Vocabulary List for class18

go to index of vocabulary related to each class

pali pos meaning root construction pattern cl.
uñcha masc gleaning; food gathered for subsistence √uñch 1 a (glean) √uñch + a a masc 2
upāsaka masc lay disciple; lay devotee √ās 1 a (sit) upa + √ās + aka a masc 2
upāyāsa 1 masc affliction; difficulty; trouble; despair √yas 3 ya (strive, struggle) upa + ā + √yas > yās + *a a masc 2
sambodha masc full awakening; perfect understanding; enlightenment √budh 3 ya (know, wake up) saṃ + √budh > bodh + *a a masc 2
sambhava 1 masc birth; origin; source (of) √bhū 1 a (be, become) saṃ + √bhū > bhav + *a a masc 2
upassaya 1 masc dwelling; shelter; home √si 1 a (depend on, associate with) upa + √si > say + *a a masc 2
upasama 1 masc calmness (of); tranquillisation (of); stillness (of); peace (of) √sam 3 ya (be calm, be tired) upa + √sam + a a masc 2
purisa 1 masc man; male; person a masc 2
upaya 1 masc approach; engagement √i 1 a (come, go) upa + √i > ay + *a a masc 2
sara 2.1 masc sound; voice; tone √sar 1 a (make sound) √sar + a a masc 2
upajjhāya masc preceptor; teacher; mentor √i 1 a (study, recite) upa + adhi > adhy > ajjh + √i > āy + *a a masc 2
uddesa 1 masc proposition; synopsis; statement in brief; summary; introduction √dis 1 a (point out, explain) ud + √dis > des + *a a masc 2
saṃsāra 1 masc wandering on; moving on continuously; transmigration; passing from one state of existence to another; stream of existence; cyclic existence √sar 1 a (go, flow) saṃ + √sar > sār + *a a masc east 2
uttara 2.04 masc name of a young Brahman ud + tara a masc 2
saṃvara 1 masc control (according to); restraint (according to); holding back (according to) √var 1 a (cover, dress, restrain) saṃ + √var + a a masc 2
saṃvara 2 masc control (over); restraint (of); holding back (of) √var 1 a (cover, dress, restrain) saṃ + √var + a a masc 2
magga 2 masc way; means; method √magg 8 *e (seek, search) √magg + a a masc 2
uccāra masc excrement; faeces √car 1 a (move, walk) ud + √car > cār + *a a masc 2
sāmika 1 masc owner sāmī + ka a masc 2
nirodha masc ending (of); cessation (of); termination (of); finishing (of) √rudh 2 ṃa (obstruct) ni + √rudh > rodh + *a a masc 2
sāra 2 masc core; essence; substance; value √sar 1 a (go, flow) √sar > sār + *a a masc 2
putta 1 masc son; child a masc 2
uposatha 1 masc full moon or new moon observance day √vas 1 a (live) upa + √vas + a + tha\nup<b>ava</b>sa > up<b>o</b>sa + tha a masc 2
nissaya 1 masc dependency; physical support; reliance; something one depends on √si 1 a (depend on, associate with) ni + √si > say + *a a masc 2
uppāda 1.1 masc arising (of); appearance (of); coming into being (of) √pad 3 ya (go, step) ud + √pad > pād + *a a masc 2
samuppāda 2 masc issue; conflict; something which arises √pad 3 ya (go, step) saṃ + ud + √pad > pād + *a a masc 2
kaṇha 3 masc dark one; black one; evil one; epithet of Māra a masc 2
kaṭāha 1 masc pot; pan; cauldron a masc 2
kaccāna masc family name kati > katy > kacc + yāna a masc 2
kakaca masc saw a masc 2
ovāda masc advice; instruction encouragement; exhortation √vad 1 a (say, speak) ava + √vad > vād + *a a masc 2
nara masc man; person a masc 2
samaṇa 1 masc ascetic; renunciant; holy man; monk; recluse √sam 3 ya (exert, strive) √sam + aṇa a masc 2
samaṇaka masc low ascetic; worthless ascetic √sam 3 ya (exert, strive) √sam + aṇa + ka\nsamaṇa + ka a masc 2
samatikkama masc surpassing (of); overcoming (of); going beyond; transcendence √kam 1 a (go) saṃ + ati + √kam + a a masc 2
ogha 2 masc (of defilements) deluge; inundation; torrent a masc 2
ogha 1 masc (of water) flood; deluge; torrent a masc 2
oka 1.1 masc home; abode √uc 3 ya (comfort) √uc > ok + *a a masc 2
samatha 1.1 masc stilling (of); serenity (of); calming (of); settling (of); peace (of); (comm) mental unification √sam 3 ya (be calm, be tired) √sam + a + tha\nsama + tha a masc 2
phassa 1 masc contact; sense impingement; raw experience; touch √phus 1 a (touch) √phus > phass + a a masc 2
samaya 1.1 masc time; occasion √i 1 a (come, go) saṃ + √i > ay + *a a masc 2
nāga 3 masc tusker; bull elephant a masc 2
samācāra masc conduct; behaviour; activity √car 1 a (act, behave) saṃ + ā + √car > cār + *a a masc 2
nātha masc protector; lord; refuge (of) √nāth 1 a (have power, protect) √nāth + a a masc 2
nāda masc roar; bellow; shout √nad 1 a (roar) √nad > nād + *a a masc 2
samudaya 1 masc source; origination; appearance √i 1 a (come, go) saṃ + ud + √i > ay + *a a masc 2
samudda masc sea; ocean √ud 2 ṃa (be wet) saṃ + √ud + ra a masc 2
pessaka 1 masc messenger √pis 8 ya (send) √pis > pes + *ya + ka\npessa + ka a masc 2
nakha 1 masc fingernail; toenail a masc 2
sārāga masc passion; infatuation; attachment to √raj 3 ya (desire) saṃ > sā + √raj > rag > rāg + *a a masc 2
sāla 1.1 masc sal tree; Shorea robusta a masc 2
paccaya 2 masc cause (for); reason (for); supporting condition (for); requirement (for) √i 1 a (come, go) pati > paty > pacc + √i > ay + *a a masc 2
sunakkhatta 2 masc name of a former monk √nakkh 1 a (attain, arrive) su + √nakkh + a + tta\nsu + nakkha + tta a masc 2
suriya 1 masc sun √sur 1 a (shine, be supreme) √sur + a + iya\nsūra + iya a masc 2
pāsāda masc mansion; stately home; palace; building with pillars √sad 1 a (sink, sit, settle) pa + ā + √sad > sād + *a a masc 2
pajjunna masc name of a deity; god of rain; rain cloud a masc 2
pajjota 1 masc lamp; lantern √jut 1 *a (shine) pa + √jut > jot + *a a masc 2
sekkha masc trainee; apprentice; learner; (comm) seven stages of a noble person before arahantship √sikkh 1 a (learn, train) √sikkh > sekkh + *a a masc 2
sekha 1 masc trainee; apprentice; learner; initiate; (comm) seven stages of a noble person before arahantship √sikkh 1 a (learn, train) √sikkh > sekh + *a a masc 2
pālaka 1 masc shepherd; herder √pāl 8 *e (protect) √pāl + aka a masc 2
pāla masc protector; keeper; guard √pāl 8 *e (protect) √pāl + a a masc 2
seda masc sweat; drop of perspiration √sid 3 ya (sweat, steam) √sid > sed + *a a masc 2
soka masc grief; sorrow; sadness (over) √suc 1 *a (grieve) √suc > suk > sok + *a a masc 2
sota 1.1 masc stream; river; current √su 1 a (flow) √su > so + *ta a masc 2
pañha 2 masc question; enquiry √pañh 1 a (ask, question) √pañh + a a masc 2
abhisamaya masc complete comprehension (of); total understanding (of); completely getting (of); breakthrough (to) √i 1 a (come, go) abhi + saṃ + √i > ay + *a a masc 2
paṭigha 1 masc aversion; repulsion; resistance; irritation; conflict √ghaṭ 8 *e (strike, kill) pati + √ghaṭ + a a masc 2
paṭighāta 1 masc warding off; repelling; driving off; keeping at bay √ghaṭ 8 *e (strike, kill) pati + √ghaṭ > ghāṭ + *a\npati + ghāta a masc 2
vaccha 1.1 masc calf; yearling; young animal a masc 2
paṭinissagga masc giving up (of); relinquishing (of); dropping (of); abandoning (of) √sajj 1 a (relinquish, let loose) pati + nī + √sajj > sagg + a a masc 2
vanatha 2.1 masc desire; craving √van 7 o (like, desire) √van + a + tha\nvana + tha a masc 2
paṭilābha masc obtaining (of); acquiring (of); gaining (of); personal acquisition (of) √labh 1 a (get) pati + √labh > lābh + *a a masc 2
paccaya 1 masc support; requisite; necessity √i 1 a (come, go) pati > paty > pacc + √i > ay + *a a masc 2
puṇṇaka 1 masc name of a deity √pūr 1 a (fill, fulfil) √pūr + na + ka\npuṇṇa + ka a masc 2
paggāha 1 masc effort; exertion; striving √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) pa + √gah > gāh + *a a masc 2
sugata 2 masc Accomplished One; Fortunate One; epithet of the Buddha √gam 1 a (go) su + √gam + ta a masc 2
nivāsa 1.3 masc life; existence √vas 1 a (live) ni + √vas > vās + *a a masc 2
sāsapa masc mustard; mustard seed a masc 2
sāvaka masc disciple; pupil; follower √su 4 ṇā (hear) √su > sāv + *aka a masc 2
āhāra 1 masc food (for); fuel (for); sustenance (for); nutriment (for); (comm) condition √har 1 a (take, seize) ā + √har > hār + *a a masc 2
nīvaraṇa 1 masc obstacle; obstruction; barrier; hindrance √var 1 a (cover, dress, restrain) ni > nī + √var + *aṇa a masc 2
āvāsa 1 masc home (of); dwelling place (of); residence (of) √vas 1 a (live) ā + √vas > vās + *a a masc 2
sippika 1.1 masc craftsman; artisan sippa + ika a masc 2
āsava 1.2 masc discharge; suppuration; outflow; effluent; (comm) defilement √su 1 a (flow) ā + √su > sav + *a a masc 2
āsaya 2 masc home (of); dwelling (of); abode (of) √sī 1 a (lie, sleep) ā + √sī > say + *a a masc 2
āloka masc light; brightness; clarity √lok 8 *e (look) ā + √lok + a a masc 2
ārāma 3 masc park; parkland; nature reserve √ram 1 a (delight, please) ā + √ram > rām + *a a masc 2
ānisaṃsa 1 masc profit (in); benefit (in); advantage (of); good result (of) √saṃs 1 a (proclaim, praise) ā + ni + √saṃs + a a masc 2
ānanda 2 masc name of an arahant monk; attendant of the Buddha; great disciple of the Buddha; foremost disciple in great learning, remembrance, conduct, resoluteness and service √nand 1 a (delight, enjoy) ā + √nand + a a masc 2
sīha 1 masc lion a masc 2
ājīva masc livelihood; mode of living; way of life; way of earning a living √jīv 1 a (live) ā + √jīv + a a masc 2
ācariya 1 masc teacher; religious leader √car 1 a (act, behave) ā + √car + iya a masc 2
puggala masc person; individual a masc 2
ākāsa 1.2 masc sky; air √kās 1 a (shine, be visible) ā + √kās + a a masc 2
ākāra 1.2 masc aspect; facet; detail; property; quality; attribute √kar 7 o (do, make) ā + √kar > kār + *a a masc 2
aṃsa 1.1 masc share; portion; part √aṃs 8 *e (divide, distribute) √aṃs + a a masc 2
pakkha 5 masc side; party; group; faction a masc 2
paggaha 3 masc donation; handout; give-away √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) pa + √gah + a a masc 2
vasa 1.2 masc control (over); authority (over); power (over); mastery (over) √vas 1 a (want, control) √vas + a a masc 2
dhūma masc smoke √dhū 5 nā (shake, smoke) √dhū + ma a masc 2
bandhuma masc name of Vipassī Buddha's father √bandh 1 a (bind, tie) √bandh + u + mant + a\nbandhumant + a a masc 2
dāra masc wife a masc 2
moggallāna 1 masc name of a monk; chief disciple; great disciple of the Buddha; foremost disciple in psychic power muggala > moggala + *yāna a masc 2
bhāra 1 masc burden; load; weight √bhar 1 a (carry, support) √bhar > bhār + *a a masc 2
chanda 2 masc (vinaya) consent; agreement; approval √chand 8 *e (desire, please) √chand + a a masc 2
chanda 1 masc interest (in); desire (for); wish (for); intention (to); impulse (for) √chand 8 *e (desire, please) √chand + a a masc 2
moha 1 masc illusion; delusion; hallucination √muh 3 ya (be deluded, be confused) √muh > moh + *a a masc 2
cora masc thief; robber √cur 8 *e (steal) √cur > cor + *a a masc 2
yamaka 2 masc name of a monk √yam 1 a (support, stretch) √yam + a + ka\nyama + ka a masc 2
yāma 1 masc watch (of the night); one eighth of the day; about three hours √yam 1 a (control, strive, end) √yam > yām + *a a masc 2
bhava 3 masc state of existence; form of becoming √bhū 1 a (be, become) √bhū > bhav + *a a masc 2
bhava 2 masc being; becoming; existence √bhū 1 a (be, become) √bhū > bhav + *a a masc 2
cāga 2 masc generosity; sharing; liberality √caj 1 a (give up, let go) √caj > cāg + *a a masc 2
cāga 1 masc giving up; relinquishing; abandoning √caj 1 a (give up, let go) √caj > cāg + *a a masc 2
brāhmaṇa 2 masc arahant; awakened being; saint; paragon √brah 1 a (increase) √brah > brāh + ma + *aṇa\nbrahma + *aṇa a masc 2
brāhmaṇa 1 masc Brahman; priest; man of the Brahman caste √brah 1 a (increase) √brah > brāh + ma + *aṇa\nbrahma + *aṇa a masc 2
byāma masc fathom; measure of length; from head to foot, or two arms extended √yam 1 a (support, stretch) vi > vy > by + √yam > yām + *a a masc 2
caṅkama 1 masc walking meditation; walking up and down (in meditation) √kam 1 a (go) caṅkama + a a masc 2
byāpāda masc dislike; ill-will; hatred; hostility; enmity; malevolence (towards) √pad 3 ya (go, step) vi > vy > by + ā + √pad > pād + *a a masc 2
gotama 1 masc family name of the Buddha gotama + a a masc 2
rasa 1 masc taste; flavour √ras 1 a (taste) √ras + a a masc 2
rāga 1.1 masc desire (for); passion (for); infatuation (with); lust (for) √raj 3 ya (desire) √raj > rag > rāg + *a a masc 2
dava 1.1 masc fun; joke; play; sport; pleasure √dū 1 a (go, run) √dū > dav + *a a masc 2
gimha masc heat; warmth a masc 2
ñāya masc way; means; method; system √i 1 a (come, go) nī > ny > ñ + √i > ay + *a a masc 2
mugga masc mung beans √mud 1 a (be soft, be happy) √mud > mug + ga a masc 2
makkha masc depreciating; denigrating; smirching √makkh 8 *e (rub, erase) √makkh + a a masc 2
makkaṭa masc monkey; ape a masc 2
majjha 2 masc middle a masc 2
bhoga 1.1 masc wealth; possessions; property; riches √bhuj 2 ṃa (use, eat, enjoy) √bhuj > bhoj > bhog + *a a masc 2
tāla 1.1 masc palm tree; Palmyra √tal 8 *e (support, rest on) √tal > tāl + *a a masc 2
bheda 3 masc (vinaya) schism; split; breakup √bhid 2 ṃa (break, split) √bhid > bhed + *a a masc 2
bheda 2 masc death √bhid 2 ṃa (break, split) √bhid > bhed + *a a masc 2
thena masc thief; robber √then 8 *e (steal) √then + a a masc 2
mada 1 masc excess; pleasure; indulgence √mad 3 ya (be mad, be intoxicated) √mad + a a masc 2
thera 1.2 masc (vinaya) elder; senior monk; monastic of ten or more years standing √ṭhā 1 a (stand) √ṭhā > thā + ira > thera a masc 2
manussa masc human being; man; person manu + ssa a masc 2
daṇḍa 1 masc stick; truncheon; nightstick; club a masc 2
daṇḍaka 1 masc handle daṇḍa + ka a masc 2
danta 1.1 masc tooth a masc 2
māṇava 1 masc young man; young gentleman; young Brahman manu > māṇav + *a a masc 2
māna 1.1 masc pride; conceit; egotism; superiority; comparing oneself √man 3 ya (think) √man > mān + *a a masc 2
māra masc death; Death; death personified √mar 1 a (die) √mar > mār + *a a masc 2
māsa 1.1 masc month √mā 5 nā (measure) √mā + sa a masc 2
taṇḍula 1 masc dehusked rice; (comm) grain from grass a masc 2
māsa 2.1 masc bean a masc 2
taca 1 masc (of a humna) skin a masc 2
muṇḍaka 2 masc shaveling; skinhead; baldy √muṇḍ 1 a (be bald, shave) √muṇḍ + a + ka\nmuṇḍa + ka a masc 2
satta 2.1 masc being; living being; creature √as 1 a (be) sa + tta a masc 2
gāha 2.2 masc hiding place √gāh 1 a (dive, plunge) √gāh + a a masc 2
rājañña masc man of the ruling class; young noble √rāj 1 a (rule, shine) √rāj + an + ya\nrājan + ya a masc 2
dhamma 1.05 masc mental states √dhar 1 a (hold, carry, endure) √dhar + ma a masc 2
kumbha masc clay pot; water jar; pitcher a masc 2
kumāra 2 masc prince √kumār 8 *e (play) √kumār + a a masc 2
dhamma 1.06 masc matter; thing; phenomena √dhar 1 a (hold, carry, endure) √dhar + ma a masc 2
saṅkhāra 1 masc intention; volitional formation; choice; karmic activity √kar 7 o (do, make) saṃ + √kar > khār + *a a masc 2
saṅkhāra 3 masc mental formation; mental activity; thought processes; fourth of the five aggregates √kar 7 o (do, make) saṃ + √kar > khār + *a a masc 2
dhamma 1.09 masc law; case; rule; legal process √dhar 1 a (hold, carry, endure) √dhar + ma a masc 2
dhamma 1.14 masc act; practice √dhar 1 a (hold, carry, endure) √dhar + ma a masc 2
saṅgara 1 masc dealing; bargaining; negotiating; transacting √gir 1 a (call, speak) saṃ + √gir > gar + a a masc 2
saṅgaha 1 masc support (of); maintenance (of); looking after √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) saṃ + √gah + a a masc 2
saṅgha 1 masc community; fellowship; monastic order √ghaṭ 1 a (join together) saṃ + √ghaṭ + a a masc 2
balibaddha masc ox; bull a masc 2
balibadda masc ox; bull a masc 2
kāla 1.1 masc time; occasion √kal 8 *e (spend time) √kal > kāl + *a a masc 2
kāraka 2 masc builder √kar 7 o (do, make) √kar > kār + *aka a masc 2
kāra 1 masc deed; action; service √kar 7 o (do, make) √kar > kār + *a a masc 2
kāya 1.2 masc group; host; company; collection; multitude; mass √ci 5 nā (gather, accumulate) √ci > ki > kay + *a a masc 2
kāya 1.1 masc body; physical body; physical process √ci 5 nā (gather, accumulate) √ci > ki > kay + *a a masc 2
kāma 3 masc sense desire (of); sensual pleasure (of) √kam 8 *e (desire) √kam > kām + *a a masc 2
kassapa 1 masc name of the 1st previous Buddha a masc 2
kassaka masc farmer; ploughman √kass 1 a (drag, draw along) √kass + aka a masc 2
dhamma 1.03 masc teaching; discourse; doctrine √dhar 1 a (hold, carry, endure) √dhar + ma a masc 2
gāma 1 masc village; hamlet a masc 2
kulla 1.1 masc boat; raft a masc 2
dhamma 1.01 masc nature; character √dhar 1 a (hold, carry, endure) √dhar + ma a masc 2
rāhula masc name of an arahant monk; Buddha's son a masc 2
rukkha 1 masc tree a masc 2
gabbha 3 masc room; inside room; inner chamber a masc 2
gandha 1 masc smell; scent; odour √ghā 3 ya (smell) √ghā + na a masc 2
bāhiya masc name of an ascetic; great disciple of the Buddha; foremost disciple in quick realization; Bāhiya Dārucīriya √bah 1 a (be outside) √bah > bāh + i + *iya\nbahi + *iya a masc 2
bāla 2 masc fool; idiot; immature person a masc east 2
deva 1 masc deity; god √div 3 ya (shine) √div > dev + *a a masc 2
gaṇḍa 1 masc boil; abscess a masc 2
dosa 1.1 masc aversion; ill-will; hate; hatred √dus 3 ya (hate, dislike) √dus > dos + *a a masc 2
loka 1 masc world; universe; cosmos √lok 8 *e (look) √lok + a a masc 2
loka 2 masc world; plane of existence √lok 8 *e (look) √lok + a a masc 2
khaya masc wearing away (of); exhaustion (of); erosion (of); depletion (of); destruction (of) √khī 1 a (exhaust, destroy) √khī > khay + *a a masc 2
khandha 3 masc aggregate; combination; conglomeration √khandh 8 *e (collect, accumulate) √khandh + a a masc 2
khandha 1 masc mass; heap; pile; volume; aggregation √khandh 8 *e (collect, accumulate) √khandh + a a masc 2
khattiya 2 masc man of the ruling caste; high caste man; nobleman a masc 2
loma 1 masc body hair a masc 2
dhaja 1 masc flag; banner √dhaj 1 a (move, flap) √dhaj + a a masc 2
sakuṇa masc bird a masc 2
kodha 1.1 masc anger; wrath; rage; temper √kudh 3 ya (be angry) √kudh > kodh + *a a masc 2
sakka 3 masc Sakyan; man of the Sakyan race √sak 4 ṇo (be able, be powerful) √sak + ya a masc 2
kesa 1 masc (head) hair a masc 2
dhamma 1.02 masc quality; characteristic; trait; inherent quality √dhar 1 a (hold, carry, endure) √dhar + ma a masc 2
vasala masc outcast; low-caste person a masc 2
magga 1 masc road; path; track; way √magg 8 *e (seek, search) √magg + a a masc 2
vipallāsa 1 masc distortion; delusion; hallucination; inversion; perversion √as 3 ya (throw, hurl) vi + pari > pali > paly > pall + √as > ās + *a a masc 2
vipariṇāma masc change; alteration; transformation √nam 1 a (bend) vi + pari + √nam > ṇām + *a a masc 2
attha 1.2 masc benefit; profit; good; welfare √ar 1 a (move, attain) √ar + tha a masc 2
attha 1.3 masc purpose; use; function; goal √ar 1 a (move, attain) √ar + tha a masc 2
hāraka 1 masc carrier; bearer √har 1 a (carry) √har > hār + *aka a masc 2
attha 2.1 masc need (for); want (for) √atth 8 *aya (wish for) √atth + a a masc 2
vānara masc monkey vana > vāna + *ara a masc 2
vūpasama 1 masc peace (of); calming (of); subsiding (of); settling (of) √sam 3 ya (be calm, be tired) vi + upa + √sam + a a masc 2
paripāka 1 masc decay; deterioration √pac 1 a (cook, mature, ripen) pari + √pac > pāc > pāk + *a a masc 2
passāva masc urine √su 1 a (flow) pa + √su > sāv + *a a masc 2
adhigama 2 masc attainment (of); achievement (of) √gam 1 a (go) adhi + √gam + a a masc 2
patta 1.1 masc bowl; alms bowl; begging bowl √pā 1 a (drink) √pā + ta a masc 2
virāga 2.1 masc fading (of); disappearance (of); cessation (of); destruction (of) √raj 1 a (colour) vi + √raj > rag > rāg + *a a masc 2
vipāka 1 masc (of an action) result; outcome; consequence; fruit √pac 1 a (cook, mature, ripen) vi + √pac > pāk + *a a masc 2
vinaya 1 masc discipline; training √nī 1 a (lead, carry) vi + √nī > nay + *a a masc 2
accaya 3 masc fault; offence; transgression √i 1 a (come, go) ati > aty > acc + √i > ay + *a a masc 2
pariṇāyaka 1 masc counsellor; adviser; strategist √nī 1 a (lead, carry) pari + √nī > ṇāy + *aka a masc 2
anta 2 masc end; side; extreme a masc 2
pariṇāyaka 2 masc leader; who shows the way √nī 1 a (lead, carry) pari + √nī > ṇāy + *aka a masc 2
vasalaka masc despicable outcast vasala + ka a masc 2
visesa 1 masc distinction; attainment; superior state; eminence √sis 8 *e (remain, distinguish) vi + √sis > ses + *a a masc 2
vāṇija masc trader; dealer vaṇija > vāṇija + *a a masc 2
anta 1 masc end (of); limit (of); finish (of); conclusion (of) a masc 2
parideva masc lamentation; wailing; crying √dev 1 a (lament) pari + √dev + a a masc 2
patha 2 masc range; mode; way √path 1 a (go, move) √path + a a masc 2
vāda 4 masc saying; mentioning √vad 1 a (say, speak) √vad > vād + *a a masc 2
papañca masc various opinions; proliferation; endless conceptualization √pañc 8 *e (expand, spread) pa + √pañc + a a masc 2
paribbājaka masc homeless spiritual seeker; wandering ascetic √vaj 1 a (go on) pari + √vaj > baj > bāj + *aka a masc 2
apāya 1 masc state of loss; state of misery √i 1 a (come, go) apa + √i > ay + *a a masc 2
paṇḍita 2 masc sage; intelligent person; wise man; smart person a masc east 2
vassa 2 masc rainy season; monsoon √vass 1 a (rain) √vass + a a masc 2
anuggaha 2.1 masc support; help; assistance √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) anu + √gah + a a masc 2
parābhava masc ruin; downfall; disgrace √bhū 1 a (be, become) parā + √bhū > bhav + *a a masc 2
anuvattaka 3 masc follower; partisan; who sides (with) √vatt 1 a (be, proceed) anu + √vatt + aka a masc 2
anusaya masc underlying tendency (to); inherent inclination (to); dormant disposition (towards); propensity (to) √sī 1 a (lie, sleep) anu + √sī > say + *a a masc 2
pāṇa 3 masc being; living being √an 1 a (breath, blow) pa + √an + a a masc 2
vassāna masc monsoon; rainy season √vass 1 a (rain) √vass + āna a masc 2
pariyāya 4 masc way; nature; habit; property; quality √i 1 a (come, go) pari + [y] + √i > āy + *a a masc 2
pamāda 1 masc carelessness; negligence; heedlessness √mad 3 ya (be mad, be intoxicated) pa + √mad > mād + *a a masc 2
pātimokkha 2 masc (vinaya) precepts for Buddhist monastics √mokkh 1 a (be freed) pa + ati + √mokkh + a a masc 2
pāda 1 masc foot √pad 3 ya (go, step) √pad > pād + *a a masc 2
vitakka 1 masc thought; reflection; pondering √takk 8 *e (think) vi + √takk + a a masc 2
parikkhāra 1 masc requisite; requirement; necessity √kar 7 o (do, make) pari + √kar > khār + *a a masc 2
viveka 1 masc seclusion; solitude; detachment; disengagement; independence √vic 1 a (separate) vi + √vic > vec > vek + *a a masc 2
pallaṅka 2 masc cross-legged sitting position; meditation posture √añc 1 a (bend) pari > pali > paly > pall + √añc > aṅk + a\npari + aṅka a masc 2
attha 1.1 masc meaning; sense; significance √ar 1 a (move, attain) √ar + tha a masc 2
vāyāma masc effort; striving; exertion; endeavour; activity √yam 1 a (control, strive, end) vi + ā + √yam > yām + *a a masc 2
hattha 1 masc hand a masc 2
padesa 1 masc place; location; region; area √dis 1 a (point out, explain) pa + √dis > des + *a a masc 2
vikappa 1.1 masc alteration (to); improvement (to); distinction (regarding) √kapp 1 a (be fit, be suitable) vi + √kapp + a a masc 2
parivaṭṭa 2 masc round; revolution; repetition; cycle √vaṭṭ 1 a (turn) pari + √vaṭṭ + a a masc 2
vinipāta masc state of suffering; purgatory; underworld √pat 1 a (fall) vi + ni + √pat > pāt + *a a masc 2
akkosa masc verbal abuse; insult; name calling √kus 1 *a (call, insult) ā + √kus > kos + *a a masc 2
vibhaṅga 1 masc analysis; classification; breakdown √bhañj 1 a (break, destroy) vi + √bhañj > bhaṅg + a a masc 2
ābādha 2 masc affliction; oppression; suffering √bādh 1 a (press, oppress) ā + √bādh + a a masc 2
panūdati pr dispels; drives out; rejects; pushes away √nud 1 a (drive out, reject) pa + nūda + ti ati pr 3
karoti 1 pr does; acts; performs √kar 7 o (do, make) karo + ti karoti pr 3
paharati pr strikes; beats; gives a blow (to) √har 1 a (carry) pa + hara + ti ati pr 3
vihiṃsati pr hurts; harms; injures; is cruel √his 2 ṃa (hurt, harm) vi + hiṃsa + ti ati pr 3
kampati pr shakes; trembles; wavers; is disturbed √kamp 1 a (shake, tremble) kampa + ti ati pr 3
pavisati pr enters; goes (into) √vis 1 a (enter) pa + visa + ti ati pr 3
adhigacchati 1 pr gets to; attains; finds; acquires; obtains √gam 1 a (go) adhi + gaccha + ti ati pr 3
pabbajati pr ordains as a monastic; renounces the household life √vaj 1 a (go on) pa + baja + ti ati pr 3
dhāreti 3 pr bears in mind; keeps in mind; remembers √dhar 8 *e (wear, hold, carry) dhāre + ti eti pr 3
ājānāti 1 pr knows; understands √ñā 5 nā (know) ā + jānā + ti āti pr 3
pucchati pr asks; enquires; questions (somebody about something) √pucch 1 a (ask, question) puccha + ti ati pr 3
khaṇati pr digs; digs up; uproots √khaṇ 1 a (dig) khaṇa + ti ati pr 3
pavaḍḍhati 1 pr increases; develops; grows √vaḍḍh 1 a (grow, increase) pa + vaḍḍha + ti ati pr 3
ādiyati 1 pr takes; grasps; embraces √ādā 3 ya (take, seize) ādiya + ti ati pr 3
vedeti 1 pr feels; experiences; senses √vid 8 *e (know, sense, feel) vede + ti eti pr 3
sakkuṇāti pr is able (to) √sak 4 uṇā (be able, be powerful) sakkuṇā + ti āti pr 3
ādeti 1 pr takes; grasps; gets; acquires √ādā 3 ya (take, seize) āde + ti eti pr 3
anussarati 1.1 pr remembers; recollects; bears in mind √sar 1 a (remember) anu + sara + ti ati pr 3
āpajjati 2 pr arouses; exhibits; produces; brings into being √pad 3 ya (go, step) ā + pajja + ti ati pr 3
āpajjati 5 pr causes; effects √pad 3 ya (go, step) ā + pajja + ti ati pr 3
sakkoti pr is able (to) √sak 4 ṇo (be able, be powerful) sakko + ti oti pr 3
āmantayati 1 pr tells; informs; advises √mant 8 *aya (counsel, invite) ā + mantaya + ti ati pr 3
anulometi 2 pr regulates; settles; balances anu + loma + e + ti\nanuloma + e + ti eti pr 3
dhārayati 1 pr holds; keeps; carries √dhar 8 *aya (wear, hold, carry) dhāraya + ti ati pr 3
neti 1.1 pr leads; carries away; takes away √nī 1 a (lead, carry) ne + ti eti pr 3
saṇṭhāti pr remains (in); continues (in); persists (in); is established (in); stands firm (in) √ṭhā 1 a (stand) saṃ + ṭhā + ti āti pr 3
ārabhati 1.1 pr begins; starts; undertakes; arouses oneself (to); makes an effort (to) √rabh 1 a (begin) ā + rabha + ti ati pr 3
siñcati 1 pr waters; pours; sprinkles; scatters √sic 2 ṃa (sprinkle, pour) siñca + ti ati pr 3
nahāyati pr takes a bath; bathes; washes √nhā 3 ya (bathe) nahāya + ti ati pr 3
vinassati 1 pr perishes; is destroyed √nas 3 ya (be lost, disappear) vi + nassa + ti ati pr 3
anuparidhāvati pr runs around; circles around; rotates around √dhāv 1 a (run, flow) anu + pari + dhāva + ti ati pr 3
uṭṭhahati 1 pr gets up; gets out; arouses oneself √ṭhā 1 a (stand) ud + ṭhaha + ti ati pr 3
pūjeti 1 pr reveres; honours; respects √pūj 8 *e (honour, venerate) pūje + ti eti pr 3
pativattati pr bends back; goes back; fold backwards √vatt 1 a (be, proceed) pati + vatta + ti ati pr 3
patilīyati pr withdraws (from); pulls away (from); draws back (from) √lī 3 ya (stick, hide) pati + līya + ti ati pr 3
upādiyati pr grasps; holds (onto); clings (to); takes possession (of) √ādā 3 ya (take, seize) upa + ādiya + ti ati pr 3
anudhāvati 1 pr runs along; sprints along √dhāv 1 a (run, flow) anu + dhāva + ti ati pr 3
nibbindati 1 pr is dis-enchanted (with); is disinterested (in); is disillusioned (by); loses interest (in); is dispassionate (towards) √vid 2 ṃa (feel, like) nī + binda + ti ati pr 3
saṃvattati pr leads (to); results (in); causes √vatt 1 a (be, proceed) saṃ + vatta + ti ati pr 3
saṃvaṇṇeti 1 pr praises; commends; extols; speaks highly (of) √vaṇṇ 8 *e (praise) saṃ + vaṇṇe + ti eti pr 3
upeti 2 pr enters; gets involved (with); engages (in) √i 1 a (come, go) upa + e + ti eti pr 3
patikuṭati pr bends away (from); turns aside (from) √kuṭ 1 a (be crooked, be bent) pati + kuṭa + ti ati pr 3
upasussati pr dries up; withers; shrivels √sus 3 ya (dry, wither) upa + sussa + ti ati pr 3
uddisati 1 pr recites; chants √dis 1 a (point out, explain) ud + disa + ti ati pr 3
nikkhipati 2 pr puts down; places down; lays down √khip 1 a (throw) ni + khipa + ti ati pr 3
uddharati 1 pr pulls up; pulls out; lifts up; raises √dhar 1 a (hold, carry, endure) ud + dhara + ti ati pr 3
uddharati 2 pr removes; takes away; packs up √dhar 1 a (hold, carry, endure) ud + dhara + ti ati pr 3
nibbattati 1 pr re-arises; re-appears; regrows; is reborn √vatt 1 a (be, proceed) nī + batta + ti ati pr 3
upasaṅkamati pr approaches; goes (to); visits √kam 1 a (go) upa + saṃ + kama + ti ati pr 3
upakappati pr is beneficial (for); is good (for) √kapp 1 a (be fit, be suitable) upa + kappa + ti ati pr 3
nikkhipati 3 pr keeps; stores; saves; sets aside; lays aside √khip 1 a (throw) ni + khipa + ti ati pr 3
upapajjati 1 pr is reborn (in); re-arises (in) √pad 3 ya (go, step) upa + pajja + ti ati pr 3
upavadati 1 pr blames; criticizes; finds fault (with) √vad 1 a (say, speak) upa + vada + ti ati pr 3
kappati pr it is suitable (for); it is proper (for); it is fitting (for); it is allowable √kapp 1 a (be fit, be suitable) kappa + ti ati pr 3
uppajjati 1 pr appears; arises; occurs; takes place (for) √pad 3 ya (go, step) ud + pajja + ti ati pr 3
ussahati 1.1 pr makes an effort (in); strives (in); actively endeavours (in) √sah 1 a (overcome, prevail) ud + saha + ti ati pr 3
sikkhati 2 pr trains (in); trains (for the purpose of); practices (for the sake of); practice (to) √sikkh 1 a (learn, train) sikkha + ti ati pr 3
bandhati 1 pr binds; ties up; imprisons; confines √bandh 1 a (bind, tie) bandha + ti ati pr 3
anuyuñjati 2 pr indulges (in); is addicted (to) √yuj 2 ṃa (yoke, join) anu + yuñja + ti ati pr 3
anumodati 1 pr approves (of); appreciates; applauds; is pleased (by) √mud 1 *a (be soft, be happy) anu + moda + ti ati pr 3
kaṅkhati 1.1 pr has doubt (about); is uncertain (about) √kaṅkh 1 a (doubt) kaṅkha + ti ati pr 3
icchati 1.1 pr wishes; wants; desires (to) √is 1 a (wish for) iccha + ti ati pr 3
phusati 1 pr touches; contacts; feels; experiences √phus 1 a (touch) phusa + ti ati pr 3
ovadati pr advises; instructs; admonishes √vad 1 a (say, speak) ava + vada + ti ati pr 3
obhāsati 1.1 pr speaks coarsely (to); speaks suggestively (to); talks rudely (to); talks dirty (to) √bhās 1 a (speak) ava + bhāsa + ti ati pr 3
padahati 1 pr exerts oneself; strives; applies oneself; endeavours (with) √dhā 1 a (place, support) pa + daha + ti ati pr 3
ulloketi pr looks up (at); gazes up (at) √lok 8 *e (look) ud + loke + ti eti pr 3
otarati 2 pr fits (with); is found (in); cross-references (with) √tar 1 a (cross) ava + tara + ti ati pr 3
okirati pr sprinkles; scatters down (onto) √kir 1 a (scatter, sprinkle) ava + kira + ti ati pr 3
okantati pr cuts off; carves off; saws off √kat 2 ṃa (cut) ava + kanta + ti ati pr 3
nisīdati pr sits (on); sits down (in) √sad 1 a (sink, sit, settle) ni + sīda + ti ati pr 3
samanupassati 2 pr regards; considers; recognises (as); sees (as) √dis 1 a (see) saṃ + anu + passa + ti ati pr 3
eti 1 pr comes (to) √i 1 a (come, go) e + ti eti pr 2 3
samāpajjati 2 pr engages (in); practices; performs √pad 3 ya (go, step) saṃ + ā + pajja + ti ati pr 3
visahati 1.1 pr is able (to) √sah 1 a (be able) vi + saha + ti ati pr 3
samucchindati 1 pr cuts off completely; uproots; eradicates; exterminates √chid 2 ṃa (cut, steal) saṃ + ud + chinda + ti ati pr 3
sameti 2.2 pr agrees (with); matches (with); fits (with); fits in (with) √i 1 a (come, go) saṃ + e + ti eti pr 3
anuparivattati 1 pr circles around; revolves around; rotates around √vatt 1 a (be, proceed) anu + pari + vatta + ti ati pr 3
viharati 1 pr lives (in); dwells (in); stays (in) √har 1 a (live) vi + hara + ti ati pr 3
voharati 1 pr speaks; communicates; gives expression; uses language √har 1 a (carry) vi + ava + hara + ti ati pr 3
ākaṅkhati pr wishes (for); wants; desires; aspires (for) √kaṅkh 1 a (wish for) ā + kaṅkha + ti ati pr 3
passasati pr exhales; breathes out √sas 1 a (breath) pa + sasa + ti ati pr 3
ḍeti pr flies; flies up √ḍi 1 a (fly) ḍe + ti eti pr 3
muñcati 2 pr gets angry (with) √muc 2 ṃa (release, free) muñca + ti ati pr 3
abhiramati pr enjoys; delights (in); takes pleasure (in) √ram 1 a (delight, please) abhi + rama + ti ati pr 3
abhisaṅkharoti 1 pr creates; constructs; generates; forms; fabricates √kar 7 o (do, make) abhi + saṃ + kharo + ti oti pr 3
abhisaṅkharoti 2 pr does; performs √kar 7 o (do, make) abhi + saṃ + kharo + ti oti pr 3
paṭiggaheti pr takes; accepts; receives √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) pati + gahe + ti eti pr 3
abhivaḍḍhati pr increases more and more; surpasses; outgrows √vaḍḍh 1 a (grow, increase) abhi + vaḍḍha + ti ati pr 3
sobhati 2 pr looks beautiful (in) √subh 1 *a (shine, adorn) sobha + ti ati pr 3
paṭiggaṇhāti 2 pr (of an apology) accepts √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) pati + gaṇhā + ti āti pr 3
paṭiggaṇhāti 1 pr takes; accepts; receives √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) pati + gaṇhā + ti āti pr 3
paṭikkosati pr rejects; refuses to accept; disses; disdains √kus 1 *a (call, insult) pati + kosa + ti ati pr 3
paṭisevati 1 pr practices; indulges (in); engages (in) √sev 1 a (serve, associate) pati + seva + ti ati pr 3
jhāyati 1.2 pr meditates; contemplates √jhā 3 ya (think, meditate) jhāya + ti ati pr 3
parinibbāyati 1 pr (of mental defilement) is completely quenched; is entirely emancipated; is completely cooled √vā 1 a (blow, emit odour) pari + nī + bāya + ti ati pr 3
jīrati pr ages; grows old; gets worn out; declines √jīr 1 a (grow old, decay) jīra + ti ati pr 3
arahati 3 pr should; ought (to); is suitable (for); it is befitting (for) √arah 1 a (deserve, be worthy) araha + ti ati pr 3
jināti 2 pr surpasses; beats; wins (over) √ji 5 nā (conquer) jinā + ti āti pr 3
jināti 1 pr conquers; overcomes; defeats √ji 5 nā (conquer) jinā + ti āti pr 3
seti 2 pr sleeps √sī 1 a (lie, sleep) se + ti eti pr 3
jānāti 1 pr knows; understands √ñā 5 nā (know) jānā + ti āti pr 3
jahati 1 pr gives up; leaves; abandons; deserts √hā 1 a (abandon) jaha + ti ati pr 3
khādati pr chews; devours; eats √khād 1 a (chew) khāda + ti ati pr 3
vāyamati pr tries (to); makes an effort (to); strives (for); exerts oneself (to) √yam 1 a (control, strive, end) vi + ā + yama + ti ati pr 3
paripucchati pr asks about; questions; enquires; interrogates (somebody about something) √pucch 1 a (ask, question) pari + puccha + ti ati pr 3
paṭisevati 2 pr uses; makes use (of) √sev 1 a (serve, associate) pati + seva + ti ati pr 3
paṭisaṃharati 1 pr withdraws from; pulls back (from) √har 1 a (carry) pati + saṃ + hara + ti ati pr 3
pasavati 2 pr produces; generates; makes; gives birth to √su 1 a (flow) pa + sava + ti ati pr 3
pāpuṇāti 1 pr reaches; arrives (at); comes (to) √ap 4 uṇā (reach, attain) pa + apuṇā + ti āti pr 3
pariharati 3 pr takes care (of); looks after; maintains √har 1 a (carry) pari + hara + ti ati pr 3
tiṭṭhati 3 pr remains; persists; lasts √ṭhā 1 a (stand) tiṭṭha + ti ati pr 3
tiṭṭhati 1 pr stands √ṭhā 1 a (stand) tiṭṭha + ti ati pr 3
vasati pr lives; stays; resides (in) √vas 1 a (live) vasa + ti ati pr 3
paṭisañcikkhati pr reflects; considers; discerns √cikkh 1 a (show, tell) pati + saṃ + cikkha + ti ati pr 3
pariyesati pr searches; seeks; seeks out; looks (for) √es 1 a (seek, search) pari + [y] + esa + ti ati pr 3
paṭilabhati 1 pr obtains; gets; receives; personally experiences √labh 1 a (get) pati + labha + ti ati pr 3
maññati 1 pr thinks; imagines; conceives; presumes; supposes √man 3 ya (think) mañña + ti ati pr 3
vadati 1 pr says (to); speaks (to); tells (to) √vad 1 a (say, speak) vada + ti ati pr 3
paṭibhāti pr comes to mind; occurs (to); inspires (someone to) √bhā 1 a (shine, speak) pati + bhā + ti āti pr 3
chindati 5 pr cuts across; breasts; fords √chid 2 ṃa (cut, steal) chinda + ti ati pr 3
paṭipajjati 2 pr practices; follows a course of action; follows a method √pad 3 ya (go, step) pati + pajja + ti ati pr 3
tasati 1.1 pr is afraid (of); fears √tas 1 a (tremble, fear) tasa + ti ati pr 3
vattati 1 pr proceeds; continues; goes forward; practices √vatt 1 a (be, proceed) vatta + ti ati pr 3
paṭinissajjati pr gives up; relinquishes; drops; abandons √sajj 1 a (relinquish, let loose) pati + nī + sajja + ti ati pr 3
abhijānāti 4 pr clearly remembers; accurately recalls √ñā 5 nā (know) abhi + jānā + ti āti pr 3
dadāti pr gives; offers; donates; grants (something to someone) √dā 1 a (give) dadā + ti āti pr 3
parippharati pr saturates; permeates; impregnates; completely infuses; spreads everywhere √phar 1 a (suffuse, pervade) pari + phara + ti ati pr 3
paṭijānāti 4 pr makes the claim (of); claims (to be) √ñā 5 nā (know) pati + jānā + ti āti pr 3
abhitthavati pr praises; glorifies; celebrates √thu 1 a (be familiar, praise) abhi + thava + ti ati pr 3
bhuñjati 1 pr eats; consumes √bhuj 2 ṃa (use, eat, enjoy) bhuñja + ti ati pr 3
vaḍḍhati pr increases (in); grows (in); develops (in) √vaḍḍh 1 a (grow, increase) vaḍḍha + ti ati pr 3
paṭisaṃvedeti pr personally experiences; undergoes; feels √vid 8 *e (know, sense, feel) pati + saṃ + vede + ti eti pr 3
acchādeti 1.1 pr dresses; clothes; give clothes (to) √chad 8 *e (cover, conceal) ā + chāde + ti eti pr 3
bhāsati 1.1 pr speaks (about); talks (about); says √bhās 1 a (speak) bhāsa + ti ati pr 3
upadisati pr points out; explains; shows; indicates √dis 1 a (point out, explain) upa + disa + ti ati pr 3
passati 1 pr sees √dis 1 a (see) passa + ti ati pr 3
suṇāti 1 pr hears √su 4 ṇā (hear) suṇā + ti āti pr 3
deti 1 pr gives (to); donates (to); offers (to); hands (to) √dā 1 a (give) de + ti eti pr 3
paggaṇhāti 3 pr applies effort; strives on; goes for it; endeavours √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) pa + gaṇhā + ti āti pr 3
paricarati 3 pr enjoys; indulges; has sex with √car 1 a (move, walk) pari + cara + ti ati pr 3
byāpajjati 1 pr hates; dislikes; is repelled (by); is hostile (to) √pad 3 ya (go, step) vi > vy > by + ā + pajja + ti ati pr 3
assasati pr inhales; breathes in √sas 1 a (breath) ā + sasa + ti ati pr 3
paggaṇhāti 2 pr holds up; raises up √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) pa + gaṇhā + ti āti pr 3
rakkhati 1 pr protects; guards; watches over √rakkh 1 a (protect) rakkha + ti ati pr 3
harati 2 pr takes; steals; robs √har 1 a (carry) hara + ti ati pr 3
paṭivineti pr drives out; dispels; gets rid of √nī 1 a (lead, carry) pati + vi + ne + ti eti pr 3
gaṇhati 1 pr grabs hold (of); seizes; takes √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) gaṇhā + ti ati pr 3
carati 1.1 pr walks; wanders; goes around; travels; fares on √car 1 a (move, walk) cara + ti ati pr 3
bhajati 1.1 pr associates (with); keeps company (with) √bhaj 1 a (associate, keep company) bhaja + ti ati pr 3
pakkhandati 1 pr takes to it; gets it; gains confidence; is inspired; is eager √khand 1 a (jump) pa + khanda + ti ati pr 3
paccavekkhati pr reviews; regards; reflects; considers √ikkh 1 a (see, mark) pati > paty > pacc + ava + ikkha + ti ati pr 3
pajahati pr gives up; abandons; lets go (of) √hā 1 a (abandon) pa + jaha + ti ati pr 3
pajānāti pr knows; knows clearly; understands; distinguishes √ñā 5 nā (know) pa + jānā + ti āti pr 3
pakkamati 1 pr goes (from); goes away (from); leaves (from) √kam 1 a (go) pa + kama + ti ati pr 3
ceteti 2 pr intends; wills (to) √cit 8 *e (think, intend) cete + ti eti pr 3
bhavati 1 pr is; is being; becomes √bhū 1 a (be, become) bhava + ti ati pr 3
vitakketi pr thinks (about); reflects (on); ponders (over) √takk 8 *e (think) vi + takke + ti eti pr 3
yācati 1 pr asks; requests; begs (someone for something) √yāc 1 a (beg) yāca + ti ati pr 3
anuviloketi pr looks around; surveys √lok 8 *e (look) anu + vi + loke + ti eti pr 3
passati 2 pr understands; gets √dis 1 a (see) passa + ti ati pr 3
labhati 1 pr gets; receives; obtains (something for someone) √labh 1 a (get) labha + ti ati pr 3
rūhati 1 pr grows; ascends; increases √ruh 1 *a (ascend, grow) rūha + ti ati pr 3
bhaṇati 1 pr speaks; says; tells √bhaṇ 1 a (talk, speak) bhaṇa + ti ati pr 3
gacchati 1 pr goes; walks; moves; wanders around √gam 1 a (go) gaccha + ti ati pr 3
vijānāti 1 pr comprehends; understands; recognises; distinguishes; is aware (of) √ñā 5 nā (know) vi + jānā + ti āti pr 3
akāsi 2 aor made √kar 7 o (do, make) a + √kar > kā + si āsi aor 4
gaccha 1 imp go!; begone!; away with you! √gam 1 a (go) gaccha + a ati pr 4
aṭṭhi 2.1 masc intention; goal; purpose √ar 1 a (move, attain) √ar + tha > aṭṭhi i masc 4
attha 4.2 imp you (all) must be; may you (all) be √as 1 a (be) √as + tha > attha atthi pr 4
agacchi aor went; travelled √gam 1 a (go) a + gaccha + i i aor issaṃ 4
aṭṭhāsi 1 aor stood; stayed; remained √ṭhā 1 a (stand) a + √ṭhā + si āsi aor 4
sammodi aor greeted; exchanged pleasantries; had a friendly conversation (with) √mud 1 *a (be soft, be happy) saṃ + moda + i i aor 4
khipi 1.1 aor threw; tossed; hurled √khip 1 a (throw) √khip + i i aor 4
upasaṅkami aor approached; drew near; went (to) √kam 1 a (go) upa + saṃ + √kam + i i aor 4
hontu imp may they be!; they must be! √hū 1 a (be) ho + ntu hoti pr 4
kucchi 1 masc stomach; belly √kus 1 *a (fill, enfold) √kus + chi i masc 4
pahoti 2 pr is able (to); is capable (of); is qualified (to) √hū 1 a (be) pa + ho + ti hoti pr 4
hotu 1 imp may it be (for)! √hū 1 a (be) ho + tu hoti pr 4
adhiṭṭhahi 1 aor fixed attention (on) √ṭhā 1 a (stand) adhi + ṭhaha + i i aor 4
ajesi aor conquered; defeated √ji 1 a (conquer) a + je + si esi aor 4
ajjhabhāsi aor addressed; spoke (to someone with) √bhās 1 a (speak) adhi > adhy > ajjh + a + √bhās + i i aor 4
hoti 1 pr is; becomes √hū 1 a (be) ho + ti hoti pr 4
muni 1 masc monk; sage; seer; hermit; silent sage √mun 5 nā (think, know) √mun + i i masc 4
ehi imp come! √i 1 a (come, go) e + hi eti pr 2 4
cari 1.1 aor (of cattle) grazed (in) √car 1 a (move, walk) √car + i i aor 4
ñāti masc family; relative; kinsman √ñā 5 nā (know) √ñā + ti i masc 4
karohi imp do!; make! √kar 7 o (do, make) karo + hi karoti pr 4
samādhi 1 masc perfect peace of mind; stability of mind; stillness of mind; mental composure √dhā 1 a (place, support) saṃ + ā + √dhā + i i masc 4
brūhi imp say!; tell!; speak! √brū 1 a (say) √brū + hi brūti pr 4
paridevi aor mourned; lamented; wailed √dev 1 a (lament) pari + √dev + i i aor 4
añjali 1 masc palms placed together (as a token of respect) √añj 1 a (pay respect) √añj + ali i masc 4
byādhi masc sickness; disease; illness √dhā 1 a (place, support) vi > vy > by + ā + √dhā + i i masc 4
vīhi masc rice paddy; Oryza sativa i masc 4
hotha imp may you all be!; I pray you all may be! √hū 1 a (be) ho + tha hoti pr 4
gāmaṇi masc chief; chieftain; headman; leader gāma + aṇi i masc 4
aggi masc fire √agg 1 a (move crookedly) √agg + i i masc 4
atthi 1.1 pr there is; there exists √as 1 a (be) √as + ti > atthi atthi pr 4
byākāsi 1 aor answered; replied √kar 7 o (do, make) vi > vy > by + ā + √kar > kā + si āsi aor 4
passa 2.1 imp see!; look (at)! √dis 1 a (see) passa + a ati pr 4
apucchi aor asked; enquired (somebody about something) √pucch 1 a (ask, question) a + √pucch + i i aor isuṃ 4
niddisi 1 aor indicated; pointed out; designated; appointed √dis 1 a (point out, explain) nī + √dis + i i aor 4
pakkāmi 1 aor left; set off (from); went away (from) √kam 1 a (go) pa + a + √kam > kām + i i aor isuṃ 4
isi masc seer; sage i masc 4
suṇātu imp one must listen!; it must hear! √su 4 ṇā (hear) suṇā + tu āti pr 4
pucchi aor asked; enquired; questioned (somebody about something) √pucch 1 a (ask, question) √pucch + i i aor 4
paccassosi aor replied (to); agreed (with) √su 4 ṇā (hear) pati > paty > pacc + a + so + si i aor 4
āmantesi aor addressed; said (to); advised √mant 8 *e (counsel, invite) ā + mante + si esi aor 4
āsi 1.1 aor was √as 1 a (be) a + √as + i āsi aor irreg 4
soci aor grieved; was sad √suc 1 *a (grieve) soca + i i aor 4
udapādi 1 aor arose (for); sprung up (for) √pad 3 ya (go, step) ud + a + √pad + i i aor 4
abhinandi 1 aor delighted (in); was pleased (with); approved (of); was happy (with); relished √nand 1 a (delight, enjoy) abhi + √nand + i i aor 4
ahosi aor was; existed; became √hū 1 a (be) a + ho + si hosi aor 4
abhāsi 1 aor spoke; said √bhā 1 a (shine, speak) a + √bhā + si i aor isuṃ 4
nidhi 1 masc treasure; trove; hoard √dhā 1 a (place, support) ni + √dhā + i i masc 4
sāli masc fine rice i masc 4
abbhācikkhi aor misrepresented; slandered; falsely accused √cikkh 1 a (show, tell) abhi > abhy > abbh + ā + √cikkh + i i aor 4
abhaṇi aor spoke; recited √bhaṇ 1 a (talk, speak) a + √bhaṇ + i i aor 4
nisīdi aor sat (on); sat down (in) √sad 1 a (sink, sit, settle) ni + sīda + i i aor isuṃ 4
paṇidahi aor guided; directed; determined; intended; aimed √dhā 1 a (place, support) pa + ni + daha + i i aor 4
sārathi 2 masc (horse or elephant) trainer sa + ratha + i i masc 4
natthi 1 pr is not; it is not; there is not; there is no; there is nothing √as 1 a (be) na + √as + ti\nna + atthi natthi pr 5
veti pr disappears; perishes; goes away; wanes √i 1 a (come, go) vi + e + ti eti pr 5
no 1.1 ind no; not na + u > no 5
ātāpī adj avid; ardent; zealous; with continuous effort √tap 1 a (burn, radiate heat) ā + √tap > tāp + *ī ī adj 5
nappaṭikaroti pr does not make amends; does not redress; does not remedy; does not correct oneself √kar 7 o (do, make) na + pati + karo + ti\nna + paṭikaroti oti pr 5
anuvattī adj following; acting according to; obedient to √vatt 1 a (be, proceed) anu + √vatt + ī ī adj 5
āgāmī 1 adj who returns; who comes back √gam 1 a (go) ā + √gam > gām + *ī ī adj 5
anūpaghāta masc not harming; not hurting; non-violence √ghaṭ 8 *e (strike, kill) na > an + upa + √ghaṭ > ghāṭ + *a a masc 5
khemī adj at peace; safe; secure √khi 1 a (live, abide peacefully) √khi > khe + *ma + ī\nkhema + ī ī adj 5
bahulī adj abundant; full of √bah 1 a (increase) √bah + u + la\nbahu + la > bahulī ī adj 5
nappaṭikaṅkhati pr does not anticipate; does not expect; does not await; does not personally wish (for) √kaṅkh 1 a (wish for) na + pati + kaṅkha + ti\nna + paṭikaṅkhati ati pr 5
neva 1 sandhi neither; not na + eva 5
dhammī 1 adj righteous; religious; moral; related to the Dhamma √dhar 1 a (hold, carry, endure) √dhar + ma + ī\ndhamma + ī ī adj 5
adassāvī adj who has no regard (for) √dis 1 a (see) na > a + dassa + āvī ī adj 5
dhāressati fut will bear in mind; will keep in mind; will remembers √dhar 8 *e (wear, hold, carry) dhāre + ssa + ti eti pr 5
adhamma 1 masc misconduct; immoral behaviour; unjust means; cheating √dhar 1 a (hold, carry, endure) na > a + √dhar + ma a masc 5
anūpavāda masc not blaming; without insulting; not abusing √vad 1 a (say, speak) na > an + upa + √vad > vād + *a a masc 5
āsabhī adj lordly; imposing; bold usabha > āsabha + *ī ī adj 5
saddhiṃ ind together (with); with 5
natthi 2 pr does not exist; no longer exists √as 1 a (be) na + √as + ti\nna + atthi natthi pr 5
vihārī adj (of a state of being) living in; who has; being √har 1 a (live) vi + √har > hār + *ī ī adj 5
na 1 ind no; not; neither; nor 5
anuppāda masc non-arising; non-appearance; not coming into existence √pad 3 ya (go, step) na > an + ud + √pad > pād + *a a masc 5
neva 2 sandhi not even; not only na + eva 5
adhamma 2 masc false teaching; something opposed to the teaching √dhar 1 a (hold, carry, endure) na > a + √dhar + ma a masc 5
avikkhepa masc calmness; tranquillity; mental balance; non-distraction √khip 1 a (throw) na > a + vi + √khip > khep + *a a masc 5
pakkhī masc bird pakkha + ī ī masc 5
medhāvī masc intelligent man; wise man; who has good judgment √medh 1 a (be wise) √medh + ā + vī\nmedhā + vī ī masc 5
vādī 1 adj speaking; saying; telling √vad 1 a (say, speak) √vad > vād + *ī ī adj 5
jegucchī 1 adj who is disgusted (to); recoiling (from); who hates (to); who detests √gup 1 sa (dislike) jiguccha > jeguccha + *ī ī adj 5
dassī 2 adj who sees; who knows; who perceives; who understands √dis 1 a (see) dassa + ī ī adj 5
ṭhassati fut will stand; will stay; will remain; will last √ṭhā 1 a (stand) √ṭhā + ssa + ti ssati fut 5
ṭhāyī adj remaining (in); staying (in); in a state (of); continuing; persisting √ṭhā 1 a (stand) √ṭhā + [y] + ī ī adj 5
kabaḷī masc lump; morsel; mouthful; lump of food kabaḷa > kabaḷī ī masc 5
mā 1.1 ind do not; may one not; don't let 5
vattī 2.1 masc turner; who turns something; who sets in motion √vaṭṭ 1 a (turn) √vaṭṭ + ī ī masc 5
abyāpāda masc goodwill; kindness; friendliness; benevolence √pad 3 ya (go, step) na > a + vi > vy > by + ā + √pad > pād + *a a masc 5
paṭisaṃvedī adj experiencing; feeling; sensitive to √vid 8 *e (know, sense, feel) pati + saṃ + √vid > ved + *ī ī adj 5
appamāda masc alertness; care; carefulness; caution; vigilance; diligence; conscientiousness; heedfulness √mad 3 ya (be mad, be intoxicated) na > a + pa + √mad > mād + *a a masc 5
tvaṃ 1 pron you (subject) tumha + aṃ > tuvaṃ > tvaṃ tvaṃ pron 5
bhogī 1.1 adj enjoying; using; experiencing; partaking in √bhuj 2 ṃa (use, eat, enjoy) √bhuj > bhoj > bhog + *a + ī\nbhoga + ī ī adj 5
tapassī 1 masc ascetic √tap 1 a (burn, radiate heat) √tap + as + sī\ntapas + sī ī masc 5
ahaṃ pron I ahaṃ pron 5
alobha masc non-greed; absence of desire; moderation √lubh 3 ya (be greedy) na > a + √lubh > lobh + *a a masc 5
bhavissati 1 fut could be; should be √bhū 1 a (be, become) bhavissa + ti issati fut 5
sukhī 2 masc happy one; who is at ease; who is happy; who is comfortable √sukh 1 a (please, be comfortable) √sukh + ī ī masc 5
ottappī adj afraid of wrong; conscientious √tapp 1 a (regret) ud > od + √tapp + *ī ī adj 5
gamissati 1 fut will go √gam 1 a (go) √gam + issa + ti issati fut 5
gavesī 1 adj seeking; searching for; looking for √gaves 1 a (seek, search) √gaves + ī ī adj 5
byākarissati fut will explain; will define; will describe √kar 7 o (do, make) vi > vy > by + ā + karissa + ti oti pr 5
gāmī 2 adj going; moving; who goes √gam 1 a (go) √gam > gām + *ī ī adj 5
yasassī 1 adj famous; renowned; illustrious; celebrated yasas + sī ī adj 5
gāhī 1 adj grasping after; grabbing hold (of) √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) √gah > gāh + *ī ī adj 5
dubbalī adj weak; feeble √bal 1 a (be strong, live) dur + √bal + a\ndubbala > dubbalī ī adj 5
yogī masc meditator; practitioner √yuj 2 ṃa (yoke, join) √yuj > yoj > yog + *ī ī masc 5
asura masc titan; anti-god; enemy of the devas √sur 1 a (shine, be supreme) na > a + √sur + a a masc 5
cārī 1.1 adj living; acting; behaving; conducting oneself √car 1 a (act, behave) √car > cār + *ī ī adj 5
asammosa 1 masc not forgetting; non-confusion √mus 3 ya (lie, forget) na > a + saṃ + √mus > mos + *a a masc 5
asamaya 1 masc wrong time; inopportune time; inappropriate occasion √i 1 a (come, go) na > a + saṃ + √i > ay + *a a masc 5
assasissati fut will breathe in; will inhale √sas 1 a (breath) ā + sasissa + ti ati pr 5
anatimānī adj who is not conceited; who is not arrogant; who is humble √man 3 ya (think) na > an + ati + √man > mān + *ī ī adj 5
passasissati fut will exhale; will breathe out √sas 1 a (breath) pa + sasissa + ti ati pr 5
vippaṭisārī adj remorseful; regretful; repentant; sorry √sar 1 a (remember) vi + pati + √sar > sār + *ī ī adj 5
saha 1.2 ind with; together (with); accompanied (by) 5
niraya masc hell; hell realm √i 1 a (come, go) nir + √i > ay + *a a masc 5
nābhijānāti 1 pr does not know; does not understand √ñā 5 nā (know) na + abhi + jānā + ti\nna + abhijānāti āti pr 5
esī adj who is seeking; looking for √es 1 a (seek, search) √es + ī ī adj 5
anāgāmī adj who does not return; non-returning √gam 1 a (go) na > an + ā + √gam > gām + *ī ī adj 5
nāsakkhi aor was unable (to); was incapable (of); was not possible (to) √sak 4 ṇo (be able, be powerful) na + a + sakkho + i\nna + asakkhi i aor issaṃ 5
nādhiṭṭhāti pr does not stand firmly; does not take a stand; does not make up one's mind; does not fixate √ṭhā 1 a (stand) na + adhi + ṭhā + ti\nna + adhiṭṭhāti āti pr 5
anālaya 1 masc non-clinging; non-attachment; non-reliance; unstuck √lī 3 ya (stick, hide) na > an + ā + √lī > lay + *a a masc 5
anabhineti pr does not invite; does not conduct towards √nī 1 a (lead, carry) na > an + abhi + ne + ti\nan + abhineti eti pr 5
upaghātī adj who injures; who harms √ghaṭ 8 *e (strike, kill) upa + √ghaṭ > ghāṭ + *ī ī adj 5
virāga 1.1 masc fading of desire (for); dispassion (towards); detachment (from); indifference (to) √raj 3 ya (desire) vi + √raj > rag > rāg + *a a masc 5
sasaññī adj percipient; with perception; with awareness √ñā 5 nā (know) sa + saṃ + √ñā + ā + ī\nsasaññā + ī ī adj 5
anupassī 1 adj looking (at); observing; following; noticing; witnessing; watching √dis 1 a (see) anu + passa + ī ī adj 5
pasu 1 masc domestic animal; livestock; farm animal u masc 6
viññū 2 masc wise person; sage; knowledgable man; intelligent person √ñā 5 nā (know) vi + √ñā + ū ū masc 6
assutavant adj unlearned; untaught; uninitiated; untrained √su 4 ṇā (hear) na > a + √su + ta + vant\nna + suta + vant ant adj 6
bhātar masc brother ar2 masc 6
pavattar 1 masc proclaimer; propagator; disseminator (of) √vac 1 a (say, speak) pa + √vac + tar ar masc 6
yadā ind when; whenever ya + dā 6
bhikkhu masc monk; monastic; mendicant; fully ordained monk √bhikkh 1 a (beg) √bhikkh + u u masc 6
suve ind tomorrow 6
garu 5 masc respect; honour √gar 1 a (esteem, be heavy) √gar + u u masc 6
ajjhāvasatar masc who lives in a home; who is domestically settled √vas 1 a (live) adhi > adhy > ajjh + ā + vasa + tar ar masc 6
hantar 1 masc striker; who hits √han 1 a (strike, kill) √han + tar ar masc 6
pure 2 ind formerly; previously; in the past 6
satimant 1 adj mindful; fully present; attentive √sar 1 a (remember) √sar + ti + mant\nsati + mant ant adj 6
vajjavant adj at fault; in error; with mistakes √vajj 8 *e (turn, avoid) √vajj + ya + vant\nvajja + vant ant adj 6
lokavidū masc who knows the world; who understands the universe; epithet of the Buddha loka + vidū ū masc 6
balavant 1 adj strong; powerful √bal 1 a (be strong, live) √bal + a + vant\nbala + vant ant adj 6
abhibhū 1 masc conqueror; victor; vanquisher; master (of) √bhū 1 a (be, become) abhi + √bhū + ū ū masc 6
āyasmant 1 masc venerable; reverend √i 1 a (come, go) ā + √i > ay + *as + mant\nāyas + mant ant masc 6
kālena ind timely; at the right time; at an appropriate moment √kal 8 *e (spend time) √kal > kāl + *a + ena\nkāla + ena 6
āyatiṃ ind in future √yat 1 a (stretch, strive) ā + √yat + i + iṃ\nāyati + iṃ 6
dāni ind now; immediately ima + dāni 6
rūpavant 1 adj material; physical; having material form; possessing form √rūp 8 *e (form, produce) √rūp + a + vant\nrūpa + vant ant adj 6
vā 1 ind or; either or 6
āgantar 2 masc returner (to); who comes back (to) √gam 1 a (go) ā + √gam + tar ar masc 6
bāhu masc arm; forearm √bah 1 a (increase) √bah > bāh + *u u masc 6
satthar 1 masc master; teacher √sās 1 a (order, instruct) √sās + tar ar masc 6
nahāru masc tendon; sinew √nah 3 ya (bind, arm) √nah + āru u masc 6
sīlavant adj virtuous; ethical; moral √sīl 1 a (conduct oneself) √sīl + a + vant\nsīla + vant ant adj 6
maccu masc death; Death √mar 1 a (die) √mar + tyu u masc 6
ajja ind today; now ima + jja 6
phāsu 2 masc ease (for); comfort (for) √phus 1 a (touch) √phus > phās + *u u masc 6
iddhimant masc who has psychic powers; possessing supernormal ability √idh 3 ya (succeed, accomplish) √idh + ti + mant\niddhi + mant ant masc 6
sabbāvant adj entire; whole; complete sabba + vant ant adj 6
caritar masc who performs; practitioner (of) √car 1 a (act, behave) √car + itar ar masc 6
sabbābhibhū adj all conquering; victorious over everything sabba + abhibhū ū adj 6
sabbavidū 1 adj all-knowing; omniscient sabba + vidū ū adj 6
pitar masc father ar2 masc 6
bhagavant 1 masc Sublime One; Blessed One; Fortunate One; Auspicious One; epithet of the Buddha √bhaj 1 a (divide, distribute) √bhaj > bhag + a + vant\nbhaga + vant ant masc 6
dātar 1 masc giver; donor (of) √dā 1 a (give) √dā + tar ar masc 6
pacchā 1 ind afterwards; later; in the future paccha + ā 6
sadā ind always; ever; all the time saṃ + dā 6
rattaññū adj old; experienced; of long standing ratta + ñū ū adj 6
vidū 1 adj wise; knowing; understanding √vid 1 a (know) √vid + ū ū adj 6
viññū 1 adj wise; intelligent; discerning; knowledgeable √ñā 5 nā (know) vi + √ñā + ū ū adj 6
paññavant adj wise; intelligent; discerning; insightful; percipient √ñā 5 nā (know) pa + √ñā + ā + vant\npaññā + vant ant adj 6
ekadā 1 ind one day; sometimes; at some (unspecified) time eka + dā 6
hirimant adj having a conscience; with scruples; with an internal sense of right and wrong √hir 3 ya (be ashamed) √hir + i + mant\nhiri + mant ant adj 6
upasaṅkamitar 1 masc visitor; guest √kam 1 a (go) upa + saṃ + √kam + itar ar masc 6
cakkhumant 2 masc person with sight; who can see √cakkh 1 a (see) √cakkh + u + mant\ncakkhu + mant ant masc 6
kattar 1 masc creator; maker √kar 7 o (do, make) √kar + tar ar masc 6
akkhātar masc speaker (of); who tells (about); who speaks (about); who expresses (about) √khā 1 a (tell, announce) ā + √khā + tar ar masc 6
ca 2.1 ind and; both 6
ca 2.2 ind but; although; and if 6
mattaññū adj knowing the correct measure (in); knowing the limit (in); moderate (in) matta + ñū ū adj 6
pubbe 1 ind before; previously; formerly; in the past pubba + e 6
paññā 1 fem wisdom; knowledge; understanding; insight; distinctive knowledge √ñā 5 nā (know) pa + √ñā + ā ā fem 7
senā fem army; military ā fem 7
attatā fem selfhood; beingness; state of being atta + tā ā fem 7
jīraṇatā fem old age; decrepitude; deterioration √jīr 1 a (grow old, decay) √jīr + aṇa + tā\njīraṇa + tā ā fem 7
jivhā fem tongue ā fem 7
niddā fem sleep; (comm) sleeping too much √dā 3 ya (sleep) ni + √dā + ā ā fem 7
iriyā 2 fem conduct; behaviour; way of living √īr 1 a (move, shake) √īr + iyā ā fem 7
āgaccheyya opt could come; would come along; could approach; would arrive √gam 1 a (go) ā + gaccha + eyya eyya opt 7
jāneyya opt should know; should understand; should find out √ñā 5 nā (know) jānā + eyya āti pr 7
gayā 1 fem name of a village ā fem 7
dārikā fem girl; daughter dāra + ikā ā fem 7
vijjā 1 fem knowledge; wisdom; understanding √vid 3 ya (know, understand) √vid + yā ā fem 7
upekkhā fem looking on; mental poise; mental balance; equanimity; equipoise; non-reactivity; composure √ikkh 1 a (see, mark) upa + √ikkh + ā ā fem 7
pipāsā fem thirst (for) √pā 1 sa (drink) pipāsa + ā ā fem 7
upāsikā fem female disciple; laywomen; female devotee √ās 1 a (sit) upa + √ās + ikā ā fem 7
assa 3.1 opt may be; could be; should be; would be √as 1 a (be) √as + a ssa opt 7
assatha opt you all could be; you might be √as 1 a (be) assa + tha ssa opt 7
assavanatā fem fact of not hearing (of) √su 4 ṇā (hear) na > a + √su > sav + *ana + tā\nassavana + tā ā fem 7
pajā 2 fem people; population; generation; mankind √jan 3 ya (be born, produce) pa + √jan + ā ā fem 7
assaṃ opt I could be; I might be; may I be; I could become √as 1 a (be) √as + aṃ ssa opt 7
assāma opt we could be; we may be; we might be; we should be √as 1 a (be) assa + āma ssa opt 7
khuddā 1.1 fem hunger √khud 1 a (be hungry) √khud + yā ā fem 7
uppajjeyya opt would become available (for); would accrue (to); could crop up (for) √pad 3 ya (go, step) ud + pajja + eyya ati pr 7
assu 3.1 opt they should be; they may be; they would be; may they be √as 1 a (be) assa + u ssa opt 7
sākhā 1 fem branch ā fem 7
avijjā fem ignorance; illusion; not knowing; not understanding √vid 3 ya (know, understand) na > a + √vid + yā ā fem 7
bāhā 1 fem arm; forearm √bah 1 a (increase) √bah > bāh + *ā ā fem 7
devatā fem deity; god √div 3 ya (shine) √div > dev + *a + tā\ndeva + tā ā fem 7
jarā fem old age; ageing √jar 1 a (age) √jar + ā ā fem 7
gaccheyya opt could go; would move; would walk √gam 1 a (go) gaccha + eyya ati pr 7
mettā fem goodwill (towards); friendliness (to); benevolence (for) √mitt 1 a (be friendly) √mitt > mett + *ā ā fem 7
ukkaṭṭhā fem name of town √kas 1 a (drag, draw) ud + √kas + ta + ā\nukkaṭṭha + ā ā fem 7
pāṭikulyatā fem aversion (to); disgust (for); revulsion (toward) √kūl 1 a (obstruct, embank) pati > pāṭi + √kūl + *ya + tā\npāṭikūlya + tā ā fem 7
disā 1 fem direction; cardinal point √dis 1 a (point out, explain) √dis + ā ā fem 7
nibbidā fem dis-enchantment (towards); de-illusionment (with); disinterest (in); dispassion (towards) √vid 2 ṃa (feel, like) nī + √vid > bid + ā ā fem 7
gāthā 1 fem verse; poem; stanza √gā 3 ya (sing) √gā + thā ā fem 7
ṭīkā fem sub-commentary; commentary on a commentary ā fem 7
siyuṃ opt they would be; there could be √as 1 a (be) siya + uṃ siyā opt 7
saddhā 1 fem faith (in); belief (in); trust (in) √dhā 1 a (place, support) sad + √dhā + ā ā fem 7
vadeyya opt would say; could speak; could tell √vad 1 a (say, speak) vada + eyya ati pr 7
ārā 2.1 fem awl; needle ā fem 7
natthitā fem nonexistence; idea of nonexistence; absence √as 1 a (be) na + √as + ti + tā\nnatthi + tā ā fem 7
vīmaṃsā 1 fem inquiry; judgement; investigation; discrimination √man 3 sa (think) vīmaṃsa + ā ā fem 7
siyā 1 opt could be; may be; might be; should be √as 1 a (be) siya + ā siyā opt 7
siyaṃ opt I could be; may I be; I might be; I should be √as 1 a (be) siya + aṃ siyā opt 7
paṭipadā 1 fem way; path of progress; path of practice √pad 3 ya (go, step) pati + √pad + ā ā fem 7
nisajjā 1 fem sitting; sitting down √sad 1 a (sink, sit, settle) ni + √sad + ya + ā\nnisajja + ā ā fem 7
saññā 1 fem perception; conception; recognition; third of the five aggregates √ñā 5 nā (know) saṃ + √ñā + ā ā fem 7
care 2.1 opt should go (among); should walk (in) √car 1 a (move, walk) √car + e ati pr 7
vihareyya opt could live; could stay (in) √har 1 a (live) vi + hara + eyya ati pr 7
samācare opt could perform; would do √car 1 a (act, behave) saṃ + ā + cara + e ati pr 7
passeyya 1 opt could see; would see √dis 1 a (see) passa + eyya ati pr 7
mattikā fem clay; earth √madd 1 a (crush, grind) √madd > matt + ikā ā fem 7
dakkhiṇā 1 fem gift; donation √dakkh 1 a (be able, please) √dakkh + iṇā ā fem 7
kathā 1 fem talk; speech; conversation; discussion √kath 8 *e (speak, narrate) √kath + ā ā fem 7
kareyya 2 opt would make; could make √kar 7 o (do, make) √kar + eyya karoti pr 7
karuṇā fem compassion; sympathy; kindness (towards unfortunate beings) ā fem 7
sikkhā 1 fem training (in); practice (in) √sikkh 1 a (learn, train) √sikkh + ā ā fem 7
abhiññā 1 fem direct knowledge; higher understanding; specialized knowledge √ñā 5 nā (know) abhi + √ñā + ā ā fem 7
adhigaccheyya 2 opt would experience; would feel √gam 1 a (go) adhi + gaccha + eyya ati pr 7
sañcetanā fem wishing; intending; willing; making a choice √cit 8 *e (think, intend) saṃ + √cit > cet + *anā ā fem 7
siyā 2 opt there could be √as 1 a (be) siya + ā siyā opt 7
pūjā 1 fem veneration (of); homage (to); honour (for) √pūj 8 *e (honour, venerate) √pūj + ā ā fem 7
parivīmaṃsā fem thorough investigation; complete examination √man 3 sa (think) pari + vīmaṃsa + ā ā fem 7
upasampadā 2 fem (vinaya) higher ordination as monastic √pad 3 ya (go, step) upa + saṃ + √pad + ā ā fem 7
vedanā 1 fem (pleasant, unpleasant or neutral) felt experience; feeling; sensation; second of the five aggregates √vid 8 *e (know, sense, feel) √vid > ved + *anā ā fem 7
vācā 1 fem speech; words; statement; talk √vac 1 a (say, speak) √vac > vāc + *ā ā fem 7
paccāsā fem expectation; hope; anticipation √is 1 a (wish for) pati > paty > pacc + ā + √is + ā ā fem 7
muditā fem happiness (for); appreciation; sympathetic joy √mud 1 a (be soft, be happy) √mud + ita + ā\nmudita + ā ā fem 7
upapajjeyya opt would be reborn (in); would re-arise (in) √pad 3 ya (go, step) upa + pajja + eyya ati pr 7
taṇhā 1 fem craving (for); wanting; desire (for) √tas 6 ṇhā (thirst) taṇhā + ā ā fem 7
pabbajjā fem (vinaya) novice ordination; renunciation; becoming a monastic √vaj 1 a (go on) pa + √vaj > baj + yā ā fem 7
sīmā 2 fem (vinaya) boundary in which legal procedures are performed ā fem 7
abhijjhā fem wishing; wanting; covetousness; greed √jhā 3 ya (think, meditate) abhi + √jhā + ā ā fem 7
vipassanā fem insight; penetrating internal vision; introspection √dis 1 a (see) vi + passa + anā ā fem 7
dayā fem compassion (for); kindness (towards); mercy (for); pity (on) √day 1 a (be kind, have pity) √day + ā ā fem 7
kiriyā 1 fem act; action; activity; deed; performance √kar 7 o (do, make) √kar > kir + iyā ā fem 7
atthitā fem existence; idea of existence; fact of being present √as 1 a (be) √as + ti + tā\natthi + tā ā fem 7
pavāraṇā 2 fem (vinaya) invitation ceremony at the end of the rains retreat √var 8 *e (wish, choose) pa + vāre + anā ā fem 7
yāgu fem rice gruel; congee u fem 8
disvā abs having seen; having understood; having found out √dis 1 a (see) √dis + tvā 8
saritvā 1.1 abs having remembered; having recollected √sar 1 a (remember) √sar + itvā 8
appaccakkhāya ger not giving up; not disavowing; not renouncing; not rejecting √khā 1 a (tell, announce) na > a + pati > paty > pacc + ā + √khā + ya\nna + paccakkhāya 8
paṭinivattitvā abs having turned around and come back (from) √vatt 1 a (be, proceed) pati + ni + √vatt + itvā 8
disvāna abs having seen √dis 1 a (see) √dis + tvāna 8
bhūmi 1 fem earth; ground √bhū 1 a (be, become) √bhū + mi i fem 8
purato ind in front (of) pura + to 8
paṇidhāya 1 ger guiding; directing; determining; setting √dhā 1 a (place, support) pa + ni + √dhā + ya 8
uṭṭhāya ger rising (from); emerging (from); getting up (from) √ṭhā 1 a (stand) ud + √ṭhā + ya 8
appaṭikkositvā abs having not disapproved; having not rejected √kus 1 *a (call, insult) na > a + pati + kosa + itvā 8
vatthi 1 fem bladder; urinary tract i fem 8
vippahāya ger completely abandoning; totally renouncing √hā 1 a (abandon) vi + pa + √hā + ya 8
bhuñjitvā abs having eaten √bhuj 2 ṃa (use, eat, enjoy) bhuñja + itvā 8
appatvā 1 abs having not reached; having not arrived (at) √ap 4 uṇā (reach, attain) na > a + pa + √ap + tvā 8
vibhajja 1 ger analysing in detail; classifying; explaining in detail; picking apart √bhaj 1 a (divide, distribute) vi + √bhaj + ya 8
abhiññā 3 ger directly knowing; understanding experientially √ñā 5 nā (know) abhi + √ñā + ya > ñā 8
ñatvā abs having known; having found out; having understood √ñā 5 nā (know) √ñā + tvā 8
amutra ind there; in such-and-such a place amu + tra 8
upasampajja 1 ger reaching; attaining; arriving at √pad 3 ya (go, step) upa + saṃ + √pad + ya 8
bhikkhunī fem nun; fully ordained nun √bhikkh 1 a (beg) √bhikkh + u + nī\nbhikkhu + nī ī fem 8
muñcitvā 1 abs having released; having let go √muc 2 ṃa (release, free) muñca + itvā 8
abhirati fem pleasure (in); delight (in); happiness (in) √ram 1 a (delight, please) abhi + √ram + ti i fem 8
ṭhiti 1 fem stability; constancy; continuity; endurance; persistence; longevity √ṭhā 1 a (stand) √ṭhā + ti i fem 8
paṭiggahetvā 2 abs having received; having accepted √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) pati + gahe + tvā 8
accādhāya ger overlapping; placing one on top of another √dhā 1 a (place, support) ati > aty > acc + ā + √dhā + ya 8
abhinivissa ger attaching; clinging; adhering; sticking; doubling down √vis 1 a (enter) abhi + ni + √vis + ya 8
paṭicca 1 ger dependent; depending (on); contingent (upon); relying (on); because (of); supported (by); on account (of); grounded (on) √i 1 a (come, go) pati + √i + tya 8
diṭṭhi 1 fem view; belief; opinion; concept; theory; attitude; philosophy; credo; creed; dogma √dis 1 a (see) √dis + ti i fem 8
pāripūrī fem fulfilment; completion; perfecting; maturity √pūr 1 a (fill, fulfil) pari + √pūr + ī ī fem 8
uddissa 1 ger in the name of; on account of; for the sake of; especially for √dis 1 a (point out, explain) ud + √dis + ya 8
chetvā 1 abs having cut off; having severed; (comm) having killed √chid 2 ṃa (cut, steal) √chid > ched + *tvā 8
tattha 1 ind there; in that place ta + ttha 8
tattha 2 ind in that regard; in that case; regarding that matter ta + ttha 8
tatra 1 ind there; in that place ta + tra 8
acchādetvā abs having dressed (in); having clothed oneself (in); having put on √chad 8 *e (cover, conceal) ā + chāde + tvā 8
paṭissutvā abs having agreed (with); having responded in agreement (to) √su 4 ṇā (hear) pati + √su + tvā 8
tatra 2 ind in that case; in that regard; in this matter; in this connection ta + tra 8
yakkhī fem female supernatural being; female spirit; daemoness √yakkh 8 *e (worship) √yakkh + a + ī\nyakkha + ī ī fem 8
yato 2 ind since; because; due to the fact that; on account of which ya + to 8
yattha ind wherever; where; when; in which ya + ttha 8
mātar fem mother mātar fem 8
upasaṅkamitvā abs having approached; having gone (to); having drawn near (to) √kam 1 a (go) upa + saṃ + √kam + itvā 8
anupagamma 1 ger avoiding; not going near √gam 1 a (go) na > an + upa + √gam + ya\nan + upagamma 8
itthī 1 fem woman; female ī fem 8
āpatti 2 fem (vinaya) offence; wrongdoing; transgression √pad 3 ya (go, step) ā + √pad + ti i fem 8
samāpajjitvā abs having entered; having attained √pad 3 ya (go, step) saṃ + ā + pajja + itvā 8
katvā 2 abs having made √kar 7 o (do, make) √kar + tvā 8
nisajja ger sitting down √sad 1 a (sink, sit, settle) ni + √sad + ya 8
samāpatti 1 fem attainment; meditation attainment √pad 3 ya (go, step) saṃ + ā + √pad + ti i fem 8
kuhiṃ ind where? ka > ku + hiṃ 8
sāvatthī fem name of a city; capital of Kosala √su 1 a (flow) √su > sāv + a + ttha + *ī\nsāvattha + ī ī fem 8
nati fem inclination; tendency; bent; bias √nam 1 a (bend) √nam + ti i fem 8
ādāya 4 ger adopting; assuming; according (to) √ādā 3 ya (take, seize) √ādā + ya 8
vesālī fem name of a city; capital of the Licchavis ī fem 8
sāyitvā abs having tasted √sāy 1 a (taste) √sāy + itvā 8
khanti 1 fem patience; endurance; tolerance √kham 1 a (tolerate, endure) √kham + ti i fem 8
vidatthi fem measure of length; span; length between outstretched thumb and little finger i fem 8
vineyya 1 ger removing; getting rid (of) √nī 1 a (lead, carry) vi + √nī > ne + *ya 8
patvā 1 abs having reached; having arrived (at) √ap 4 uṇā (reach, attain) pa + √ap + tvā 8
āgamma 1 ger coming (to); arriving (at); meeting (with) √gam 1 a (go) ā + √gam + ya 8
katvāna 1 abs having done √kar 7 o (do, make) √kar + tvāna 8
khāri 1 fem goods carried on a pole across the shoulders i fem 8
sāmīci 1 fem right way; correct course; proper procedure i fem 8
kuṭi 1 fem hut; cabin; simple monastic dwelling √kuṭ 1 a (be crooked, be bent) √kuṭ + i i fem 8
karitvā 2 abs having made √kar 7 o (do, make) √kar + itvā 8
anabhinanditvā abs having not approved (of); having not applauded √nand 1 a (delight, enjoy) na > an + abhi + √nand + itvā 8
anusāsanī fem advice; instruction; teaching √sās 1 a (order, instruct) anu + √sās + ana + ī\nanusāsana + ī ī fem 8
satti 1 fem spear; javelin; weapon √sak 4 ṇo (be able, be powerful) √sak + ti i fem 8
dhītar fem daughter ar fem 8
visuddhi 1.1 fem purity (of); purification (of); holiness √sudh 3 ya (be pure) vi + √sudh + ti i fem 8
sati 1.2 fem mindfulness; presence; recollection; awareness √sar 1 a (remember) √sar + ti i fem 8
ettha 1 ind here; in this place; in this case; in this regard ima + ttha 8
dhātu 1 fem state; property; condition; element √dhā 1 a (place, support) √dhā + tu u fem 8
vuṭṭhi fem rain; rainfall √vass 1 a (rain) √vass > vuss + ti i fem 8
samādāya 2 ger undertaking; taking up; accepting √ādā 3 ya (take, seize) saṃ + √ādā + ya 8
saṅghāṭi 1 fem outer robe; double robe; patchwork robe √ghaṭ 1 a (join together) saṃ + √ghaṭ > ghāṭ + *i i fem 8
samannāharitvā abs having focused; having concentrated √har 1 a (carry) saṃ + anu > ann + ā + √har + itvā 8
kukkuṭī fem hen; chicken kukkuṭa + ī ī fem 8
ābhujitvā abs having bent; having folded √bhuj 1 a (bend) ā + √bhuj + itvā 8
kuto 1 ind from where?; where? ka > ku + to 8
pharitvā 1 abs having suffused; having pervaded; having filled √phar 1 a (suffuse, pervade) √phar + itvā 8
ekato 1 ind on one side eka + to 8
samuttejetvā abs having fired up; having enthused √tij 8 *e (be sharp, be hot) saṃ + ud + teje + tvā 8
gahetvā 1 abs having taken; having held √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) gahe + tvā 8
gahetvā 5 abs having arrested; having taken prisoner √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) gahe + tvā 8
bārāṇasī fem name of a city; modern Varanasi ī fem 8
paggahetvā 2 abs having raised up; having lifted up √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) pa + gahe + tvā 8
nārī fem woman nara > nāra + *ī ī fem 8
hitvā abs having left; having left behind; having abandoned √hā 1 a (abandon) √hā + itvā 8
vivicca ger separating (from); aloof (from) √vic 1 a (separate) vi + √vic + ya 8
hiri fem sense of shame; modesty; conscience; sense of right and wrong; scruples; (comm) originating from inside √hir 3 ya (be ashamed) √hir + i i fem 8
petī fem female ghost; female spirit √i 1 a (come, go) pa + e + ta + ī\npeta + ī ī fem 8
idha 1 ind here; now; in this world ima + dha 8
saṃhāni fem decrease (of); dwindling (of); decay (of); weakening (of) √hā 3 ya (decrease) saṃ + √hā + ni\nsaṃ + hāni i fem 8
sutvā abs having heard; having listened (to) √su 4 ṇā (hear) √su + tvā 8
anupādāya ger not holding (onto); not grasping (onto); detaching (from); not taking possession (of) √ādā 3 ya (take, seize) na > an + upa + √ādā + ya\nan + upādāya 8
caritvā 1.1 abs having walked; having wandered √car 1 a (move, walk) √car + itvā 8
pathavī 2 fem earth; ground √path 1 a (expand) √path + avī ī fem 8
vimutti fem release; liberation; deliverance; freedom; emancipation √muc 2 ṃa (release, free) vi + √muc + ti i fem 8
sabbattha 1 ind everywhere; every place sabba + ttha 8
idha 2 ind here; in this regard; in this case ima + dha 8
pīti 1.1 fem delight; heartfelt joy; pleasure; feeling of love √pī 5 nā (love, please) √pī + ti i fem 8
passaddhi fem calm; tranquillity; tranquillization; peace; stillness; serenity √sambh 1 a (be calm, be confident) pa + √sambh > sabh + ti i fem 8
nissāya 1 ger leaning (on); depending (on); being supported (by) √si 1 a (depend on, associate with) ni + saya + ya 8
niyyātetvā 1 abs having handed over; having delivered; having returned √yat 8 *e (arrange, hand over) nī + yāte + tvā 8
uggahetvā 3 abs having learned; having memorized √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) ud + gahe + tvā 8
ruci fem liking; preference; choice; inclination; approval √ruc 1 *a (shine, like) √ruc + i i fem 8
paṭhavī fem earth; world √path 1 a (expand) √path > paṭh + avī ī fem 8
suggati fem state of happiness; good destination; heaven √gam 1 a (go) su + √gam + ti i fem 8
sugati fem good destination; happy fate √gam 1 a (go) su + √gam + ti i fem 8
phala 1.1 nt fruit; nut; berry √phal 1 a (fruit, ripen) √phal + a a nt 9
yato tato idiom because … therefore; since ... thereby 9
tena 2 ind thereby; because of that; on that account ta + ena 9
nakkhatta 1 nt constellation; zodiac; celestial object √nakkh 1 a (attain, arrive) √nakkh + a + tta\nnakkha + tta a nt 9
tena 3 ind there ta + ena 9
pada 11 nt footprint; footstep √pad 3 ya (go, step) √pad + a a nt 9
nibbāna 2 nt (of mental defilement) complete quenching; total emancipation; complete cooling √vā 1 a (blow, emit odour) nī + √vā > bā + ana a nt 9
bhedana 3 nt breaking; splitting apart; dividing √bhid 2 ṃa (break, split) √bhid > bhed + *ana a nt 9
theyya 1 nt theft; stealing √then 8 *e (steal) √then + ya a nt 9
nidāna 1 nt source; origin; foundation; cause; reason √dā 3 ya (tie, bind) ni + √dā + ana a nt 9
padhāna 1 nt making effort; exerting; striving; trying (to) √dhā 1 a (place, support) pa + √dhā + ana a nt 9
pācittiya 1 nt (vinaya) offence requiring confession a nt 9
bhesajja nt medicine; remedy; tonic; drug bhisaja > bhesaja + *ya a nt 9
nu ind (adds a question mark) surely?; didn't?; wouldn't?; which? 9
na sukaraṃ idiom it is not easy (to); it is not easy to make 9
bhojana 2 nt eating; taking food √bhuj 2 ṃa (use, eat, enjoy) √bhuj > bhoj + *ana a nt 9
nanu ind surely?; but wouldn't?; is it true?; wasn't? na + nu 9
dukkaṭa 3 nt class of vinaya offence; wrong-doing √kar 7 o (do, make) dur + √kar + ta a nt 9
bala 1 nt strength; power; might √bal 1 a (be strong, live) √bal + a a nt 9
nāma 4 nt name a nt 9
niyyātuṃ inf to go out (of); to exit; to leave √yā 1 a (go) nī + √yā + tuṃ 9
pālicca nt hoariness; grey hair palita > pālita + *ya a nt 9
nāma 5 nt mental objects of consciousness; mentality; mental factors of feeling, perception, intention, contact and attention a nt 9
puppha 1 nt flower √pupph 1 a (flower, expand) √pupph + a a nt 9
parinibbāna 1 nt (of mental defilement) complete quenching; total emancipation; complete cooling √vā 1 a (blow, emit odour) pari + nī + bā + ana a nt 9
pārājika 3 nt (vinaya) offence involving defeat; transgression requiring expulsion √ji 1 a (conquer) parā > pārā + √ji + *aka a nt 9
dubbalya nt weakness; lack of strength; feebleness; incapability √bal 1 a (be strong, live) dur + √bal + a + ya\ndubbala + ya a nt 9
paccakkhāna nt denial; refusal; rejection √khā 1 a (tell, announce) pati > paty > pacc + ā + √khā + ana a nt 9
duccarita 2 nt misconduct; misbehaviour; bad behaviour (by) √car 1 a (act, behave) dur + √car + ita a nt 9
nimitta 1 nt mark; sign; symbol; indication √mā 5 nā (measure) ni + √mā > mi + tta a nt 9
dukkha 3 nt discomfort; suffering; unease; unpleasantness; something unsatisfactory; trouble; a bummer; stress √dukkh 1 a (be painful) √dukkh + a a nt east 9
nibbindituṃ inf to become dis-enchanted (with); to become disinterested (in); to be disillusioned (with); to lose interest (in) √vid 2 ṃa (feel, like) nī + binda + ituṃ 9
piṇḍāya masc for alms; to collect alms food √piṇḍ 8 *e (collect) √piṇḍ + a + āya\npiṇḍa + āya a masc 9
passa 1.1 nt (of the body) side; rib a nt 9
domanassa nt (mental) suffering; distress; dissatisfaction; dejection; depression; unhappiness; grief; negative state of mind √man 3 ya (think) dur > do + √man + as + *ya\ndummanas + *ya a nt 9
dāna 1.2 nt alms; almsfood √dā 1 a (give) √dā + ana a nt 9
dvāra 1 nt door; entrance; gate; gateway √dvar 1 a (obstruct, prohibit) √dvar > dvār + *a a nt 9
bala 2 nt mental power; Dhamma strength √bal 1 a (be strong, live) √bal + a a nt 9
nūna 2 ind could it be?; what if?; shall?; let's?; perhaps? 9
puñña 1 nt merit; good deed; spiritual wealth √puṇ 1 a (be skilful, be precise) √puṇ + ya a nt 9
bahujanasukhāya nt for the comfort of many people; for the ease of the masses bahujana + sukha + āya\nbahujanasukha + āya a nt 9
pavana 1.1 nt woodland; forest pa + vana a nt 9
bhaya 3 nt danger (of; from); peril (of; from) √bhī 1 a (fear) √bhī > bhay + *a a nt 9
pāpa 3 nt evil action (in); crime (in); sin (in); wrongdoing (in); misdeed (in) a nt 9
dassanāya 2 nt in order to visit; for the purpose of seeing √dis 1 a (see) dassa + ana + āya\ndassana + āya a nt 9
dhana 1 nt wealth; riches; treasure √dhan 1 a (be rich) √dhan + a a nt 9
no 1.2 ind (adds a question mark) surely?; didn't?; isn't it?; definitely 9
pamāṇa 3 nt measure; measurement; length; size; amount; quantity √mā 5 nā (measure) pa + √mā + aṇa a nt 9
pāmojja nt joy; happiness; gladness √mud 1 a (be soft, be happy) pa + √mud > mod + *a + *ya\npamoda + *ya a nt 9
pāra 1.1 nt far side; far shore; bank on the other side (of); epithet of Nibbāna para > pāra + *a a nt 9
bahujanahitāya nt for the benefit of many people; for the good of the population bahujana + hita + āya\nbahujanahita + āya a nt 9
dāna 1.1 nt giving; offering; charity; generosity √dā 1 a (give) √dā + ana a nt 9
nu kho idiom does?; is?; would? 9
amanāpa 2 nt unpleasant experience; something disagreeable na > a + manāpa a nt 9
pariyosāna 1 nt end; finish; conclusion; culmination √sā 1 a (complete, accomplish) pari + [y] + ava + √sā + ana a nt 9
tila nt sesame seed a nt 9
vibhūsana nt decorating; adorning √bhūs 1 a (adorn, decorate) vi + √bhūs + ana a nt 9
kathaṃ 1 ind how? ka + thaṃ 9
kati pron how many? ka + ti kati pron pl 9
katama pron what?; which (of the many)? ka + tama a pron 9
santhata 1 nt spread; bedspread; coverlet; counterpane √thar 1 a (spread, expand) saṃ + √thar + ta a nt 9
kaṅkhituṃ inf to doubt; to be uncertain (about) √kaṅkh 1 a (doubt) √kaṅkh + ituṃ 9
anubyañjana 1 nt secondary characteristic; detail; feature √añj 8 *e (distinguish) anu + vi + √añj + ana\nanu + byañjana a nt 9
anusaññātuṃ inf to go around; to visit; to inspect √yā 1 a (go) anu + saṃ + √yā > saññā + tuṃ 9
viññāṇa 1 nt awareness; consciousness; mind; fifth of the five aggregates √ñā 5 nā (know) vi + √ñā + aṇa a nt 9
olokana nt looking (at); observing; checking √lok 8 *e (look) ava + √lok + ana a nt 9
vicikicchituṃ inf to doubt; to be uncertain √cit 8 sa (think, intend) vi + cikiccha + ituṃ 9
ottappa nt regret; shame in wrongdoing; respect for others; (comm) originating from outside √tapp 1 a (regret) ud > od + √tapp + *a a nt 9
aparihāna nt not deteriorating; not decreasing; non-declining; non-regressing (of) √hā 3 ya (decrease) na > a + pari + √hā + ana a nt 9
samanupassituṃ inf to see (as); to regard (as); to consider (as) √dis 1 a (see) saṃ + anu + passa + ituṃ 9
api nu idiom is?; did?; are?; who?; what?; how?; would? 9
vassa 3 nt year √vass 1 a (rain) √vass + a a nt 9
appaka 2 nt few things; few people; small amount appa + ka a nt 9
kallaṃ ind it is suitable (to); it is proper (to); it is fit (for) √kal 8 a (accomplish) √kal + ya + aṃ\nkalla + aṃ 9
vana 1.1 nt wood; forest; grove a nt 9
kaḷebara 1 nt body a nt 9
viriya nt effort; energy; might; power √vīr 8 *e (be heroic, be hostile) √vīr + iya a nt 9
khaṇḍicca nt brokenness; (comm) broken teeth √khaṇḍ 8 *e (break) √khaṇḍ + ita + ya\nkhaṇḍita + ya a nt 9
lohita 1 nt blood a nt 9
adhiṭṭhāna 2 nt standpoint; prejudice; bias; preconception √ṭhā 1 a (stand) adhi + √ṭhā + ana a nt 9
sakkā nu idiom is it possible (to)?; is one able (to)? 9
sakkā 1 ind it is possible (to); one is able (to) √sak 4 ṇo (be able, be powerful) √sak + yā 9
kusala 4 nt good; benefit; merit; good deed; doing good a nt 9
kula 2 nt supporter; supporting family √kul 1 a (be close) √kul + a a nt 9
kula 1 nt family; house; household; respectable family √kul 1 a (be close) √kul + a a nt 9
viharituṃ inf to live; to stay; to remain √har 1 a (live) vi + √har + ituṃ 9
kiṃ 2 ind how?; what? ka > ki + iṃ 9
āyu 2 nt life force; life energy √i 1 a (come, go) ā + √i > ay + *u u nt 9
kiṃ nu idiom why?; why indeed?; which? 9
viharitukāma adj wishing to live viharituṃ + kāma a adj 9
anagāriya 1 nt homelessness; homeless state na > an + agāra + iya a nt 9
sacca 2 nt truth √as 1 a (be) sa + nta > santa > sat + ya\nsat + ya a nt 9
kāḷaka 2 nt stain; dirt; dirty mark kāḷa + ka a nt 9
sañcaritta nt matchmaking; carrying proposals √car 1 a (move, walk) saṃ + √car + a > cari + tta\nsañcara + tta a nt 9
kātuṃ 1 inf to do; to perform √kar 7 o (do, make) √kar + tuṃ 9
loṇa 2 nt sea-salt; brine a nt 9
vatthu 2 nt site; location; base; grounds √vas 1 a (live) √vas + tu u nt 9
vattha 1.1 nt cloth; clothes; robe √vas 8 *e (wear, dress) √vas + ta a nt 9
alaṃ 3 ind enough; it is enough (for) 9
alika 1 nt lie; falsehood; untruth a nt 9
uṭṭhāna 2 nt effort; exertion; initiative; activity √ṭhā 1 a (stand) ud + √ṭhā + ana a nt 9
saṃvidhātuṃ inf to organize; to arrange; to take care of √dhā 1 a (place, support) saṃ + vi + √dhā + tuṃ 9
sutta 2.1 nt scripture; discourse; sacred text √siv 3 ya (sew) √siv > suv + ta a nt 9
tīra nt shore; riverbank; beach √tir 1 a (cross) √tir > tīr + *a a nt 9
sukhāya nt comfortable (for) √sukh 1 a (please, be comfortable) √sukh + a + āya\nsukha + āya a nt 9
indriya 1 nt sense; mental faculty; power indra + iya a nt 9
sukhakāma adj wishing for ease; desiring comfort sukha + kāma a adj 9
itthatta 1 nt present state of existence; earthly existence; such an existence ima + ttha + tta\nittha + tta a nt 9
sukha 2 nt ease; comfort; happiness; pleasure; contentment √sukh 1 a (please, be comfortable) √sukh + a a nt east 9
sāsana 2 nt teaching; instruction √sās 1 a (order, instruct) √sās + ana a nt 9
āvilatta 1 nt (of mind) fact of agitation; confusion; disturbance √bil 1 a (break, chop) ā + √bil > vil + a + tta\nāvila + tta a nt 9
sīsa 1 nt head a nt 9
āsana 1 nt seat; chair √ās 1 a (sit) √ās + ana a nt 9
ārogya 1 nt health; wellness; freedom from disease √ruj 1 a (hurt, be painful) na + √ruj > rog + *a + *ya\naroga + *ya a nt 9
sīla 1 nt ethical conduct; virtue; moral integrity √sīl 1 a (conduct oneself) √sīl + a a nt 9
udaka 1.1 nt water √ud 2 ṃa (be wet) √ud + aka a nt 9
samitatta nt calmness (of); peacefulness (of) √sam 3 ya (be calm, be tired) √sam + ita + tta\nsamita + tta a nt 9
alaṃ 2 ind is able (to); is possible (to); is capable (of) ala + aṃ 9
sarīra 1 nt body a nt 9
abyositatta nt fact of not being perfected; fact of not being accomplished √sā 1 a (complete, accomplish) a + vi > vy > by + ava + √sā + ita + tta\nabyosita + tta a nt 9
vatta 1.1 nt custom; practice; way of life; behaviour √vatt 1 a (be, proceed) √vatt + a a nt 9
ūna 2 nt shortage; deficiency; lack; want; need a nt 9
sampajañña 1 nt attentiveness; clear awareness; full comprehension √ñā 5 nā (know) saṃ + pa + jānā + ya\nsampajāna + ya a nt 9
abhiṭhāna nt deadly sin; heinous crime; great wrong √ṭhā 1 a (stand) abhi + √ṭhā + ana a nt 9
abhinipajjituṃ inf to lie down (on); to lie (in) √pad 3 ya (go, step) abhi + ni + pajja + ituṃ 9
abhinisīdituṃ inf to sit down (in); to sit (on) √sad 1 a (sink, sit, settle) abhi + ni + sīda + ituṃ 9
soracca nt kindness; gentleness; compassion; (comm) good conduct √ram 1 a (delight, please) su > so + √ram + ta + *ya\nsurata + *ya a nt 9
somanassa nt (mental) pleasure; happiness; gladness; joy; positive state of mind √man 3 ya (think) su > so + √man + as + *ya\nsumanas + *ya a nt 9
upādāna 2 nt grasping; clinging; acquiring; appropriating; taking possession; identifying √ādā 3 ya (take, seize) upa + √ādā + ana a nt 9
sotthāna nt safety; sanctuary; well-fare; well-being; blessing √as 1 a (be) su > so + √as + ti + ana\nsotthi + ana a nt 9
upasaṅkamituṃ inf to approach; to visit; to go (to) √kam 1 a (go) upa + saṃ + √kam + ituṃ 9
sota 2.1 nt ear √su 4 ṇā (hear) √su > so + *ta a nt 9
amaritukāma adj not wishing to die na > a + marituṃ + kāma a adj 9
saraṇa 1.1 nt shelter; refuge; help √sar 1 a (go, flow) √sar + aṇa a nt 9
arañña nt forest; wood; wild; wilderness √ar 1 a (move, attain) √ar + aṇa + ya\naraṇa + ya a nt 9
upaṭṭhāna 1 nt attending (to); waiting on; serving √ṭhā 1 a (stand) upa + √ṭhā + ana a nt 9
alaṃ 1 ind (it is) suitable (to); proper (to); appropriate (to); worthy (for) 9
adhicitta nt meditation; mental development; higher consciousness √cit 8 *e (think, intend) adhi + √cit + ta a nt 9
kiṃ nu kho idiom why on earth!?; how indeed!?; which!?; which is it then!? 9
addhāna 2 nt time; period; extent addha + āna a nt 9
mukha 5 nt cause; means; way; (comm) door; source a nt 9
ṭhāna 02 nt reason; grounds; basis; cause √ṭhā 1 a (stand) √ṭhā + ana a nt 9
ñāṇa 2 nt knowing (of); understanding (of); insight (into) √ñā 5 nā (know) √ñā + aṇa a nt 9
jhāna 2 nt meditation; stage of meditation √jhā 3 ya (think, meditate) √jhā + ana a nt 9
jīvitukāma adj wishing to live; wanting to stay alive jīvituṃ + kāma a adj 9
mūla 1 nt (of a tree) root; base; foot √mūl 1 a (support) √mūl + a a nt 9
mūla 2 nt source; origin; root √mūl 1 a (support) √mūl + a a nt 9
aññātuṃ inf to know; to understand √ñā 5 nā (know) ā + √ñā + tuṃ 9
hitāya nt beneficial (for); advantageous (for) √dhā 1 a (place, support) √dhā > (da)h + ita + āya\nhita + āya a nt 9
aṭṭhi 1.1 nt bone i nt 9
aṇḍa 1 nt egg a nt 9
jaya 1 nt victory; conquest; winning √ji 1 a (conquer) √ji > jay + *a a nt 9
atiyātuṃ inf to re-enter √yā 1 a (go) ati + √yā + tuṃ 9
yattha tattha idiom where … there 9
cela 2 nt clothes; garment √cil 1 a (clothe) √cil > cel + *a a nt 9
yassatthāya masc for which purpose; for which reason yassa + attha + āya\nyassartha + āya a masc 9
cīvara nt robe; cloth; robe-cloth a nt 9
mānasa 2 nt mind; heart; mentality; intention √man 3 ya (think) √man > mān + as + *a\nmanas + *a a nt 9
maṃsa 1 nt meat; flesh a nt 9
maraṇa nt death; dying √mar 1 a (die) √mar + aṇa a nt 9
vitakka 3 nt thought; reflection; pondering √takk 8 *e (think) vi + √takk + a a nt 9
maṅgala 1 nt what is auspicious; blessing; good omen; prosperity √maṅg 1 a (be auspicious) √maṅg + ala a nt 9
tiṇa 1 nt grass; straw a nt 9
yesu tesu idiom among whom … among them; in which … in those 9
yasmiṃ tasmiṃ idiom in whichever … in that; at which … at that 9
yasmā tasmā idiom because … therefore; since … that is why 9
yaṃ taṃ idiom whoever … him; whatever … that 9
tāva 1 ind until then; that long 9
maṇḍana nt adorning; embellishing; beautifying oneself √maṇḍ 1 a (adorn) √maṇḍ + ana a nt 9
citta 1.1 nt mind; heart √cit 8 *e (think, intend) √cit + ta a nt 9
tārituṃ inf to cross; to cross over √tar 1 a (cross) √tar > tār + *ituṃ 9
taṃ kiṃ maññatha idiom what do you think?; how do you feel about? 9
yāni tāni idiom whoever … they; whichever … those 9
agāra 1 nt dwelling; building; house; hut a nt 9
agāra 2 nt household life; domestic living a nt 9
agga 1.3 nt tip; top; peak a nt 9
aṅga 1 nt part of the body; limb √añj 8 *e (distinguish) √añj > aṅg + a a nt 9
aṅga 3 nt factor; component; element; quality; aspect √añj 8 *e (distinguish) √añj > aṅg + a a nt 9
manāpa 2 nt pleasant experience; something nice a nt 9
taṃ kiṃ maññasi idiom what do you think about that?; what's your opinion on this? 9
yāva tāva idiom as long as … then; as far as ... that much; until ... to that extent 9
atippago ind too early (to) ati + pago 9
āmisa 3 nt worldly thing; physical item; material stuff āma + isa a nt 9
cakka 1 nt wheel a nt 9
cakkhu 1 nt eye √cakkh 1 a (see) √cakkh + u u nt 9
cakkhu 2 nt eyesight; faculty of seeing √cakkh 1 a (see) √cakkh + u u nt 9
gimhāna nt hot season; summer gimha + ā + ana a nt 9
ratana 1 nt jewel; gem; gemstone a nt 9
vepulla 1 nt expansion; full development; maturity √pul 8 *e (increase) vi > ve + √pul + a + *ya\nvipula + *ya a nt 9
gaha 2 nt house √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) √gah + a a nt 9
atthāya 1 masc for the purpose (of); for the sake (of); for the benefit (of) √ar 1 a (move, attain) √ar + tha + āya\natthāya + āya a masc 9
raṭṭha nt country; land; kingdom; realm √rāj 1 a (rule, shine) √rāj + ta a nt 9
atthāya 2 masc fortunate (for); beneficial (for); useful (for) √ar 1 a (move, attain) √ar + tha + āya\nattha + āya a masc 9
yena 3 ind where; wherever; in which direction; to; towards ya + ena 9
yena 2 ind because of; because of which ya + ena 9
ghāna nt nose √ghā 3 ya (smell) √ghā + ana a nt 9
vīriya 1 nt effort; energy; might; power √vīr 8 *e (be heroic, be hostile) √vīr + iya a nt 9
veyyākaraṇa 1 nt answer; reply √kar 7 o (do, make) vi > vy + ā > vyā > veyyā + √kar + aṇa + *a\nvyākaraṇa + *a a nt 9
yena tena idiom where … there 9
yāva 1 ind as long as; as far as; so much so; up to; until; from … to 9
carituṃ 1.2 inf to walk (in); to wander (in) √car 1 a (move, walk) √car + ituṃ 9
cariya nt conduct; behaviour; way of behaving; state of life √car 1 a (act, behave) √car + iya a nt 9
gantuṃ inf to go (to); to travel (to) √gam 1 a (go) √gam + tuṃ 9
addhāna 1 nt long road; highroad; journey addha + āna a nt 9
gantukāma adj wishing to go (to); wanting to go (to) gantuṃ + kāma a adj 9
vera nt hatred; ill-will; animosity; antagonism; hostility √vīr 8 *e (be heroic, be hostile) √vīr > ver + *a a nt 9
vosāna 1 nt perfecting; accomplishing; attaining; mastering √sā 1 a (complete, accomplish) vi + ava + √sā + ana a nt 9
vyākaraṇa 1 nt answering; replying √kar 7 o (do, make) vi > vy + ā + √kar + aṇa a nt 9
gamanāya nt to go (to); for going to see; for visiting √gam 1 a (go) √gam + ana + āya\ngamana + āya a nt 9
rūpa 1 nt matter; material thing; materiality; experience of material world; physical objects of consciousness; first of the five aggregates √rūp 8 *e (form, produce) √rūp + a a nt 9
rūpa 3 nt (object of the eye) form; material form; shape; sight √rūp 8 *e (form, produce) √rūp + a a nt 9
pakkamanta prp going away (from); leaving (from); departing (from) √kam 1 a (go) pa + kama + nta anta prp 10
asante prp when there isn't; when not existing; when does not exist √as 1 a (be) na > a + sa + nta + e santa prp 10
asamanupassanta prp not seeing; not perceiving √dis 1 a (see) na > a + saṃ + anu + passa + nta anta prp 10
avivadamāna prp not disputing; not quarrelling √vad 1 a (say, speak) na > a + vi + vada + māna māna prp 10
assasanta prp inhaling; breathing in √sas 1 a (breath) ā + sasa + nta anta prp 10
atthaṅgate sūriye idiom after sunset atthaṅgate + sūriye 10
āpajjanta 1 prp arousing; exhibiting; producing; bringing into being √pad 3 ya (go, step) ā + pajja + nta anta prp 10
ākaṅkhamāna prp wishing (for); desiring (for); seeking (for) √kaṅkh 1 a (wish for) ā + kaṅkha + māna māna prp 10
ādiyamāna prp taking; grabbing; stealing √ādā 3 ya (take, seize) ādiya + māna māna prp 10
pavicaranta prp examining; investigating; considering carefully √car 1 a (move, walk) pa + vi + cara + nta anta prp 10
asanta 1.1 prp untrue; false √as 1 a (be) na > a + sa + nta santa prp 10
paṭisevanta 1 prp practising; indulging (in); engaging (in) √sev 1 a (serve, associate) pati + seva + nta anta prp 10
viharanta prp living (in); dwelling (in); staying (at); remaining (in); continuing (in) √har 1 a (live) vi + hara + nta anta prp 10
apassanta prp not seeing; not noticing; not aware √dis 1 a (see) na > a + passa + nta anta prp 10
para 1 pron other; another (person) a pron 10
passasanta prp exhaling; breathing out √sas 1 a (breath) pa + sasa + nta anta prp 10
anussaranta prp remembering; recollecting; keeping in mind √sar 1 a (remember) anu + sara + nta anta prp 10
passanta 1 prp seeing √dis 1 a (see) passa + nta anta prp 10
viheṭhayanta prp harming; vexing; annoying; troubling √heṭh 8 *aya (harass, annoy) vi + heṭhaya + nta anta prp 10
anupādiyanta prp not attaching (to); not taking as mine; not grasping (onto); not clinging (to); not taking possession (of) √ādā 3 ya (take, seize) na > an + upa + ādiya + nta anta prp 10
abhikkantāya rattiyā idiom as the evening passed; as the night progressed 10
vippalapanta prp talking; chattering √lap 1 a (speak, chat) vi + pa + lapa + nta anta prp 10
asati 1.1 prp when isn't; when not existing √as 1 a (be) na > a + sa + nta + ti anta prp 10
aññatara 2 pron one (of); either one (of) añña + tara a pron 10
anibbisanta prp not understanding; not penetrating; not finding; not getting hold (of) √vis 1 a (enter) na > a + nī + bisa + nta anta prp 10
aññatara 1 pron a certain; a añña + tara a pron 10
añña 1.1 pron another; other; different; someone else; not oneself a pron 10
amu pron (of person or place or thing) that; such; so and so amu pron 10
semāna prp sleeping; lying down √sī 1 a (lie, sleep) se + māna māna prp 10
anāpucchanta prp not asking permission; not informing (somebody about something) √pucch 1 a (ask, question) na > an + ā + puccha + nta anta prp 10
vāyamamāna prp making an effort (to); striving (for); exerting oneself (to) √yam 1 a (control, strive, end) vi + ā + yama + māna māna prp 10
patthayamāna 1 prp wishing (for); aspiring (for) √atth 8 *aya (wish for) pa + atthaya + māna māna prp 10
anañña pron not another; no other na > an + añña a pron 10
attani 2 masc when self; when oneself atta + ani a2 masc 10
ajānanta prp not knowing; being ignorant (of) √ñā 5 nā (know) na > a + jānā + nta anta prp 10
ima 1.1 pron this ima pron 10
sati 2.1 prp when is; when exists √as 1 a (be) sa + nta + ti santa prp 10
yasmiṃ samaye idiom whenever; at whichever time 10
cavamāna prp falling away; dying √cu 1 a (shift, fall away, die) cava + māna māna prp 10
nibbindanta prp being disenchanted (by); being disinterested (in); being disillusioned (by); losing interest (in) √vid 2 ṃa (feel, like) nī + binda + nta anta prp 10
caramāna prp walking (in); walking about (in); wandering around (in); going around (in) √car 1 a (move, walk) cara + māna māna prp 10
santa 1.1 prp existing; being; there is √as 1 a (be) sa + nta santa prp 10
upapajjamāna prp being reborn; re-arising √pad 3 ya (go, step) upa + pajja + māna māna prp 10
gaḷanta prp flowing; dripping; trickling; oozing √gal 1 a (drip, flow) gaḷa + nta anta prp 10
sayāna prp lying down √sī 1 a (lie, sleep) saya + āna āna prp 10
sammodamāna prp being friendly; being on good terms √mud 1 *a (be soft, be happy) saṃ + moda + māna māna prp 10
gavesanta prp seeking; searching (for); looking (for) √gaves 1 a (seek, search) gavesa + nta anta prp 10
jāgaranta prp awake; staying awake; alert; watchful; lucid √jāgar 1 a (be awake, be watchful) jāgara + nta anta prp 10
upādiyamāna prp grasping; holding (onto); clinging (to); taking possession (of) √ādā 3 ya (take, seize) upa + ādiya + māna māna prp 10
sampassamāna prp seeing; observing; considering √dis 1 a (see) saṃ + passa + māna māna prp 10
gacchanta prp going; walking; travelling √gam 1 a (go) gaccha + nta anta prp 10
phandamāna prp trembling; quivering; shivering; palpitating √phand 1 a (shake, quiver) phanda + māna māna prp 10
ekacca 1 pron certain; one of eka + tya ekacca pron 10
eva 1 ind only; just; merely; exclusively 10
eva 3 ind even; too; as well 10
samanupassanta prp seeing; perceiving √dis 1 a (see) saṃ + anu + passa + nta anta prp 10
sabba 2 pron everything; everyone; all a pron 10
neta pron this (is) not na + eta ta pron 10
sabba 1 pron all; every a pron 10
uppajjamāna prp arising; appearing; coming into being √pad 3 ya (go, step) ud + pajja + māna māna prp 10
jānanta prp knowing; being aware (of) √ñā 5 nā (know) jānā + nta anta prp 10
saramāna prp remembering; recollecting √sar 1 a (remember) sara + māna māna prp 10
sato prp when being; when is; when are √as 1 a (be) sa + nta + to santa prp 10
imasmiṃ 2 pron when this ima + smiṃ ima pron 10
tasmiṃ samaye idiom then; on that occasion; at that time 10
itara 2 pron rest of ima + tara a pron 10
tasmiṃ 2 pron when that ta + asmiṃ ta pron 10
tiṭṭhanta 1 prp standing (in); standing still √ṭhā 1 a (stand) tiṭṭha + nta anta prp 10
tiṭṭhanta 2 prp lasting; remaining; persisting √ṭhā 1 a (stand) tiṭṭha + nta anta prp 10
tassa 3 pron when he; when it ta + ssa ta pron 10
tiṭṭhamāna prp standing; remaining √ṭhā 1 a (stand) tiṭṭha + māna māna prp 10
vissuta pp famous; renowned; heard of far and wide √su 4 ṇā (hear) vi + √su + ta a pp 11
rogato ind as disease; as illness √ruj 1 a (hurt, be painful) √ruj > rog + *a + to\nroga + to 11
vimutta 1 pp freed (from); liberated (from); emancipated (from) √muc 2 ṃa (release, free) vi + √muc + ta a pp 11
palokato ind as falling apart; as disintegrating √luj 3 ya (be broken apart) pa + √luj > log > lok + *a + to\npaloka + to 11
viraja adj pure; stainless; untainted √raj 1 a (colour) vi + √raj + a a adj 11
majjhima 1 adj middle; middling; medium; medium-sized; moderate majjha + ima a adj 11
pavivitta pp separated; secluded; detached (from) √vic 1 a (separate) pa + vi + √vic + ta a pp 11
bāla 1 adj foolish; ignorant; stupid; immature a adj 11
pahita 1.1 pp applied; directed; exercised √dhā 1 a (place, support) pa + √dhā > (da)h + ita a pp 11
parisuddha 1 pp clean; pure; bright; perfect √sudh 3 ya (be pure) pari + √sudh + ta a pp 11
palipanna pp stuck (in); immersed (in); sunk (into) √pad 3 ya (go, step) pari > pali + √pad + na a pp 11
laddha 1 pp obtained; gained; won; received √labh 1 a (get) √labh > ladh + ta a pp 11
parihārika adj looking after; taking care of √har 1 a (carry) pari + √har > hār + *a + ika\nparihāra + ika a adj 11
sata 1.1 pp mindful; present; attentive √sar 1 a (remember) √sar + ta a pp 11
sagga 1.1 adj heavenly √sar 1 a (shine) √sar + ga a adj 11
bahu adj many; much; lots (of); a lot (of); great; large √bah 1 a (increase) √bah + u u adj 11
sacca 1 adj true; correct; accurate; honest; reliable √as 1 a (be) sa + nta > santa > sat + ya\nsat + ya a adj 11
saccato ind as true; truly; really √as 1 a (be) sa + tya + to\nsacca + to 11
saṇha 1 adj (of speech) smooth; soft; gentle; mild; polite a adj 11
visuddha 1 pp cleansed; purified; refined √sudh 3 ya (be pure) vi + √sudh + ta a pp 11
pahīna pp abandoned; dispelled; eliminated; removed; given up √hā 1 a (abandon) pa + √hā > hī + na a pp 11
saka 1 adj one's own; my own sa + ka a adj 11
hīna 1 pp low; inferior; deficient √hā 3 ya (decrease) √hā > hī + na a pp 11
metta 1 adj friendly; benevolent; kind √mitt 1 a (be friendly) √mitt > mett + *a a adj 11
hita 3 nt welfare (of); good (of); benefit (of); blessing √dhā 1 a (place, support) √dhā > (da)h + ita a nt 11
mūḷha 1 masc foolish person; deluded man; madman √muh 3 ya (be deluded, be confused) √muh + ta > mūḍha > mūḷha a masc 11
bhāsita 2 pp said (by); spoken (by); recited (by) √bhās 1 a (speak) √bhās + ita a pp 11
passaddha pp relaxed; calmed; tranquillised √sambh 1 a (be calm, be confident) pa + √sambh > sabh + ta a pp 11
hata 2 pp killed (by); slain (by) √han 1 a (strike, kill) √han + ta a pp 11
bhāsita 1 nt saying; speech; statement; utterance; talk; words √bhās 1 a (speak) √bhās + ita a nt 11
methuna 1 adj sexual √mith 1 a (pair) √mith > meth + una + *a\nmithuna + *a a adj 11
mosa 2.1 adj untrue; false; deceitful √mus 3 ya (lie, forget) √mus > mos + *a a adj 11
mudu 1 adj soft; mild √mud 1 a (be soft, be happy) √mud + u u adj 11
bhayato ind as dangerous; as fearful √bhī 1 a (fear) √bhī > bhay + *a + to\nbhaya + to 11
bhujissa 1 adj cleansing; freeing; liberating a adj 11
huta 2 pp offered √hu 1 a (pour, offer as oblation) √hu + ta a pp 11
rūpa 4 adj of character; having nature of; of type; of kind; having the quality of √rūp 8 *e (form, produce) √rūp + a a adj 11
yāvataka adj as much as; as long as; as big as; as far as yāva + tā + ka\nyāvatā + ka a adj 11
yiṭṭha 1 pp given (as a gift); offered √yaj 1 a (honour, sacrifice) √yaj > yij + ta a pp 11
mahanta 1 adj big; great; large; grand; vast; extensive √mah 1 a (increase) maha + nta anta adj 11
paricita 2 pp nurtured (by); consolidated (by); fortified (by); strengthened (by); built up (by) √ci 5 nā (gather, accumulate) pari + √ci + ta a pp 11
brahma 4 adj divine; holy; (comm) highest; distinguished √brah 1 a (increase) √brah + ma a adj 11
maya adj made of; constructed by √mā 5 nā (measure) √mā + ya a adj 11
manāpa 1 adj pleasant; likeable; attractive; agreeable a adj 11
bhūta 1 pp existing; born; living √bhū 1 a (be, become) √bhū + ta a pp 11
byatta pp experienced; learned; competent; trained; (comm) with clear understanding √añj 8 *e (distinguish) vi > vy > by + √añj + ta a pp 11
bhūta 3 nt being; living being; entity √bhū 1 a (be, become) √bhū + ta a nt 11
pasattha pp praised; commended; exalted √saṃs 1 a (proclaim, praise) pa + √saṃs + ta a pp 11
vusita 1 pp fulfilled; completed; finished √vas 1 a (live) √vas > vus + ita a pp 11
vutta 2.1 pp said; told; spoken; mentioned √vac 1 a (say, speak) √vac > vuc + ta a pp 11
bhatta 1.1 nt food; boiled rice √bhaj 1 a (divide, distribute) √bhaj + ta a nt 11
buddha 1 masc Buddha; Awakened One √budh 3 ya (know, wake up) √budh + ta a masc 11
sāhāra 1 adj with fuel; with nutriment; with sustenance √har 1 a (take, seize) sa + ā + √har > hār + *a a adj 11
santuṭṭha 1 pp satisfied; pleased; content; happy with √tus 3 ya (be content, be pleased) saṃ + √tus + ta a pp 11
suvisuddha adj well cleansed; perfectly purified; completely pure √sudh 3 ya (be pure) su + vi + √sudh + ta a adj 11
suvaca adj easy to instruct; obedient; compliant √vac 1 a (say, speak) su + √vac + a a adj 11
susamāraddha adj resolutely undertaken; fully engaged with; energetically taken up; (comm) firmly held up √rabh 1 a (begin) su + saṃ + ā + √rabh + ta a adj 11
sumedha 1 adj wise; sage √medh 1 a (be wise) su + √medh + ā + a\nsumedhā + a a adj 11
subhāsita 1 adj well spoken; articulate; eloquent √bhās 1 a (speak) su + √bhās + ita a adj 11
subhaga adj lucky; fortunate; blessed √bhaj 1 a (divide, distribute) su + √bhaj > bhag + a a adj 11
suppaṭividdha adj thoroughly penetrated (by); completely understood (by) √vidh 3 ya (throw, pierce) su + pati + √vidh + ta a adj 11
supita nt sleep √sup 1 a (lie down, sleep) √sup + ita a nt 11
supatiṭṭhita 1 adj well placed; well allocated (in) √ṭhā 1 a (stand) su + pati + √ṭhā + ita a adj 11
suduttara adj extremely difficult to cross; very hard to escape √tar 1 a (cross) su + dur + √tar + a a adj 11
sudanta adj well tamed (by); well trained (by); well controlled (by) √dam 3 ya (be tame) su + √dam + ta a adj 11
piya 1 adj dear (to); beloved (by); loved (by) √pī 5 nā (love, please) √pī > piy + a a adj 11
piya 2 adj liked; pleasant; agreeable √pī 5 nā (love, please) √pī > piy + a a adj 11
pubba 1.2 adj going before; been before a adj 11
pubbaka 1 adj ancient; of old; former pubba + ka a adj 11
pīta 1.2 nt drinking; sipping √pā 1 a (drink) √pā > pī + ta a nt 11
sutta 1.1 pp sleeping; asleep √sup 1 a (lie down, sleep) √sup + ta a pp 11
suññato ind as empty; as void; as essenceless suñña + to 11
sugata 3 adj standard; commonly accepted √gam 1 a (go) su + √gam + ta a adj 11
sukhuma 1 adj fine; subtle; refined a adj 11
sukhita pp pleased; delighted; blessed; comforted; happy √sukh 1 a (please, be comfortable) √sukh + ita a pp 11
pubba 1.1 adj before; previous; earlier; former a adj 11
sāra 1 adj essential; fundamental; substantial; valuable; sound √sar 1 a (go, flow) √sar > sār + *a a adj 11
sārato ind as essential; as substantial; as valuable √sar 1 a (go, flow) √sar > sār + *a + to\nsāra + to 11
sārambha 2.1 adj harmful; hurtful; injurious (to living creatures) √rabh 1 a (be aroused, be violent) sa + ā + rambha + a a adj 11
sukha 1 adj easy (on); comfortable (for); pleasant (for); good (for); contented √sukh 1 a (please, be comfortable) √sukh + a a adj 11
sukka 1 adj pure; bright √suc 1 a (be pure, be bright) √suc > suk + ra a adj 11
sukara 1 adj easily done; easy to do √kar 7 o (do, make) su + √kar + a a adj 11
sāruppa adj suitable (for); proper (for); appropriate (for) √rūp 8 *e (form, produce) sa > sā + √rūp + a + *ya\nsarūpa + *ya a adj 11
puṭṭha 1.1 pp asked; questioned √pucch 1 a (ask, question) √pucch + ta a pp 11
sāyita 2 nt tasting; savouring √sāy 1 a (taste) √sāy + ita a nt 11
santatta 1 pp heated; made red-hot; scorched √tap 1 a (burn, radiate heat) saṃ + √tap + ta a pp 11
suhuju adj very straight; very upright √uj 1 a (be straight) su + [h] + √uj + u u adj 11
sāttha adj in meaning; in spirit; (or) with meaning; meaningful √ar 1 a (move, attain) sa + √ar + tha\nsa + attha a adj 11
vippamutta pp freed (from); released (from); saved (from) √muc 2 ṃa (release, free) vi + pa + √muc + ta a pp 11
vipula 1 adj vast; extensive; expansive; massive √pul 8 *e (increase) vi + √pul + a a adj 11
sandiṭṭhika adj directly visible; evident; real; perceivable; (comm) able to be seen by oneself √dis 1 a (see) saṃ + √dis + ti + ka\nsandiṭṭhi + ka a adj 11
sappāṇaka adj containing living beings √an 1 a (breath, blow) sa + pa + √an + a + ka\nsappāṇa + ka a adj 11
phuṭṭha 2 pp afflicted (with); suffering (from) √phus 1 a (touch) √phus + ta a pp 11
sabyañjana adj in letter; (or) well phrased √añj 8 *e (distinguish) sa + vi > bi > by + √añj + ana a adj 11
samagga 1 adj (vinaya) unified; united; in concord; harmonious; in agreement saṃ + agga a adj 11
phāsu 1 adj easy (to); comfortable (for); pleasant (for) √phus 1 a (touch) √phus > phās + *u u adj 11
vāta 1 masc wind √vā 1 a (blow, emit odour) √vā + ta a masc 11
samanaka adj with understanding; with intelligence; (comm) with mind √man 3 ya (think) sa + √man + as + ka\nsa + manas + ka a adj 11
samannāgata pp possessing; endowed (with); having √gam 1 a (go) saṃ + anu > ann + ā + √gam + ta a pp 11
pāpaka 1.1 adj bad; wicked; evil; wrong; worthless; harmful pāpa + ka aka adj 11
vanta 1 pp vomited; purged √vam 1 a (eject, vomit) √vam + ta a pp east 11
samāhita 1 pp composed; centred; settled; collected √dhā 1 a (place, support) saṃ + ā + √dhā > (da)h + ita a pp 11
sāyita 1 pp tasted; savoured √sāy 1 a (taste) √sāy + ita a pp 11
samiñjita 2 pp bent back; folded back; flexed back √iñj 1 a (move, shake) saṃ + √iñj + ita a pp 11
pesala adj well-behaved; good; honest a adj 11
sampajāna 1 adj clearly aware; fully knowing; completely comprehending √ñā 5 nā (know) saṃ + pa + jānā + a a adj 11
vaṇṇa 1.03 masc appearance; complexion; countenance √var 1 a (cover, dress, restrain) √var + na a masc 11
svākkhāta adj well taught; well preached; well explained √khā 1 a (tell, announce) su > sv + ā + √khā + ta a adj 11
sambuddha 1 masc Awakened One; Buddha; who is wide awake; who has completely understood √budh 3 ya (know, wake up) saṃ + √budh + ta a masc 11
sammata 2 pp authorized; appointed; assigned; designated (by) √man 3 ya (think) saṃ + √man + ta a pp 11
purima 1 adj earlier; past; former; previous pura + ima a adj 11
seyya 1.1 adj better (than); preferable (to) sirī + *ya a adj 11
pārājika 1 adj (vinaya) defeated; deposed; disqualified; expelled √ji 1 a (conquer) parā > pārā + √ji + *aka a adj 11
sallato ind as an arrow; as a dagger salla + to 11
sassata adj eternal; everlasting; endless; perpetual; (comm) existing forever sassati + a a adj 11
saṃvattanika 1 adj leading (to); headed (to); conducive (to); suitable (for) √vatt 1 a (be, proceed) saṃ + √vatt + ana + ika\nsaṃvattana + ika a adj 11
seṭṭha 1 adj foremost; best (of); primary; most important; supreme ?? siri + *ttha a adj 11
saṃhita pp connected (with); concerning; having √dhā 1 a (place, support) saṃ + √dhā > (da)h + ita a pp 11
samūhata 1 pp removed; uprooted; eradicated; exterminated; destroyed √han 1 a (strike, kill) saṃ + ud > ū + √han + ta a pp 11
pāpa 1 adj evil; criminal; wrong; bad; vicious aī adj 11
akata 1 pp not done; not performed; not acted √kar 7 o (do, make) na > a + √kar + ta a pp 11
nava 1.1 adj new; fresh a adj 11
asabala adj not spotted; not mottled; not patchy na > a + sabala a adj 11
asambādha adj unobstructed; unhindered; unrestricted √bādh 1 a (press, oppress) na > a + saṃ + √bādh + a a adj 11
asammuṭṭha pp unmuddled; without confusion; not forgotten √mus 3 ya (lie, forget) na > a + saṃ + √mus + ta a pp 11
asallīna pp active; not sluggish √lī 3 ya (stick, hide) na > a + saṃ + √lī + na a pp 11
asaṃvāsa 1 adj (vinaya) expelled; excommunicated; unaffiliated; not part of the community √vas 1 a (live) na > a + saṃ + √vas > vās + *a a adj 11
asāra adj essenceless; substanceless; worthless; useless √sar 1 a (go, flow) na > a + √sar > sār + *a a adj 11
asārato ind as unessential; as insubstantial; as valueless; as essenceless √sar 1 a (go, flow) na > a + √sar > sār + *a + to\nasāra + to 11
asāraddha pp unagitated; unaroused; unexcited; calm √rabh 1 a (be aroused, be violent) na > a + saṃ + √rabh + ta a pp 11
asita 1.1 pp eaten √as 1 a (eat) √as + ita a pp 11
asita 1.2 nt eating √as 1 a (eat) √as + ita a nt 11
asubha 1 adj ugly; disgusting; foul; unattractive √subh 1 *a (shine, adorn) na > a + √subh + a a adj 11
asesa adj complete; without remainder √sis 8 *e (remain, distinguish) na > a + √sis > ses + *a a adj 11
asoka 1 adj sorrow-free; free from sadness √suc 1 *a (grieve) na > a + √suc > soc > sok + *a a adj 11
assāmika 1 adj without a paying benefactor; with no patron na > a + sāmī + ka\nassāmī + ka a adj 11
asapatta adj peaceful; without hostility √pat 3 ya (command, control) na > a + sa + √pat + ya a adj 11
avakkhitta pp dropped; thrown down √khip 1 a (throw) ava + √khip + ta a pp 11
avaṅkata adj not crooked; non-dishonest √vañc 8 *e (be bent, deceive) na > a + √vañc > vaṅk + a + tā + a\navaṅkatā + a a adj 11
avañjha adj productive; profitable; successful na > a + vañjha a adj 11
avatthu adj without base; without grounds; without foundation √vas 1 a (live) na > a + √vas + thu u adj 11
aviddasu 1 adj ignorant; foolish; idiotic √vid 1 a (know) na > a + √vid + vasu u adj 11
avinīta pp untrained (in); uneducated (about); undisciplined (in) √nī 1 a (lead, carry) na > a + vi + √nī + ta a pp 11
avera 1 adj kind; friendly; peaceful; free of ill-will; without animosity √vīr 8 *e (be heroic, be hostile) na > a + √vīr > ver + *a a adj 11
āgata 3 pp come (from); arrived (from); returned (from) √gam 1 a (go) ā + √gam + ta a pp 11
ācarita pp acted; behaved; performed; practised √car 1 a (act, behave) ā + √car + ita a pp 11
āditta pp blazing; burning; on fire √dīp 3 ya (shine, explain) ā + √dīp + ta a pp 11
ādisa adj of character; of quality; of kind; referring to √dis 1 a (see) ā + √dis + a aī adj 11
ābādhato ind as disease; as sickness; as illness; as affliction; as oppressive √bādh 1 a (press, oppress) ā + √bādh + a + to\nābādha + to 11
ābādhika adj sick; ill √bādh 1 a (press, oppress) ā + √bādh + a + ika\nābādha + ika a adj 11
āraddha 1.1 pp aroused; applied; undertaken √rabh 1 a (begin) ā + √rabh + ta a pp 11
ṭhita 7 pp situated (in); standing (in); remaining (in) √ṭhā 1 a (stand) √ṭhā + ita a pp 11
tasa adj moving; mobile; (comm) with craving √tas 1 a (tremble, fear) √tas + a a adj 11
asaṅkhata pp unconditioned; not created; unformed; unconstructed; epithet of Nibbāna; (comm) not made √kar 7 o (do, make) na > a + saṃ + √kar > khar + ta a pp 11
aluddha masc who is not greedy √lubh 3 ya (be greedy) na > a + √lubh + ta a masc 11
aroga adj healthy; free from disease √ruj 1 a (hurt, be painful) na > a + √ruj > rog + *a a adj 11
duṭṭhulla 2 adj (of speech) rude; obscene; vulgar; coarse √thūl 8 *e (be fat, be coarse) dur + √thūl > thull + a a adj 11
duṭṭha 1 pp wicked; evil; bad; corrupt √dus 3 ya (be angry, be corrupt) √dus + ta a pp 11
dukkhita 1 pp afflicted; miserable; suffering √dukkh 1 a (be painful) √dukkh + ita a pp 11
aparimita pp immeasurable; limitless √mā 5 nā (measure) na > a + pari + √mā > mi + ta a pp 11
dukkhato 2 ind as suffering; as pain; as discomfort √dukkh 1 a (be painful) √dukkh + a + to\ndukkha + to 11
apariyādinna 1 pp not used up; not exhausted; not consumed; not run out √ādā 3 ya (take, seize) na > a + pari + [y] + √ādā > ādī + na a pp 11
dukkha 2 adj painful √dukkh 1 a (be painful) √dukkh + a a adj 11
dukkha 1 adj uncomfortable; unpleasant √dukkh 1 a (be painful) √dukkh + a a adj 11
appa 1 adj few; not many; not much a adj 11
appamatta 1.1 pp diligent (in); vigilant (about); careful (about); attentive (to) √mad 3 ya (be mad, be intoxicated) na > a + pa + √mad + ta a pp 11
appamāṇa 1 adj immeasurable; unlimited; limitless; boundless √mā 5 nā (measure) na > a + pa + √mā + aṇa a adj 11
appavārita pp uninvited; not asked; unoffered √var 8 *e (wish, choose) na > a + pa + vāre + ita a pp 11
appiya 1 adj not dear (to); unloved (by); disliked (by) √pī 5 nā (love, please) na > a + √pī > piy + a a adj 11
dibba adj divine; heavenly; celestial √div 3 ya (shine) √div > dib + ya a adj 11
dinna 1 pp given (to); offered (to) √dā 1 a (give) √dā > dī + na a pp 11
abbhuggata pp arisen (about); spread (about); circulated (about) √gam 1 a (go) abhi > abhy > abbh + ud + √gam + ta a pp 11
diṭṭha 1.1 pp seen; found; visible √dis 1 a (see) √dis + ta a pp 11
ariya 1 adj noble; distinguished; of an awakened being; of the Buddha a adj 11
thāvara adj stationary; stable; immobile; arahant; (comm) without craving √ṭhā 1 a (stand) √ṭhā + [v] + ara a adj 11
thūla 1 adj massive; large √thūl 8 *e (be fat, be coarse) √thūl + a a adj 11
thūla 2 adj gross; coarse √thūl 8 *e (be fat, be coarse) √thūl + a a adj 11
amuka adj that; such and such (person or place) amu + ka a adj 11
kāma 1 adj wishing (to); wanting (to); would be delighted (to) √kam 8 *e (desire) √kam > kām + *a a adj 11
āsevita 1 pp practised persistently √sev 1 a (serve, associate) ā + √sev + ita a pp 11
dakkhiṇa 1 adj right (hand side) √dakkh 1 a (be able, please) √dakkh + iṇa a adj 11
daḷha 1 pp strong; firm; steady √dah 1 a (be strong) √dah + ta > daḍha > daḷha a pp 11
abhinipphanna pp accomplished (by); attained (by); materialized (by); produced (by) √pad 3 ya (go, step) abhi + nī + √pad + na a pp 11
abhikkanta 3 pp advanced; progressed; moved on; (comm) ending; depletion √kam 1 a (go) abhi + √kam + ta a pp 11
abyāpajjha 2.2 adj free from ill will; not malicious; kind-hearted √pad 3 ya (go, step) na > a + vi > vy > by + ā + √pad > pād + *a + ya\nabyāpāda + ya a adj 11
abyatta pp inexperienced; incompetent; inept untrained √añj 8 *aya (distinguish) na > a + vi > vy > by + √añj + ta a pp 11
abbhuta 1 adj marvellous; extraordinary; unbelievable; astonishing abbhu + ta a adj 11
abhūta 1 pp not become; not happened √bhū 1 a (be, become) na > a + √bhū + ta a pp 11
aparimāṇa adj measureless; boundless √mā 5 nā (measure) na > a + pari + √mā + aṇa a adj 11
ṭhita 3 pp remained; stayed; was √ṭhā 1 a (stand) √ṭhā + ita a pp 11
āvaraṇa 1 adj obstructing; blocking; impeding √var 1 a (cover, dress, restrain) ā + √var + aṇa a adj 11
gama adj going; able to go √gam 1 a (go) √gam + a a adj 11
gata 2 pp become (a certain way); being in (some state); gone into (a state) √gam 1 a (go) √gam + ta a pp 11
gata 1 pp gone (to); went (for) √gam 1 a (go) √gam + ta a pp 11
gaṇḍato ind as a boil; as an abscess gaṇḍa + to 11
khema 1 adj well; safe; secure; at peace; at rest √khi 1 a (live, abide peacefully) √khi > khe + *ma a adj 11
khudda adj small; minute; tiny a adj 11
khīṇa 1 pp consumed; spent; finished; exhausted; slowly destroyed √khī 1 a (exhaust, destroy) √khī + na a pp 11
khāyita 2 nt eating; chewing √khād 1 a (chew) √khād > khāy + ita a nt 11
khāyita 1 pp chewed (by); bitten (by); gnawed (by) √khād 1 a (chew) √khād > khāy + ita a pp 11
khama 2 adj fit (for); capable (of); suitable (for) √kham 1 a (tolerate, endure) √kham + a a adj 11
khata 1.1 pp hurt; injured √khan 1 a (hurt, break) √khan + ta a pp 11
ocaraka 1 adj lowlife; mean; rough √car 1 a (act, behave) ava + √car + a + ka\nocara + ka a adj 11
odāta 1 pp white √dā 3 ya (be pure, be clean) ava + √dā + ta a pp 11
onaddha pp enveloped (with); covered (with); wrapped (with) √nadh 2 ṃa (wrap, twist) ava + √nadh + ta a pp 11
garu 3 adj respected; esteemed √gar 1 a (esteem, be heavy) √gar + u u adj 11
opanayika adj pragmatic; applicable; relevant √nī 1 a (lead, carry) upa > opa + √nī > nay + *a + *ika\nupanaya + *ika a adj 11
kusala 1 adj healthy; beneficial; useful; good; wholesome a adj 11
kupita pp indignant; angry; annoyed; outraged; offended √kup 3 ya (shake, be angry) √kup + ita a pp 11
ovadita pp advised; instructed; taught; admonished √vad 1 a (say, speak) ava + √vad + ita a pp 11
ohita 3 pp (of attention) applied; paid √dhā 1 a (place, support) ava + √dhā > (da)h + ita a pp 11
oḷārika 1 adj coarse; gross; substantial; physical; material √ar 1 a (move, attain) ud > oḷ + √ar > ār + *a + *ika\nuḷāra + *ika a adj 11
oḷārika 2 adj (of food) solid; heavy; substantial √ar 1 a (move, attain) ud > oḷ + √ar > ār + *a + *ika\nuḷāra + *ika a adj 11
kaṇha 1 adj dark; black a adj 11
kata 1 pp done; did; completed √kar 7 o (do, make) √kar + ta a pp 11
kanta 1.1 pp charming (to); pleasant (to); desirable; agreeable (to) √kam 8 *e (desire) √kam + ta a pp 11
kammaniya adj ready; workable; suitable for use; functional √kar 7 o (do, make) √kar + ma + aniya\nkamma + aniya a adj 11
kāsāya 1 adj organic brown; colour of Buddhist monks' robes kasāya > kāsāya + *a a adj 11
kara 1 adj doing; making √kar 7 o (do, make) √kar + a a adj 11
karaṇa 1 adj doing; making; causing; effecting √kar 7 o (do, make) √kar + aṇa a adj 11
kalyāṇa 1 adj good; favourable; propitious; beneficial; lovely aī adj 11
kevala 1 adj all; whole lot; altogether; total; entire; complete a adj 11
gahita 1 pp got; grasped; grabbed; held; seized; captured; taken √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) √gah + ita a pp 11
ekaka 1 adj alone; solitary eka + ka a adj 11
gutta pp guarded; protected; kept watch (over) √gup 1 a (guard) √gup + ta a pp 11
jeṭṭha 1 adj first; elder; eldest; foremost a adj 11
iccha adj wishing for; desiring; wanting √is 1 a (wish for) iccha + a a adj 11
jīvita 2 nt livelihood; lifestyle; way of life √jīv 1 a (live) √jīv + ita a nt 11
jīvita 1 nt life; existence √jīv 1 a (live) √jīv + ita a nt 11
jina 1 masc conqueror; victor; champion; epithet of the Buddha √ji 5 nā (conquer) √ji + na a masc 11
iṭṭha 1.1 pp pleasing; likeable; cherished; wished for √is 1 a (wish for) √is + ta a pp 11
jāgara adj awake; alert; lucid √jāgar 1 a (be awake, be watchful) √jāgar + a a adj 11
ja 1.1 adj born (from); produced (by); made (of); caused (by) √jan 3 ya (be born, produce) √jan + a a adj 11
chinna 2 pp cut off; severed √chid 2 ṃa (cut, steal) √chid + na a pp 11
chaḍḍita pp thrown away; discarded; abandoned; disposed of √chaḍḍ 8 *e (discard, abandon) √chaḍḍ + ita a pp 11
uggahīta pp grasped; held onto; raised up √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) ud + √gah + ita a pp 11
ucchinna pp broken off; cut off; severed √chid 2 ṃa (cut, steal) ud + √chid + na a pp 11
uju 1 adj straight; upright; erect √uj 1 a (be straight) √uj + u u adj 11
uttama 1 adj best; highest; ultimate; supreme; top ud + tama a adj 11
uttari 1.1 adj superior; supreme; better; higher ud + tara + i\nuttara + i i adj 11
uttiṇṇa pp (of water) crossed over; emerged from; come out the other side √tar 1 a (cross) ud + √tar > tir + na a pp 11
uddesa 7 adj intended for; designated for √dis 1 a (point out, explain) ud + √dis > des + *a a adj 11
eka 4 adj only eka adj 11
eka 3 adj alone; single; solitary eka adj 11
uḷāra 1 adj excellent; lofty; high; noble √ar 1 a (move, attain) ud > uḷ + √ar > ār + *a a adj 11
ussuka adj zealously desiring; ambitious; anxiously striving (for); anxious (about); agitated; stressed ud + su + ka a adj 11
ubhato ind both; on both sides (of); in both ways; dually ubha + to 11
uppanna 1 pp arisen; appeared; come into being (for) √pad 3 ya (go, step) ud + √pad + na a pp 11
ṭhita 2 pp stationary; stable; stabilised; motionless; immovable √ṭhā 1 a (stand) √ṭhā + ita a pp 11
upekkhaka adj mental poised; mentally balanced; equanimous; non-reactive; looking on; disregarding √ikkh 1 a (see, mark) upa + ikkha + ā + ka\nupekkhā + ka aka adj 11
upasanta 1 pp calmed; cooled; composed; still; calm; at peace; tranquil √sam 3 ya (be calm, be tired) upa + √sam + ta a pp 11
upapanna 3 pp possessed (of); having; with a √pad 3 ya (go, step) upa + √pad + na a pp 11
upadduta pp afflicted (by); troubled (by); persecuted (by); oppressed (by); tyrannized (by) √du 1 a (burn, torment) upa + √du + ta a pp 11
upaṭṭhita 1 pp present; in attendance √ṭhā 1 a (stand) upa + √ṭhā + ita a pp 11
cira adj (of time) long a adj 11
cuta 1.1 pp passed away; died √cu 1 a (shift, fall away, die) √cu + ta a pp 11
upahata 1 pp injured; impaired; broken; deteriorated √han 1 a (strike, kill) upa + √han + ta a pp 11
dubbala 1 adj frail; weak; feeble √bal 1 a (be strong, live) dur + √bal + a a adj 11
dakkha adj expert; skilled; able; adroit √dakkh 1 a (be able, please) √dakkh + a a adj 11
dullabha 1 adj difficult to find (for); hard to obtain (for); rare (for) √labh 1 a (get) dur + √labh + a a adj 11
anattato ind as impersonal; as not oneself; as non-subjective na > an + atta + to\nanatta + to 11
ananuyutta pp not devoted (to); not applying oneself (to); not practising √yuj 2 ṃa (yoke, join) na > an + anu + √yuj + ta a pp 11
nisinna 1 pp seated (in) √sad 1 a (sink, sit, settle) ni + sīda + na a pp 11
analasa adj active; energetic; industrious; not lazy √las 1 a (shine, be active) na > a + na + √las + a a adj 11
anavasesa 1 adj all; without exception √sis 8 *e (remain, distinguish) na > an + ava + √sis > ses + *a a adj 11
anāgata 1 pp not come; not arrived; not present √gam 1 a (go) na > an + ā + √gam + ta a pp 11
nicca 1 adj permanent; lasting; continuous; ordered; stable; reliable; regular; immutable ni + tya a adj 11
anāgata 2 pp future √gam 1 a (go) na > an + ā + √gam + ta a pp 11
anātura adj healthy; free from suffering √tur 1 a (hurt, be sick) na > an + ā + √tur + a a adj 11
anatta 1 adj impersonal; not oneself; non-subjective; not suitable to identify with; coreless; essenceless na > an + atta a adj 11
panta 2 adj secluded; isolated; solitary pa + anta a adj 11
anāhāra adj without fuel; without nutriment √har 1 a (take, seize) na > an + ā + √har > hār + *a a adj 11
pabbajita 2 pp ordained (from); renounced (from) √vaj 1 a (go on) pa + √vaj > baj + ita a pp 11
anicca 1 adj impermanent; inconstant; not lasting; discontinuous; disordered; unstable; unreliable; irregular na > a + ni + tya a adj 11
dubbhāsita 1 adj badly spoken; incorrectly said √bhās 1 a (speak) dur + √bhās + ita a adj 11
ajjhāruha adj which takes over; which overwhelms; which overgrows √ruh 1 a (ascend, grow) adhi > adhy > ajjh + ā + √ruh + a a adj 11
pamatta 1 pp careless; heedless; negligent; inattentive √mad 3 ya (be mad, be intoxicated) pa + √mad + ta a pp 11
animitta 1 pp signless; featureless; free of mental images √mā 5 nā (measure) na > a + ni + √mā > mi + ta a pp 11
anissita 1 pp detached (from); disengaged (from); separated (from); independent (of) √si 1 a (depend on, associate with) na > a + ni + √si + ta a pp 11
anuṭṭhita 1.1 pp practised; established; (comm) repeatedly practised √ṭhā 1 a (stand) anu + √ṭhā + ita a pp 11
pabbajita 1 masc monk; monastic; renunciant; renunciate √vaj 1 a (go on) pa + √vaj > baj + ita a masc 11
pamāṇika adj according to the correct measurement; of the right size; correct-sized √mā 5 nā (measure) pa + māṇā + a + ika\npamāṇa + ika a adj 11
nissita 1 pp dependent (on); clung (to); attached (to); supported (by); living (on); based (on); relying (on); by means (of) √si 1 a (depend on, associate with) ni + √si + ta a pp 11
anatīta pp not past; not free from; not exempt; unavoidable; subject to √i 1 a (come, go) na > an + ati + √i + ta a pp 11
paṭilābhato ind as personal acquisition; as gain √labh 1 a (get) pati + √labh > lābh + *a + to\npaṭilābha + to 11
paṭisaṃyutta pp connected (to); concerned (with); related (to) √yuj 2 ṃa (yoke, join) pati + saṃ + √yuj + ta a pp 11
attaniya adj one's own; belonging to oneself; fit to be a self atta + [n] + iya a adj 11
adiṭṭha 1.1 pp not seen; unseen √dis 1 a (see) na > a + √dis + ta a pp 11
attato ind as oneself; as self atta + to 11
pacchato 2 ind behind; backwards pacchā + to 11
paccupaṭṭhita 6 pp established; in place √ṭhā 1 a (stand) pati > paty > pacc + upa + √ṭhā + ita a pp 11
paṇihita 1 pp guided; directed; orientated; determined; intended √dhā 1 a (place, support) pa + ni + √dhā > (da)h + ita a pp 11
atīta 2 pp past; gone past; bygone √i 1 a (come, go) ati + √i + ta a pp 11
aḍḍha 1.1 adj half a adj 11
paṇīta 2 pp fine; refined; excellent; superior; sublime √nī 1 a (lead, carry) pa + √nī + ta a pp 11
paccantima adj border; frontier; outlying pati > paty > pacc + anta + ima\npaccanta + ima a adj 11
addhuva adj not stable; not enduring; not eternal √dhuv 1 a (be firm, be solid) na > a + √dhuv + a a adj 11
pacālaka 1 adj swinging; swaying; shaking; nodding √cal 1 a (shake, tremble) pa + √cal > cāl + *aka a adj 11
patta 3.1 pp reached; attained; gained; accomplished; found √ap 4 uṇā (reach, attain) pa + √ap + ta a pp 11
adhigata 1 pp got; acquired; attained; achieved √gam 1 a (go) adhi + √gam + ta a pp 11
adhimutta 1 pp set (on); intent (on); focused (on); fixed (on); fixated (on); resolved (on) √muc 2 ṃa (release, free) adhi + √muc + ta a pp 11
aṇu 2 adj subtle; fine u adj 11
aṇu 1 adj small; tiny; minute; minuscule u adj 11
anaṅgaṇa adj spotless; blemish free √añj 1 a (smear, anoint) na > an + √añj > aṅg + aṇa a adj 11
adinna 1.1 nt which is not given; something not offered √dā 1 a (give) na > a + √dā > dī + na a nt 11
anuttara adj highest (of); unsurpassed (by); incomparable (to); superior (to) na > an + ud + tara a adj 11
aniccato ind as impermanent; as unstable; as transient; as unreliable na > a + nicca + to\nanicca + to 11
ajāta 1 pp unborn; uncreated; unproduced √jan 3 ya (be born, produce) na > a + √jan > jā + ta a pp 11
dhamma 1.10 adj of such nature; liable (to); prone (to); destined (for) √dhar 1 a (hold, carry, endure) √dhar + ma a adj 11
anupaddava adj safe; free from danger; uninjured; unafflicted √du 1 a (burn, torment) na > an + upa + √du > dav + *a a adj 11
anūhata pp not destroyed; unimpaired; not uprooted √han 1 a (strike, kill) na > an + ud > ū + √han + ta a pp 11
aneka adj many; various; countless na > an + eka eka adj 11
akovida adj unskilled (in); not expert (in); not proficient (in); not a master (of) √vid 1 a (know) na > a + ku > ko + √vid + *a a adj 11
akusala 3 adj unhealthy; unwholesome; unskillful; unbeneficial; kammically unprofitable na > a + kusala a adj 11
anoka 1 adj homeless; without worldly attachment √uc 3 ya (comfort) na > an + √uc > ok + *a a adj 11
akiñcana adj with nothing; is nothing; having no; possession-less; epithet of an arahant na > a + kiñci + ana a adj 11
akālika 2 adj timeless; not limited to a particular time √kal 8 *e (spend time) na > a + √kal > kāl + *a + ika\nakāla + ika a adj 11
pariyuṭṭha adj obsessed (with); possessed (by); overwhelmed (by); overcome (by) √ṭhā 1 a (stand) pari + [y] + ud + √ṭhā + a a adj 11
dhammika 2 adj righteous; just; moral √dhar 1 a (hold, carry, endure) √dhar + ma + ika\ndhamma + ika a adj 11
akālika 1 adj immediate; (comm) giving immediate fruit √kal 8 *e (spend time) na > a + √kal > kāl + *a + ika\nakāla + ika a adj 11
akata 2 pp not made; not created √kar 7 o (do, make) na > a + √kar + ta a pp 11
andha 1.2 adj blind; sightless; visually impaired a adj 11
apagata 1 pp without; free (from); with no √gam 1 a (go) apa + √gam + ta a pp 11
apara 1 adj another; after; further; next apa + ra a adj 11
aparājita 1 pp unconquered; undefeated; victorious; triumphant √ji 1 a (conquer) na > a + parā + √ji + ta a pp 11
aparāmaṭṭha pp irreproachable; untouchable; untarnished √mas 1 a (touch, rub) na > a + parā + √mas + ta a pp 11
aparikkamana adj not accessible; not approachable √kam 1 a (go) na > a + pari + √kam + ana a adj 11
pariyodāta 1 pp pure; clean; shiny; bright √dā 3 ya (be pure, be clean) pari + [y] + ava + √dā + ta a pp 11
dūrama adj difficult to delight (in); hard to enjoy √ram 1 a (delight, please) dur > dū + √ram + a a adj 11
dūrato ind from far away; from afar √dū 1 a (go, run) √dū + ra + to\ndūra + to 11
akammāsa adj unblemished; spotless; pure na > a + kammāsa a adj 11
anussuka adj not zealously desiring; not ambitious; not anxiously striving; calm; relaxed; unagitated na > an + ud + su + ka a adj 11
akkhāta pp said; told; declared; announced (by) √khā 1 a (tell, announce) ā + √khā + ta a pp 11
paripūra 1 adj full; filled up; complete √pūr 1 a (fill, fulfil) pari + √pūr + a a adj 11
nadita pp roared; made a bold assertion √nad 1 a (roar) √nad + ita a pp 11
acchidda 1 pp unbroken; flawless; without cracks √chid 2 ṃa (cut, steal) na > a + √chid + ta a pp 11
parama 1 adj highest; most extreme; very best; ultimate; superior; sublime para + ma a adj 11
acchariya 1 adj wonderful; marvellous acchara + iya a adj 11
parājita pp conquered; defeated √ji 1 a (conquer) parā + √ji + ta a pp 11
dhūta 1 nt ascetic practice √dhū 5 nā (shake, smoke) √dhū + ta a nt 11
dhuva 1 adj stable; enduring; permanent; eternal; everlasting √dhuv 1 a (be firm, be solid) √dhuv + a a adj 11
anupekkhita pp carefully considered; re-examined; re-looked at √ikkh 1 a (see, mark) anu + pa + √ikkh + ita a pp 11
acira adj (of time) not long; soon; recent na > a + cira a adj 11
paricita 1 pp practised; rehearsed; consolidated; familiarized √ci 5 nā (gather, accumulate) pari + √ci + ta a pp 11
dhāta 1.1 pp remembered; retained in mind; known off by heart √dhar 8 *e (wear, hold, carry) dhāre + ta a pp 11
aghato ind as trouble; as pain; as bad agha + to 11
acakkhuka adj sightless; visionless √cakkh 1 a (see) na > a + √cakkh + u + ka\ncakkhuka + ka a adj 11
anuyutta 1 pp devoted (to); applied oneself (to); practised; doing √yuj 2 ṃa (yoke, join) anu + √yuj + ta a pp 11
agilāna 1 adj not sick; healthy √gilā 3 ya (be sick, be tired) na > a + √gilā + ana a adj 11
anuppanna pp unborn; unarisen; not existing; nonexistent √pad 3 ya (go, step) na > an + ud + √pad + na a pp 11
parinibbuta 3 pp (of an arahant) died one's final death; attained final Nibbāna √vā 1 a (blow, emit odour) pari + nī + √vā > vu > bu + ta a pp 11
akhaṇḍa adj unbroken; unfragmented; whole √khaṇḍ 8 *e (break) na > a + √khaṇḍ + a a adj 11
cha 2.1 card six (6) a1 card 12
paññāsā card fifty (50) pañca + dasa + ā ā card 12
eka 1 card one (1) eka card 12
satta 1.1 card seven (7) a1 card 12
catuttha 1 ordin fourth (4th) catu + ttha aī ordin 12
paṭhama 1 ordin first (1st); prime pa + tama > ṭhama a ordin 12
sahassa 1 card one thousand (1000) a2 card 12
cattārīsā card forty (40) catu + dasa + *ā ā card 12
aṭṭha 1.1 card eight (8) a1 card 12
catu card four (4) catu card 12
aṭṭhasata card one hundred and eight (108) aṭṭha + sata a2 card 12
sattama 1.1 ordin seventh (7th) satta + ma a ordin east 12
caturāsīti card eighty-four (84) catu + [r] + asīti i card 12
aṭṭhama 1 ordin eighth (8th) aṭṭha + ma aī ordin 12
ekādasa 1 card eleven (11) eka > ekā + dasa + *a a1 card 12
cattālīsā card forty (40) catu + dasa + *ā ā card 12
aṭṭhārasa 1 card eighteen (18) aṭṭha > aṭṭhā + dasa + *a a1 card 12
chaṭṭha ordin sixth (6th) cha + ṭṭha aī ordin 12
sata 2.1 card one hundred (100) a2 card 12
tatiya 1.1 ordin third (3rd) ti > ta + tiya a ordin 12
dasama 1 ordin tenth (10th) dasa + ma aī ordin 12
dvi card two (2) dvi card 12
dvādasa 1 card twelve (12) dvi > dva > dvā + dasa + *a a1 card 12
navama ordin ninth (9th) nava + ma aī ordin 12
ti 1 card three (3) ti card 12
nava 2.1 card nine (9) a1 card 12
pañca card five (5) a1 card 12
dasa 1.1 card ten (10) a1 card 12
chattiṃsā card thirty six (36) chaḷ + tiṃsā ā card 12
vīsati card twenty (20) dvi + dasa + ti i card 12
dutiya 1 ordin second (2nd) dvi > du + tiya a ordin 12
soḷasa 1 card sixteen (16) cha > soḷ + dasa a1 card 12
pañcama ordin fifth (5th) pañca + ma aī ordin 12
anuparivattiyamāna prp being revolved around; being rotated; being done routinely; being done regularly √vatt 1 iya (be, proceed) anu + pari + vattiya + māna māna prp 13
anupalabbhamāna 1 prp not being found; being nonexistent √labh 1 ya (get) na > an + upa + labbha + māna māna prp 13
ambho ind hey!; yo!; look here! haṃ + bho 13
alaṃ 5 ind that's enough (of)!; stop (with)! 13
atthaṃ ind for the sake (of); for the purpose (of); for the benefit (of) √ar 1 a (move, attain) √ar + tha + aṃ\nattha + aṃ 13
evaṃ 1 ind thus; this; like this; similarly; in the same manner; just as; such eva + aṃ 13
anupubbena ind gradually; step-by-step; successively; stage-by-stage anu + pubba + ena\nanupubba + ena 13
samanubhāsiyamāna prp being admonished; being sternly advised (by someone about something) √bhās 1 iya (speak) saṃ + anu + bhāsiya + māna māna prp 13
samanuyuñjiyamāna prp being cross-questioned; being cross-examined (by someone about something) √yuj 2 ṃa + iya (yoke, join) saṃ + anu + yuñjiya + māna māna prp 13
suyyati pr is heard √su 4 ya (hear) suyya + ti ati pr 13
samaṃ 2 ind in a similar manner; similarly likewise sama + aṃ 13
vimuccati pr is released (from); is free (from) √muc 2 ya (release, free) vi + mucca + ti ati pr 13
huraṃ 1 ind there; in another world 13
ettāvatā ind to this extent; to such a degree; so far ima + tāva + tā\nettāva + tā 13
samādhiyati pr is calmed (for); becomes collected (for); becomes composed (for); becomes stable (for) √dhā 1 iya (place, support) saṃ + ā + dhiya + ti ati pr 13
vimucci aor became free (from); was released (from); was liberated (from) √muc 2 ya (release, free) vi + mucca + i i aor 13
samanugāhiyamāna prp being closely questioned (by); being interrogated (by); being pressed (by) √gāh 1 iya (dive, plunge) saṃ + anu + gāhiya + māna māna prp 13
abhūtena ind falsely; untruthfully √bhū 1 a (be, become) na > a + √bhū + ta + ena\nabhūta + ena 13
sotthiṃ ind safely; well; in peace √as 1 a (be) su > so + √as + ti + iṃ\nsotthi + iṃ 13
accayena 2 ind after the death (of); after the passing (of) √i 1 a (come, go) ati > aty > acc + √i > ay + *a + ena\naccaya + ena 13
aparitassanta prp being unperturbed; being unshaken √tas 3 ya (be agitated) na > a + pari + tassa + nta anta prp 13
api 1.1 ind just; only 13
api 1.2 ind even; even then 13
api 1.3 ind if; even if 13
api 1.7 ind too; also; as well 13
antarā 3 ind inside; within; internally anta + ra + ā\nantara + ā 13
vijjati 1 pr exists (in); is found (in); is present (in) √vid 3 ya (be found, exist) vijja + ti ati pr 13
santike 1 ind to; in the presence (of); near (to); nearby; close (to); on the verge (of) sa + antika + e\nsantika + e 13
antamaso 1 ind even so much as; even with; even down to; with as little as antama + so 13
sandissati 2 pr is seen (in); is comparable (with); agrees (with) √dis 1 ya (see) saṃ + dissa + ti ati pr 13
vitthārena 1 ind in detail; in full; thoroughly √thar 1 a (spread, expand) vi + √thar > thār + *a + ena\nvitthāra + ena 13
vata 1.2 ind certainly; surely; indeed 13
abhiṇhaṃ ind continuously; repeatedly; regularly; often √ikkh 1 a (see, mark) abhi + √ikkh + aṇa + aṃ\nabhikkhaṇaṃ > abhiṇhaṃ 13
sabbadā ind always; at all times sabba + dā 13
sabbadhi ind everywhere; in every way; in all respects sabba + dhi 13
va 1.1 ind like; as iva > (i)va > va 13
sabbaso 1 ind in every way; entirely; completely; altogether sabba + so 13
orena 1 ind earlier (than); sooner (than) ora + ena 13
sotthinā ind safely √as 1 a (be) su > so + √as + ti + inā\nsotthi + inā 13
evaṃ 2 ind yes!; that is right!; correct! eva + aṃ 13
aññatra 2 ind apart (from); aside (from); other (than); except (for); without añña + tra 13
eka 7 ind once 13
vimuccituṃ inf to become free (from); to be released (from); to be liberated (from) √muc 2 ya (release, free) vi + mucca + ituṃ 13
sarena ind sweetly; melodiously √sar 1 a (make sound) √sar + a + ena\nsara + ena 13
sasīsaṃ ind up to the head; including the head sa + sīsa + aṃ\nsasīsa + aṃ 13
uddissamāna prp being recited; being chanted √dis 1 ya (point out, explain) ud + dissa + māna māna prp 13
udāhu ind or (second part of a question) 13
sahasā 2 ind rashly; in haste √sah 1 a (overcome, prevail) √sah + as + ā\nsahas + ā 13
vuccati pr is said to be; is called √vac 1 ya (say, speak) vucca + ti ati pr 13
uttariṃ 2 ind further; another; in addition √tar 1 a (cross) ud + √tar + i + iṃ\nuttari + iṃ 13
uttari 1.2 ind more (than); moreover; further (than); beyond ud + tara + i\nuttara + i 13
iti ind thus; like this; this is; and so 13
atho ind and then; or; after that; because of atha + u > atho 13
vehāsaṃ ind in the air; in the sky vih<b>āya</b>sa > veh<b>ā</b>sa + aṃ 13
saṃvijjamāna prp existing (in); being found (in) √vid 3 ya (be found, exist) saṃ + vijja + māna māna prp 13
ito 2 ind (of place) from here; away from ima + to 13
ve ind indeed; truly; really 13
ucchijjati pr is destroyed; is annihilated √chid 2 ya (cut, steal) ud + chijja + ti ati pr 13
atha 2 ind but; rather; even 13
sādiyati 1 pr consents (to); accepts; agrees (to); permits √sād 8 *e + iya (taste, relish) sādiya + ti ati pr 13
sādhu 3 ind it is good (for); it would be good (if) √sādh 3 ya (accomplish) √sādh + u 13
ida ind in this case; here 13
sādhukaṃ ind well; carefully; thoroughly; fully; completely √sādh 3 ya (accomplish) √sādh + u + ka + aṃ 13
iva ind like; as 13
sāmaṃ 1 ind oneself; by oneself; for oneself sa + āmaṃ 13
ujuṃ ind uprightly; erectly √uj 1 a (be straight) √uj + u + uṃ\nuju + uṃ 13
aññathā 1 ind differently; otherwise añña + thā 13
uddhaṃ 1 ind above; up; on top ud + dha + aṃ\nuddha + aṃ 13
āvi ind openly; in full view; face to face 13
virajjati 1 pr becomes detached (from); loses interest (in); becomes dispassionate (towards); gets bored (with) √raj 3 ya (desire) vi + rajja + ti ati pr 13
asesaṃ ind completely; entirely; totally; without remnant √sis 8 *e (remain, distinguish) na > a + √sis > ses + *a + aṃ\nasesa + aṃ 13
virajjituṃ inf to lose desire (for); to become detached (from); to lose interest (in); to become dispassionate (about); to get bored (of) √raj 3 ya (desire) vi + rajja + ituṃ 13
avasissati pr remains; is left over √sis 8 ya (remain, distinguish) ava + sissa + ti ati pr 13
avidūre ind near (to); not far (from) √dū 1 a (go, run) na > a + vi + √dū + ra + e\navidūra + e 13
hi 1 ind indeed; certainly; truly; definitely 13
vihaññati 1 pr suffers hardship (because of); suffers anguish (from) √han 1 ya (strike, kill) vi + hañña + ti ati pr 13
sukhaṃ ind easily; comfortably; pleasantly; happily √sukh 1 a (please, be comfortable) √sukh + a + aṃ\nsukha + aṃ 13
adho 1 ind below; under 13
su 1 ind (interrogative & emphatic particle) 13
āvuso ind brother; brothers; friend; friends √i 1 a (come, go) ā + √i > ay + *as + mant + o\nāyasmanto > āyas(mant)o > āvuso 13
adhunā ind recently; now; presently; at this time 13
haññamāna 1 prp being struck (by); being beaten (by) √han 1 ya (strike, kill) hañña + māna māna prp 13
sīghaṃ ind quickly; swiftly; rapidly sīgha + aṃ 13
haññati 2 pr is hurt; is killed; is destroyed √han 1 ya (strike, kill) hañña + ti ati pr 13
sammā 1 ind completely; thoroughly; fully; totally 13
sammā 2 ind perfectly; rightly; correctly; properly 13
sammukhā ind face to face (with); in front (of); in the presence (of) saṃ + mukha + ā\nsammukha + ā 13
uparujjhati pr is stopped; is ended; is finished √rudh 2 ya (obstruct) upa + rujjha + ti ati pr 13
upari 1 ind above; overhead upa + ri 13
sayaṃ ind by one's own; oneself; one's own sa + [y] + a + aṃ\nsaya + aṃ 13
addhuvato ind as unstable; as unenduring; as not eternal √dhuv 1 a (be firm, be solid) na > a + √dhuv + a + to\naddhuva + to 13
upādāya 2 ind derived (from); dependent (on); based (on) √ādā 3 ya (take, seize) upa + √ādā + ya 13
atha 1 ind then; also; and so; after that 13
parisujjhati pr is purified (by); is cleansed (by) √sudh 3 ya (be pure) pari + sujjha + ti ati pr 13
tucchā ind baselessly; groundlessly; emptily tuccha + ā 13
bahiddhā 1 ind externally; outwardly √bah 1 a (be outside) √bah + i + dhā\nbahi + dhā 13
dhātuso 1 ind as states; as elements; by way of the elements √dhā 1 a (place, support) √dhā + tu + so\ndhātu + so 13
dhī ind shame on you!; woe on him!; damn you! 13
ce 1 ind if 13
bajjhati 1 pr is bound (by); is tied up (by); is caught (by); is imprisoned (by) √badh 1 ya (bind, tie) bajjha + ti ati pr 13
phussita 1 pp flowering; in full blossom √phus 1 ya (touch) phussa + ita a pp 13
ci ind some; any 13
phāsuṃ ind easily; comfortably √phus 1 a (touch) √phus > phās + *u + uṃ\nphāsu + uṃ 13
phāsu 3 ind easily; comfortably √phus 1 a (touch) √phus > phās + *u 13
namo ind reverence (to); veneration (to); homage (to) √nam 1 a (bend) √nam + as + o\nnamas + o 13
nādhimuccati 1 pr is not drawn (to); is not attracted (to); does not incline (towards) √muc 2 ya (release, free) na + adhi + mucca + ti\nna + adhimuccati ati pr 13
yāvatā 1 ind as long as; as far as; of all; to the extent that yāva + tā 13
carahi ind then; therefore; now 13
nāma 2 ind called; means; by the name of; namely 13
pecca ind after death √i 1 a (come, go) pa + √i > e + *tya 13
nirujjhati pr dissolves; finishes; stops; ceases; vanishes √rudh 2 ya (obstruct) ni + rujjha + ti ati pr 13
yoniso ind properly; prudently; thoroughly; carefully; intelligently √yu 1 a (unite, fasten) √yu > yo + *ni + so\nyoni + so 13
nirujjhamāna prp dissolving; stopping; ending; ceasing; disappearing; vanishing √rudh 2 ya (obstruct) ni + rujjha + māna māna prp 13
catukkhattuṃ ind four times catu + kkhattuṃ 13
ratto ind by night; at night ratti + o 13
raho 1 ind privately; secretly; in seclusion; alone √rah 1 a (leave, desert) √rah + as + o\nrahas + o 13
puna ind again; once more 13
nīyati 1.1 pr is led (by); is led astray (by); is led about (by) √nī 1 ya (lead, carry) nīya + ti ati pr 13
no 1.3 ind then; now; indeed 13
paccattaṃ ind for oneself; individually; personally; exclusively pati > paty > pacc + atta + aṃ\npaccatta + aṃ 13
yasmā 1 ind because; since ya + smā 13
paccayā ind dependent on; due to; caused by √i 1 a (come, go) pati > paty > pacc + √i > ay + *a + ā\npaccaya + ā 13
bahulaṃ ind often; frequently √bah 1 a (increase) √bah + u + la + aṃ\nbahula + aṃ 13
dūre 2 ind away (from); far away (from); distant (from) √dū 1 a (go, run) √dū + ra + e\ndūra + e 13
tassa 4 ind therefore; thus; so; because of that; regarding that ta + ssa 13
ti 2 ind (end of direct speech) ' ' iti > ti 13
tiriyaṃ 1 ind across √tir 1 a (cross) √tir + iya + aṃ\ntiriya + aṃ 13
tiriyaṃ 2 ind horizontally; width-wise √tir 1 a (cross) √tir + iya + aṃ\ntiriya + aṃ 13
tuṇhī 3 ind silent; quiet 13
tathā ind so; thus; in such a way; likewise; similarly ta + thā 13
bhusaṃ 1 ind intensely; exceedingly; very; strongly √bhus 3 ya (fall heavily) √bhus + a + aṃ\nbhusa + aṃ 13
tato 4 ind therefore; thereupon; thereby; because of that; after that ta + to 13
bhiyyo ind more (than); greater than (than); better than (than); superior (to) √bhū 1 a (be, become) √bhū > bhī + ya + o\nbhiyya + o 13
taggha ind truly; surely; definitely; most certainly tad + gha 13
muccati 1.1 pr is free (from); becomes free (from); is released (from) √muc 2 ya (release, free) mucca + ti ati pr 13
ṭhānaso 1 ind on the spot; right there; immediately √ṭhā 1 a (stand) √ṭhā + ana + so\nṭhāna + so 13
ñāyati 1 pr is known; is evident; is perceived √ñā 5 ya (know) ñāya + ti ati pr 13
musā 2 ind falsely; untruthfully √mus 3 ya (lie, forget) √mus + ā 13
jāyati 2 pr arises (for); is produced (for) √jan 3 ya (be born, produce) jāya + ti ati pr 13
dissati 1 pr is seen; is observed; is manifest √dis 1 ya (see) dissa + ti ati pr 13
dissati 2 pr seems √dis 1 ya (see) dissa + ti ati pr 13
divasaṃ ind by day; during the day; for a day √div 3 ya (shine) √div + asa + aṃ\ndivasa + aṃ 13
divā ind by day; during the day √div 3 ya (shine) √div + a + ā\ndiva + ā 13
dīghaso ind in length; long; lengthwise dīgha + so 13
chijjati 1 pr is cut off; is severed √chid 2 ya (cut, steal) chijja + ti ati pr 13
dīghaṃ ind (of breathing) for a long time; deeply dīgha + aṃ 13
chakkhattuṃ ind six times cha + kkhattuṃ 13
bhaññamāna 1 prp being spoken; being told; being mentioned √bhaṇ 1 ya (talk, speak) bhañña + māna māna prp 13
yathā 1 ind like; as; as per; according to; how; in whatever way ya + thā 13
bāḷhaṃ ind excessively; overly; too √bah 1 a (increase) √bah + ta > bāḍha > bāḷha + aṃ\nbāḷha + aṃ 13
pañcakkhattuṃ ind five times pañca + kkhattuṃ 13
tasmā 2 ind therefore; that is why ta + smā 13
pavuccati pr is called; is named; is said to be √vac 1 ya (say, speak) pa + vucca + ti ati pr 13
khajjati 1 pr is being eaten (by); is being nibbled (by) √khād 1 ya (chew) khajja + ti ati pr 13
pahīyamāna prp being abandoned; being given up √hā 1 īya (abandon) pa + hīya + māna māna prp 13
saccaṃ ind truly; really √as 1 a (be) sa + tya + aṃ\nsacca + aṃ 13
kuto 3 ind let alone; not to mention; what to say of ka > ku + to 13
khajjamāna prp being eaten (by); being devoured (by) √khād 1 ya (chew) khajja + māna māna prp 13
pariḍayhamāna prp being burnt (by); being tormented (by); being afflicted (by); being distressed (by) √ḍah 1 ya (burn) pari + ḍayha + māna māna prp 13
paritassati pr is perturbed; is shaken; is agitated; is anguished √tas 3 ya (be agitated) pari + tassa + ti ati pr 13
khajji aor was being eaten (by) √khād 1 ya (chew) khajja + i i aor 13
kujjhi aor was angry; was upset (with); was mad (at) √kudh 3 ya (be angry) kujjha + i i aor 13
kho ind indeed; surely; certainly; truly 13
kujjhati pr is angry (with); gets angry (with); is enraged (with) √kudh 3 ya (be angry) kujjha + ti ati pr 13
sañcicca ind intentionally; purposefully; wilfully; deliberately √cit 8 *e (think, intend) saṃ + √cit + ya 13
parikassati 1.1 pr is dragged about (by); is swept away (by); is carried away (by) √kas 1 ya (drag, draw) pari + kassa + ti ati pr 13
parāmāsā ind clinging; adhering; clutching √mas 1 a (touch, rub) parā + √mas > mās + *a + ā\nparāmāsa + ā 13
pahīyati 1.1 pr is abandoned; is given up √hā 1 īya (abandon) pa + hīya + ti ati pr 13
paññāyati 1 pr is clearly known; is evident; is perceived; there is √ñā 5 ya (know) pa + ñāya + ti ati pr 13
parimukhaṃ 1 ind as first priority; to the fore; (comm) directed towards the meditation object pari + mukha + aṃ\nparimukha + aṃ 13
paraṃ ind after; beyond; on the other side (of) para + aṃ 13
parato 2 ind as another; as alien; as something else; as belonging to somebody else; (comm) not one's own possession para + to 13
parimuccati pr is completely freed (from); is totally liberated (from); escapes (from) √muc 2 ya (release, free) pari + mucca + ti ati pr 13
pana ind moreover; and so; but; or; however 13
kira 1 ind really; truly; definitely 13
saṇikaṃ ind slowly; gradually saṇiṃ + ka + aṃ 13
ruppanta prp being hurt; being oppressed; suffering √rup 3 ya (be broken apart, hurt) ruppa + nta anta prp 13
pallaṅkena ind (sitting) cross-legged √añc 1 a (bend) pari > pali > paly > pall + √añc > aṅk + a + ena\npallaṅka + ena 13
pariyāyena ind in one way; from a certain point of view; figuratively speaking √i 1 a (come, go) pari + [y] + √i > āy + *a + ena\npariyāya + ena 13
pariyesanaṃ ind looking for; searching for; on a quest for √es 1 a (seek, search) pari + [y] + √es + anā + aṃ\npariyesanā + aṃ 13
bhāvita 1 pp cultivated; developed √bhū 1 *e (be, become) bhāve + ita a pp 14
pabbājeti 1 pr banishes (from); exiles (from); drives away (from) √vaj 1 *e (go on) pa + bāje + ti eti pr 14
abhabba 1 ptp unable (to); impossible (to); incapable (of); unlikely (to) √bhū 1 a (be, become) na > a + √bhū > bhav > bhab + *ya a ptp 14
acchejji aor completely cut out; utterly severed; totally destroyed √chid 2 *e + ya (cut, steal) ā + chejja + i i aor 14
abhajitabba ptp should not be kept company with; should not be associated with; should not be adhered to; (comm) should not be stuck to √bhaj 1 a (associate, keep company) na > a + √bhaj + itabba a ptp 14
bhāvayati pr cultivates; develops √bhū 1 *aya (be, become) bhāvaya + ti ati pr 14
bhāvanīya 1 ptp respected; honoured; worthy of esteem √bhū 1 *e (be, become) bhāve + anīya a ptp 14
abbhetabba ptp (vinaya) should be rehabilitated; should be reintegrated; should be readmitted √vhe 1 a (call, name) ā + bhe + tabba a ptp 14
bhāvanā 1 fem developing; cultivating; meditating √bhū 1 *e (be, become) bhāve + anā ā fem 14
pamādi aor was careless (about); neglected; was negligent (with); was heedless (about) √mad 3 *e (be mad, be intoxicated) pa + māde + i i aor 14
bhāviyamāna prp being cultivated; being developed √bhū 1 *e + iya (be, become) bhāviya + māna māna prp 14
paccavekkhitabba ptp should be considered; should be reviewed; should be contemplated; should be reflected (on) √ikkh 1 a (see, mark) pati > paty > pacc + ava + √ikkh + itabba a ptp 14
abhinanditabba ptp should be delighted in; should be approved of; should be applauded √nand 1 a (delight, enjoy) abhi + √nand + itabba a ptp 14
sudesita adj well preached; well taught; well explained; well instructed √dis 1 *e (point out, explain) su + dese + ita a adj 14
parisodheti pr cleans; purifies (something of something) √sudh 3 *e (be pure) pari + sodhe + ti eti pr 14
tāreti pr saves; rescues; helps across √tar 1 *e (cross) tāre + ti eti pr 14
pariyodapeti 1 pr cleanses (from); refines (from); purifies (from) √dā 3 *āpe (be pure, be clean) pari + [y] + ava + dape + ti eti pr 14
kāreti 1 pr makes one do; causes to make √kar 7 *e (do, make) kāre + ti eti pr 14
sekhiya 1 ptp related to training; to be practised √sikkh 1 a (learn, train) √sikkh > sekh + *iya a ptp 14
sevitabba 2 ptp should be practised; should be followed; should be undertaken √sev 1 a (serve, associate) √sev + itabba a ptp 14
daṭṭhabba 1 ptp should be seen; should be regarded as; should be understood (with) √dis 1 a (see) dassa + tabba a ptp 14
damma 1.1 ptp able to be tamed; fit to be trained; tameable; trainable √dam 3 ya (be tame) √dam + ya a ptp 14
sodheti 1 pr cleans; clears; purifies √sudh 3 *e (be pure) sodhe + ti eti pr 14
abhivaditabba ptp should be welcomed; should be greeted √vad 1 a (say, speak) abhi + √vad + itabba a ptp 14
abhisandeti pr fills up; fills to the brim; overflows √sand 1 *e (flow) abhi + sande + ti eti pr 14
abhippamodayanta prp gladdening; pleasing; satisfying √mud 1 *aya (be soft, be happy) abhi + pa + modaya + nta anta prp 14
paripūreti 1 pr fills up; fills out √pūr 1 *e (fill, fulfil) pari + pūre + ti eti pr 14
pasāreti pr stretches out; straightens; extends √sar 1 *e (go, flow) pa + sāre + ti eti pr 14
abhinipphādeti pr produces; comes up with √pad 3 *e (go, step) abhi + nī + phāde + ti eti pr 14
bhāvetuṃ inf to cultivate; to develop; to grow; to increase √bhū 1 *e (be, become) bhāve + tuṃ 14
vacanīya 2 ptp should be spoken (to); should be told (to); should be said (to) √vac 1 a (say, speak) √vac + anīya a ptp 14
bhāveti pr cultivates; develops √bhū 1 *e (be, become) bhāve + ti eti pr 14
ajjhositabba ptp should be fixated on; should be clung to; should be tied to √sā 1 a (complete, accomplish) adhi > adhy > ajjh + ava + √sā + itabba a ptp 14
pariṇāma 1 masc (of food) digestion √nam 1 *e (bend) pari + ṇāme + a a masc 14
vajja 2.1 nt fault (of); error (of); mistake (of) √vajj 8 *e (turn, avoid) √vajj + ya > vajja a nt 14
abhininnāmeti 1 pr inclines (towards); bends (towards); directs (towards) √nam 1 *e (bend) abhi + nī + nāme + ti eti pr 14
bhāvetabba ptp should be cultivated; should be developed √bhū 1 *e (be, become) bhāve + tabba a ptp 14
vajja 1.1 ptp speaking; saying √vad 1 a (say, speak) √vad + ya > vajja a ptp 14
apaññatta 1 pp (of a rule) not formulated; not prescribed; not decreed; not declared √ñā 5 *āpe (know) na > a + pa + ñāpe + ta a pp 14
bhajitabba ptp should be associated with; should be kept company with; should be adhered to; (comm) should be stuck to √bhaj 1 a (associate, keep company) √bhaj + itabba a ptp 14
nikkhāmetvā abs having ejected (from); having expelled (from) √kam 1 *e (go) nī + khāme + tvā 14
nipāteti 1 pr lets fall; drops √pat 1 *e (fall) ni + pāte + ti eti pr 14
paṭivinodetvā abs having driven out; having dispelled; having removed; having got rid (of) √nud 1 *e (drive out, reject) pati + vi + node + tvā 14
virājiya ger cleansing; purifying; removing √raj 1 *e (colour) vi + rāje + iya 14
anavajja 1 ptp irreproachable; faultless; blameless; innocent √vad 8 *e (salute, praise) na > an + ava + √vad + ya a ptp 14
veditabba 1 ptp can be known (by); should be understood (by) √vid 8 *e (know, sense, feel) vede + itabba a ptp 14
visaṃyoga 1 masc detachment (from); separation (from) √yuj 2 *e (yoke, join) vi + saṃ + yoje > yoge + a a masc 14
ananuvajja ptp not blameworthy (for); praiseworthy (for); faultless (for) √vad 1 a (say, speak) na > an + anu + √vad + ya a ptp 14
nissaggiya 1 ptp involving relinquishment; to be given up; to be forfeited √sajj 1 a (relinquish, let loose) nī + √sajj > sagg + iya a ptp 14
vissajjetvā 1 abs having released; having let go (of); having got rid (of); having given up √sajj 1 *e (relinquish, let loose) vi + sajje + tvā 14
pāpeti pr helps to reach; brings (to); leads (to) √ap 4 *e (reach, attain) pa + āpe + ti eti pr 14
vivattayi aor untied; unravelled; (comm) torn out √vatt 1 *aya (be, proceed) vi + vattaya + i i aor 14
vūpakaṭṭha pp secluded (from); isolated (from); withdrawn (from) √kas 1 *e (drag, draw) vi + upa + kāse + ta a pp 14
paññāpeti 3 pr is evident √ñā 5 *āpe (know) pa + ñāpe + ti eti pr 14
vivecetuṃ inf to separate (from); to dissuade (from) √vic 1 *e (separate) vi + vece + tuṃ 14
nissajjitabba ptp should be given up (to); to be handed over (to); should be relinquished (to) √sajj 1 a (relinquish, let loose) nī + √sajj + itabba a ptp 14
paññapetuṃ inf to define; to delineate; to describe √ñā 5 *āpe (know) pa + ñape + tuṃ 14
pucchitabba ptp should be asked; could be asked √pucch 1 a (ask, question) √pucch + itabba a ptp 14
paññatta 2 pp (of a rule) formulated; prescribed; decreed; declared √ñā 5 *āpe (know) pa + ñāpe + ta a pp 14
pakāseti 2 pr explains; illustrates; illuminates; reveals; teaches √kās 1 *e (shine, be visible) pa + kāse + ti eti pr 14
vītināmeti 1 pr (of time) spends; passes √nam 1 *e (bend) vi + ati + nāme + ti eti pr 14
adesayi aor taught; explained √dis 1 *aya (point out, explain) a + desaya + i i aor 14
vuṭṭhāpiyamāna prp being raised; being lifted up √ṭhā 1 *āpe + iya (stand) [v] + ud + ṭhāpiya + māna māna prp 14
paṇāmetvā 2 abs (of hands) having stretched out (in reverential salutation) √nam 1 *e (bend) pa + ṇāme + tvā 14
nānvāgameti pr does not follow around; does not return (to); does not revive; does not relive √gam 1 *e (go) na + anu + ā + game + ti\nna + anvāgameti eti pr 14
asevitabba ptp should not be associated with; should not be affiliated with; should not be partaken of √sev 1 a (serve, associate) na > a + √sev + itabba a ptp 14
voropeti pr deprives (of); removes (from); cuts off (from); takes down (from) √ruh 1 *e (ascend, grow) vi + ava + rope + ti eti pr 14
byākaraṇīya ptp should be answered; to be replied (to) √kar 7 o (do, make) vi > vy > by + ā + √kar + aṇīya a ptp 14
desanā 3 fem (vinaya) appointing; allocating; indicating; designating; showing √dis 1 *e (point out, explain) dese + anā ā fem 14
pārupetvā abs (of an outer garment) having wrapped oneself; having caused to be covered √var 1 *e (cover, dress, restrain) pa + ā + rupe + tvā 14
desita 1 pp preached (by); taught (by); explained (by); instructed (by) √dis 1 *e (point out, explain) dese + ita a pp 14
deseti 1 pr preach (to); teaches (to); explains (to) √dis 1 *e (point out, explain) dese + ti eti pr 14
vicārita pp thought about; contemplated; investigated √car 1 *e (move, walk) vi + cāre + ita a pp 14
vicāreti 1 pr thinks actively; contemplates; investigates; examines √car 1 *e (move, walk) vi + cāre + ti eti pr 14
desetuṃ inf to preach (to); to teach (to); to explain (to) √dis 1 *e (point out, explain) dese + tuṃ 14
desenta 1 prp preaching (to); teaching (to); explaining (to); pointing out (to) √dis 1 *e (point out, explain) dese + nta enta prp 14
anuvicāreti pr re-looks at; re-examines; reflects (on); meditates (on) √car 1 *e (move, walk) anu + vi + cāre + ti eti pr 14
haritabba ptp could be carried; can be taken √har 1 a (carry) √har + itabba a ptp 14
pahātabba ptp should be given up (by); should be abandoned (by) √hā 1 a (abandon) pa + √hā + tabba a ptp 14
anusāviyamāna prp being announced; being declared; being stated √su 4 *e + iya (hear) anu + sāviya + māna māna prp 14
dhāretabba 2 ptp should be kept; should be stored √dhar 8 *e (wear, hold, carry) dhāre + tabba a ptp 14
vinodayati pr dispels; drives out; removes √nud 1 *aya (drive out, reject) vi + nodaya + ti ati pr 14
dheyya 1 nt realm (of); sphere (of); power (of); influence (of) √dhā 1 a (place, support) √dhā + eyya a nt 14
padūseti pr spoils; pollutes; corrupts √dus 3 *e (be angry, be corrupt) pa + dūse + ti eti pr 14
padātabba ptp should be given (to); should be presented (to); should be offered (to) √dā 1 a (give) pa + √dā + tabba a ptp 14
nanvāgameti pr does not follow around; does not return (to); does not revive; does not relive √gam 1 *e (go) na + anu > anv + ā + game + ti\nna + anvāgameti eti pr 14
atikkāmeti 2 pr exceeds; goes over; oversteps √kam 1 *e (go) ati + kāme + ti eti pr 14
pāceti pr digests √pac 1 *e (cook, mature, ripen) pāce + ti eti pr 14
pāṭikaṅkha ptp to be expected (for); certain (for); can be anticipated √kaṅkh 1 a (wish for) pati > pāṭi + √kaṅkh + *ya a ptp 14
pātita pp dropped; felled; slain; killed √pat 1 *e (fall) pāte + ita a pp 14
nādhivāseti pr does not tolerate; does not accept; does not endure √vas 1 *e (live) na + adhi + vāse + ti\nna + adhivāseti eti pr 14
anubandhitabba ptp should be followed (by); should be trailed (by) √bandh 1 a (bind, tie) anu + √bandh + itabba a ptp 14
vibhāvayati pr understands clearly; perceives distinctly √bhū 1 *aya (be, become) vi + bhāvaya + ti ati pr 14
kāretabba 1 ptp should be made √kar 7 *e (do, make) kāre + tabba a ptp 14
yāpetuṃ inf to sustain oneself (with); to support oneself (by); to keep oneself going √yā 1 *āpe (go) yāpe + tuṃ 14
sampahaṃsetvā abs having delighted; having pleased; having thrilled √haṃs 1 *e (rise, elate) saṃ + pa + haṃse + tvā 14
sampādetuṃ inf to press on; to strive to achieve; to try to accomplish one's purpose √pad 3 *e (go, step) saṃ + pāde + tuṃ 14
upaṭṭhāpeti 2 pr establishes; sets up; causes to be present; makes sure one has √ṭhā 1 *āpe (stand) upa + ṭhāpe + ti eti pr 14
upaṭṭhapetvā 1 abs having set up; having made sure is present √ṭhā 1 *āpe (stand) upa + ṭhape + tvā 14
avacanīya 1 ptp incorrigible; uninstructible; unteachable; unadmonishable √vac 1 a (say, speak) na > a + √vac + anīya a ptp 14
uddharāpeti pr causes to remove; makes take away; causes to pack up √dhar 1 *āpe (hold, carry, endure) ud + dharāpe + ti eti pr 14
saṃyoga 2 masc attachment; association; involvement √yuj 2 *e (yoke, join) saṃ + yoje > yoge + a a masc 14
saṃyojana 1 nt fetter; chain; bond; thing which binds √yuj 2 *e (yoke, join) saṃ + yoje + ana a nt 14
sampasāriyati pr is drawn forward; is inclined towards √sar 1 *e + iya (go, flow) saṃ + pa + sāriya + ti ati pr 14
saṃvesiyamāna prp being put to bed (by); being laid down (by) √vis 1 *e + iya (enter) saṃ + vesiya + māna māna prp 14
sāraṇīya 1.1 ptp polite; pleasant; charming; (comm) fit to be remembered √raj 3 ya (desire) saṃ > sā + √raj + aṇīya a ptp 14
janeti pr generates; produces √jan 3 *e (be born, produce) jane + ti eti pr 14
ṭhapanīya ptp should be set aside; should be placed aside; should be left alone √ṭhā 1 *āpe (stand) ṭhape + anīya a ptp 14
sikkhitabba ptp should be learned (by); should be practised (by); should be trained (by) √sikkh 1 a (learn, train) √sikkh + itabba a ptp 14
āsevitabba ptp should be practised; should be pursued; should be devoted to; should be indulged in √sev 1 a (serve, associate) ā + √sev + itabba a ptp 14
siñcāpeti pr causes to water; causes to pour; makes sprinkle; causes to scatter √sic 2 ṃa + *āpe (sprinkle, pour) siñcāpe + ti eti pr 14
ārocesi 1 aor told (to); informed (to); explained (to) √ruc 1 *e (shine, like) ā + roce + si esi aor 14
ārādhayi 2 aor pleased; satisfied √rādh 3 *aya (succeed, please) ā + rādhaya + i i aor 14
sāditabba ptp could be consented to (by); could be accepted (by); should be permitted (by) √sād 8 *e (taste, relish) sāde + itabba a ptp 14
āyoga 1 masc devotion (to); practice (of); exertion (in); pursuit (of) √yuj 2 *e (yoke, join) ā + yoje > yoge + a a masc 14
sameti 1.1 pr calms down; settles; stills; makes subside √sam 3 *e (be calm, be tired) same + ti eti pr 14
samādapeti pr arouses; incites; instigates; encourages (someone to do something) √ādā 3 *āpe (take, seize) saṃ + ādape + ti eti pr 14
kārāpesi 1 aor had (something) built (for); had (something) made (for) √kar 7 *āpe (do, make) kārāpe + si esi aor 14
saṇṭhapeti pr makes stable; steadies; establishes √ṭhā 1 *āpe (stand) saṃ + ṭhape + ti eti pr 14
kārayamāna 2 prp building √kar 7 *aya (do, make) kāraya + māna māna prp 14
kāraṇa 1 nt task; labour √kar 7 *e (do, make) kāre + aṇa a nt 14
kātabba 2 ptp should be made √kar 7 o (do, make) √kar > kā + tabba a ptp 14
kāreti 2 pr performs; practices √kar 7 *e (do, make) kāre + ti eti pr 14
saññatta 1.2 pp instructed; informed √ñā 5 *āpe (know) saṃ + ñāpe + ta a pp 14
karaṇīya 2 ptp should be done; must be done; ought to be made; to be observed √kar 7 o (do, make) √kar + aṇīya a ptp 14
samādapetvā abs having aroused; having encouraged √ādā 3 *āpe (take, seize) saṃ + ādape + tvā 14
kāreti 4 pr builds; has constructed √kar 7 *e (do, make) kāre + ti eti pr 14
sandassiyamāna 1 prp being compared; being checked; being verified √dis 1 *e + iya (see) saṃ + dassiya + māna māna prp 14
parisandeti pr soaks; drenches √sand 1 *e (flow) pari + sande + ti eti pr 14
sandassetvā abs having instructed; having explained √dis 1 *e (see) saṃ + dasse + tvā 14
ohāretvā abs having shaved; having shaved off √har 1 *e (carry) ava + hāre + tvā 14
obhāsetvā abs having lit up; having illuminated √bhās 1 *e (shine) ava + bhāse + tvā 14
sakka 1 ptp able; capable; proficient √sak 4 ṇo (be able, be powerful) √sak + ya a ptp 14
otāretabba ptp should be checked (in); should be gone into (in); should be cross-referenced √tar 1 *e (cross) ava + tāre + tabba a ptp 14
otāriyamāna prp being checked (in); being gone into (in); being cross-referenced (in) √tar 1 *e + iya (cross) ava + tāriya + māna māna prp 14
kappeti 1 pr prepares; arranges; forms; fashions; constructs √kapp 1 *e (be fit, be suitable) kappe + ti eti pr 14
āmantāpetvā abs having sent (for); having had summoned √mant 8 *āpe (counsel, invite) ā + mantāpe + tvā 14
sandassetabba ptp should be compared (to); should be checked (with); should be verified (with) √dis 1 *e (see) saṃ + dasse + tabba a ptp 14
māneti pr honours; reveres; holds in high esteem; (comm) loves √man 3 *e (think) māne + ti eti pr 14
avissajjetvā abs having not got rid (of); having not given up √sajj 1 *e (relinquish, let loose) na > a + vi + sajje + tvā\nna + vissajjetvā 14
ātappa nt effort; exertion √tap 1 a (burn, radiate heat) ā + √tap + ya a nt 14
mākāsi aor do not make; do not create; don't do mā + akāsi āsi aor 16
sattantarā sandhi seven (spans) inside satta + antarā 16
rajakkha adj with dirt in the eye rajas + akkha a adj 16
tenañjaliṃ sandhi hands in reverential salutation towards someone tena + añjaliṃ 16
yodha 2.1 sandhi whoever here; whoever in this regard yo + idha 16
nittharaṇatthāya ind for crossing; for getting across nittharaṇa + attha + āya\nnittharaṇattha + āya 16
cattārome sandhi these four cattāro + ime 16
nāssa 2.1 sandhi not to him; nor for him na + assa 16
anāgatamaddhānaṃ ind in the future anāgata + [m] + addhāna + aṃ\nanāgatamaddhāna + aṃ 16
nālaṃ 3 ind not enough (to); it is not enough (for) na + alaṃ 16
punareva sandhi just again puna + [r] + eva 16
caparaṃ sandhi and further; and what is more ca + paraṃ 16
sammadeva 2 sandhi rightly; correctly; truly sammā + [d] + eva 16
hetaṃ sandhi indeed this; certainly this hi + etaṃ 16
yāvadeva sandhi as much as; only as much as; only as far as yāva + [d] + eva 16
cassa 1 sandhi and there would be; but there would be; and there might be ca + assa 16
nayidaṃ 1 sandhi not this; this (is) not; it (is) not na + [y] + idaṃ 16
yāvañcidaṃ sandhi and in this case; and in this regard; and as far as this; to such an extent yāva + [ṃ] + ca + idaṃ 16
cāhaṃ 1 sandhi and I; but I ca + ahaṃ 16
tatridaṃ sandhi in this case this tatra + idaṃ 16
tenupasaṅkami aor approached there; went to that place tena + upasaṅkami i aor 16
tyāhaṃ 3 sandhi I to you; I you te > ty + ahaṃ 16
sudaṃ 2 sandhi indeed this; truly this; surely this su + idaṃ 16
yassa 3 sandhi whoever to him yo + assa 16
nālaṃ 2 ind not able (to); cannot; not enough (for) na + alaṃ 16
manasānupekkhita pp mentally recollected; reconsidered; rechecked; re-investigated manasā + anupekkhita a pp 16
tathārūpāssa sandhi of such kind, for him tathārūpā + assa 16
ekova sandhi alone eko + eva 16
panetaṃ sandhi and this; but this pana + etaṃ 16
matthi 1 sandhi these are my; this is my me + atthi 16
panidaṃ sandhi moreover this; but this pana + idaṃ 16
hissa 1 sandhi indeed his; certainly of that; truly his hi + assa 16
aññadatthu 2 ind on the contrary; however; on the other hand añña + [d] + atthu 16
panāhaṃ sandhi but I; then I; and I pana + ahaṃ 16
panāniccaṃ sandhi and transient; and unstable pana + aniccaṃ 16
tassassu sandhi of that there would be tassa + assu 16
sabbatthamaparājita adj undefeated everywhere; unconquered in every respect sabbattha + [m] + aparājita a adj 16
kecime sandhi whoever of these; whichever of these keci + ime 16
sabbāneva sandhi in its entirety sabbāni + eva 16
tveva 1 sandhi however; but; rather; rather than tu + eva 16
tasseva 1 sandhi just for him; even for him; just that alone tassa + eva 16
tāvatakeneva sandhi with just this much tāvatakena + eva 16
pāturahosi aor appeared; manifested pātu + [r] + ahosi hosi aor 16
sacepi sandhi even if sace + api 16
rohitassa masc previous name of a deity rohita + assa a masc 16
khvāyaṃ sandhi indeed this; truly this kho > khv + ayaṃ 16
khvāhaṃ sandhi I indeed; I certainly kho > khv + ahaṃ 16
esevanto sandhi just this is the end (of) eso + eva + anto 16
gahaṇatthāya ind for holding onto; for grasping gahaṇa + attha + āya\ngahaṇattha + āya 16
etarahi ind now; at present eta + [r] + ahi 16
pageva 1 sandhi all the more; not to mention; even better pago + eva 16
no hetaṃ idiom certainly not! definitely not! no + hi + etaṃ 16
kocideva sandhi even some; just some; some or other koci + [d] + eva 16
tayidaṃ sandhi that so; that like this; exactly that ta + [y] + idaṃ 16
maraṇadhammomhi sandhi I am liable to die; I am subject to death maraṇa + dhamma + amhi 16
yathāpi sandhi just like; just as yathā + api 16
iccetaṃ 1 sandhi that is iti > ity > icc + etaṃ 16
vāpi 1 sandhi or even vā + api 16
corosi sandhi you are a thief!; you are a robber! coro + asi 16
iccete sandhi (introducing a list) namely these iti > ity > icc + ete 16
diyaḍḍha adj one and a half dvi > di + [y] + aḍḍha a adj 16
iccevaṃ sandhi thus like this iti > ity > icc + evaṃ 16
mūḷhosi sandhi you are insane!; you are deluded!; you are confused! mūḷho + asi 16
iccāyasmā sandhi thus (said) venerable iti > ity > icc + āyasmā 16
seyyathāpi sandhi just like; as if; imagine if se + yathā + api 16
itipi sandhi (item being named); it is so; thus; just like this iti + api 16
meso sandhi this is my me + eso 16
seyyathidaṃ sandhi i.e.; as follows se + yathā + idaṃ 16
imassuppādā sandhi from the arising of this; when this arises imassa + uppādā 16
dveme sandhi these two dve + ime 16
idhekacca pron here one; here a certain; in this case some; some people here idha + ekacca ekacca pron 16
diṭṭheva dhamme idiom in this life; right here right now; in the present diṭṭhe + eva + dhamme 16
yathayidaṃ sandhi such as this yathā + [y] + idaṃ 16
āvi ceva raho ca idiom openly and even in private āvi + ca + eva + raho + ca 16
appekadā sandhi but some days; sometimes; on some occasions api > apy > app + ekadā 16
bālosi sandhi you are a fool!; you are an idiot! bālo + asi 16
thāmasā ind obstinately; stubbornly √ṭhā 1 a (stand) √ṭhā + [m] + as + ā\nthāmas + ā 16
uṭṭhāyāsanā ger rising from one's seat uṭṭhāya + āsanā 16
cepi sandhi even if ce + api 16
antarāyika adj obstructive (for); blocking; impeding antara + aya + ika\nantarāya + ika a adj 16
thenosi sandhi you are a thief!; you are a robber! theno + asi 16
cetaṃ 2 sandhi if this ce + etaṃ 16
mānubyañjanaggāhī adj don't be enticed by the details; don't focus on the secondary characteristics mā + anubyañjana + gāhī ī adj 16
tatthāyaṃ sandhi here this; in this case this tattha + ayaṃ 16
svāssa 1 sandhi that his; that for him so > sv + assa 16
mamaccayena ind after my passing away; after my death; when I am gone mama + accaya + ena\nmamaccaya + ena 16
tasmātiha sandhi therefore here; therefore in this regard tasmā + [t] + iha 16
evamāgata adj thus concluded evaṃ + āgata a adj 17
evamassa 1 sandhi he would (think) thus; this would occur to him evaṃ + assa 17
ayameko sandhi this is one ayaṃ + eko 17
esohamasmi sandhi I am this; this is me eso + ahaṃ + asmi 17
idappaccayā ind due to this; on account of this; because of this idaṃ + paccaya + ā\nidappaccaya + ā 17
tañcāyaṃ sandhi but this person taṃ + ca + ayaṃ 17
tadanuttaraṃ sandhi that unsurpassed tad + anuttaraṃ 17
evañcetaṃ 1 sandhi even if this; even if this is the case evaṃ + ce + etaṃ 17
kiñcetaṃ sandhi and what this? kiṃ + ca + etaṃ 17
kiñcarahi sandhi what then?; how then?; what exactly?; how is it?; what just?; why? kiṃ + carahi 17
kathaṃsu sandhi how? kathaṃ + su 17
evampi sandhi likewise; just like this; similarly; so too evaṃ + api 17
sakkaroti pr honours; esteems; respects sat + karoti oti pr 17
kiñcāpi sandhi however much; even if; even though; although kiṃ + ca + api 17
bhūtapubbāhaṃ sandhi formerly I; in the past I; once upon a time I bhūtapubbaṃ + ahaṃ 17
kiñhi sandhi what indeed?; what possible?; how? kiṃ + hi 17
evāhaṃ sandhi so I; thus I evaṃ + ahaṃ 17
tadapi sandhi that itself; just that tad + api 17
atītamaddhānaṃ ind in the past; previously atīta + aṃ + addha + ānaṃ\natītamaddhā + ānaṃ 17
kinti sandhi how then?; what then?; in what way? kiṃ + iti 17
tamahaṃ sandhi him I; that I taṃ + ahaṃ 17
evameva sandhi similarly; in the same way; so too; just so evaṃ + eva 17
bahulamanuvitakketi pr thinks about a lot; ponders frequently bahulaṃ + anuvitakketi eti pr 17
etadavoca aor said this (to) etad + avoca avoca aor 17
etadeva sandhi just this; only this; this exact etad + eva 17
yadidaṃ sandhi namely; that is yad + idaṃ 17
bāhuppacālakaṃ ind swinging the arms; swaying the arms bāhu + pacālaka + aṃ\nbāhuppacālaka + aṃ 17
ayampi sandhi one too; this too ayaṃ + api 17
yadeva sandhi any; whichever yad + eva 17
yannūnāhaṃ sandhi what if I were to; let me; I shall; perhaps I yaṃ + nūna + ahaṃ 17
yāvatatiyañce sandhi if up to the third time yāva + tatiyaṃ + ce 17
yāvakīvañca sandhi and as long as yāva + kīvaṃ + ca 17
yamahaṃ sandhi whatever I; which I; that I yaṃ + ahaṃ 17
yampi sandhi whatever indeed yaṃ + api 17
alameva sandhi it is enough (to); it is quite enough (to) alaṃ + eva 17
antamakāsi aor made an end (of); finished (with) antaṃ + akāsi āsi aor 17
yaṃpaccayāssa sandhi on account of which for him; because of which for him; due to which for him yaṃ + paccayā + assa 17
yaṃnūnāhaṃ sandhi what if I were to; let me; I shall; perhaps I yaṃ + nūna + ahaṃ 17
yaṃnūna sandhi what if; lets yaṃ + nūna 17
anokamāgamma ger becoming homeless; (comm) coming to non-clinging anokaṃ + āgamma 17
dvattikkhattuṃ ind twice or thrice; two or three times dvi + ti + kkhattuṃ\ndvatti + kkhattuṃ 17
saññācikā fem one's own begging sayaṃ > saṃ + yāca + ikā\nsaññāca + ikā ā fem 17
yadapi sandhi whatever itself; whatever even; which just yad + api 17
kiñca 1 sandhi and what? kiṃ + ca 17
yebhuyyena ind mostly; almost all; more or less; generally; largely; by and large; for the most part yad + bhūya + ena\nyebhuyya + ena 17
dutiyampi sandhi for the second time dutiyaṃ + api 17
etadahosi sandhi this (thought) occurred (to) etad + ahosi 17
imameva sandhi this very; this exact same; this here imaṃ + eva 17
imasmiṃyeva sandhi in this very; in this exact imasmiṃ + [y] + eva 17
nesohamasmi sandhi this is not me; I am not this na + eso + ahaṃ + asmi 17
ekameka 2 masc each and every person; every individual ekaṃ + eka a masc 17
ekamidāhaṃ sandhi this one (time) I ekaṃ + idaṃ + ahaṃ 17
imāhaṃ sandhi this I imaṃ + ahaṃ 17
sammappaññāya fem with correct understanding; with perfect wisdom sammā + paññā + aya\nsammappaññā + aya ā fem 17
tamenaṃ sandhi that one; him; her; that thing; that person taṃ + enaṃ 17
ahaññeveko sandhi only I alone; just me ahaṃ + eva + eko 17
tatiyampi sandhi for the third time tatiyaṃ + api 17
dukkhamidaṃ sandhi this is suffering dukkhaṃ + idaṃ 17
yaññadeva sandhi just whatever; just which; whatsoever yaṃ + yad > yaññad + eva 17
asma masc rock; stone a2 masc 18
manas masc mind; mental faculty; intellect √man 3 ya (think) √man + as as masc 18
manasā masc by mind; with mind; mentally √man 3 ya (think) √man + as + ā\nmanas + ā as masc 18
gāvo 2 masc cattle (object) go + āvo go masc 18
manasi masc in mind √man 3 ya (think) √man + as + i\nmanas + i as masc 18
manaso masc of mind; mental √man 3 ya (think) √man + as + o\nmanas + o as masc 18
mano 2 masc mind; mental (object) √man 3 ya (think) √man + as + o\nmanas + o as masc 18
tejas 1 masc flame; fire; heat √tij 8 *e (be sharp, be hot) √tij > tej + *as as masc 18
attanā 1 masc with oneself; by oneself atta + anā a2 masc 18
āpas masc water; liquid √āp 4 uṇā (be wet) √āp + as as masc 18
vacasā masc by word; by speech; verbally √vac 1 a (say, speak) √vac + as + ā\nvacas + ā as masc 18
bhasma masc ash √bhas 1 a (make ashes) √bhas + ma a2 masc 18
vāyas masc air; wind √vā 1 a (blow, emit odour) √vā + [y] + as as masc 18
ayo masc iron as masc 18
cetaso 2 masc of mind √cit 8 *e (think, intend) √cit > cet + *as + o\ncetas + o as masc 18
cetasā masc with mind; by mind; with thought; with intention √cit 8 *e (think, intend) √cit > cet + *as + ā\ncetas + ā as masc 18
rajas 1 masc (mental) impurity; defilement √raj 1 a (colour) √raj + as as masc 18
rajas 2 masc dust; dirt √raj 1 a (colour) √raj + as as masc 18
anattani masc in what is not oneself; within what is impersonal na > an + atta + ni a2 masc 18
gunnaṃ 1 masc of cattle; of cows go + ānaṃ go masc 18
anatta 2 masc which is impersonal; non-self; not subject to identification na > an + atta a2 masc 18
rāja 1 masc king; sovereign; lord; ruler √rāj 1 a (rule, shine) √rāj + a rāja masc 18
rājā masc king; sovereign; lord; ruler √rāj 1 a (rule, shine) √rāj + a + ā\nrāja + ā rāja masc 18
rājāno masc authorities; officers √rāj 1 a (rule, shine) √rāj + a + āno\nrāja + āno rāja masc 18
attānaṃ masc self; himself; herself; itself; yourself; oneself (object) atta + ānaṃ a2 masc 18
attano 2 masc of self; of oneself; one's own; my own atta + no a2 masc 18
attano 1 masc for self; for oneself; to oneself atta + no a2 masc 18
attani 1 masc in oneself; for oneself atta + ani a2 masc 18
atta 1.1 masc self; soul; spirit; essence a2 masc 18
mano 1 masc mind; mental √man 3 ya (think) √man + o as masc 18