Vocabulary List for class4

go to index of vocabulary related to each class

pali pos meaning root construction pattern cl.
paṭinissagga masc giving up (of); relinquishing (of); dropping (of); abandoning (of) √sajj 1 a (relinquish, let loose) pati + nī + √sajj > sagg + a a masc 2
nissaya 1 masc dependency; physical support; reliance; something one depends on √si 1 a (depend on, associate with) ni + √si > say + *a a masc 2
loka 2 masc world; plane of existence √lok 8 *e (look) √lok + a a masc 2
nirodha masc ending (of); cessation (of); termination (of); finishing (of) √rudh 2 ṃa (obstruct) ni + √rudh > rodh + *a a masc 2
loma 1 masc body hair a masc 2
nara masc man; person a masc 2
nakha 1 masc fingernail; toenail a masc 2
saṅkhāra 1 masc intention; volitional formation; choice; karmic activity √kar 7 o (do, make) saṃ + √kar > khār + *a a masc 2
dhamma 1.09 masc law; case; rule; legal process √dhar 1 a (hold, carry, endure) √dhar + ma a masc 2
dhamma 1.05 masc mental states √dhar 1 a (hold, carry, endure) √dhar + ma a masc 2
dhamma 1.03 masc teaching; discourse; doctrine √dhar 1 a (hold, carry, endure) √dhar + ma a masc 2
dhamma 1.02 masc quality; characteristic; trait; inherent quality √dhar 1 a (hold, carry, endure) √dhar + ma a masc 2
dhaja 1 masc flag; banner √dhaj 1 a (move, flap) √dhaj + a a masc 2
dosa 1.1 masc aversion; ill-will; hate; hatred √dus 3 ya (hate, dislike) √dus > dos + *a a masc 2
deva 1 masc deity; god √div 3 ya (shine) √div > dev + *a a masc 2
saṅkhāra 3 masc mental formation; mental activity; thought processes; fourth of the five aggregates √kar 7 o (do, make) saṃ + √kar > khār + *a a masc 2
danta 1.1 masc tooth a masc 2
daṇḍa 1 masc stick; truncheon; nightstick; club a masc 2
thera 1.2 masc elder; senior monk; monastic of ten or more years standing √ṭhā 1 a (stand) √ṭhā > thā + ira > thera a masc 2
saṅgha 1 masc community; fellowship; monastic order √ghaṭ 1 a (join together) saṃ + √ghaṭ + a a masc 2
samaṇa 1 masc ascetic; renunciant; holy man; monk; recluse √sam 3 ya (exert, strive) √sam + aṇa a masc 2
taṇḍula 1 masc dehusked rice; (comm) grain from grass a masc 2
ñāya masc way; means; method; system √i 1 a (come, go) nī > ny > ñ + √i > ay + *a a masc 2
samatikkama masc surpassing (of); overcoming (of); going beyond; transcendence √kam 1 a (go) saṃ + ati + √kam + a a masc 2
chanda 1 masc interest (in); desire (for); wish (for); intention (to); impulse (for) √chand 8 *e (desire, please) √chand + a a masc 2
brāhmaṇa 1 masc Brahman; priest; man of the Brahman caste √brah 1 a (increase) √brah > brāh + ma + *aṇa a masc 2
nīvaraṇa 1 masc obstacle; obstruction; barrier; hindrance √var 1 a (cover, dress, restrain) ni > nī + √var + *aṇa a masc 2
loka 1 masc world; universe; cosmos √lok 8 *e (look) √lok + a a masc 2
rukkha 1 masc tree a masc 2
rāhula masc name of an arahant monk; Buddha's son a masc 2
bhava 2 masc being; becoming; existence √bhū 1 a (be, become) √bhū > bhav + *a a masc 2
bāla 2 masc fool; idiot; immature person a masc east 2
phassa 1 masc sense contact; sense impingement; sense impression; sense experience √phus 1 a (touch) √phus > phass + a a masc 2
pessaka 1 masc messenger √pis 8 ya (send) √pis > pes + *ya + ka a masc 2
putta 1 masc son; child a masc 2
puggala masc person; individual a masc 2
pāda 1 masc foot √pad 3 ya (go, step) √pad > pād + *a a masc 2
pātimokkha 2 masc (vinaya) precepts for Buddhist monastics √mokkh 1 a (be freed) pa + ati + √mokkh + a a masc 2
bheda 2 masc death √bhid 2 ṃa (break, split) √bhid > bhed + *a a masc 2
magga 2 masc way; means; method √magg 8 *e (seek, search) √magg + a a masc 2
pariyāya 5 masc way; nature; habit; property; quality √i 1 a (come, go) pari + [y] + √i > āy + *a a masc 2
paribbājaka masc homeless spiritual seeker; wandering ascetic √vaj 1 a (go on) pari + √vaj > baj > bāj + *aka a masc 2
samatha 1.1 masc stilling (of); serenity (of); calming (of); settling (of); peace (of); (comm) mental unification √sam 3 ya (be calm, be tired) √sam + a + tha a masc 2
parideva masc lamentation; wailing; crying √dev 1 a (lament) pari + √dev + a a masc 2
papañca masc various opinions; proliferation; endless conceptualization √pañc 8 *e (expand, spread) pa + √pañc + a a masc 2
manussa masc human being; man; person manu + ssa a masc 2
patha 2 masc range; mode; way √path 1 a (go, move) √path + a a masc 2
patta 1.1 masc bowl; alms bowl; begging bowl √pā 1 a (drink) √pā + ta a masc 2
māṇava 1 masc young man; young gentleman; young Brahman manu > māṇav + *a a masc 2
māra masc death; Death; death personified √mar 1 a (die) √mar > mār + *a a masc 2
māsa 2.1 masc bean a masc 2
mugga masc mung beans √mud 1 a (be soft, be happy) √mud > mug + ga a masc 2
moha 1 masc illusion; delusion; misapprehension √muh 3 ya (be deluded, be confused) √muh > moh + *a a masc 2
ābādha 2 masc affliction; oppression; suffering √bādh 1 a (press, oppress) ā + √bādh + a a masc 2
rasa 1 masc taste; flavour √ras 1 a (taste) √ras + a a masc 2
rāga 1.1 masc desire (for); passion (for); infatuation (with); lust (for) √raj 3 ya (desire) √raj > rag > rāg + *a a masc 2
parikkhāra 1 masc requisite; requirement; necessity √kar 7 o (do, make) pari + √kar > khār + *a a masc 2
cāga 2 masc generosity; sharing; liberality √caj 1 a (give up, let go) √caj > cāg + *a a masc 2
cora masc thief; robber √cur 8 *e (steal) √cur > cor + *a a masc 2
samaya 1.1 masc time; occasion √i 1 a (come, go) saṃ + √i > ay + *a a masc 2
cāga 1 masc giving up; relinquishing; abandoning √caj 1 a (give up, let go) √caj > cāg + *a a masc 2
sekha 1 masc trainee; apprentice; learner; initiate; (comm) seven stages of a noble person before arahantship √sikkh 1 a (learn, train) √sikkh > sekh + *a a masc 2
soka masc grief; sorrow; sadness (over) √suc 1 *a (grieve) √suc > suk > sok + *a a masc 2
āvāsa 1 masc home (of); dwelling place (of); residence (of) √vas 1 a (live) ā + √vas > vās + *a a masc 2
sota 1.1 masc stream; river; current √su 1 a (flow) √su > so + *ta a masc 2
āsava 1.2 masc discharge; suppuration; outflow; effluent; (comm) defilement √su 1 a (flow) ā + √su > sav + *a a masc 2
āloka masc light; brightness; clarity √lok 8 *e (look) ā + √lok + a a masc 2
vāṇija masc trader; dealer; merchant vaṇija > vāṇija + *a a masc 2
vitakka 1 masc thought; reflection; pondering √takk 8 *e (think) vi + √takk + a a masc 2
ānanda 2 masc name of an arahant monk; attendant of the Buddha; great disciple of the Buddha; foremost disciple in great learning, remembrance, conduct, resoluteness and service √nand 1 a (delight, enjoy) ā + √nand + a a masc 2
vinaya 1 masc discipline; training √nī 1 a (lead, carry) vi + √nī > nay + *a a masc 2
ācariya 1 masc teacher; religious leader √car 1 a (act, behave) ā + √car + iya a masc 2
ākāsa 1.2 masc sky; air √kās 1 a (shine, be visible) ā + √kās + a a masc 2
vinipāta masc state of suffering; purgatory; underworld √pat 1 a (fall) vi + ni + √pat > pāt + *a a masc 2
vipāka 1 masc (of an action) result; outcome; consequence; fruit √pac 1 a (cook, mature, ripen) vi + √pac > pāk + *a a masc 2
vibhaṅga 1 masc analysis; classification; breakdown √bhañj 1 a (break, destroy) vi + √bhañj > bhaṅg + a a masc 2
virāga 2.1 masc fading (of); disappearance (of); cessation (of); destruction (of) √raj 1 a (colour) vi + √raj > rag > rāg + *a a masc 2
visesa 1 masc distinction; attainment; superior state; eminence √sis 8 *e (remain, distinguish) vi + √sis > ses + *a a masc 2
viveka 1 masc seclusion; solitude; detachment; disengagement; independence √vic 1 a (separate) vi + √vic > vec > vek + *a a masc 2
anusaya masc underlying tendency (to); inherent inclination (to); dormant disposition (towards); propensity (to) √sī 1 a (lie, sleep) anu + √sī > say + *a a masc 2
vūpasama 1 masc peace (of); calming (of); subsiding (of); settling (of) √sam 3 ya (be calm, be tired) vi + upa + √sam + a a masc 2
attha 2.1 masc need (for); want (for) √atth 8 *aya (wish for) √atth + a a masc 2
attha 1.1 masc meaning; sense; significance √ar 1 a (move, attain) √ar + tha a masc 2
hattha 1 masc hand a masc 2
adhigama 2 masc attainment; achievement; realization (of) √gam 1 a (go) adhi + √gam + a a masc 2
uddesa 1 masc proposition; synopsis; statement in brief; summary; introduction √dis 1 a (point out, explain) ud + √dis > des + *a a masc 2
upajjhāya masc preceptor; teacher; mentor √i 1 a (study, recite) upa + adhi > adhy > ajjh + √i > āy + *a a masc 2
brāhmaṇa 2 masc arahant; awakened being; saint; paragon √brah 1 a (increase) √brah > brāh + ma + *aṇa a masc 2
kāya 1.1 masc body; physical body; physical process √ci 5 nā (gather, accumulate) √ci > ki > kay + *a a masc 2
gabbha 3 masc room; inside room; inner chamber a masc 2
khaya masc wearing away (of); exhaustion (of); erosion (of); depletion (of); destruction (of) √khī 1 a (exhaust, destroy) √khī > khay + *a a masc 2
khandha 3 masc aggregate; combination; conglomeration; bundle √khandh 8 *e (collect, accumulate) √khandh + a a masc 2
khandha 1 masc mass; heap; pile; volume; aggregation √khandh 8 *e (collect, accumulate) √khandh + a a masc 2
khattiya 2 masc man of the ruling caste; high caste man; nobleman a masc 2
kesa 1 masc (head) hair a masc 2
kāraka 2 masc builder √kar 7 o (do, make) √kar > kār + *aka a masc 2
sugata 2 masc Accomplished One; Fortunate One; epithet of the Buddha √gam 1 a (go) su + √gam + ta a masc 2
kāma 3 masc sense desire (of); sensual pleasure (of) √kam 8 *e (desire) √kam > kām + *a a masc 2
kassapa 1 masc name of the 1st previous Buddha a masc 2
kassaka masc farmer; ploughman √kass 1 a (drag, draw along) √kass + aka a masc 2
samudaya 1 masc source; origination; appearance (of) √i 1 a (come, go) saṃ + ud + √i > ay + *a a masc 2
gāma 1 masc village; hamlet a masc 2
saṃvara 2 masc control (over); restraint (of); holding back (of) √var 1 a (cover, dress, restrain) saṃ + √var + a a masc 2
gotama 1 masc family name of the Buddha gotama + a a masc 2
sāvaka masc disciple; pupil; follower √su 4 ṇā (hear) √su > sāv + *aka a masc 2
uppāda 1.1 masc arising (of); appearance (of); coming into being (of) √pad 3 ya (go, step) ud + √pad > pād + *a a masc 2
sippika 1.1 masc craftsman; artisan sippa + ika a masc 2
uposatha 1 masc full moon or new moon observance day √vas 1 a (live) upa + √vas + a + tha a masc 2
upāsaka masc lay disciple; lay devotee √ās 1 a (sit) upa + √ās + aka a masc 2
upāyāsa 1 masc affliction; difficulty; trouble; despair √yas 3 ya (strive, struggle) upa + ā + √yas > yās + *a a masc 2
upasama 1 masc calmness (of); tranquillisation (of); stillness (of); peace (of) √sam 3 ya (be calm, be tired) upa + √sam + a a masc 2
sīha 1 masc lion a masc 2
saṃvara 1 masc control restraint; holding back (according to) √var 1 a (cover, dress, restrain) saṃ + √var + a a masc 2
sambodha masc full awakening; perfect understanding; enlightenment √budh 3 ya (know, wake up) saṃ + √budh > bodh + *a a masc 2
bhaṇati 1 pr speaks; says; tells √bhaṇ 1 a (talk, speak) bhaṇa + ti ati pr 3
labhati 1 pr gets; receives; obtains (something for someone) √labh 1 a (get) labha + ti ati pr 3
viharati 1 pr lives (in); dwells (in); stays (in) √har 1 a (live) vi + hara + ti ati pr 3
bhuñjati 1 pr eats; consumes √bhuj 2 ṃa (use, eat, enjoy) bhuñja + ti ati pr 3
saṃvattati pr leads (to); results (in); causes √vatt 1 a (be, proceed) saṃ + vatta + ti ati pr 3
vadati 1 pr says (to); speaks (to); tells (to) √vad 1 a (say, speak) vada + ti ati pr 3
rakkhati 1 pr protects; watches over; guards (something against something) √rakkh 1 a (protect) rakkha + ti ati pr 3
bhāsati 1.1 pr speaks (about); talks (about); says √bhās 1 a (speak) bhāsa + ti ati pr 3
suṇāti 1 pr hears √su 4 ṇā (hear) suṇā + ti āti pr 3
chindati 5 pr cuts across; breasts; fords √chid 2 ṃa (cut, steal) chinda + ti ati pr 3
tiṭṭhati 3 pr remains; persists; lasts √ṭhā 1 a (stand) tiṭṭha + ti ati pr 3
āmantayati 1 pr tells; informs; advises √mant 8 *aya (counsel, invite) ā + mantaya + ti ati pr 3
tasati 1.1 pr is afraid (of); fears √tas 1 a (tremble, fear) tasa + ti ati pr 3
jināti 2 pr surpasses; beats; wins (over) √ji 5 nā (conquer) jinā + ti āti pr 3
ceteti 2 pr intends; wills (to) √cit 8 *e (think, intend) cete + ti eti pr 3
carati 1.1 pr walks; wanders; goes around; travels; fares on √car 1 a (move, walk) cara + ti ati pr 3
gacchati 1 pr goes; walks; moves; wanders around; travels √gam 1 a (go) gaccha + ti ati pr 3
khādati pr chews; devours; eats √khād 1 a (chew) khāda + ti ati pr 3
karoti 1 pr does; acts; performs √kar 7 o (do, make) karo + ti karoti pr 3
kappati pr it is suitable (for); it is proper (for); it is fitting (for); it is allowable √kapp 1 a (be fit, be suitable) kappa + ti ati pr 3
anuyuñjati 2 pr indulges (in); is addicted (to) √yuj 2 ṃa (yoke, join) anu + yuñja + ti ati pr 3
anussarati 1.1 pr remembers; recollects; bears in mind √sar 1 a (remember) anu + sara + ti ati pr 3
uppajjati 1 pr appears; arises; occurs; takes place (for) √pad 3 ya (go, step) ud + pajja + ti ati pr 3
upapajjati 1 pr is reborn (in); re-arises (in) √pad 3 ya (go, step) upa + pajja + ti ati pr 3
uddisati 1 pr recites; chants √dis 1 a (point out, explain) ud + disa + ti ati pr 3
abhisaṅkharoti 2 pr does; performs √kar 7 o (do, make) abhi + saṃ + kharo + ti oti pr 3
abhivaḍḍhati pr increases more and more; surpasses; outgrows √vaḍḍh 1 a (grow, increase) abhi + vaḍḍha + ti ati pr 3
ājānāti 1 pr knows; understands √ñā 5 nā (know) ā + jānā + ti āti pr 3
deti 1 pr gives (to); donates (to); offers (to); hands (to) √dā 1 a (give) de + ti eti pr 3
dhāreti 3 pr bears in mind; keeps in mind; remembers √dhar 8 *e (wear, hold, carry) dhāre + ti eti pr 3
āpajjati 2 pr arouses; exhibits; produces; brings into being √pad 3 ya (go, step) ā + pajja + ti ati pr 3
paṭibhāti pr comes to mind; occurs (to); inspires (someone to) √bhā 1 a (shine, speak) pati + bhā + ti āti pr 3
paṭisevati 2 pr uses; makes use (of) √sev 1 a (serve, associate) pati + seva + ti ati pr 3
paṭisaṃvedeti pr personally experiences; undergoes; feels √vid 8 *e (know, sense, feel) pati + saṃ + vede + ti eti pr 3
paṭilabhati 1 pr obtains; gets; receives; personally experiences √labh 1 a (get) pati + labha + ti ati pr 3
nibbindati 1 pr is dis-enchanted (with); is disinterested (in); is disillusioned (by); loses interest (in); is dispassionate (towards) √vid 2 ṃa (feel, like) nī + binda + ti ati pr 3
passati 1 pr sees √dis 1 a (see) passa + ti ati pr 3
paṭijānāti 4 pr makes the claim (of); claims (to be); supposes ones is √ñā 5 nā (know) pati + jānā + ti āti pr 3
paṭipajjati 2 pr practices; follows a course of action; follows a method √pad 3 ya (go, step) pati + pajja + ti ati pr 3
paṭiggaheti pr takes; accepts; receives √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) pati + gahe + ti eti pr 3
paṭiggaṇhāti 1 pr takes; accepts; receives √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) pati + gaṇhā + ti āti pr 3
pajahati pr gives up; abandons; lets go (of); releases √hā 1 a (abandon) pa + jaha + ti ati pr 3
pucchati pr asks; enquires; questions (somebody about something) √pucch 1 a (ask, question) puccha + ti ati pr 3
paggaṇhāti 2 pr holds out; raises up √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) pa + gaṇhā + ti āti pr 3
pakkamati 1 pr goes (from); goes away (from); leaves (from) √kam 1 a (go) pa + kama + ti ati pr 3
pāpuṇāti 1 pr reaches; arrives (at); comes (to) √ap 4 uṇā (reach, attain) pa + apuṇā + ti āti pr 3
panūdati pr dispels; drives out; rejects; pushes away √nud 1 a (drive out, reject) pa + nūda + ti ati pr 3
aggi masc fire √agg 1 a (move crookedly) √agg + i i masc 4
abhinandi 1 aor delighted (in); was pleased (with); approved (of); was happy (with); relished √nand 1 a (delight, enjoy) abhi + √nand + i i aor 4
abhāsi 1 aor spoke; said √bhā 1 a (shine, speak) a + √bhā + si i aor isuṃ 4
hoti 1 pr is; becomes √hū 1 a (be) ho + ti hoti pr 4
hontu imp may they be!; they must be! √hū 1 a (be) ho + ntu hoti pr 4
vīhi masc rice paddy; Oryza sativa i masc 4
atthi 1.1 pr there is; there exists √as 1 a (be) √as + ti > atthi atthi pr 4
aṭṭhāsi 1 aor stood; stayed; remained √ṭhā 1 a (stand) a + √ṭhā + si āsi aor 4
hotha imp may you all be!; you all must be!; I pray you all may be! √hū 1 a (be) ho + tha hoti pr 4
apucchi aor asked; enquired (somebody about something) √pucch 1 a (ask, question) a + √pucch + i i aor isuṃ 4
byākāsi 1 aor answered; replied √kar 7 o (do, make) vi > vy > by + ā + √kar > kā + si āsi aor 4
karohi imp do!; make! √kar 7 o (do, make) karo + hi karoti pr 4
āsi 1.1 aor was √as 1 a (be) a + √as + i āsi aor irreg 4
isi masc seer; sage i masc 4
udapādi 1 aor arose (for); sprung up (for) √pad 3 ya (go, step) ud + a + √pad + i i aor 4
suṇātu imp one must listen!; it must hear! √su 4 ṇā (hear) suṇā + tu āti pr 4
upasaṅkami aor approached; drew near; went (to) √kam 1 a (go) upa + saṃ + √kam + i i aor 4
ehi imp come! √i 1 a (come, go) e + hi eti pr 2 4
sāli masc fine rice i masc 4
byādhi masc sickness; disease; illness √dhā 1 a (place, support) vi > vy > by + ā + √dhā + i i masc 4
sammodi aor greeted; exchanged pleasantries; had a friendly conversation (with) √mud 1 *a (be soft, be happy) saṃ + moda + i i aor 4
samādhi 1 masc perfect peace of mind; stability of mind; stillness of mind; mental composure √dhā 1 a (place, support) saṃ + ā + √dhā + i i masc 4
nisīdi aor sat (on); sat down (in) √sad 1 a (sink, sit, settle) ni + sīda + i i aor isuṃ 4
paccassosi aor replied (to); agreed (with); assented (to) √su 4 ṇā (hear) pati > paty > pacc + a + so + si i aor 4
muni 1 masc monk; sage; seer; hermit; silent sage √mun 5 nā (think, know) √mun + i i masc 4
passa 2.1 imp see!; look (at)! √dis 1 a (see) passa + a ati pr 4
āmantesi aor addressed; said (to); advised √mant 8 *e (counsel, invite) ā + mante + si esi aor 4
agacchi aor went; travelled (to) √gam 1 a (go) a + gaccha + i i aor issaṃ 4