 ṃa (obstruct) ni + √rudh > rodh + *a a masc 2
gimha masc heat; warmth a masc 2
sāvaka masc disciple; pupil; follower √su 4 ṇā (hear) √su > sāv + *aka a masc 2
anusaya masc underlying tendency (to); inherent inclination (to); dormant disposition (towards); propensity (to) √sī 1 a (lie, sleep) anu + √sī > say + *a a masc 2
gāha 2.2 masc hiding place √gāh 1 a (dive, plunge) √gāh + a a masc 2
gāma 1 masc village; hamlet a masc 2
mada 1 masc excess; pleasure; indulgence √mad 3 ya (be mad, be intoxicated) √mad + a a masc 2
anuvattaka 3 masc follower; partisan; who sides (with) √vatt 1 a (be, proceed) anu + √vatt + aka a masc 2
nīvaraṇa 1 masc obstacle; obstruction; barrier; hindrance √var 1 a (cover, dress, restrain) ni > nī + √var + *aṇa a masc 2
akkosa masc verbal abuse; insult; name calling √kus 1 *a (call, insult) ā + √kus > kos + *a a masc 2
parivaṭṭa 2 masc round; revolution; repetition; cycle √vaṭṭ 1 a (turn) pari + √vaṭṭ + a a masc 2
ābādha 2 masc affliction; oppression; suffering √bādh 1 a (press, oppress) ā + √bādh + a a masc 2
viveka 1 masc seclusion; solitude; detachment; disengagement; independence √vic 1 a (separate) vi + √vic > vec > vek + *a a masc 2
saṅgaha 1 masc support (of); maintenance (of); looking after √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) saṃ + √gah + a a masc 2
gabbha 3 masc room; inside room; inner chamber a masc 2
visesa 1 masc distinction; attainment; superior state; eminence √sis 8 *e (remain, distinguish) vi + √sis > ses + *a a masc 2
gandha 1 masc smell; scent; odour √ghā 3 ya (smell) √ghā + na a masc 2
saṅgha 1 masc community; fellowship; monastic order √ghaṭ 1 a (join together) saṃ + √ghaṭ + a a masc 2
magga 2 masc way; means; method √magg 8 *e (seek, search) √magg + a a masc 2
daṇḍa 1 masc stick; truncheon; nightstick; club a masc 2
nivāsa 1.3 masc life; existence √vas 1 a (live) ni + √vas > vās + *a a masc 2
danta 1.1 masc tooth a masc 2
saṅgara 1 masc dealing; bargaining; negotiating; transacting √gir 1 a (call, speak) saṃ + √gir > gar + a a masc 2
manussa masc human being; man; person manu + ssa a masc 2
mugga masc mung beans √mud 1 a (be soft, be happy) √mud > mug + ga a masc 2
māsa 2.1 masc bean a masc 2
māra masc death; Death; death personified √mar 1 a (die) √mar > mār + *a a masc 2
māna 1.1 masc pride; conceit; egotism; superiority; comparing oneself √man 3 ya (think) √man > mān + *a a masc 2
dāra masc wife a masc 2
māṇava 1 masc young man; young gentleman; young Brahman manu > māṇav + *a a masc 2
adhigama 2 masc attainment (of); achievement (of) √gam 1 a (go) adhi + √gam + a a masc 2
dava 1.1 masc fun; joke; play; sport; pleasure √dū 1 a (go, run) √dū > dav + *a a masc 2
saṅkhāra 3 masc mental formation; mental activity; thought processes; fourth of the five aggregates √kar 7 o (do, make) saṃ + √kar > khār + *a a masc 2
gotama 1 masc family name of the Buddha gotama + a a masc 2
nissaya 1 masc dependency; physical support; reliance; something one depends on √si 1 a (depend on, associate with) ni + √si > say + *a a masc 2
saṅkhāra 1 masc intention; volitional formation; choice; karmic activity √kar 7 o (do, make) saṃ + √kar > khār + *a a masc 2
vaḍḍhati pr increases (in); grows (in); develops (in) √vaḍḍh 1 a (grow, increase) vaḍḍha + ti ati pr 3
sameti 2.2 pr agrees (with); matches (with); fits (with); fits in (with) √i 1 a (come, go) saṃ + e + ti eti pr 3
tasati 1.1 pr is afraid (of); fears √tas 1 a (tremble, fear) tasa + ti ati pr 3
sikkhati 2 pr trains (in); trains (for the purpose of); practices (for the sake of); practice (to) √sikkh 1 a (learn, train) sikkha + ti ati pr 3
eti 1 pr comes (to) √i 1 a (come, go) e + ti eti pr 2 3
parinibbāyati 1 pr (of mental defilement) is completely quenched; is entirely emancipated; is completely cooled √vā 1 a (blow, emit odour) pari + nī + bāya + ti ati pr 3
dadāti pr gives; offers; donates; grants (something to someone) √dā 1 a (give) dadā + ti āti pr 3
paripucchati pr asks about; questions; enquires; interrogates (somebody about something) √pucch 1 a (ask, question) pari + puccha + ti ati pr 3
upasussati pr dries up; withers; shrivels √sus 3 ya (dry, wither) upa + sussa + ti ati pr 3
paricarati 3 pr enjoys; indulges; has sex with √car 1 a (move, walk) pari + cara + ti ati pr 3
upādiyati pr grasps; holds (onto); clings (to); takes possession (of) √ādā 3 ya (take, seize) upa + ādiya + ti ati pr 3
deti 1 pr gives (to); donates (to); offers (to); hands (to) √dā 1 a (give) de + ti eti pr 3
upavadati 1 pr blames; criticizes; finds fault (with) √vad 1 a (say, speak) upa + vada + ti ati pr 3
ulloketi pr looks up (at); gazes up (at) √lok 8 *e (look) ud + loke + ti eti pr 3
vattati 1 pr proceeds; continues; goes forward; practices √vatt 1 a (be, proceed) vatta + ti ati pr 3
tiṭṭhati 3 pr remains; persists; lasts √ṭhā 1 a (stand) tiṭṭha + ti ati pr 3
ḍeti pr flies; flies up √ḍi 1 a (fly) ḍe + ti eti pr 3
uppajjati 1 pr appears; arises; occurs; takes place (for) √pad 3 ya (go, step) ud + pajja + ti ati pr 3
jināti 2 pr surpasses; beats; wins (over) √ji 5 nā (conquer) jinā + ti āti pr 3
jhāyati 1.2 pr meditates; contemplates √jhā 3 ya (think, meditate) jhāya + ti ati pr 3
paṭibhāti pr comes to mind; occurs (to); inspires (someone to) √bhā 1 a (shine, speak) pati + bhā + ti āti pr 3
paṭipajjati 2 pr practices; follows a course of action; follows a method √pad 3 ya (go, step) pati + pajja + ti ati pr 3
saṃvattati pr leads (to); results (in); causes √vatt 1 a (be, proceed) saṃ + vatta + ti ati pr 3
nisīdati pr sits (on); sits down (in) √sad 1 a (sink, sit, settle) ni + sīda + ti ati pr 3
suṇāti 1 pr hears √su 4 ṇā (hear) suṇā + ti āti pr 3
paṭijānāti 4 pr makes the claim (of); claims (to be) √ñā 5 nā (know) pati + jānā + ti āti pr 3
paṭiggaheti pr takes; accepts; receives √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) pati + gahe + ti eti pr 3
paṭiggaṇhāti 2 pr (of an apology) accepts √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) pati + gaṇhā + ti āti pr 3
paṭiggaṇhāti 1 pr takes; accepts; receives √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) pati + gaṇhā + ti āti pr 3
paṭilabhati 1 pr obtains; gets; receives; personally experiences √labh 1 a (get) pati + labha + ti ati pr 3
khaṇati pr digs; digs up; uproots √khaṇ 1 a (dig) khaṇa + ti ati pr 3
neti 1.1 pr leads; carries away; takes away √nī 1 a (lead, carry) ne + ti eti pr 3
khādati pr chews; devours; eats √khād 1 a (chew) khāda + ti ati pr 3
pakkamati 1 pr goes (from); goes away (from); leaves (from) √kam 1 a (go) pa + kama + ti ati pr 3
pajahati pr gives up; abandons; lets go (of) √hā 1 a (abandon) pa + jaha + ti ati pr 3
gacchati 1 pr goes; walks; moves; wanders around; travels √gam 1 a (go) gaccha + ti ati pr 3
pakkhandati 1 pr takes to it; gets it; gains confidence; is inspired; is eager √khand 1 a (jump) pa + khanda + ti ati pr 3
paggaṇhāti 2 pr holds up; raises up √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) pa + gaṇhā + ti āti pr 3
gaṇhati 1 pr grabs hold (of); seizes; takes √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) gaṇha + ti ati pr 3
paggaṇhāti 3 pr applies effort; strives on; goes for it; endeavours √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) pa + gaṇhā + ti āti pr 3
upasaṅkamati pr approaches; goes (to); visits √kam 1 a (go) upa + saṃ + kama + ti ati pr 3
okirati pr sprinkles; scatters down (onto) √kir 1 a (scatter, sprinkle) ava + kira + ti ati pr 3
carati 1.1 pr walks; wanders; goes around; travels; fares on √car 1 a (move, walk) cara + ti ati pr 3
nikkhipati 3 pr keeps; stores; saves; sets aside; lays aside (something in something) √khip 1 a (throw) ni + khipa + ti ati pr 3
sobhati 2 pr looks beautiful (in) √subh 1 *a (shine, adorn) sobha + ti ati pr 3
obhāsati 1.1 pr speaks coarsely (to); speaks suggestively (to); talks rudely (to); talks dirty (to) √bhās 1 a (speak) ava + bhāsa + ti ati pr 3
pabbajati pr ordains as a monastic; renounces the household life √vaj 1 a (go on) pa + baja + ti ati pr 3
ovadati pr advises; instructs; admonishes √vad 1 a (say, speak) ava + vada + ti ati pr 3
jīrati pr ages; grows old; gets worn out; declines √jīr 1 a (grow old, decay) jīra + ti ati pr 3
dhāreti 3 pr bears in mind; keeps in mind; remembers √dhar 8 *e (wear, hold, carry) dhāre + ti eti pr 3
panūdati pr dispels; drives out; rejects; pushes away √nud 1 a (drive out, reject) pa + nūda + ti ati pr 3
padahati 1 pr exerts oneself; strives; applies oneself; endeavours (with) √dhā 1 a (place, support) pa + daha + ti ati pr 3
jināti 1 pr conquers; overcomes; defeats √ji 5 nā (conquer) jinā + ti āti pr 3
nibbindati 1 pr is dis-enchanted (with); is disinterested (in); is disillusioned (by); loses interest (in); is dispassionate (towards) √vid 2 ṃa (feel, like) nī + binda + ti ati pr 3
jahati 1 pr gives up; leaves; abandons; deserts √hā 1 a (abandon) jaha + ti ati pr 3
seti 2 pr sleeps √sī 1 a (lie, sleep) se + ti eti pr 3
kappati pr it is suitable (for); it is proper (for); it is fitting (for); it is allowable √kapp 1 a (be fit, be suitable) kappa + ti ati pr 3
kampati pr shakes; trembles; wavers; is disturbed √kamp 1 a (shake, tremble) kampa + ti ati pr 3
paṭisevati 2 pr uses; makes use (of) √sev 1 a (serve, associate) pati + seva + ti ati pr 3
paṭisevati 1 pr practices; indulges (in); engages (in) √sev 1 a (serve, associate) pati + seva + ti ati pr 3
paṭisaṃvedeti pr personally experiences; undergoes; feels √vid 8 *e (know, sense, feel) pati + saṃ + vede + ti eti pr 3
karoti 1 pr does; acts; performs √kar 7 o (do, make) karo + ti karoti pr 3
nahāyati pr takes a bath; bathes; washes √nhā 3 ya (bathe) nahāya + ti ati pr 3
ceteti 2 pr intends; wills (to) √cit 8 *e (think, intend) cete + ti eti pr 3
paṭivineti pr drives out; dispels; gets rid of √nī 1 a (lead, carry) pati + vi + ne + ti eti pr 3
pajānāti pr knows; knows clearly; understands; distinguishes √ñā 5 nā (know) pa + jānā + ti āti pr 3
jānāti 1 pr knows; understands √ñā 5 nā (know) jānā + ti āti pr 3
upapajjati 1 pr is reborn (in); re-arises (in) √pad 3 ya (go, step) upa + pajja + ti ati pr 3
bhāsati 1.1 pr speaks (about); talks (about); says √bhās 1 a (speak) bhāsa + ti ati pr 3
bhavati 1 pr is; is being; becomes √bhū 1 a (be, become) bhava + ti ati pr 3
abhitthavati pr praises; glorifies; celebrates √thu 1 a (be familiar, praise) abhi + thava + ti ati pr 3
bhaṇati 1 pr speaks; says; tells √bhaṇ 1 a (talk, speak) bhaṇa + ti ati pr 3
bhajati 1.1 pr associates (with); keeps company (with) √bhaj 1 a (associate, keep company) bhaja + ti ati pr 3
abhiramati pr enjoys; delights (in); takes pleasure (in) √ram 1 a (delight, please) abhi + rama + ti ati pr 3
abhisaṅkharoti 2 pr does; performs √kar 7 o (do, make) abhi + saṃ + kharo + ti oti pr 3
abhivaḍḍhati pr increases more and more; surpasses; outgrows √vaḍḍh 1 a (grow, increase) abhi + vaḍḍha + ti ati pr 3
arahati 3 pr should; ought (to); is suitable (for); it is befitting (for) √arah 1 a (deserve, be worthy) araha + ti ati pr 3
bandhati 1 pr binds; ties up; imprisons; confines √bandh 1 a (bind, tie) bandha + ti ati pr 3
assasati pr inhales; breathes in √sas 1 a (breath) ā + sasa + ti ati pr 3
pūjeti 1 pr reveres; honours; respects √pūj 8 *e (honour, venerate) pūje + ti eti pr 3
vijānāti 1 pr comprehends; understands; recognises; distinguishes; is aware (of) √ñā 5 nā (know) vi + jānā + ti āti pr 3
samanupassati 2 pr regards; considers; recognises (as); sees (as) √dis 1 a (see) saṃ + anu + passa + ti ati pr 3
ākaṅkhati pr wishes (for); wants; desires; aspires (for) √kaṅkh 1 a (wish for) ā + kaṅkha + ti ati pr 3
vāyamati pr tries (to); makes an effort (to); strives (for); exerts oneself (to) √yam 1 a (control, strive, end) vi + ā + yama + ti ati pr 3
ājānāti 1 pr knows; understands √ñā 5 nā (know) ā + jānā + ti āti pr 3
pariharati 3 pr takes care (of); looks after; maintains √har 1 a (carry) pari + hara + ti ati pr 3
pucchati pr asks; enquires; questions (somebody about something) √pucch 1 a (ask, question) puccha + ti ati pr 3
bhuñjati 1 pr eats; consumes √bhuj 2 ṃa (use, eat, enjoy) bhuñja + ti ati pr 3
maññati 1 pr thinks; imagines; conceives; presumes; supposes √man 3 ya (think) mañña + ti ati pr 3
chindati 5 pr cuts across; breasts; fords √chid 2 ṃa (cut, steal) chinda + ti ati pr 3
sakkoti pr is able (to) √sak 4 ṇo (be able, be powerful) sakko + ti oti pr 3
sakkuṇāti pr is able (to) √sak 4 uṇā (be able, be powerful) sakkuṇā + ti āti pr 3
acchādeti 1.1 pr dresses; clothes; give clothes (to) √chad 8 *e (cover, conceal) ā + chāde + ti eti pr 3
labhati 1 pr gets; receives; obtains (something for someone) √labh 1 a (get) labha + ti ati pr 3
rakkhati 1 pr protects; watches over; guards (something against something) √rakkh 1 a (protect) rakkha + ti ati pr 3
yācati 1 pr asks; requests; begs (someone for something) √yāc 1 a (beg) yāca + ti ati pr 3
harati 2 pr takes; steals; robs √har 1 a (carry) hara + ti ati pr 3
adhigacchati 1 pr gets to; attains; finds; acquires; obtains √gam 1 a (go) adhi + gaccha + ti ati pr 3
voharati 1 pr speaks; communicates; gives expression; uses language √har 1 a (carry) vi + ava + hara + ti ati pr 3
vedeti 1 pr feels; experiences; senses √vid 8 *e (know, sense, feel) vede + ti eti pr 3
anudhāvati 1 pr runs along; sprints along √dhāv 1 a (run, flow) anu + dhāva + ti ati pr 3
anuyuñjati 2 pr indulges (in); is addicted (to) √yuj 2 ṃa (yoke, join) anu + yuñja + ti ati pr 3
anulometi 2 pr regulates; settles; balances anu + loma + e + ti\nanuloma + e + ti eti pr 3
anussarati 1.1 pr remembers; recollects; bears in mind √sar 1 a (remember) anu + sara + ti ati pr 3
anuviloketi pr looks around; surveys √lok 8 *e (look) anu + vi + loke + ti eti pr 3
viharati 1 pr lives (in); dwells (in); stays (in) √har 1 a (live) vi + hara + ti ati pr 3
visahati 1.1 pr is able (to) √sah 1 a (be able) vi + saha + ti ati pr 3
ādiyati 1 pr takes; grasps; embraces √ādā 3 ya (take, seize) ādiya + ti ati pr 3
vadati 1 pr says (to); speaks (to); tells (to) √vad 1 a (say, speak) vada + ti ati pr 3
pavaḍḍhati 1 pr increases; develops; grows √vaḍḍh 1 a (grow, increase) pa + vaḍḍha + ti ati pr 3
pāpuṇāti 1 pr reaches; arrives (at); comes (to) √ap 4 uṇā (reach, attain) pa + apuṇā + ti āti pr 3
icchati 1.1 pr wishes; wants; desires (to) √is 1 a (wish for) iccha + ti ati pr 3
samāpajjati 2 pr engages (in); practices; performs √pad 3 ya (go, step) saṃ + ā + pajja + ti ati pr 3
pavisati pr enters; goes (into) √vis 1 a (enter) pa + visa + ti ati pr 3
ādeti 1 pr takes; grasps; gets; acquires √ādā 3 ya (take, seize) āde + ti eti pr 3
passasati pr exhales; breathes out √sas 1 a (breath) pa + sasa + ti ati pr 3
uddharati 2 pr removes; takes away; packs up √dhar 1 a (hold, carry, endure) ud + dhara + ti ati pr 3
passati 2 pr understands; gets √dis 1 a (see) passa + ti ati pr 3
āmantayati 1 pr tells; informs; advises √mant 8 *aya (counsel, invite) ā + mantaya + ti ati pr 3
passati 1 pr sees √dis 1 a (see) passa + ti ati pr 3
upadisati pr points out; explains; shows; indicates √dis 1 a (point out, explain) upa + disa + ti ati pr 3
uddisati 1 pr recites; chants √dis 1 a (point out, explain) ud + disa + ti ati pr 3
ārabhati 1.1 pr begins; starts; undertakes; arouses oneself (to); makes an effort (to) √rabh 1 a (begin) ā + rabha + ti ati pr 3
āpajjati 5 pr causes; effects √pad 3 ya (go, step) ā + pajja + ti ati pr 3
āpajjati 2 pr arouses; exhibits; produces; brings into being √pad 3 ya (go, step) ā + pajja + ti ati pr 3
gāmaṇi masc chief; chieftain; headman; leader gāma + aṇi i masc 4
isi masc seer; sage i masc 4
pakkāmi 1 aor left; set off (from); went away (from) √kam 1 a (go) pa + a + √kam > kām + i i aor isuṃ 4
aggi masc fire √agg 1 a (move crookedly) √agg + i i masc 4
apucchi aor asked; enquired (somebody about something) √pucch 1 a (ask, question) a + √pucch + i i aor isuṃ 4
nisīdi aor sat (on); sat down (in) √sad 1 a (sink, sit, settle) ni + sīda + i i aor isuṃ 4
paccassosi aor replied (to); agreed (with) √su 4 ṇā (hear) pati > paty > pacc + a + so + si i aor 4
khipi 1.1 aor threw; tossed; hurled √khip 1 a (throw) √khip + i i aor 4
agacchi aor went; travelled √gam 1 a (go) a + gaccha + i i aor issaṃ 4
abhaṇi aor spoke; recited √bhaṇ 1 a (talk, speak) a + √bhaṇ + i i aor 4
abhāsi 1 aor spoke; said √bhā 1 a (shine, speak) a + √bhā + si i aor isuṃ 4
āsi 1.1 aor was √as 1 a (be) a + √as + i āsi aor irreg 4
upasaṅkami aor approached; drew near; went (to) √kam 1 a (go) upa + saṃ + √kam + i i aor 4
samādhi 1 masc perfect peace of mind; stability of mind; stillness of mind; mental composure √dhā 1 a (place, support) saṃ + ā + √dhā + i i masc 4
pahoti 2 pr is able (to); is capable (of); is qualified (to) √hū 1 a (be) pa + ho + ti hoti pr 4
ajesi aor conquered; defeated √ji 1 a (conquer) a + je + si esi aor 4
ajjhabhāsi aor addressed; spoke (to someone with) √bhās 1 a (speak) adhi > adhy > ajjh + a + √bhās + i i aor 4
vīhi masc rice paddy; Oryza sativa i masc 4
añjali 1 masc palms placed together (as a token of respect) √añj 1 a (pay respect) √añj + ali i masc 4
hoti 1 pr is; becomes √hū 1 a (be) ho + ti hoti pr 4
ñāti masc family; relative; kinsman √ñā 5 nā (know) √ñā + ti i masc 4
aṭṭhāsi 1 aor stood; stayed; remained √ṭhā 1 a (stand) a + √ṭhā + si āsi aor 4
passa 2.1 imp see!; look (at)! √dis 1 a (see) passa + a ati pr 4
attha 4.2 imp you (all) must be; may you (all) be √as 1 a (be) √as + tha > attha atthi pr 4
hotu 1 imp may it be (for)! √hū 1 a (be) ho + tu hoti pr 4
hontu imp may they be!; they must be! √hū 1 a (be) ho + ntu hoti pr 4
hotha imp may you all be!; I pray you all may be! √hū 1 a (be) ho + tha hoti pr 4
sāli masc fine rice i masc 4
adhiṭṭhahi 1 aor fixed attention (on) √ṭhā 1 a (stand) adhi + ṭhaha + i i aor 4
abhinandi 1 aor delighted (in); was pleased (with); approved (of); was happy (with); relished √nand 1 a (delight, enjoy) abhi + √nand + i i aor 4
muni 1 masc monk; sage; seer; hermit; silent sage √mun 5 nā (think, know) √mun + i i masc 4
niddisi 1 aor indicated; pointed out; designated; appointed √dis 1 a (point out, explain) nī + √dis + i i aor 4
udapādi 1 aor arose (for); sprung up (for) √pad 3 ya (go, step) ud + a + √pad + i i aor 4
nidhi 1 masc treasure; trove; hoard √dhā 1 a (place, support) ni + √dhā + i i masc 4
atthi 1.1 pr there is; there exists √as 1 a (be) √as + ti > atthi atthi pr 4
suṇātu imp one must listen!; it must hear! √su 4 ṇā (hear) suṇā + tu āti pr 4
gaccha 1 imp go!; begone!; away with you! √gam 1 a (go) gaccha + a ati pr 4
soci aor grieved; was sad √suc 1 *a (grieve) soca + i i aor 4
byākāsi 1 aor answered; replied √kar 7 o (do, make) vi > vy > by + ā + √kar > kā + si āsi aor 4
karohi imp do!; make! √kar 7 o (do, make) karo + hi karoti pr 4
byādhi masc sickness; disease; illness √dhā 1 a (place, support) vi > vy > by + ā + √dhā + i i masc 4
brūhi imp say!; tell!; speak! √brū 1 a (say) √brū + hi brūti pr 4
sammodi aor greeted; exchanged pleasantries; had a friendly conversation (with) √mud 1 *a (be soft, be happy) saṃ + moda + i i aor 4
pucchi aor asked; enquired; questioned (somebody about something) √pucch 1 a (ask, question) √pucch + i i aor 4
āmantesi aor addressed; said (to); advised √mant 8 *e (counsel, invite) ā + mante + si esi aor 4
ahosi aor was; existed; became √hū 1 a (be) a + ho + si hosi aor 4
paridevi aor mourned; lamented; wailed √dev 1 a (lament) pari + √dev + i i aor 4
ehi imp come! √i 1 a (come, go) e + hi eti pr 2 4
kucchi 1 masc stomach; belly √kus 1 *a (fill, enfold) √kus + chi i masc 4
nābhijānāti 1 pr does not know; does not understand √ñā 5 nā (know) na + abhi + jānā + ti\nna + abhijānāti āti pr 5
sukhī 2 masc happy one; who is at ease; who is happy; who is comfortable √sukh 1 a (please, be comfortable) √sukh + ī ī masc 5
anabhineti pr does not invite; does not conduct towards √nī 1 a (lead, carry) na > an + abhi + ne + ti\nan + abhineti eti pr 5
nāsakkhi aor was unable (to); was incapable (of); was not possible (to) √sak 4 ṇo (be able, be powerful) na + a + sakkho + i\nna + asakkhi i aor issaṃ 5
anupassī 1 adj looking (at); observing; following; noticing; witnessing; watching √dis 1 a (see) anu + passa + ī ī adj 5
paṭisaṃvedī adj experiencing; feeling; sensitive to √vid 8 *e (know, sense, feel) pati + saṃ + √vid > ved + *ī ī adj 5
niraya masc hell; hell realm √i 1 a (come, go) nir + √i > ay + *a a masc 5
anālaya 1 masc non-clinging; non-attachment; non-reliance; unstuck √lī 3 ya (stick, hide) na > an + ā + √lī > lay + *a a masc 5
medhāvī masc intelligent man; wise man; who has good judgment √medh 1 a (be wise) √medh + ā + vī\nmedhā + vī ī masc 5
asammosa 1 masc not forgetting; non-confusion √mus 3 ya (lie, forget) na > a + saṃ + √mus > mos + *a a masc 5
mā 1.1 ind do not; may one not; don't let 5
vihārī adj (of a state of being) living in; who has; being √har 1 a (live) vi + √har > hār + *ī ī adj 5
anāgāmī adj who does not return; non-returning √gam 1 a (go) na > an + ā + √gam > gām + *ī ī adj 5
ātāpī adj avid; ardent; zealous; with continuous effort √tap 1 a (burn, radiate heat) ā + √tap > tāp + *ī ī adj 5
nappaṭikaṅkhati pr does not anticipate; does not expect; does not await; does not personally wish (for) √kaṅkh 1 a (wish for) na + pati + kaṅkha + ti\nna + paṭikaṅkhati ati pr 5
yasassī 1 adj famous; renowned; illustrious; celebrated yasas + sī ī adj 5
āgāmī 1 adj who returns; who comes back √gam 1 a (go) ā + √gam > gām + *ī ī adj 5
ahaṃ pron I ahaṃ pron 5
ṭhassati fut will stand; will stay; will remain; will last √ṭhā 1 a (stand) √ṭhā + ssa + ti ssati fut 5
yogī masc meditator; practitioner √yuj 2 ṃa (yoke, join) √yuj > yoj > yog + *ī ī masc 5
jegucchī 1 adj who is disgusted (to); recoiling (from); who hates (to); who detests √gup 1 sa (dislike) jiguccha > jeguccha + *ī ī adj 5
kabaḷī masc lump; morsel; mouthful; lump of food kabaḷa > kabaḷī ī masc 5
dhammī 1 adj righteous; religious; moral; related to the Dhamma √dhar 1 a (hold, carry, endure) √dhar + ma + ī\ndhamma + ī ī adj 5
adassāvī adj who has no regard (for) √dis 1 a (see) na > a + dassa + āvī ī adj 5
upaghātī adj who injures; who harms √ghaṭ 8 *e (strike, kill) upa + √ghaṭ > ghāṭ + *ī ī adj 5
dhāressati fut will bear in mind; will keep in mind; will remembers √dhar 8 *e (wear, hold, carry) dhāre + ssa + ti eti pr 5
na 1 ind no; not; neither; nor 5
adhamma 2 masc false teaching; something opposed to the teaching √dhar 1 a (hold, carry, endure) na > a + √dhar + ma a masc 5
natthi 1 pr is not; it is not; there is not; there is no; there is nothing √as 1 a (be) na + √as + ti\nna + atthi natthi pr 5
passasissati fut will exhale; will breathe out √sas 1 a (breath) pa + sasissa + ti ati pr 5
assasissati fut will breathe in; will inhale √sas 1 a (breath) ā + sasissa + ti issati fut 5
anatimānī adj who is not conceited; who is not arrogant; who is humble √man 3 ya (think) na > an + ati + √man > mān + *ī ī adj 5
vādī 1 adj speaking; saying; telling √vad 1 a (say, speak) √vad > vād + *ī ī adj 5
asura masc titan; anti-god; enemy of the devas √sur 1 a (shine, be supreme) na > a + √sur + a a masc 5
gāmī 2 adj going; moving; who goes √gam 1 a (go) √gam > gām + *ī ī adj 5
tvaṃ 1 pron you (subject) tumha + aṃ > tuvaṃ > tvaṃ tvaṃ pron 5
bhavissati 1 fut could be; should be √bhū 1 a (be, become) bhavissa + ti issati fut 5
abyāpāda masc goodwill; kindness; friendliness; benevolence √pad 3 ya (go, step) na > a + vi > vy > by + ā + √pad > pād + *a a masc 5
saha 1.2 ind with; together (with); accompanied (by) 5
khemī adj at peace; safe; secure √khi 1 a (live, abide peacefully) √khi > khe + *ma + ī\nkhema + ī ī adj 5
byākarissati fut will explain; will define; will describe √kar 7 o (do, make) vi > vy > by + ā + karissa + ti oti pr 5
virāga 1.1 masc fading of desire (for); dispassion (towards); detachment (from); indifference (to) √raj 3 ya (desire) vi + √raj > rag > rāg + *a a masc 5
bhogī 1.1 adj enjoying; using; experiencing; partaking in √bhuj 2 ṃa (use, eat, enjoy) √bhuj > bhoj > bhog + *a + ī\nbhoga + ī ī adj 5
saddhiṃ ind together (with); with 5
gamissati 1 fut will go √gam 1 a (go) √gam + issa + ti issati fut 5
pakkhī masc bird pakkha + ī ī masc 5
gavesī 1 adj seeking; searching for; looking for √gaves 1 a (seek, search) √gaves + ī ī adj 5
appamāda masc alertness; care; carefulness; caution; vigilance; diligence; conscientiousness; heedfulness √mad 3 ya (be mad, be intoxicated) na > a + pa + √mad > mād + *a a masc 5
dassī 2 adj who sees; who knows; who perceives; who understands √dis 1 a (see) dassa + ī ī adj 5
anuvattī adj following; acting according to; obedient to √vatt 1 a (be, proceed) anu + √vatt + ī ī adj 5
vippaṭisārī adj remorseful; regretful; repentant; sorry √sar 1 a (remember) vi + pati + √sar > sār + *ī ī adj 5
ottappī adj afraid of wrong; conscientious √tapp 1 a (regret) ud > od + √tapp + *ī ī adj 5
neva 1 sandhi neither; not na + eva 5
no 1.1 ind no; not na + u > no 5
bahulī adj abundant; full of √bah 1 a (increase) √bah + u + la\nbahu + la > bahulī ī adj 5
suve ind tomorrow 6
assutavant adj unlearned; untaught; uninitiated; untrained √su 4 ṇā (hear) na > a + √su + ta + vant\nna + suta + vant ant adj 6
āyasmant 1 masc venerable; reverend √i 1 a (come, go) ā + √i > ay + *as + mant\nāyas + mant ant masc 6
āgantar 2 masc returner (to); who comes back (to) √gam 1 a (go) ā + √gam + tar ar masc 6
bhagavant 1 masc Sublime One; Blessed One; Fortunate One; Auspicious One; epithet of the Buddha √bhaj 1 a (divide, distribute) √bhaj > bhag + a + vant\nbhaga + vant ant masc 6
bhātar masc brother ar2 masc 6
sadā ind always; ever; all the time saṃ + dā 6
rattaññū adj old; experienced; of long standing ratta + ñū ū adj 6
kattar 1 masc creator; maker √kar 7 o (do, make) √kar + tar ar masc 6
hirimant adj having a conscience; with scruples; with an internal sense of right and wrong √hir 3 ya (be ashamed) √hir + i + mant\nhiri + mant ant adj 6
pure 2 ind formerly; previously; in the past 6
satimant 1 adj mindful; fully present; attentive √sar 1 a (remember) √sar + ti + mant\nsati + mant ant adj 6
pitar masc father ar2 masc 6
abhibhū 1 masc conqueror; victor; vanquisher; master (of) √bhū 1 a (be, become) abhi + √bhū + ū ū masc 6
pubbe 1 ind before; previously; formerly; in the past pubba + e 6
lokavidū masc who knows the world; who understands the universe; epithet of the Buddha loka + vidū ū masc 6
paññavant adj wise; intelligent; discerning; insightful; percipient √ñā 5 nā (know) pa + √ñā + ā + vant\npaññā + vant ant adj 6
sīlavant adj virtuous; ethical; moral √sīl 1 a (conduct oneself) √sīl + a + vant\nsīla + vant ant adj 6
vā 1 ind or; either or 6
ajjhāvasatar masc who lives in a home; who is domestically settled √vas 1 a (live) adhi > adhy > ajjh + ā + vasa + tar ar masc 6
ajja ind today; now ima + jja 6
phāsu 2 masc ease (for); comfort (for) √phus 1 a (touch) √phus > phās + *u u masc 6
mattaññū adj knowing the correct measure (in); knowing the limit (in); moderate (in) matta + ñū ū adj 6
viññū 2 masc wise person; sage; knowledgable man; intelligent person √ñā 5 nā (know) vi + √ñā + ū ū masc 6
bāhu masc arm; forearm √bah 1 a (increase) √bah > bāh + *u u masc 6
upasaṅkamitar 1 masc visitor; guest √kam 1 a (go) upa + saṃ + √kam + itar ar masc 6
garu 5 masc respect; honour √gar 1 a (esteem, be heavy) √gar + u u masc 6
pavattar 1 masc proclaimer; propagator; disseminator (of) √vac 1 a (say, speak) pa + √vac + tar ar masc 6
satthar 1 masc master; teacher √sās 1 a (order, instruct) √sās + tar ar masc 6
vajjavant adj at fault; in error; with mistakes √vajj 8 *e (turn, avoid) √vajj + ya + vant\nvajja + vant ant adj 6
viññū 1 adj wise; intelligent; discerning; knowledgeable √ñā 5 nā (know) vi + √ñā + ū ū adj 6
balavant 1 adj strong; powerful √bal 1 a (be strong, live) √bal + a + vant\nbala + vant ant adj 6
dātar 1 masc giver; donor (of) √dā 1 a (give) √dā + tar ar masc 6
maccu masc death; Death √mar 1 a (die) √mar + tyu u masc 6
pacchā 1 ind afterwards; later; in the future paccha + ā 6
nahāru masc tendon; sinew √nah 3 ya (bind, arm) √nah + āru u masc 6
āyatiṃ ind in future √yat 1 a (stretch, strive) ā + √yat + i + iṃ\nāyati + iṃ 6
vidū 1 adj wise; knowing; understanding √vid 1 a (know) √vid + ū ū adj 6
yadā ind when; whenever ya + dā 6
sabbavidū 1 adj all-knowing; omniscient sabba + vidū ū adj 6
akkhātar masc speaker (of); who tells (about); who speaks (about); who expresses (about) √khā 1 a (tell, announce) ā + √khā + tar ar masc 6
cakkhumant 2 masc person with sight; who can see √cakkh 1 a (see) √cakkh + u + mant\ncakkhu + mant ant masc 6
kālena ind timely; at the right time; at an appropriate moment √kal 8 *e (spend time) √kal > kāl + *a + ena\nkāla + ena 6
bhikkhu masc monk; monastic; mendicant; fully ordained monk √bhikkh 1 a (beg) √bhikkh + u u masc 6
ca 2.2 ind but; although; and if 6
sabbābhibhū adj all conquering; victorious over everything sabba + abhibhū ū adj 6
ca 2.1 ind and; both 6
saññā 1 fem perception; conception; recognition; third of the five aggregates √ñā 5 nā (know) saṃ + √ñā + ā ā fem 7
dārikā fem girl; daughter dāra + ikā ā fem 7
disā 1 fem direction; cardinal point √dis 1 a (point out, explain) √dis + ā ā fem 7
sikkhā 1 fem training (in); practice (in) √sikkh 1 a (learn, train) √sikkh + ā ā fem 7
paññā 1 fem wisdom; knowledge; understanding; insight; distinctive knowledge √ñā 5 nā (know) pa + √ñā + ā ā fem 7
devatā fem deity; god √div 3 ya (shine) √div > dev + *a + tā\ndeva + tā ā fem 7
pipāsā fem thirst (for) √pā 1 sa (drink) pipāsa + ā ā fem 7
samācare opt could perform; would do √car 1 a (act, behave) saṃ + ā + cara + e ati pr 7
sākhā 1 fem branch ā fem 7
mettā fem goodwill (towards); friendliness (to); benevolence (for) √mitt 1 a (be friendly) √mitt > mett + *ā ā fem 7
nibbidā fem dis-enchantment (towards); de-illusionment (with); disinterest (in); dispassion (towards) √vid 2 ṃa (feel, like) nī + √vid > bid + ā ā fem 7
muditā fem happiness (for); appreciation; sympathetic joy √mud 1 a (be soft, be happy) √mud + ita + ā\nmudita + ā ā fem 7
nisajjā 1 fem sitting; sitting down √sad 1 a (sink, sit, settle) ni + √sad + ya + ā\nnisajja + ā ā fem 7
passeyya 1 opt could see; would see √dis 1 a (see) passa + eyya ati pr 7
saddhā 1 fem faith (in); belief (in); trust (in) √dhā 1 a (place, support) sad + √dhā + ā ā fem 7
bāhā 1 fem arm; forearm √bah 1 a (increase) √bah > bāh + *ā ā fem 7
pavāraṇā 2 fem (vinaya) invitation ceremony at the end of the rains retreat √var 8 *e (wish, choose) pa + vāre + anā ā fem 7
paccāsā fem expectation; hope; anticipation √is 1 a (wish for) pati > paty > pacc + ā + √is + ā ā fem 7
pajā 2 fem people; population; generation; mankind √jan 3 ya (be born, produce) pa + √jan + ā ā fem 7
parivīmaṃsā fem thorough investigation; complete examination √man 3 sa (think) pari + vīmaṃsa + ā ā fem 7
pabbajjā fem (vinaya) novice ordination; renunciation; becoming a monastic √vaj 1 a (go on) pa + √vaj > baj + yā ā fem 7
sañcetanā fem wishing; intending; willing; making a choice √cit 8 *e (think, intend) saṃ + √cit > cet + *anā ā fem 7
siyā 2 opt there could be √as 1 a (be) siya + ā siyā opt 7
jīraṇatā fem old age; decrepitude; deterioration √jīr 1 a (grow old, decay) √jīr + aṇa + tā\njīraṇa + tā ā fem 7
jivhā fem tongue ā fem 7
jāneyya opt should know; should understand; should find out √ñā 5 nā (know) jānā + eyya āti pr 7
jarā fem old age; ageing √jar 1 a (age) √jar + ā ā fem 7
vedanā 1 fem (pleasant, unpleasant or neutral) felt experience; feeling; sensation; second of the five aggregates √vid 8 *e (know, sense, feel) √vid > ved + *anā ā fem 7
vīmaṃsā 1 fem inquiry; judgement; investigation; discrimination √man 3 sa (think) vīmaṃsa + ā ā fem 7
vihareyya opt could live; could stay (in) √har 1 a (live) vi + hara + eyya ati pr 7
gāthā 1 fem verse; poem; stanza √gā 3 ya (sing) √gā + thā ā fem 7
abhijjhā fem wishing; wanting; covetousness; greed √jhā 3 ya (think, meditate) abhi + √jhā + ā ā fem 7
gaccheyya opt could go; would move; would walk √gam 1 a (go) gaccha + eyya ati pr 7
khuddā 1.1 fem hunger √khud 1 a (be hungry) √khud + yā ā fem 7
vipassanā fem insight; penetrating internal vision; introspection √dis 1 a (see) vi + passa + anā ā fem 7
assa 3.1 opt may be; could be; should be; would be √as 1 a (be) √as + a ssa opt 7
kareyya 2 opt would make; could make √kar 7 o (do, make) √kar + eyya karoti pr 7
karuṇā fem compassion; sympathy; kindness (towards unfortunate beings) ā fem 7
kathā 1 fem talk; speech; conversation; discussion √kath 8 *e (speak, narrate) √kath + ā ā fem 7
assatha opt you all could be; you might be √as 1 a (be) assa + tha ssa opt 7
siyaṃ opt I could be; may I be; I might be; I should be √as 1 a (be) siya + aṃ siyā opt 7
upapajjeyya opt would be reborn (in); would re-arise (in) √pad 3 ya (go, step) upa + pajja + eyya ati pr 7
upasampadā 2 fem (vinaya) higher ordination as monastic √pad 3 ya (go, step) upa + saṃ + √pad + ā ā fem 7
upāsikā fem female disciple; laywomen; female devotee √ās 1 a (sit) upa + √ās + ikā ā fem 7
upekkhā fem looking on; mental poise; mental balance; equanimity; equipoise; non-reactivity; composure √ikkh 1 a (see, mark) upa + √ikkh + ā ā fem 7
uppajjeyya opt would become available (for); would accrue (to); could crop up (for) √pad 3 ya (go, step) ud + pajja + eyya ati pr 7
ṭīkā fem sub-commentary; commentary on a commentary ā fem 7
āgaccheyya opt could come; would come along; could approach; would arrive √gam 1 a (go) ā + gaccha + eyya eyya opt 7
vijjā 1 fem knowledge; wisdom; understanding √vid 3 ya (know, understand) √vid + yā ā fem 7
senā fem army; military ā fem 7
assu 3.1 opt they should be; they may be; they would be; may they be √as 1 a (be) assa + u ssa opt 7
assāma opt we could be; we may be; we might be; we should be √as 1 a (be) assa + āma ssa opt 7
assaṃ opt I could be; I might be; may I be; I could become √as 1 a (be) √as + aṃ ssa opt 7
assavanatā fem fact of not hearing (of) √su 4 ṇā (hear) na > a + √su > sav + *ana + tā\nassavana + tā ā fem 7
avijjā fem ignorance; illusion; not knowing; not understanding √vid 3 ya (know, understand) na > a + √vid + yā ā fem 7
taṇhā 1 fem craving (for); wanting; desire (for) √tas 6 ṇhā (thirst) taṇhā + ā ā fem 7
gayā 1 fem name of a village ā fem 7
vadeyya opt would say; could speak; could tell √vad 1 a (say, speak) vada + eyya ati pr 7
adhigaccheyya 2 opt would experience; would feel √gam 1 a (go) adhi + gaccha + eyya ati pr 7
pūjā 1 fem veneration (of); homage (to); honour (for) √pūj 8 *e (honour, venerate) √pūj + ā ā fem 7
siyuṃ opt they would be; there could be √as 1 a (be) siya + uṃ siyā opt 7
sīmā 2 fem (vinaya) boundary in which legal procedures are performed ā fem 7
abhirati fem pleasure (in); delight (in); happiness (in) √ram 1 a (delight, please) abhi + √ram + ti i fem 8
sutvā abs having heard; having listened (to) √su 4 ṇā (hear) √su + tvā 8
sabbattha 1 ind everywhere; every place sabba + ttha 8
āgamma 1 ger coming (to); arriving (at); meeting (with) √gam 1 a (go) ā + √gam + ya 8
ādāya 4 ger adopting; assuming; according (to) √ādā 3 ya (take, seize) √ādā + ya 8
pīti 1.1 fem delight; heartfelt joy; pleasure; feeling of love √pī 5 nā (love, please) √pī + ti i fem 8
paggahetvā 2 abs having raised up; having lifted up √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) pa + gahe + tvā 8
ettha 1 ind here; in this place; in this case; in this regard ima + ttha 8
āpatti 2 fem (vinaya) offence; wrongdoing; transgression √pad 3 ya (go, step) ā + √pad + ti i fem 8
ekato 1 ind on one side eka + to 8
vimutti fem release; liberation; deliverance; freedom; emancipation √muc 2 ṃa (release, free) vi + √muc + ti i fem 8
bhikkhunī fem nun; fully ordained nun √bhikkh 1 a (beg) √bhikkh + u + nī\nbhikkhu + nī ī fem 8
appaccakkhāya ger not giving up; not disavowing; not renouncing; not rejecting √khā 1 a (tell, announce) na > a + pati > paty > pacc + ā + √khā + ya\nna + paccakkhāya 8
gahetvā 1 abs having taken; having held √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) gahe + tvā 8
gahetvā 5 abs having arrested; having taken prisoner √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) gahe + tvā 8
pāripūrī fem fulfilment; completion; perfecting; maturity √pūr 1 a (fill, fulfil) pari + √pūr + ī ī fem 8
paṇidhāya 1 ger guiding; directing; determining; setting √dhā 1 a (place, support) pa + ni + √dhā + ya 8
ābhujitvā abs having bent; having folded √bhuj 1 a (bend) ā + √bhuj + itvā 8
khanti 1 fem patience; endurance; tolerance √kham 1 a (tolerate, endure) √kham + ti i fem 8
purato ind in front (of) pura + to 8
amutra ind there; in such-and-such a place amu + tra 8
tattha 1 ind there; in that place ta + ttha 8
paṭhavī fem earth; world √path 1 a (expand) √path > paṭh + avī ī fem 8
katvāna 1 abs having done √kar 7 o (do, make) √kar + tvāna 8
diṭṭhi 1 fem view; belief; opinion; concept; theory; attitude; philosophy; credo; creed; dogma √dis 1 a (see) √dis + ti i fem 8
paṭissutvā abs having agreed (with); having responded in agreement (to) √su 4 ṇā (hear) pati + √su + tvā 8
acchādetvā abs having dressed (in); having clothed oneself (in); having put on √chad 8 *e (cover, conceal) ā + chāde + tvā 8
karitvā 2 abs having made √kar 7 o (do, make) √kar + itvā 8
sati 1.2 fem mindfulness; presence; recollection; awareness √sar 1 a (remember) √sar + ti i fem 8
patvā 1 abs having reached; having arrived (at) √ap 4 uṇā (reach, attain) pa + √ap + tvā 8
saritvā 1.1 abs having remembered; having recollected √sar 1 a (remember) √sar + itvā 8
vineyya 1 ger removing; getting rid (of) √nī 1 a (lead, carry) vi + √nī > ne + *ya 8
disvā abs having seen; having understood; having found out √dis 1 a (see) √dis + tvā 8
accādhāya ger overlapping; placing one on top of another √dhā 1 a (place, support) ati > aty > acc + ā + √dhā + ya 8
paṭinivattitvā abs having turned around and come back (from) √vatt 1 a (be, proceed) pati + ni + √vatt + itvā 8
bārāṇasī fem name of a city; modern Varanasi ī fem 8
petī fem female ghost; female spirit √i 1 a (come, go) pa + e + ta + ī\npeta + ī ī fem 8
kukkuṭī fem hen; chicken kukkuṭa + ī ī fem 8
paṭiggahetvā 2 abs having received; having accepted √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) pati + gahe + tvā 8
kuṭi 1 fem hut; cabin; simple monastic dwelling √kuṭ 1 a (be crooked, be bent) √kuṭ + i i fem 8
kuto 1 ind from where?; where? ka > ku + to 8
kuhiṃ ind where? ka > ku + hiṃ 8
vippahāya ger completely abandoning; totally renouncing √hā 1 a (abandon) vi + pa + √hā + ya 8
visuddhi 1.1 fem purity (of); purification (of); holiness √sudh 3 ya (be pure) vi + √sudh + ti i fem 8
suggati fem state of happiness; good destination; heaven √gam 1 a (go) su + √gam + ti i fem 8
ruci fem liking; preference; choice; inclination; approval √ruc 1 *a (shine, like) √ruc + i i fem 8
nisajja ger sitting down √sad 1 a (sink, sit, settle) ni + √sad + ya 8
samuttejetvā abs having fired up; having enthused √tij 8 *e (be sharp, be hot) saṃ + ud + teje + tvā 8
sugati fem good destination; happy fate √gam 1 a (go) su + √gam + ti i fem 8
yakkhī fem female supernatural being; female spirit; daemoness √yakkh 8 *e (worship) √yakkh + a + ī\nyakkha + ī ī fem 8
yato 2 ind since; because; due to the fact that; on account of which ya + to 8
yattha ind wherever; where; when; in which ya + ttha 8
saṃhāni fem decrease (of); dwindling (of); decay (of); weakening (of) √hā 3 ya (decrease) saṃ + √hā + ni\nsaṃ + hāni i fem 8
dhītar fem daughter ar fem 8
itthī 1 fem woman; female ī fem 8
vatthi 1 fem bladder; urinary tract i fem 8
dhātu 1 fem state; property; condition; element √dhā 1 a (place, support) √dhā + tu u fem 8
sāyitvā abs having tasted √sāy 1 a (taste) √sāy + itvā 8
yāgu fem rice gruel; congee u fem 8
samāpatti 1 fem attainment; meditation attainment √pad 3 ya (go, step) saṃ + ā + √pad + ti i fem 8
ñatvā abs having known; having found out; having understood √ñā 5 nā (know) √ñā + tvā 8
passaddhi fem calm; tranquillity; tranquillization; peace; stillness; serenity √sambh 1 a (be calm, be confident) pa + √sambh > sabh + ti i fem 8
tatra 1 ind there; in that place ta + tra 8
samāpajjitvā abs having entered; having attained √pad 3 ya (go, step) saṃ + ā + pajja + itvā 8
ṭhiti 1 fem stability; constancy; continuity; endurance; persistence; longevity √ṭhā 1 a (stand) √ṭhā + ti i fem 8
idha 2 ind here; in this regard; in this case ima + dha 8
tattha 2 ind in that regard; in that case; regarding that matter ta + ttha 8
uṭṭhāya ger rising (from); emerging (from); getting up (from) √ṭhā 1 a (stand) ud + √ṭhā + ya 8
satti 1 fem spear; javelin; weapon √sak 4 ṇo (be able, be powerful) √sak + ti i fem 8
vesālī fem name of a city; capital of the Licchavis ī fem 8
sāvatthī fem name of a city; capital of Kosala √su 1 a (flow) √su > sāv + a + ttha + *ī\nsavattha + *ī ī fem 8
hiri fem sense of shame; modesty; conscience; sense of right and wrong; scruples; (comm) originating from inside √hir 3 ya (be ashamed) √hir + i i fem 8
vivicca ger separating (from); aloof (from) √vic 1 a (separate) vi + √vic + ya 8
caritvā 1.1 abs having walked; having wandered √car 1 a (move, walk) √car + itvā 8
chetvā 1 abs having cut off; having severed; (comm) having killed √chid 2 ṃa (cut, steal) √chid > ched + *tvā 8
hitvā abs having left; having left behind; having abandoned √hā 1 a (abandon) √hā + itvā 8
upasaṅkamitvā abs having approached; having gone (to); having drawn near (to) √kam 1 a (go) upa + saṃ + √kam + itvā 8
upasampajja 1 ger reaching; attaining; arriving at √pad 3 ya (go, step) upa + saṃ + √pad + ya 8
nārī fem woman nara > nāra + *ī ī fem 8
muñcitvā 1 abs having released; having let go √muc 2 ṃa (release, free) muñca + itvā 8
anusāsanī fem advice; instruction; teaching √sās 1 a (order, instruct) anu + √sās + ana + ī\nanusāsana + ī ī fem 8
mātar fem mother mātar fem 8
samādāya 2 ger undertaking; taking up; accepting √ādā 3 ya (take, seize) saṃ + √ādā + ya 8
saṅghāṭi 1 fem outer robe; double robe; patchwork robe √ghaṭ 1 a (join together) saṃ + √ghaṭ > ghāṭ + *i i fem 8
samanupassituṃ inf to see (as); to regard (as); to consider (as) √dis 1 a (see) saṃ + anu + passa + ituṃ 9
sakkā nu idiom is it possible (to)?; is one able (to)? 9
pārājika 3 nt (vinaya) offence involving defeat; transgression requiring expulsion √ji 1 a (conquer) parā > pārā + √ji + *aka a nt 9
pālicca nt hoariness; grey hair palita > pālita + *ya a nt 9
pāra 1.1 nt far side; far shore; bank on the other side (of); epithet of Nibbāna para > pāra + *a a nt 9
yāni tāni idiom whoever … they; whichever … those 9
indriya 1 nt sense; mental faculty; power indra + iya a nt 9
sakkā 1 ind it is possible (to); one is able (to) √sak 4 ṇo (be able, be powerful) √sak + yā 9
pāmojja nt joy; happiness; gladness √mud 1 a (be soft, be happy) pa + √mud > mod + *a + *ya\npamoda + *ya a nt 9
āyu 2 nt life force; life energy √i 1 a (come, go) ā + √i > ay + *u u nt 9
yaṃ taṃ idiom whoever … him; whatever … that 9
agāra 2 nt household life; domestic living a nt 9
piṇḍāya masc for alms; to collect alms food √piṇḍ 8 *e (collect) √piṇḍ + a + āya\npiṇḍa + āya a masc 9
itthatta 1 nt present state of existence; earthly existence; such an existence ima + ttha + tta\nittha + tta a nt 9
pācittiya 1 nt (vinaya) offence requiring confession a nt 9
vicikicchituṃ inf to doubt; to be uncertain √cit 8 sa (think, intend) vi + cikiccha + ituṃ 9
agāra 1 nt dwelling; building; house; hut a nt 9
vassa 3 nt year √vass 1 a (rain) √vass + a a nt 9
puppha 1 nt flower √pupph 1 a (flower, expand) √pupph + a a nt 9
ārogya 1 nt health; wellness; freedom from disease √ruj 1 a (hurt, be painful) na + √ruj > rog + *a + *ya\naroga + *ya a nt 9
puñña 1 nt merit; good deed; spiritual wealth √puṇ 1 a (be skilful, be precise) √puṇ + ya a nt 9
sacca 2 nt truth √as 1 a (be) sa + nta > santa > sat + ya\nsat + ya a nt 9
yasmā tasmā idiom because … therefore; since … that is why 9
āsana 1 nt seat; chair √ās 1 a (sit) √ās + ana a nt 9
ratana 1 nt jewel; gem; gemstone a nt 9
bala 2 nt mental power; Dhamma strength √bal 1 a (be strong, live) √bal + a a nt 9
manāpa 2 nt pleasant experience; something nice a nt 9
maraṇa nt death; dying √mar 1 a (die) √mar + aṇa a nt 9
maṃsa 1 nt meat; flesh a nt 9
vīriya 1 nt effort; energy; might; power √vīr 8 *e (be heroic, be hostile) √vīr + iya a nt 9
mukha 5 nt cause; means; way; (comm) door; source a nt 9
aṭṭhi 1.1 nt bone i nt 9
vepulla 1 nt expansion; full development; maturity √pul 8 *e (increase) vi > ve + √pul + a + *ya\nvipula + *ya a nt 9
mūla 1 nt (of a tree) root; base; foot √mūl 1 a (support) √mūl + a a nt 9
mūla 2 nt source; origin; root √mūl 1 a (support) √mūl + a a nt 9
vosāna 1 nt perfecting; accomplishing; attaining; mastering √sā 1 a (complete, accomplish) vi + ava + √sā + ana a nt 9
vyākaraṇa 1 nt answering; replying √kar 7 o (do, make) vi > vy + ā + √kar + aṇa a nt 9
hitāya nt beneficial (for); advantageous (for) √dhā 1 a (place, support) √dhā > (da)h + ita + āya\nhita + āya a nt 9
yattha tattha idiom where … there 9
anagāriya 1 nt homelessness; homeless state na > an + agāra + iya a nt 9
adhicitta nt meditation; mental development; higher consciousness √cit 8 *e (think, intend) adhi + √cit + ta a nt 9
aṇḍa 1 nt egg a nt 9
atthāya 2 masc fortunate (for); beneficial (for); useful (for) √ar 1 a (move, attain) √ar + tha + āya\nattha + āya a masc 9
yāva tāva idiom as long as … then; as far as ... that much; until ... to that extent 9
yāva 1 ind as long as; as far as; so much so; up to; until; from … to 9
yena tena idiom where … there 9
yena 2 ind because of; because of which ya + ena 9
yena 3 ind where; wherever; in which direction; to; towards ya + ena 9
atippago ind too early (to) ati + pago 9
maṇḍana nt adorning; embellishing; beautifying oneself √maṇḍ 1 a (adorn) √maṇḍ + ana a nt 9
maṅgala 1 nt what is auspicious; blessing; good omen; prosperity √maṅg 1 a (be auspicious) √maṅg + ala a nt 9
viriya nt effort; energy; might; power √vīr 8 *e (be heroic, be hostile) √vīr + iya a nt 9
aparihāna nt not deteriorating; not decreasing; non-declining; non-regressing (of) √hā 3 ya (decrease) na > a + pari + √hā + ana a nt 9
lohita 1 nt blood a nt 9
loṇa 2 nt sea-salt; brine a nt 9
viññāṇa 1 nt awareness; consciousness; mind; fifth of the five aggregates √ñā 5 nā (know) vi + √ñā + aṇa a nt 9
bahujanasukhāya nt for the comfort of many people; for the ease of the masses bahujana + sukha + āya\nbahujanasukha + āya a nt 9
bahujanahitāya nt for the benefit of many people; for the good of the population bahujana + hita + āya\nbahujanahita + āya a nt 9
alika 1 nt lie; falsehood; untruth a nt 9
alaṃ 3 ind enough; it is enough (for) 9
alaṃ 2 ind is able (to); is possible (to); is capable (of) ala + aṃ 9
alaṃ 1 ind (it is) suitable (to); proper (to); appropriate (to); worthy (for) 9
amaritukāma adj not wishing to die na > a + marituṃ + kāma a adj 9
vibhūsana nt decorating; adorning √bhūs 1 a (adorn, decorate) vi + √bhūs + ana a nt 9
bala 1 nt strength; power; might √bal 1 a (be strong, live) √bal + a a nt 9
abhinisīdituṃ inf to sit down (in); to sit (on) √sad 1 a (sink, sit, settle) abhi + ni + sīda + ituṃ 9
rūpa 3 nt (object of the eye) form; material form; shape; sight √rūp 8 *e (form, produce) √rūp + a a nt 9
bhaya 3 nt danger (of; from); peril (of; from) √bhī 1 a (fear) √bhī > bhay + *a a nt 9
abhinipajjituṃ inf to lie down (on); to lie (in) √pad 3 ya (go, step) abhi + ni + pajja + ituṃ 9
abhiṭhāna nt deadly sin; heinous crime; great wrong √ṭhā 1 a (stand) abhi + √ṭhā + ana a nt 9
rūpa 1 nt matter; material thing; materiality; experience of material world; physical objects of consciousness; first of the five aggregates √rūp 8 *e (form, produce) √rūp + a a nt 9
abyositatta nt fact of not being perfected; fact of not being accomplished √sā 1 a (complete, accomplish) na > a + vi > vy > by + ava + √sā + ita + tta\nabyosita + tta a nt 9
pavana 1.1 nt woodland; forest pa + vana a nt 9
appaka 2 nt few things; few people; small amount appa + ka a nt 9
bhesajja nt medicine; remedy; tonic; drug bhisaja > bhesaja + *ya a nt 9
api nu idiom is?; did?; are?; who?; what?; how?; would? 9
bhojana 2 nt eating; taking food √bhuj 2 ṃa (use, eat, enjoy) √bhuj > bhoj + *ana a nt 9
aññātuṃ inf to know; to understand √ñā 5 nā (know) ā + √ñā + tuṃ 9
arañña nt forest; wood; wild; wilderness √ar 1 a (move, attain) √ar + aṇa + ya\naraṇa + ya a nt 9
upaṭṭhāna 1 nt attending (to); waiting on; serving √ṭhā 1 a (stand) upa + √ṭhā + ana a nt 9
nu kho idiom does?; is?; would? 9
yesu tesu idiom among whom … among them; in which … in those 9
sukhakāma adj wishing for ease; desiring comfort sukha + kāma a adj 9
sukhāya nt comfortable (for) √sukh 1 a (please, be comfortable) √sukh + a + āya\nsukha + āya a nt 9
nāma 4 nt mental objects of consciousness; mentality; mental factors of feeling, perception, intention, contact and attention a nt 9
cela 2 nt clothes; garment √cil 1 a (clothe) √cil > cel + *a a nt 9
nidāna 1 nt source; origin; foundation; cause; reason √dā 3 ya (tie, bind) ni + √dā + ana a nt 9
cīvara 1 nt robe; cloth; robe-cloth a nt 9
citta 1.1 nt mind; heart √cit 8 *e (think, intend) √cit + ta a nt 9
nibbāna 2 nt (of mental defilement) complete quenching; total emancipation; complete cooling √vā 1 a (blow, emit odour) nī + √vā > bā + ana a nt 9
nibbindituṃ inf to become dis-enchanted (with); to become disinterested (in); to be disillusioned (with); to lose interest (in) √vid 2 ṃa (feel, like) nī + binda + ituṃ 9
carituṃ 1.2 inf to walk (in); to wander (in) √car 1 a (move, walk) √car + ituṃ 9
sukha 2 nt ease; comfort; happiness; pleasure; contentment √sukh 1 a (please, be comfortable) √sukh + a a nt east 9
cakkhu 1 nt eye √cakkh 1 a (see) √cakkh + u u nt 9
gimhāna nt hot season; summer gimha + ā + ana a nt 9
nu ind (adds a question mark) surely?; didn't?; wouldn't?; which? 9
gaha 2 nt house √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) √gah + a a nt 9
gamanāya nt to go (to); for going to see; for visiting √gam 1 a (go) √gam + ana + āya\ngamana + āya a nt 9
gantuṃ inf to go (to); to travel (to) √gam 1 a (go) √gam + tuṃ 9
gantukāma adj wishing to go (to); wanting to go (to) gantuṃ + kāma a adj 9
paccakkhāna nt denial; refusal; rejection √khā 1 a (tell, announce) pati > paty > pacc + ā + √khā + ana a nt 9
sutta 2.1 nt scripture; discourse; sacred text √siv 3 ya (sew) √siv > suv + ta a nt 9
khaṇḍicca nt brokenness; (comm) broken teeth √khaṇḍ 8 *e (break) √khaṇḍ + ita + ya\nkhaṇḍita + ya a nt 9
sarīra 1 nt body a nt 9
kula 1 nt family; house; household; respectable family √kul 1 a (be close) √kul + a a nt 9
ghāna nt nose √ghā 3 ya (smell) √ghā + ana a nt 9
nanu ind surely?; but wouldn't?; is it true?; wasn't? na + nu 9
sañcaritta nt matchmaking; carrying proposals √car 1 a (move, walk) saṃ + √car + a > cari + tta\nsañcara + tta a nt 9
nakkhatta 1 nt constellation; zodiac; celestial object √nakkh 1 a (attain, arrive) √nakkh + a + tta\nnakkha + tta a nt 9
tena 3 ind there ta + ena 9
tena 2 ind thereby; because of that; on that account ta + ena 9
tīra nt shore; riverbank; beach √tir 1 a (cross) √tir > tīr + *a a nt 9
tila nt sesame seed a nt 9
dassanāya 2 nt in order to visit; for the purpose of seeing √dis 1 a (see) dassa + ana + āya\ndassana + āya a nt 9
tāva 1 ind until then; that long 9
dāna 1.1 nt giving; offering; charity; generosity √dā 1 a (give) √dā + ana a nt 9
dāna 1.2 nt alms; almsfood √dā 1 a (give) √dā + ana a nt 9
tārituṃ inf to cross; to cross over √tar 1 a (cross) √tar > tār + *ituṃ 9
taṃ kiṃ maññasi idiom what do you think about that?; what's your opinion on this? 9
taṃ kiṃ maññatha idiom what do you think?; how do you feel about? 9
sāsana 2 nt teaching; instruction √sās 1 a (order, instruct) √sās + ana a nt 9
dukkaṭa 3 nt class of vinaya offence; wrong-doing √kar 7 o (do, make) dur + √kar + ta a nt 9
dukkha 3 nt discomfort; suffering; unease; unpleasantness; something unsatisfactory; trouble; a bummer; stress √dukkh 1 a (be painful) √dukkh + a a nt east 9
duccarita 2 nt misconduct; misbehaviour; bad behaviour (by) √car 1 a (act, behave) dur + √car + ita a nt 9
dubbalya nt weakness; lack of strength; feebleness; incapability √bal 1 a (be strong, live) dur + √bal + a + ya\ndubbala + ya a nt 9
domanassa nt (mental) suffering; distress; dissatisfaction; dejection; depression; unhappiness; grief; negative state of mind √man 3 ya (think) dur > do + √man + as + *ya\ndummanas + *ya a nt 9
sīla 1 nt ethical conduct; virtue; moral integrity √sīl 1 a (conduct oneself) √sīl + a a nt 9
dhana 1 nt wealth; riches; treasure √dhan 1 a (be rich) √dhan + a a nt 9
sīsa 1 nt head a nt 9
ñāṇa 2 nt knowing (of); understanding (of); insight (into) √ñā 5 nā (know) √ñā + aṇa a nt 9
jhāna 2 nt meditation; stage of meditation √jhā 3 ya (think, meditate) √jhā + ana a nt 9
jīvitukāma adj wishing to live; wanting to stay alive jīvituṃ + kāma a adj 9
saṃvidhātuṃ inf to organize; to arrange; to take care of √dhā 1 a (place, support) saṃ + vi + √dhā + tuṃ 9
na sukaraṃ idiom it is not easy (to); it is not easy to make 9
kiṃ 2 ind how?; what? ka > ki + iṃ 9
kiṃ nu kho idiom why on earth!?; how indeed!?; which!?; which is it then!? 9
amanāpa 2 nt unpleasant experience; something disagreeable na > a + manāpa a nt 9
kiṃ nu idiom why?; why indeed?; which? 9
olokana nt looking (at); observing; checking √lok 8 *e (look) ava + √lok + ana a nt 9
ottappa nt regret; shame in wrongdoing; respect for others; (comm) originating from outside √tapp 1 a (regret) ud > od + √tapp + *a a nt 9
pamāṇa 3 nt measure; measurement; length; size; amount; quantity √mā 5 nā (measure) pa + √mā + aṇa a nt 9
kaṅkhituṃ inf to doubt; to be uncertain (about) √kaṅkh 1 a (doubt) √kaṅkh + ituṃ 9
katama pron what?; which (of the many)? ka + tama a pron 9
somanassa nt (mental) pleasure; happiness; gladness; joy; positive state of mind √man 3 ya (think) su > so + √man + as + *ya\nsumanas + *ya a nt 9
sampajañña 1 nt attentiveness; clear awareness; full comprehension √ñā 5 nā (know) saṃ + pa + jānā + ya\nsampajāna + ya a nt 9
kati pron how many? ka + ti kati pron pl 9
soracca nt kindness; gentleness; compassion; (comm) good conduct √ram 1 a (delight, please) su > so + √ram + ta + *ya\nsurata + *ya a nt 9
ūna 2 nt shortage; deficiency; lack; want; need a nt 9
sotthāna nt safety; sanctuary; well-fare; well-being; blessing √as 1 a (be) su > so + √as + ti + ana\nsotthi + ana a nt 9
vatta 1.1 nt custom; practice; way of life; behaviour √vatt 1 a (be, proceed) √vatt + a a nt 9
upādāna 2 nt grasping; clinging; acquiring; appropriating; taking possession; identifying √ādā 3 ya (take, seize) upa + √ādā + ana a nt 9
kathaṃ 1 ind how? ka + thaṃ 9
kallaṃ ind it is suitable (to); it is proper (to); it is fit (for) √kal 8 a (accomplish) √kal + ya + aṃ\nkalla + aṃ 9
parinibbāna 1 nt (of mental defilement) complete quenching; total emancipation; complete cooling √vā 1 a (blow, emit odour) pari + nī + bā + ana a nt 9
kāḷaka 2 nt stain; dirt; dirty mark kāḷa + ka a nt 9
upasaṅkamituṃ inf to approach; to visit; to go (to) √kam 1 a (go) upa + saṃ + √kam + ituṃ 9
vatthu 2 nt site; location; base; grounds √vas 1 a (live) √vas + tu u nt 9
uṭṭhāna 2 nt effort; exertion; initiative; activity √ṭhā 1 a (stand) ud + √ṭhā + ana a nt 9
saraṇa 1.1 nt shelter; refuge; help √sar 1 a (go, flow) √sar + aṇa a nt 9
kātuṃ 1 inf to do; to perform √kar 7 o (do, make) √kar + tuṃ 9
passa 1.1 nt (of the body) side; rib a nt 9
vattha 1.1 nt cloth; clothes; robe √vas 8 *e (wear, dress) √vas + ta a nt 9
ādiyamāna prp taking; grabbing; stealing √ādā 3 ya (take, seize) ādiya + māna māna prp 10
jānanta prp knowing; being aware (of) √ñā 5 nā (know) jānā + nta anta prp 10
para 1 pron other; another (person) a pron 10
anañña pron not another; no other na > an + añña a pron 10
jāgaranta prp awake; staying awake; alert; watchful; lucid √jāgar 1 a (be awake, be watchful) jāgara + nta anta prp 10
tassa 3 pron when he; when it ta + ssa ta pron 10
pavicaranta prp examining; investigating; considering carefully √car 1 a (move, walk) pa + vi + cara + nta anta prp 10
sampassamāna prp seeing; observing; considering √dis 1 a (see) saṃ + passa + māna māna prp 10
passasanta prp exhaling; breathing out √sas 1 a (breath) pa + sasa + nta anta prp 10
asamanupassanta prp not seeing; not perceiving √dis 1 a (see) na > a + saṃ + anu + passa + nta anta prp 10
anāpucchanta prp not asking permission; not informing (somebody about something) √pucch 1 a (ask, question) na > an + ā + puccha + nta anta prp 10
samanupassanta prp seeing; perceiving √dis 1 a (see) saṃ + anu + passa + nta anta prp 10
āpajjanta 1 prp arousing; exhibiting; producing; bringing into being √pad 3 ya (go, step) ā + pajja + nta anta prp 10
eva 1 ind only; just; merely; exclusively 10
atthaṅgate sūriye idiom after sunset atthaṅgate + sūriye 10
tiṭṭhamāna prp standing; remaining √ṭhā 1 a (stand) tiṭṭha + māna māna prp 10
añña 1.1 pron another; other; different; someone else; not oneself a pron 10
aññatara 1 pron a certain; a añña + tara a pron 10
aññatara 2 pron one (of); either one (of) añña + tara a pron 10
upapajjamāna prp being reborn; re-arising √pad 3 ya (go, step) upa + pajja + māna māna prp 10
sati 2.1 prp when is; when exists √as 1 a (be) sa + nta + ti santa prp 10
tasmiṃ samaye idiom then; on that occasion; at that time 10
yasmiṃ samaye idiom whenever; at whichever time 10
upādiyamāna prp grasping; holding (onto); clinging (to); taking possession (of) √ādā 3 ya (take, seize) upa + ādiya + māna māna prp 10
tiṭṭhanta 1 prp standing (in); standing still √ṭhā 1 a (stand) tiṭṭha + nta anta prp 10
ekacca 1 pron certain; one of eka + tya ekacca pron 10
sato prp when being; when is; when are √as 1 a (be) sa + nta + to santa prp 10
attani 2 masc when self; when oneself atta + ani a2 masc 10
passanta 1 prp seeing √dis 1 a (see) passa + nta anta prp 10
ajānanta prp not knowing; being ignorant (of) √ñā 5 nā (know) na > a + jānā + nta anta prp 10
itara 2 pron rest of ima + tara a pron 10
anibbisanta prp not understanding; not penetrating; not finding; not getting hold (of) √vis 1 a (enter) na > a + nī + bisa + nta anta prp 10
ima 1.1 pron this ima pron 10
ākaṅkhamāna prp wishing (for); desiring (for); seeking (for) √kaṅkh 1 a (wish for) ā + kaṅkha + māna māna prp 10
abhikkantāya rattiyā idiom as the evening passed; as the night progressed abhikkantāya + rattiyā 10
sayāna prp lying down √sī 1 a (lie, sleep) saya + āna āna prp 10
gavesanta prp seeking; searching (for); looking (for) √gaves 1 a (seek, search) gavesa + nta anta prp 10
paṭisevanta 1 prp practising; indulging (in); engaging (in) √sev 1 a (serve, associate) pati + seva + nta anta prp 10
sabba 1 pron all; every a pron 10
gacchanta prp going; walking; travelling √gam 1 a (go) gaccha + nta anta prp 10
santa 1.1 prp existing; being; there is √as 1 a (be) sa + nta santa prp 10
pakkamanta prp going away (from); leaving (from); departing (from) √kam 1 a (go) pa + kama + nta anta prp 10
gaḷanta prp flowing; dripping; trickling; oozing √gal 1 a (drip, flow) gaḷa + nta anta prp 10
imasmiṃ 2 pron when this ima + smiṃ ima pron 10
apassanta prp not seeing; not noticing; not aware √dis 1 a (see) na > a + passa + nta anta prp 10
sammodamāna prp being friendly; being on good terms √mud 1 *a (be soft, be happy) saṃ + moda + māna māna prp 10
patthayamāna 1 prp wishing (for); aspiring (for) √atth 8 *aya (wish for) pa + atthaya + māna māna prp 10
amu pron (of person or place or thing) that; such; so and so amu pron 10
nibbindanta prp being disenchanted (by); being disinterested (in); being disillusioned (by); losing interest (in) √vid 2 ṃa (feel, like) nī + binda + nta anta prp 10
asante prp when there isn't; when not existing; when does not exist √as 1 a (be) na > a + sa + nta + e santa prp 10
asati 1.1 prp when isn't; when not existing √as 1 a (be) na > a + sa + nta + ti anta prp 10
viheṭhayanta prp harming; vexing; annoying; troubling √heṭh 8 *aya (harass, annoy) vi + heṭhaya + nta anta prp 10
avivadamāna prp not disputing; not quarrelling √vad 1 a (say, speak) na > a + vi + vada + māna māna prp 10
anupādiyanta prp not attaching (to); not taking as mine; not grasping (onto); not clinging (to); not taking possession (of) √ādā 3 ya (take, seize) na > an + upa + ādiya + nta anta prp 10
cavamāna prp falling away; dying √cu 1 a (shift, fall away, die) cava + māna māna prp 10
caramāna prp walking (in); walking about (in); wandering around (in); going around (in) √car 1 a (move, walk) cara + māna māna prp 10
anussaranta prp remembering; recollecting; keeping in mind √sar 1 a (remember) anu + sara + nta anta prp 10
assasanta prp inhaling; breathing in √sas 1 a (breath) ā + sasa + nta anta prp 10
viharanta prp living (in); dwelling (in); staying (at); remaining (in); continuing (in) √har 1 a (live) vi + hara + nta anta prp 10
susamāraddha adj resolutely undertaken; fully engaged with; energetically taken up; (comm) firmly held up √rabh 1 a (begin) su + saṃ + ā + √rabh + ta a adj 11
vimutta 1 pp freed (from); liberated (from); emancipated (from) √muc 2 ṃa (release, free) vi + √muc + ta a pp 11
samagga 1 adj (vinaya) unified; united; in concord; harmonious; in agreement saṃ + agga a adj 11
suvaca adj easy to instruct; obedient; compliant √vac 1 a (say, speak) su + √vac + a a adj 11
sata 1.1 pp mindful; present; attentive √sar 1 a (remember) √sar + ta a pp 11
sallato ind as an arrow; as a dagger salla + to 11
sassata adj eternal; everlasting; endless; perpetual; (comm) existing forever sassati + a a adj 11
samāhita 1 pp composed; centred; settled; collected √dhā 1 a (place, support) saṃ + ā + √dhā > (da)h + ita a pp 11
suduttara adj extremely difficult to cross; very hard to escape √tar 1 a (cross) su + dur + √tar + a a adj 11
samiñjita 2 pp bent back; folded back; flexed back √iñj 1 a (move, shake) saṃ + √iñj + ita a pp 11
vippamutta pp freed (from); released (from); saved (from) √muc 2 ṃa (release, free) vi + pa + √muc + ta a pp 11
hīna 1 pp low; inferior; deficient √hā 3 ya (decrease) √hā > hī + na a pp 11
sāhāra 1 adj with fuel; with nutriment; with sustenance √har 1 a (take, seize) sa + ā + √har > hār + *a a adj 11
suhuju adj very straight; very upright √uj 1 a (be straight) su + [h] + √uj + u u adj 11
huta 2 pp offered √hu 1 a (pour, offer as oblation) √hu + ta a pp 11
sumedha 1 adj wise; sage √medh 1 a (be wise) su + √medh + ā + a\nsumedhā + a a adj 11
suvisuddha adj well cleansed; perfectly purified; completely pure √sudh 3 ya (be pure) su + vi + √sudh + ta a adj 11
santuṭṭha 1 pp satisfied; pleased; content; happy with √tus 3 ya (be content, be pleased) saṃ + √tus + ta a pp 11
sāruppa adj suitable (for); proper (for); appropriate (for) √rūp 8 *e (form, produce) sa > sā + √rūp + a + *ya\nsarūpa + *ya a adj 11
vutta 2.1 pp said; told; spoken; mentioned √vac 1 a (say, speak) √vac > vuc + ta a pp 11
sukhuma 1 adj fine; subtle; refined a adj 11
vusita 1 pp fulfilled; completed; finished √vas 1 a (live) √vas > vus + ita a pp 11
sukhita pp pleased; delighted; blessed; comforted; happy √sukh 1 a (please, be comfortable) √sukh + ita a pp 11
seyya 1.1 adj better (than); preferable (to) sirī + *ya a adj 11
sammata 2 pp authorized; appointed; assigned; designated (by) √man 3 ya (think) saṃ + √man + ta a pp 11
vissuta pp famous; renowned; heard of far and wide √su 4 ṇā (hear) vi + √su + ta a pp 11
suññato ind as empty; as void; as essenceless suñña + to 11
sampajāna 1 adj clearly aware; fully knowing; completely comprehending √ñā 5 nā (know) saṃ + pa + jānā + a a adj 11
samannāgata pp possessing; endowed (with); having √gam 1 a (go) saṃ + anu > ann + ā + √gam + ta a pp 11
visuddha 1 pp cleansed; purified; refined √sudh 3 ya (be pure) vi + √sudh + ta a pp 11
sandiṭṭhika adj directly visible; evident; real; perceivable; (comm) able to be seen by oneself √dis 1 a (see) saṃ + √dis + ti + ka\nsandiṭṭhi + ka a adj 11
sukka 1 adj pure; bright √suc 1 a (be pure, be bright) √suc > suk + ra a adj 11
sukara 1 adj easily done; easy to do √kar 7 o (do, make) su + √kar + a a adj 11
vāta 1 masc wind √vā 1 a (blow, emit odour) √vā + ta a masc 11
viraja adj pure; stainless; untainted √raj 1 a (colour) vi + √raj + a a adj 11
sāyita 2 nt tasting; savouring √sāy 1 a (taste) √sāy + ita a nt 11
hita 3 nt welfare (of); good (of); benefit (of); blessing √dhā 1 a (place, support) √dhā > (da)h + ita a nt 11
svākkhāta adj well taught; well preached; well explained √khā 1 a (tell, announce) su > sv + ā + √khā + ta a adj 11
saṃvattanika 1 adj leading (to); headed (to); conducive (to); suitable (for) √vatt 1 a (be, proceed) saṃ + √vatt + ana + ika\nsaṃvattana + ika a adj 11
sāra 1 adj essential; fundamental; substantial; valuable; sound √sar 1 a (go, flow) √sar > sār + *a a adj 11
sārato ind as essential; as substantial; as valuable √sar 1 a (go, flow) √sar > sār + *a + to\nsāra + to 11
sutta 1.1 pp sleeping; asleep √sup 1 a (lie down, sleep) √sup + ta a pp 11
sārambha 2.1 adj harmful; hurtful; injurious (to living creatures) √rabh 1 a (be aroused, be violent) sa + ā + rambha + a a adj 11
hata 2 pp killed (by); slain (by) √han 1 a (strike, kill) √han + ta a pp 11
sambuddha 1 masc Awakened One; Buddha; who is wide awake; who has completely understood √budh 3 ya (know, wake up) saṃ + √budh + ta a masc 11
akata 2 pp not made; not created √kar 7 o (do, make) na > a + √kar + ta a pp 11
sagga 1.1 adj heavenly √sar 1 a (shine) √sar + ga a adj 11
iṭṭha 1.1 pp pleasing; likeable; cherished; wished for √is 1 a (wish for) √is + ta a pp 11
āsevita 1 pp practised persistently √sev 1 a (serve, associate) ā + √sev + ita a pp 11
āraddha 1.1 pp aroused; applied; undertaken √rabh 1 a (begin) ā + √rabh + ta a pp 11
ābādhika adj sick; ill √bādh 1 a (press, oppress) ā + √bādh + a + ika\nābādha + ika a adj 11
ābādhato ind as disease; as sickness; as illness; as affliction; as oppressive √bādh 1 a (press, oppress) ā + √bādh + a + to\nābādha + to 11
āditta pp blazing; burning; on fire √dīp 3 ya (shine, explain) ā + √dīp + ta a pp 11
āgata 3 pp come (from); arrived (from); returned (from) √gam 1 a (go) ā + √gam + ta a pp 11
avinīta pp untrained (in); uneducated (about); undisciplined (in) √nī 1 a (lead, carry) na > a + vi + √nī + ta a pp 11
avañjha adj productive; profitable; successful na > a + vañjha a adj 11
avaṅkata adj not crooked; non-dishonest √vañc 8 *e (be bent, deceive) na > a + √vañc > vaṅk + a + tā + a\navaṅkatā + a a adj 11
avakkhitta pp dropped; thrown down √khip 1 a (throw) ava + √khip + ta a pp 11
asoka 1 adj sorrow-free; free from sadness √suc 1 *a (grieve) na > a + √suc > soc > sok + *a a adj 11
asesa adj complete; without remainder √sis 8 *e (remain, distinguish) na > a + √sis > ses + *a a adj 11
asubha 1 adj ugly; disgusting; foul; unattractive √subh 1 *a (shine, adorn) na > a + √subh + a a adj 11
asita 1.2 nt eating √as 1 a (eat) √as + ita a nt 11
asāraddha pp unagitated; unaroused; unexcited; calm √rabh 1 a (be aroused, be violent) na > a + saṃ + √rabh + ta a pp 11
asārato ind as unessential; as insubstantial; as valueless; as essenceless √sar 1 a (go, flow) na > a + √sar > sār + *a + to\nasāra + to 11
asāra adj essenceless; substanceless; worthless; useless √sar 1 a (go, flow) na > a + √sar > sār + *a a adj 11
asaṃvāsa 1 adj (vinaya) expelled; excommunicated; unaffiliated; not part of the community √vas 1 a (live) na > a + saṃ + √vas > vās + *a a adj 11
asallīna pp active; not sluggish √lī 3 ya (stick, hide) na > a + saṃ + √lī + na a pp 11
asammuṭṭha pp unmuddled; without confusion; not forgotten √mus 3 ya (lie, forget) na > a + saṃ + √mus + ta a pp 11
asabala adj not spotted; not mottled; not patchy na > a + sabala a adj 11
asaṅkhata pp unconditioned; not created; unformed; unconstructed; epithet of Nibbāna; (comm) not made √kar 7 o (do, make) na > a + saṃ + √kar > khar + ta a pp 11
uggahīta pp grasped; held onto; raised up √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) ud + √gah + ita a pp 11
aroga adj healthy; free from disease √ruj 1 a (hurt, be painful) na > a + √ruj > rog + *a a adj 11
uju 1 adj straight; upright; erect √uj 1 a (be straight) √uj + u u adj 11
uttari 1.1 adj superior; supreme; better; higher ud + tara + i\nuttara + i i adj 11
kevala 1 adj all; whole lot; altogether; total; entire; complete a adj 11
saccato ind as true; truly; really √as 1 a (be) sa + tya + to\nsacca + to 11
kupita pp indignant; angry; annoyed; outraged; offended √kup 3 ya (shake, be angry) √kup + ita a pp 11
kāsāya 1 adj organic brown; colour of Buddhist monks' robes kasāya > kāsāya + *a a adj 11
kalyāṇa 1 adj good; favourable; propitious; beneficial; lovely aī adj 11
kammaniya adj ready; workable; suitable for use; functional √kar 7 o (do, make) √kar + ma + aniya\nkamma + aniya a adj 11
kanta 1.1 pp charming (to); pleasant (to); desirable; agreeable (to) √kam 8 *e (desire) √kam + ta a pp 11
kata 1 pp done; did; completed √kar 7 o (do, make) √kar + ta a pp 11
kaṇha 1 adj dark; black a adj 11
oḷārika 2 adj (of food) solid; heavy; substantial √ar 1 a (move, attain) ud > oḷ + √ar > ār + *a + *ika\nuḷāra + *ika a adj 11
oḷārika 1 adj coarse; gross; substantial; physical; material √ar 1 a (move, attain) ud > oḷ + √ar > ār + *a + *ika\nuḷāra + *ika a adj 11
ovadita pp advised; instructed; taught; admonished √vad 1 a (say, speak) ava + √vad + ita a pp 11
opanayika adj pragmatic; applicable; relevant √nī 1 a (lead, carry) upa > opa + √nī > nay + *a + *ika\nupanaya + *ika a adj 11
onaddha pp enveloped (with); covered (with); wrapped (with) √nadh 2 ṃa (wrap, twist) ava + √nadh + ta a pp 11
odāta 1 pp white √dā 3 ya (be pure, be clean) ava + √dā + ta a pp 11
ekaka 1 adj alone; solitary eka + ka a adj 11
eka 3 adj alone; single; solitary eka adj 11
ussuka adj zealously desiring; ambitious; anxiously striving (for); anxious (about); agitated; stressed ud + su + ka a adj 11
uppanna 1 pp arisen; appeared; come into being (for) √pad 3 ya (go, step) ud + √pad + na a pp 11
upekkhaka adj mental poised; mentally balanced; equanimous; non-reactive; looking on; disregarding √ikkh 1 a (see, mark) upa + ikkha + ā + ka\nupekkhā + ka aka adj 11
upahata 1 pp injured; impaired; broken; deteriorated √han 1 a (strike, kill) upa + √han + ta a pp 11
upadduta pp afflicted (by); troubled (by); persecuted (by); oppressed (by); tyrannized (by) √du 1 a (burn, torment) upa + √du + ta a pp 11
upaṭṭhita 1 pp present; in attendance √ṭhā 1 a (stand) upa + √ṭhā + ita a pp 11
uttama 1 adj best; highest; ultimate; supreme; top ud + tama a adj 11
ariya 1 adj noble; distinguished; of an awakened being; of the Buddha a adj 11
abhūta 1 pp not become; not happened √bhū 1 a (be, become) na > a + √bhū + ta a pp 11
abhikkanta 3 pp advanced; progressed; moved on; (comm) ending; depletion √kam 1 a (go) abhi + √kam + ta a pp 11
anatta 1 adj impersonal; not oneself; non-subjective; not suitable to identify with; coreless; essenceless na > an + atta a adj 11
anaṅgaṇa adj spotless; blemish free √añj 1 a (smear, anoint) na > an + √añj > aṅg + aṇa a adj 11
adhigata 1 pp got; acquired; attained; achieved √gam 1 a (go) adhi + √gam + ta a pp 11
addhuva adj not stable; not enduring; not eternal √dhuv 1 a (be firm, be solid) na > a + √dhuv + a a adj 11
adinna 1.1 nt which is not given; something not offered √dā 1 a (give) na > a + √dā > dī + na a nt 11
attaniya adj one's own; belonging to oneself; fit to be a self atta + [n] + iya a adj 11
atīta 2 pp past; gone past; bygone √i 1 a (come, go) ati + √i + ta a pp 11
aṇu 2 adj subtle; fine u adj 11
ajāta 1 pp unborn; uncreated; unproduced √jan 3 ya (be born, produce) na > a + √jan > jā + ta a pp 11
acchidda 1 pp unbroken; flawless; without cracks √chid 2 ṃa (cut, steal) na > a + √chid + ta a pp 11
acchariya 1 adj wonderful; marvellous acchara + iya a adj 11
acira adj (of time) not long; soon; recent na > a + cira a adj 11
acakkhuka adj sightless; visionless √cakkh 1 a (see) na > a + √cakkh + u + ka\ncakkhuka + ka a adj 11
aghato ind as trouble; as pain; as bad agha + to 11
agilāna 1 adj not sick; healthy √gilā 3 ya (be sick, be tired) na > a + √gilā + ana a adj 11
akhaṇḍa adj unbroken; unfragmented; whole √khaṇḍ 8 *e (break) na > a + √khaṇḍ + a a adj 11
akkhāta pp said; told; declared; announced (by) √khā 1 a (tell, announce) ā + √khā + ta a pp 11
akovida adj unskilled (in); not expert (in); not proficient (in); not a master (of) √vid 1 a (know) na > a + ku > ko + √vid + *a a adj 11
akusala 3 adj unhealthy; unwholesome; unskillful; unbeneficial; kammically unprofitable na > a + kusala a adj 11
akiñcana adj with nothing; is nothing; having no; possession-less; epithet of an arahant na > a + kiñci + ana a adj 11
akālika 2 adj timeless; not limited to a particular time √kal 8 *e (spend time) na > a + √kal > kāl + *a + ika\nakāla + ika a adj 11
akālika 1 adj immediate; (comm) giving immediate fruit √kal 8 *e (spend time) na > a + √kal > kāl + *a + ika\nakāla + ika a adj 11
akammāsa adj unblemished; spotless; pure na > a + kammāsa a adj 11
anattato ind as impersonal; as not oneself; as non-subjective na > an + atta + to\nanatta + to 11
analasa adj active; energetic; industrious; not lazy √las 1 a (shine, be active) na > a + na + √las + a a adj 11
anavasesa 1 adj all; without exception √sis 8 *e (remain, distinguish) na > an + ava + √sis > ses + *a a adj 11
anāgata 1 pp not come; not arrived; not present √gam 1 a (go) na > an + ā + √gam + ta a pp 11
abyatta pp inexperienced; incompetent; inept untrained √añj 8 *aya (distinguish) na > a + vi > vy > by + √añj + ta a pp 11
abbhuta 1 adj marvellous; extraordinary; unbelievable; astonishing abbhu + ta a adj 11
abbhuggata pp arisen (about); spread (about); circulated (about) √gam 1 a (go) abhi > abhy > abbh + ud + √gam + ta a pp 11
appavārita pp uninvited; not asked; unoffered √var 8 *e (wish, choose) na > a + pa + vāre + ita a pp 11
apariyādinna 1 pp not used up; not exhausted; not consumed; not run out √ādā 3 ya (take, seize) na > a + pari + [y] + √ādā > ādī + na a pp 11
aparimita pp immeasurable; limitless √mā 5 nā (measure) na > a + pari + √mā > mi + ta a pp 11
aparikkamana adj not accessible; not approachable √kam 1 a (go) na > a + pari + √kam + ana a adj 11
aparāmaṭṭha pp not grasped; not clung to; (comm) irreproachable √mas 1 a (touch, rub) na > a + parā + √mas + ta a pp 11
aparājita 1 pp unconquered; undefeated; victorious; triumphant √ji 1 a (conquer) na > a + parā + √ji + ta a pp 11
apara 1 adj another; after; further; next apa + ra a adj 11
apagata 1 pp without; free (from); with no √gam 1 a (go) apa + √gam + ta a pp 11
khata 1.1 pp hurt; injured √khan 1 a (hurt, break) √khan + ta a pp 11
andha 1.2 adj blind; sightless; visually impaired a adj 11
aneka adj many; various; countless na > an + eka eka adj 11
anuppanna pp unborn; unarisen; not existing; nonexistent √pad 3 ya (go, step) na > an + ud + √pad + na a pp 11
anuttara adj highest (of); unsurpassed (by); incomparable (to); superior (to) na > an + ud + tara a adj 11
anuṭṭhita 1.1 pp practised; established; (comm) repeatedly practised √ṭhā 1 a (stand) anu + √ṭhā + ita a pp 11
anissita 1 pp detached (from); disengaged (from); separated (from); independent (of) √si 1 a (depend on, associate with) na > a + ni + √si + ta a pp 11
animitta 1 pp signless; featureless; free of mental images √mā 5 nā (measure) na > a + ni + √mā > mi + ta a pp 11
aniccato ind as impermanent; as unstable; as transient; as unreliable na > a + nicca + to\nanicca + to 11
anicca 1 adj impermanent; inconstant; not lasting; discontinuous; disordered; unstable; unreliable; irregular na > a + ni + tya a adj 11
anāhāra adj without fuel; without nutriment √har 1 a (take, seize) na > an + ā + √har > hār + *a a adj 11
anātura adj healthy; free from suffering √tur 1 a (hurt, be sick) na > an + ā + √tur + a a adj 11
anāgata 2 pp future √gam 1 a (go) na > an + ā + √gam + ta a pp 11
anoka 1 adj homeless; without worldly attachment √uc 3 ya (comfort) na > an + √uc > ok + *a a adj 11
khāyita 2 nt eating; chewing √khād 1 a (chew) √khād > khāy + ita a nt 11
kusala 1 adj healthy; beneficial; useful; good; wholesome a adj 11
khudda adj small; minute; tiny a adj 11
pārājika 1 adj (vinaya) defeated; deposed; disqualified; expelled √ji 1 a (conquer) parā > pārā + √ji + *aka a adj 11
pāpaka 1.1 adj bad; wicked; evil; wrong; worthless; harmful pāpa + ka aka adj 11
pāpa 1 adj evil; criminal; wrong; bad; vicious aī adj 11
pahīna pp abandoned; dispelled; eliminated; removed; given up √hā 1 a (abandon) pa + √hā > hī + na a pp 11
pavivitta pp separated; secluded; detached (from) √vic 1 a (separate) pa + vi + √vic + ta a pp 11
passaddha pp relaxed; calmed; tranquillised √sambh 1 a (be calm, be confident) pa + √sambh > sabh + ta a pp 11
pasattha pp praised; commended; exalted √saṃs 1 a (proclaim, praise) pa + √saṃs + ta a pp 11
palokato ind as falling apart; as disintegrating √luj 3 ya (be broken apart) pa + √luj > log > lok + *a + to\npaloka + to 11
parihārika adj looking after; taking care of √har 1 a (carry) pari + √har > hār + *a + ika\nparihāra + ika a adj 11
parisuddha 1 pp clean; pure; bright; perfect √sudh 3 ya (be pure) pari + √sudh + ta a pp 11
piya 1 adj dear (to); beloved (by); loved (by) √pī 5 nā (love, please) √pī > piy + a a adj 11
pariyodāta 1 pp pure; clean; shiny; bright √dā 3 ya (be pure, be clean) pari + [y] + ava + √dā + ta a pp 11
parinibbuta 3 pp (of an arahant) died one's final death; attained final Nibbāna √vā 1 a (blow, emit odour) pari + nī + √vā > vu > bu + ta a pp 11
paricita 1 pp practised; rehearsed; consolidated; familiarized √ci 5 nā (gather, accumulate) pari + √ci + ta a pp 11
parama 1 adj highest; most extreme; very best; ultimate; superior; sublime para + ma a adj 11
pamatta 1 pp careless; heedless; negligent; inattentive √mad 3 ya (be mad, be intoxicated) pa + √mad + ta a pp 11
pabbajita 2 pp ordained (from); renounced (from) √vaj 1 a (go on) pa + √vaj > baj + ita a pp 11
pabbajita 1 masc monk; monastic; renunciant; renunciate √vaj 1 a (go on) pa + √vaj > baj + ita a masc 11
panta 2 adj secluded; isolated; solitary pa + anta a adj 11
patta 3.1 pp reached; attained; gained; accomplished; found √ap 4 uṇā (reach, attain) pa + √ap + ta a pp 11
paṇīta 2 pp fine; refined; excellent; superior; sublime √nī 1 a (lead, carry) pa + √nī + ta a pp 11
khīṇa 1 pp consumed; spent; finished; exhausted; slowly destroyed √khī 1 a (exhaust, destroy) √khī + na a pp 11
paripūra 1 adj full; filled up; complete √pūr 1 a (fill, fulfil) pari + √pūr + a a adj 11
paṭilābhato ind as personal acquisition; as gain √labh 1 a (get) pati + √labh > lābh + *a + to\npaṭilābha + to 11
pīta 1.2 nt drinking; sipping √pā 1 a (drink) √pā > pī + ta a nt 11
pubbaka 1 adj ancient; of old; former pubba + ka a adj 11
saka 1 adj one's own; my own sa + ka a adj 11
laddha 1 pp obtained; gained; won; received √labh 1 a (get) √labh > ladh + ta a pp 11
rogato ind as disease; as illness √ruj 1 a (hurt, be painful) √ruj > rog + *a + to\nroga + to 11
yiṭṭha 1 pp given (as a gift); offered √yaj 1 a (honour, sacrifice) √yaj > yij + ta a pp 11
yāvataka adj as much as; as long as; as big as; as far as yāva + tā + ka\nyāvatā + ka a adj 11
methuna 1 adj sexual √mith 1 a (pair) √mith > meth + una + *a\nmithuna + *a a adj 11
mudu 1 adj soft; mild √mud 1 a (be soft, be happy) √mud + u u adj 11
mahanta 1 adj big; great; large; grand; vast; extensive √mah 1 a (increase) maha + nta anta adj 11
manāpa 1 adj pleasant; likeable; attractive; agreeable a adj 11
majjhima 1 adj middle; middling; medium; medium-sized; moderate majjha + ima a adj 11
puṭṭha 1.1 pp asked; questioned √pucch 1 a (ask, question) √pucch + ta a pp 11
bhūta 3 nt being; living being; entity √bhū 1 a (be, become) √bhū + ta a nt 11
bhāsita 1 nt saying; speech; statement; utterance; talk; words √bhās 1 a (speak) √bhās + ita a nt 11
bhayato ind as dangerous; as fearful √bhī 1 a (fear) √bhī > bhay + *a + to\nbhaya + to 11
bhatta 1.1 nt food; boiled rice √bhaj 1 a (divide, distribute) √bhaj + ta a nt 11
byatta pp experienced; learned; competent; trained; (comm) with clear understanding √añj 8 *e (distinguish) vi > vy > by + √añj + ta a pp 11
buddha 1 masc Buddha; Awakened One √budh 3 ya (know, wake up) √budh + ta a masc 11
bāla 1 adj foolish; ignorant; stupid; immature a adj 11
bahu adj many; much; lots (of); a lot (of); great; large √bah 1 a (increase) √bah + u u adj 11
phuṭṭha 2 pp afflicted (with); suffering (from) √phus 1 a (touch) √phus + ta a pp 11
pesala adj well-behaved; good; honest a adj 11
purima 1 adj earlier; past; former; previous pura + ima a adj 11
bhujissa 1 adj cleansing; freeing; liberating a adj 11
pacchato 2 ind behind; backwards pacchā + to 11
paṭisaṃyutta pp connected (to); concerned (with); related (to) √yuj 2 ṃa (yoke, join) pati + saṃ + √yuj + ta a pp 11
nava 1.1 adj new; fresh a adj 11
dinna 1 pp given (to); offered (to) √dā 1 a (give) √dā > dī + na a pp 11
chaḍḍita pp thrown away; discarded; abandoned; disposed of √chaḍḍ 8 *e (discard, abandon) √chaḍḍ + ita a pp 11
dakkhiṇa 1 adj right (hand side) √dakkh 1 a (be able, please) √dakkh + iṇa a adj 11
dakkha adj expert; skilled; able; adroit √dakkh 1 a (be able, please) √dakkh + a a adj 11
thūla 2 adj gross; coarse √thūl 8 *e (be fat, be coarse) √thūl + a a adj 11
thāvara adj stationary; stable; immobile; arahant; (comm) without craving √ṭhā 1 a (stand) √ṭhā + [v] + ara a adj 11
cira adj (of time) long a adj 11
dibba adj divine; heavenly; celestial √div 3 ya (shine) √div > dib + ya a adj 11
tasa adj moving; mobile; (comm) with craving √tas 1 a (tremble, fear) √tas + a a adj 11
ṭhita 3 pp remained; stayed; was √ṭhā 1 a (stand) √ṭhā + ita a pp 11
ṭhita 2 pp stationary; stable; stabilised; motionless; immovable √ṭhā 1 a (stand) √ṭhā + ita a pp 11
cuta 1.1 pp passed away; died √cu 1 a (shift, fall away, die) √cu + ta a pp 11
jeṭṭha 1 adj first; elder; eldest; foremost a adj 11
jīvita 1 nt life; existence √jīv 1 a (live) √jīv + ita a nt 11
jina 1 masc conqueror; victor; champion; epithet of the Buddha √ji 5 nā (conquer) √ji + na a masc 11
jāgara adj awake; alert; lucid √jāgar 1 a (be awake, be watchful) √jāgar + a a adj 11
pacālaka 1 adj swinging; swaying; shaking; nodding √cal 1 a (shake, tremble) pa + √cal > cāl + *aka a adj 11
dukkha 2 adj painful √dukkh 1 a (be painful) √dukkh + a a adj 11
diṭṭha 1.1 pp seen; found; visible √dis 1 a (see) √dis + ta a pp 11
dukkhita 1 pp afflicted; miserable; suffering √dukkh 1 a (be painful) √dukkh + ita a pp 11
garu 3 adj respected; esteemed √gar 1 a (esteem, be heavy) √gar + u u adj 11
dukkhato 2 ind as suffering; as pain; as discomfort √dukkh 1 a (be painful) √dukkh + a + to\ndukkha + to 11
dhūta 1 nt ascetic practice √dhū 5 nā (shake, smoke) √dhū + ta a nt 11
dhuva 1 adj stable; enduring; permanent; eternal; everlasting √dhuv 1 a (be firm, be solid) √dhuv + a a adj 11
dhammika 2 adj righteous; just; moral √dhar 1 a (hold, carry, endure) √dhar + ma + ika\ndhamma + ika a adj 11
nicca 1 adj permanent; lasting; continuous; ordered; stable; reliable; regular; immutable ni + tya a adj 11
khema 1 adj well; safe; secure; at peace; at rest √khi 1 a (live, abide peacefully) √khi > khe + *ma a adj 11
dūrato ind from far away; from afar √dū 1 a (go, run) √dū + ra + to\ndūra + to 11
nisinna 1 pp seated (in) √sad 1 a (sink, sit, settle) ni + sīda + na a pp 11
duṭṭhulla 2 adj (of speech) rude; obscene; vulgar; coarse √thūl 8 *e (be fat, be coarse) dur + √thūl > thull + a a adj 11
dūrama adj difficult to delight (in); hard to enjoy √ram 1 a (delight, please) dur > dū + √ram + a a adj 11
gaṇḍato ind as a boil; as an abscess gaṇḍa + to 11
chaṭṭha ordin sixth (6th) cha + ṭṭha aī ordin 12
sata 2.1 card one hundred (100) a2 card 12
aṭṭha 1.1 card eight (8) a1 card 12
cha 2.1 card six (6) a1 card 12
satta 1.1 card seven (7) a1 card 12
catuttha 1 ordin fourth (4th) catu + ttha aī ordin 12
cattālīsā card forty (40) catu + dasa + *ā ā card 12
cattārīsā card forty (40) catu + dasa + *ā ā card 12
caturāsīti card eighty-four (84) catu + [r] + asīti i card 12
sattama 1.1 ordin seventh (7th) satta + ma a ordin east 12
catu card four (4) catu card 12
aṭṭhama 1 ordin eighth (8th) aṭṭha + ma aī ordin 12
sahassa 1 card one thousand (1000) a2 card 12
aṭṭhārasa 1 card eighteen (18) aṭṭha > aṭṭhā + dasa + *a a1 card 12
pañca card five (5) a1 card 12
pañcama ordin fifth (5th) pañca + ma aī ordin 12
paññāsā card fifty (50) pañca + dasa + ā ā card 12
navama ordin ninth (9th) nava + ma aī ordin 12
paṭhama 1 ordin first (1st); prime pa + tama > ṭhama a ordin 12
nava 2.1 card nine (9) a1 card 12
dvādasa 1 card twelve (12) dvi > dva > dvā + dasa + *a a1 card 12
aṭṭhasata card one hundred and eight (108) aṭṭha + sata a2 card 12
dutiya 1 ordin second (2nd) dvi > du + tiya a ordin 12
dasa 1.1 card ten (10) a1 card 12
vīsati card twenty (20) dvi + dasa + ti i card 12
ti 1 card three (3) ti card 12
eka 1 card one (1) eka card 12
soḷasa 1 card sixteen (16) cha > soḷ + dasa a1 card 12
ekādasa 1 card eleven (11) eka > ekā + dasa + *a a1 card 12
chattiṃsā card thirty six (36) chaḷ + tiṃsā ā card 12
dasama 1 ordin tenth (10th) dasa + ma aī ordin 12
tatiya 1.1 ordin third (3rd) ti > ta + tiya a ordin 12