Vocabulary List for Intermediate Pāli Course


pali pos meaning root construction pattern cl.
daṇḍaka 1 masc handle daṇḍa + ka a masc 2
tāla 1.1 masc palm tree; Palmyra √tal 8 *e (support, rest on) √tal > tāl + *a a masc 2
kakaca masc saw a masc 2
nāda masc roar; bellow; shout √nad 1 a (roar) √nad > nād + *a a masc 2
paggāha 1 masc effort; exertion; striving √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) pa + √gah > gāh + *a a masc 2
pajjota 1 masc lamp; lantern √jut 1 *a (shine) pa + √jut > jot + *a a masc 2
makkha masc depreciating; denigrating; smirching √makkh 8 *e (rub, erase) √makkh + a a masc 2
samaṇaka masc low ascetic; worthless ascetic √sam 3 ya (exert, strive) √sam + aṇa + ka a masc 2
sārāga masc passion; infatuation; attachment to √raj 3 ya (desire) saṃ > sā + √raj > rag > rāg + *a a masc 2
sāsapa masc mustard; mustard seed a masc 2
vasala masc outcast; low-caste person a masc 2
anta 1 masc end (of); limit (of); finish (of); conclusion (of) a masc 2
vasalaka masc despicable outcast vasala + ka a masc 2
muṇḍaka 2 masc shaveling; skinhead; baldy √muṇḍ 1 a (be bald, shave) √muṇḍ + a + ka a masc 2
anuggaha 2.1 masc support; help; assistance √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) anu + √gah + a a masc 2
vāyāma masc effort; striving; exertion; endeavour; activity √yam 1 a (control, strive, end) vi + ā + √yam > yām + *a a masc 2
vipariṇāma masc change; alteration; transformation √nam 1 a (bend) vi + pari + √nam > ṇām + *a a masc 2
anabhāva masc obliteration; annihilation; total destruction √bhū 1 a (be, become) anu + a + √bhū > bhāv + *a a masc 2
attha 1.3 masc purpose; use; function; goal √ar 1 a (move, attain) √ar + tha a masc 2
anumodati 1 pr approves (of); appreciates; applauds; is pleased (by) √mud 1 *a (be soft, be happy) anu + moda + ti ati pr 3
nibbattati 1 pr re-arises; re-appears; regrows; is reborn √vatt 1 a (be, proceed) nī + batta + ti ati pr 3
okantati pr cuts off; carves off; saws off √kat 2 ṃa (cut) ava + kanta + ti ati pr 3
ussahati 1.1 pr makes an effort (in); strives (in); actively endeavours (in) √sah 1 a (overcome, prevail) ud + saha + ti ati pr 3
vihiṃsati pr hurts; harms; injures; is cruel (towards) √his 2 ṃa (hurt, harm) vi + hiṃsa + ti ati pr 3
tiṭṭhati 1 pr stands √ṭhā 1 a (stand) tiṭṭha + ti ati pr 3
paṭikkosati pr rejects; refuses to accept; disses; disdains √kus 1 *a (call, insult) pati + kosa + ti ati pr 3
paharati pr strikes; beats; gives a blow (to) √har 1 a (carry) pa + hara + ti ati pr 3
muñcati 2 pr gets angry (with) √muc 2 ṃa (release, free) muñca + ti ati pr 3
abhijānāti 4 pr clearly remembers; accurately recalls √ñā 5 nā (know) abhi + jānā + ti āti pr 3
anuparivattati 1 pr circles around; revolves around; rotates around √vatt 1 a (be, proceed) anu + pari + vatta + ti ati pr 3
anuparidhāvati pr runs around; circles around; rotates around √dhāv 1 a (run, flow) anu + pari + dhāva + ti ati pr 3
rūhati 1 pr grows; ascends; increases √ruh 1 *a (ascend, grow) rūha + ti ati pr 3
dhārayati 1 pr holds; keeps; carries √dhar 8 *aya (wear, hold, carry) dhāraya + ti ati pr 3
paṇidahi aor guided; directed; determined; intended; aimed √dhā 1 a (place, support) pa + ni + daha + i i aor 4
avikkhepa masc calmness; tranquillity; mental balance; non-distraction √khip 1 a (throw) na > a + vi + √khip > khep + *a a masc 5
cārī 1.1 adj living; acting; behaving; conducting oneself √car 1 a (act, behave) √car > cār + *ī ī adj 5
tapassī 1 masc ascetic √tap 1 a (burn, radiate heat) √tap + as + sī ī masc 5
neva 2 sandhi not even; not only na + eva 5
anuppāda masc non-arising; non-appearance; not coming into existence √pad 3 ya (go, step) na > an + ud + √pad > pād + *a a masc 5
āsabhī adj lordly; imposing; bold usabha > āsabha + *ī ī adj 5
hantar 1 masc striker; who hits √han 1 a (strike, kill) √han + tar ar masc 6
caritar masc who performs; practitioner (of) √car 1 a (act, behave) √car + itar ar masc 6
abhiññā 1 fem direct knowledge; higher understanding; specialized knowledge √ñā 5 nā (know) abhi + √ñā + ā ā fem 7
ārā 2.1 fem awl; needle ā fem 7
dayā fem compassion (for); kindness (towards); mercy (for); pity (on) √day 1 a (be kind, have pity) √day + ā ā fem 7
kiriyā 1 fem act; action; activity; deed; performance √kar 7 o (do, make) √kar > kir + iyā ā fem 7
tatra 2 ind in that case; in that regard; in this matter; in this connection ta + tra 8
paṭicca 1 ger dependent; depending (on); contingent (upon); relying (on); because (of); supported (by); on account (of); grounded (on) √i 1 a (come, go) pati + √i + tya 8
bhuñjitvā 1 abs having eaten √bhuj 2 ṃa (use, eat, enjoy) bhuñja + itvā 8
appatvā 1 abs having not reached; having not arrived (at) √ap 4 uṇā (reach, attain) na > a + pa + √ap + tvā 8
vidatthi fem measure of length; span; length between outstretched thumb and little finger i fem 8
disvāna abs having seen √dis 1 a (see) √dis + tvāna 8
nūna 2 ind could it be?; what if?; shall?; let's?; perhaps? 9
no 1.2 ind (adds a question mark) surely?; didn't?; isn't it?; definitely 9
viharituṃ inf to live; to stay; to remain √har 1 a (live) vi + √har + ituṃ 9
viharitukāma adj wishing to live viharituṃ + kāma a adj 9
pariyosāna 1 nt end; finish; conclusion; culmination √sā 1 a (complete, accomplish) pari + [y] + ava + √sā + ana a nt 9
yassatthāya masc for which purpose; for which reason yassa + attha + āya a masc 9
cariya nt conduct; behaviour; way of behaving; state of life √car 1 a (act, behave) √car + iya a nt 9
cakkhu 2 nt eyesight; faculty of seeing √cakkh 1 a (see) √cakkh + u u nt 9
agga 1.3 nt tip; top; peak a nt 9
aṅga 1 nt part of the body; limb √añj 8 *e (distinguish) √añj > aṅg + a a nt 9
atthāya 1 masc for the purpose (of); for the sake (of); for the benefit (of) √ar 1 a (move, attain) √ar + tha + āya a masc 9
neta pron this (is) not na + eta ta pron 10
gahita 1 pp got; grasped; grabbed; held; seized; captured; taken √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) √gah + ita a pp 11
sugata 3 adj standard; commonly accepted √gam 1 a (go) su + √gam + ta a adj 11
uddesa 7 adj intended for; designated for √dis 1 a (point out, explain) ud + √dis > des + *a a adj 11
ocaraka 1 adj lowlife; mean; rough √car 1 a (act, behave) ava + √car + a + ka a adj 11
daḷha 1 pp strong; firm; steady √dah 1 a (be strong) √dah + ta > daḍha > daḷha a pp 11
dukkha 1 adj uncomfortable; unpleasant √dukkh 1 a (be painful) √dukkh + a a adj 11
ubhato ind both; on both sides (of); in both ways; dually ubha + to 11
dhamma 1.10 adj of such nature; liable (to); prone (to); destined (for) √dhar 1 a (hold, carry, endure) √dhar + ma a adj 11
abhinipphanna pp accomplished (by); attained (by); materialized (by); produced (by) √pad 3 ya (go, step) abhi + nī + √pad + na a pp 11
nadita pp roared; made a bold assertion √nad 1 a (roar) √nad + ita a pp 11
aviddasu 1 adj ignorant; foolish; idiotic √vid 1 a (know) na > a + √vid + vasu u adj 11
avatthu adj without base; without grounds; without foundation √vas 1 a (live) na > a + √vas + thu u adj 11
ucchinna pp broken off; cut off; severed √chid 2 ṃa (cut, steal) ud + √chid + na a pp 11
eka 4 adj only eka adj 11
kara 1 adj doing; making √kar 7 o (do, make) √kar + a a adj 11
kāma 1 adj wishing (to); wanting (to); would be delighted (to) √kam 8 *e (desire) √kam > kām + *a a adj 11
uḷāra 1 adj excellent; lofty; high; noble √ar 1 a (move, attain) ud > uḷ + √ar > ār + *a a adj 11
anūhata pp not destroyed; unimpaired; not uprooted √han 1 a (strike, kill) na > an + ud > ū + √han + ta a pp 11
paccupaṭṭhita 6 pp established; in place √ṭhā 1 a (stand) pati > paty > pacc + upa + √ṭhā + ita a pp 11
anatīta pp not past; not free from; not exempt; unavoidable; subject to √i 1 a (come, go) na > an + ati + √i + ta a pp 11
chinna 2 pp cut off; severed √chid 2 ṃa (cut, steal) √chid + na a pp 11
jīvita 2 nt livelihood; lifestyle; way of life √jīv 1 a (live) √jīv + ita a nt 11
brahma 4 adj divine; holy; (comm) highest; distinguished √brah 1 a (increase) √brah + ma a adj 11
anupaddava adj safe; free from danger; uninjured; unafflicted √du 1 a (burn, torment) na > an + upa + √du > dav + *a a adj 11
ja 1.1 adj born (from); produced (by); made (of); caused (by) √jan 3 ya (be born, produce) √jan + a a adj 11
upapanna 3 pp possessed (of); having; with a √pad 3 ya (go, step) upa + √pad + na a pp 11
dvi card two (2) dvi card 12
carahi ind then; therefore; now 13
eka 7 ind once 13
ve ind indeed; truly; really 13
raho 1 ind privately; secretly; in seclusion; alone √rah 1 a (leave, desert) √rah + as + o 13
āvi ind openly; in full view; face to face 13
ci ind some; any 13
dhī ind shame on you!; woe on him!; damn you! 13
kuto 3 ind let alone; not to mention; what to say of ka > ku + to 13
su 1 ind (interrogative & emphatic particle) 13
tiriyaṃ 2 ind horizontally; width-wise √tir 1 a (cross) √tir + iya + aṃ 13
antarā 3 ind inside; within; internally anta + ra + ā 13
dīghaso ind in length; long; lengthwise dīgha + so 13
sayaṃ ind by one's own; oneself; one's own sa + [y] + a + aṃ 13
api 1.3 ind if; even if 13
iva ind like; as 13
vihaññati 1 pr suffers hardship (because of); suffers anguish (from) √han 1 ya (strike, kill) vi + hañña + ti ati pr 13
udāhu ind or (second part of a question) 13
paṭivinodetvā abs having driven out; having dispelled; having removed; having got rid (of) √nud 1 *e (drive out, reject) pati + vi + node + tvā 14
padūseti pr spoils; pollutes; corrupts √dus 3 *e (be angry, be corrupt) pa + dūse + ti eti pr 14
vītināmeti 1 pr (of time) spends; passes √nam 1 *e (bend) vi + ati + nāme + ti eti pr 14
pātita pp dropped; felled; slain; killed √pat 1 *e (fall) pāte + ita a pp 14
anubandhitabba ptp should be followed (by); should be trailed (by) √bandh 1 a (bind, tie) anu + √bandh + itabba a ptp 14
cattārome sandhi these four cattāro + ime 16
yathāpi sandhi just like; just as yathā + api 16
meso sandhi this is my me + eso 16
āvi ceva raho ca idiom openly and even in private āvi + ca + eva + raho + ca 16
mākāsi aor do not make; do not create; don't do mā + akāsi āsi aor 16
yassa 3 sandhi whoever to him yo + assa 16
yathayidaṃ sandhi such as this yathā + [y] + idaṃ 16
sammadeva 2 sandhi rightly; correctly; truly sammā + [d] + eva 16
yodha 2.1 sandhi whoever here; whoever in this regard yo + idha 16
rajakkha adj with dirt in the eye rajas + akkha a adj 16
sacepi sandhi even if sace + api 16
sattantarā sandhi seven (spans) inside satta + antarā 16
sabbāneva sandhi in its entirety sabbāni + eva 16
maraṇadhammomhi sandhi I am liable to die; I am subject to death; death is part of my intrinsic nature maraṇa + dhamma + amhi 16
antarāyika adj obstructive (for); blocking; impeding antara + aya + ika a adj 16
sudaṃ 2 sandhi indeed this; truly this; surely this su + idaṃ 16
seyyathāpi sandhi just like; as if; imagine if se + yathā + api 16
seyyathidaṃ sandhi i.e.; as follows se + yathā + idaṃ 16
svāssa 1 sandhi that his; that for him so > sv + assa 16
vāpi 1 sandhi or even vā + api 16
anāgatamaddhānaṃ ind in the future anāgata + [m] + addhāna + aṃ 16
aññadatthu 2 ind on the contrary; however; on the other hand añña + [d] + atthu 16
yāvadeva sandhi as much as; only as much as; only as far as yāva + [d] + eva 16
mamaccayena ind after my passing away; after my death; when I am gone mama + accaya + ena 16
uṭṭhāyāsanā ger rising from one's seat uṭṭhāya + āsanā 16
iccetaṃ 1 sandhi that is iti > ity > icc + etaṃ 16
tveva 1 sandhi however; but; rather; rather than tu + eva 16
tyāhaṃ 3 sandhi I to you; I you te > ty + ahaṃ 16
tenupasaṅkami aor approached there; went to that place tena + upasaṅkami i aor 16
tenañjaliṃ sandhi hands in reverential salutation towards someone tena + añjaliṃ 16
tāvatakeneva sandhi with just this much tāvatakena + eva 16
tasseva 1 sandhi just for him; even for him; just that alone tassa + eva 16
tassassu sandhi of that there would be tassa + assu 16
tasmātiha sandhi therefore here; therefore in this regard tasmā + [t] + iha 16
thāmasā ind obstinately; stubbornly √ṭhā 1 a (stand) √ṭhā + [m] + as + ā 16
tayidaṃ sandhi that so; that like this; exactly that ta + [y] + idaṃ 16
kocideva sandhi even some; just some; some or other koci + [d] + eva 16
cepi sandhi even if ce + api 16
cetaṃ 2 sandhi if this ce + etaṃ 16
cāhaṃ 1 sandhi and I; but I ca + ahaṃ 16
khvāyaṃ sandhi indeed this; truly this kho > khv + ayaṃ 16
cassa 1 sandhi and there would be; but there would be; and there might be ca + assa 16
khvāhaṃ sandhi I indeed; I certainly kho > khv + ahaṃ 16
gahaṇatthāya ind for holding onto; for grasping gahaṇa + attha + āya 16
tatridaṃ sandhi in this case this tatra + idaṃ 16
matthi 1 sandhi these are my; this is my me + atthi 16
hissa 1 sandhi indeed his; certainly of that; truly his hi + assa 16
esevanto sandhi just this is the end (of) eso + eva + anto 16
itipi sandhi (item being named); it is so; thus; just like this iti + api 16
punareva sandhi just again puna + [r] + eva 16
pāturahosi aor appeared; manifested pātu + [r] + ahosi hosi aor 16
imassuppādā sandhi from the arising of this; when this arises imassa + uppādā 16
panetaṃ sandhi and this; but this pana + etaṃ 16
panidaṃ sandhi moreover this; but this pana + idaṃ 16
panāhaṃ sandhi but I; then I; and I pana + ahaṃ 16
panāniccaṃ sandhi and transient; and unstable pana + aniccaṃ 16
diṭṭheva dhamme idiom in this life; right here right now; in the present diṭṭhe + eva + dhamme 16
pageva 1 sandhi all the more; not to mention; even better pago + eva 16
nittharaṇatthāya ind for crossing; for getting across nittharaṇa + attha + āya 16
nāssa 2.1 sandhi not to him; nor for him na + assa 16
nālaṃ 3 ind not enough (to); it is not enough (for) na + alaṃ 16
nālaṃ 2 ind not able (to); cannot; not enough (for) na + alaṃ 16
ekova sandhi alone eko + eva 16
nayidaṃ 1 sandhi not this; this (is) not; it (is) not na + [y] + idaṃ 16
etarahi ind now; at present eta + [r] + ahi 16
dveme sandhi these two dve + ime 16
no hetaṃ idiom certainly not! definitely not! no + hi + etaṃ 16
hetaṃ sandhi indeed this; certainly this hi + etaṃ 16


pali pos meaning root construction pattern cl.
byāma masc fathom; measure of length; from head to foot, or two arms extended √yam 1 a (support, stretch) vi > vy > by + √yam > yām + *a a masc 2
sāla 1.1 masc sal tree; Shorea robusta a masc 2
kulla 1.1 masc boat; raft a masc 2
thena masc thief; robber √then 8 *e (steal) √then + a a masc 2
vānara masc monkey vana > vāna + *ara a masc 2
paṭisañcikkhati pr reflects; considers; discerns √cikkh 1 a (show, tell) pati + saṃ + cikkha + ti ati pr 3
abhisaṅkharoti 1 pr creates; constructs; generates; forms; fabricates √kar 7 o (do, make) abhi + saṃ + kharo + ti oti pr 3
sasaññī 1.1 adj percipient; with perception; with awareness √ñā 5 nā (know) sa + saṃ + √ñā + ā + ī ī adj 5
alobha masc non-greed; absence of desire; moderation √lubh 3 ya (be greedy) na > a + √lubh > lobh + *a a masc 5
gāhī 1 adj grasping after; grabbing hold (of) √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) √gah > gāh + *ī ī adj 5
veti pr disappears; perishes; goes away; wanes √i 1 a (come, go) vi + e + ti eti pr 5
anūpavāda masc not blaming; without insulting; not abusing √vad 1 a (say, speak) na > an + upa + √vad > vād + *a a masc 5
anūpaghāta masc not harming; not hurting; non-violence √ghaṭ 8 *e (strike, kill) na > an + upa + √ghaṭ > ghāṭ + *a a masc 5
iddhimant masc who has psychic powers; possessing supernormal ability √idh 3 ya (succeed, accomplish) √idh + ti + mant ant masc 6
attatā fem selfhood; beingness; state of being atta + tā ā fem 7
ukkaṭṭhā fem name of town √kas 1 a (drag, draw) ud + √kas + ta + ā ā fem 7
paṭipadā 1 fem way; path of progress; path of practice √pad 3 ya (go, step) pati + √pad + ā ā fem 7
nati fem inclination; tendency; bent; bias √nam 1 a (bend) √nam + ti i fem 8
vuṭṭhi fem rain; rainfall √vass 1 a (rain) √vass > vuss + ti i fem 8
nissāya 1 ger leaning (on); depending (on); being supported (by) √si 1 a (depend on, associate with) ni + √si > sāy + *ya 8
phala 1.1 nt fruit; nut; berry √phal 1 a (fruit, ripen) √phal + a a nt 9
kaḷebara 1 nt body a nt 9
vana 1.1 nt wood; forest; grove a nt 9
dvāra 1 nt door; entrance; gate; gateway √dvar 1 a (obstruct, prohibit) √dvar > dvār + *a a nt 9
vitakka 3 nt thought; reflection; pondering √takk 8 *e (think) vi + √takk + a a nt 9
āmisa 3 nt worldly thing; physical item; material stuff āma + isa a nt 9
anubyañjana 1 nt secondary characteristic; detail; feature √añj 8 *e (distinguish) anu + vi + √añj + ana a nt 9
phandamāna prp trembling; quivering; shivering; palpitating √phand 1 a (shake, quiver) phanda + māna māna prp 10
vippalapanta prp talking; chattering √lap 1 a (speak, chat) vi + pa + lapa + nta anta prp 10
vāyamamāna prp making an effort (to); striving (for); exerting oneself (to) √yam 1 a (control, strive, end) vi + ā + yama + māna māna prp 10
iccha adj wishing (for); desiring; wanting √is 1 a (wish for) iccha + a a adj 11
gata 2 pp become (a certain way); being in (some state); gone into (a state) √gam 1 a (go) √gam + ta a pp 11
vipula 1 adj vast; extensive; expansive; massive √pul 8 *e (increase) vi + √pul + a a adj 11
gutta pp guarded; protected; kept watch (over) √gup 1 a (guard) √gup + ta a pp 11
abyāpajjha 2.2 adj free from ill will; not malicious; kind-hearted √pad 3 ya (go, step) na > a + vi > vy > by + ā + √pad > pād + *a + ya a adj 11
appamāṇa 1 adj immeasurable; unlimited; limitless; boundless √mā 5 nā (measure) na > a + pa + √mā + aṇa a adj 11
gata 1 pp gone (to); went (for) √gam 1 a (go) √gam + ta a pp 11
appamatta 1.1 pp diligent (in); vigilant (about); careful (about); attentive (to) √mad 3 ya (be mad, be intoxicated) na > a + pa + √mad + ta a pp 11
pahita 1.1 pp applied; directed; exercised √dhā 1 a (place, support) pa + √dhā > (da)h + ita a pp 11
pubba 1.2 adj going before; been before a adj 11
adhimutta 1 pp set (on); intent (on); focused (on); fixed (on); fixated (on); resolved (on) √muc 2 ṃa (release, free) adhi + √muc + ta a pp 11
maya adj made of; constructed by; built of √mā 5 nā (measure) √mā + ya a adj 11
mūḷha 1 masc foolish person; deluded man; madman √muh 3 ya (be deluded, be confused) √muh + ta > mūḍha > mūḷha a masc 11
aluddha masc who is not greedy √lubh 3 ya (be greedy) na > a + √lubh + ta a masc 11
gama adj going; able to go √gam 1 a (go) √gam + a a adj 11
ādisa adj of character; of quality; of kind; referring to √dis 1 a (see) ā + √dis + a aī adj 11
rūpa 4 adj of character; having nature of; of type; of kind; having the quality of; appearing as √rūp 8 *e (form, produce) √rūp + a a adj 11
sukha 1 adj easy (on); comfortable (for); pleasant (for); good (for); contented √sukh 1 a (please, be comfortable) √sukh + a a adj 11
uttiṇṇa pp (of water) crossed over; emerged from; come out the other side √tar 1 a (cross) ud + √tar > tir + na a pp 11
seṭṭha 1 adj foremost (among); best (of); primary; most important; supreme (among) ?? siri + *ttha a adj 11
subhaga adj lucky; fortunate; blessed √bhaj 1 a (divide, distribute) su + √bhaj > bhag + a a adj 11
samūhata 1 pp removed; uprooted; eradicated; exterminated; destroyed √han 1 a (strike, kill) saṃ + ud > ū + √han + ta a pp 11
samanaka adj with understanding; with intelligence; (comm) with mind √man 3 ya (think) sa + √man + as + ka a adj 11
paccayā ind dependent on; due to; caused by √i 1 a (come, go) pati > paty > pacc + √i > ay + *a + ā 13
paññāyati 1 pr is clearly known; is evident; is perceived; there is √ñā 5 ya (know) pa + ñāya + ti ati pr 13
sāmaṃ 1 ind oneself; by oneself; for oneself sa + āmaṃ 13
ida ind in this case; here 13
sotthinā ind safely √as 1 a (be) su > so + √as + ti + inā 13
sabbadhi ind everywhere; in every way; in all respects sabba + dhi 13
vicārita pp thought about; contemplated; investigated √car 1 *e (move, walk) vi + cāre + ita a pp 14
anuvicāreti pr re-looks at; re-examines; reflects (on); meditates (on) √car 1 *e (move, walk) anu + vi + cāre + ti eti pr 14
vūpakaṭṭha pp secluded (from); isolated (from); withdrawn (from) √kas 1 *e (drag, draw) vi + upa + kāse + ta a pp 14
thenosi sandhi you are a thief!; you are a robber! theno + asi 16
mūḷhosi sandhi you are insane!; you are deluded!; you are confused! mūḷho + asi 16
yāvañcidaṃ sandhi and in this case; and in this regard; and as far as this; to such an extent yāva + [ṃ] + ca + idaṃ 16
iccevaṃ sandhi thus like this iti > ity > icc + evaṃ 16
idhekacca pron here one; here a certain; in this case some; some people here idha + ekacca ekacca pron 16
bālosi sandhi you are a fool!; you are an idiot! bālo + asi 16
mānubyañjanaggāhī adj don't be enticed by the details; don't focus on the secondary characteristics mā + anubyañjana + gāhī ī adj 16
corosi sandhi you are a thief!; you are a robber! coro + asi 16
sammappaññāya fem with correct understanding; with perfect wisdom sammā + paññā + aya ā fem 17
yadapi sandhi whatever itself; whatever even; which just yad + api 17
yadidaṃ sandhi namely; that is yad + idaṃ 17
yadeva sandhi any; whichever yad + eva 17
yannūnāhaṃ sandhi what if I were to; let me; I shall; perhaps I yaṃ + nūna + ahaṃ 17
yamahaṃ sandhi whatever I; which I; that I yaṃ + ahaṃ 17
saññācikā fem one's own begging sayaṃ > saṃ + yāca + ikā ā fem 17
bhūtapubbāhaṃ sandhi formerly I; in the past I; once upon a time I bhūtapubbaṃ + ahaṃ 17
yampi sandhi whatever indeed yaṃ + api 17
yaṃnūna sandhi what if; lets yaṃ + nūna 17
yaṃnūnāhaṃ sandhi what if I were to; let me; I shall; perhaps I yaṃ + nūna + ahaṃ 17
yaṃpaccayāssa sandhi on account of which for him; because of which for him; due to which for him yaṃ + paccayā + assa 17
yāvakīvañca sandhi and as long as yāva + kīvaṃ + ca 17
yaññadeva sandhi just whatever; just which; whatsoever yaṃ + yad > yaññad + eva 17
sakkaroti pr honours; esteems; respects sat + karoti oti pr 17
atītamaddhānaṃ ind in the past; previously atīta + aṃ + addha + ānaṃ 17
bahulamanuvitakketi pr thinks about a lot; ponders frequently bahulaṃ + anuvitakketi eti pr 17
evañcetaṃ 1 sandhi even if this; even if this is the case evaṃ + ce + etaṃ 17
esohamasmi sandhi I am this; this is me eso + ahaṃ + asmi 17
etadeva sandhi just this; only this; this exact etad + eva 17
etadahosi sandhi this (thought) occurred (to) etad + ahosi 17
etadavoca aor said this (to) etad + avoca avoca aor 17
ekameka 2 masc each and every person; every individual ekaṃ + eka a masc 17
ekamidāhaṃ sandhi this one (time) I ekaṃ + idaṃ + ahaṃ 17
evamassa 1 sandhi he would (think) thus; this would occur to him evaṃ + assa 17
imāhaṃ sandhi this I imaṃ + ahaṃ 17
idappaccayā ind due to this; on account of this; because of this idaṃ + paccaya + ā 17
ahaññeveko sandhi only I alone; just me ahaṃ + eva + eko 17
alameva sandhi it is enough (to); it is quite enough (to); that's quite sufficient (to) alaṃ + eva 17
ayampi sandhi one too; this too ayaṃ + api 17
ayameko sandhi this is one ayaṃ + eko 17
antamakāsi aor made an end (of); finished (with) antaṃ + akāsi āsi aor 17
anokamāgamma ger becoming homeless; (comm) coming to non-clinging anokaṃ + āgamma 17
imasmiṃyeva sandhi in this very; in this exact imasmiṃ + [y] + eva 17
evamāgata adj thus concluded evaṃ + āgata a adj 17
evameva sandhi similarly; in the same way; so too; just so evaṃ + eva 17
evampi sandhi likewise; just like this; similarly; so too evaṃ + api 17
nesohamasmi sandhi this is not me; I am not this na + eso + ahaṃ + asmi 17
dvattikkhattuṃ ind twice or thrice; two or three times dvi + ti + kkhattuṃ 17
dutiyampi sandhi for the second time dutiyaṃ + api 17
dukkhamidaṃ sandhi this is suffering dukkhaṃ + idaṃ 17
tamenaṃ sandhi that one; him; her; that thing; that person taṃ + enaṃ 17
tadapi sandhi that itself; just that tad + api 17
tadanuttaraṃ sandhi that unsurpassed tad + anuttaraṃ 17
tatiyampi sandhi for the third time tatiyaṃ + api 17
tañcāyaṃ sandhi but this person taṃ + ca + ayaṃ 17
kinti sandhi how then?; what then?; in what way? kiṃ + iti 17
kiñhi sandhi what indeed?; what possible?; how? kiṃ + hi 17
kiñcetaṃ sandhi and what this? kiṃ + ca + etaṃ 17
kiñcāpi sandhi however much; even if; even though; although kiṃ + ca + api 17
kiñcarahi sandhi what then?; how then?; what exactly?; how is it?; what just?; why? kiṃ + carahi 17
kiñca 1 sandhi and what? kiṃ + ca 17
kathaṃsu sandhi how? kathaṃ + su 17
evāhaṃ sandhi so I; thus I evaṃ + ahaṃ 17
bāhuppacālakaṃ ind swinging the arms; swaying the arms bāhu + pacālaka + aṃ 17
tamahaṃ sandhi him I; that I taṃ + ahaṃ 17


pali pos meaning root construction pattern cl.
dhūma masc smoke √dhū 5 nā (shake, smoke) √dhū + ma a masc 2
kumbha 1 masc clay pot; water jar; pitcher a masc 2
kaṇha 3 masc dark one; black one; evil one; epithet of Māra a masc 2
nāga 3 masc tusker; bull elephant a masc 2
nātha masc protector; lord; refuge (of) √nāth 1 a (have power, protect) √nāth + a a masc 2
pakkha 5 masc side; party; group; faction a masc 2
kodha 1.1 masc anger; wrath; rage; temper √kudh 3 ya (be angry) √kudh > kodh + *a a masc 2
pāla masc protector; keeper; guard √pāl 8 *e (protect) √pāl + a a masc 2
pālaka 1 masc shepherd; herder √pāl 8 *e (protect) √pāl + aka a masc 2
puṇṇaka 1 masc name of a deity √pūr 1 a (fill, fulfil) √pūr + na + ka a masc 2
bhāra 1 masc burden; load; weight √bhar 1 a (carry, support) √bhar > bhār + *a a masc 2
māsa 1.1 masc month √mā 5 nā (measure) √mā + sa a masc 2
padesa 1 masc place; location; region; area √dis 1 a (point out, explain) pa + √dis > des + *a a masc 2
vipallāsa 1 masc distortion; delusion; hallucination; inversion; perversion √as 3 ya (throw, hurl) vi + pari > pali > paly > pall + √as > ās + *a a masc 2
sara 2.1 masc sound; voice; tone √sar 1 a (make sound) √sar + a a masc 2
sāmika 1 masc owner sāmī + ka a masc 2
vassāna masc monsoon; rainy season √vass 1 a (rain) √vass + āna a masc 2
byāpajjati 1 pr hates; dislikes; is repelled (by); is hostile (to) √pad 3 ya (go, step) vi > vy > by + ā + pajja + ti ati pr 3
paṭinissajjati pr gives up; relinquishes; drops; abandons √sajj 1 a (relinquish, let loose) pati + nī + sajja + ti ati pr 3
paccavekkhati pr views; reviews; regards; reflects; considers; looks upon √ikkh 1 a (see, mark) pati > paty > pacc + ava + ikkha + ti ati pr 3
aṭṭhi 2.1 masc intention; goal; purpose √ar 1 a (move, attain) √ar + tha > aṭṭhi i masc 4
sārathi 2 masc (horse or elephant) trainer sa + ratha + i i masc 4
cari 1.1 aor (of cattle) grazed (in) √car 1 a (move, walk) √car + i i aor 4
vattī 2.1 masc turner; who turns something; who sets in motion √vaṭṭ 1 a (turn) √vaṭṭ + ī ī masc 5
adhamma 1 masc misconduct; immoral behaviour; unjust means; cheating √dhar 1 a (hold, carry, endure) na > a + √dhar + ma a masc 5
ṭhāyī adj remaining (in); staying (in); in a state (of); continuing; persisting √ṭhā 1 a (stand) √ṭhā + [y] + ī ī adj 5
dubbalī adj weak; feeble √bal 1 a (be strong, live) dur + √bal + a ī adj 5
rūpavant 1 adj material; physical; having material form; possessing form √rūp 8 *e (form, produce) √rūp + a + vant ant adj 6
ekadā 1 ind one day; sometimes; at some (unspecified) time eka + dā 6
siyā 1 opt could be; may be; might be; should be √as 1 a (be) siya + ā siyā opt 7
katvā 2 abs having made √kar 7 o (do, make) √kar + tvā 8
niyyātetvā 1 abs having handed over; having delivered; having returned √yat 8 *e (arrange, hand over) nī + yāte + tvā 8
khāri 1 fem goods carried on a pole across the shoulders i fem 8
pathavī 2 fem earth; ground √path 1 a (expand) √path + avī ī fem 8
samannāharitvā abs having focused; having concentrated √har 1 a (carry) saṃ + anu > ann + ā + √har + itvā 8
sota 2.1 nt ear √su 4 ṇā (hear) √su > so + *ta a nt 9
theyya 1 nt theft; stealing √then 8 *e (steal) √then + ya a nt 9
pada 09 nt footprint; footstep √pad 3 ya (go, step) √pad + a a nt 9
cakka 1 nt wheel a nt 9
niyyātuṃ inf to go out (of); to exit; to leave √yā 1 a (go) nī + √yā + tuṃ 9
raṭṭha nt country; land; kingdom; realm √rāj 1 a (rule, shine) √rāj + ta a nt 9
yasmiṃ tasmiṃ idiom in whichever … in that; at which … at that 9
anusaññātuṃ inf to go around; to visit; to inspect √yā 1 a (go) anu + saṃ + √yā > saññā + tuṃ 9
atiyātuṃ inf to re-enter √yā 1 a (go) ati + √yā + tuṃ 9
āvilatta 1 nt (of mind) fact of agitation; confusion; disturbance √bil 1 a (break, chop) ā + √bil > vil + a + tta a nt 9
paccantima adj border; frontier; outlying pati > paty > pacc + anta + ima a adj 11
āvaraṇa 1 adj obstructing; blocking; impeding √var 1 a (cover, dress, restrain) ā + √var + aṇa a adj 11
paṇihita 1 pp guided; directed; orientated; determined; intended √dhā 1 a (place, support) pa + ni + √dhā > (da)h + ita a pp 11
ācarita pp acted; behaved; performed; practised √car 1 a (act, behave) ā + √car + ita a pp 11
pariyuṭṭha adj obsessed (with); possessed (by); overwhelmed (by); overcome (by) √ṭhā 1 a (stand) pari + [y] + ud + √ṭhā + a a adj 11
amuka adj that; such and such (person or place) amu + ka a adj 11
piya 2 adj liked; pleasant; agreeable √pī 5 nā (love, please) √pī > piy + a a adj 11
appiya 1 adj not dear (to); unloved (by); disliked (by) √pī 5 nā (love, please) na > a + √pī > piy + a a adj 11
phāsu 1 adj easy (to); comfortable (for); pleasant (for) √phus 1 a (touch) √phus > phās + *u u adj 11
anupekkhita pp carefully considered; re-examined; re-looked at √ikkh 1 a (see, mark) anu + pa + √ikkh + ita a pp 11
mosa 2.1 adj untrue; false; deceitful √mus 3 ya (lie, forget) √mus > mos + *a a adj 11
attato ind as oneself; as self atta + to 11
sudanta adj well tamed (by); well trained (by); well controlled (by) √dam 3 ya (be tame) su + √dam + ta a adj 11
suppaṭividdha adj thoroughly penetrated (by); completely understood (by) √vidh 3 ya (throw, pierce) su + pati + √vidh + ta a adj 11
vaṇṇa 1.03 masc appearance; complexion; countenance √var 1 a (cover, dress, restrain) √var + na a masc 11
aḍḍha 1.1 adj half a adj 11
ajjhāruha adj which takes over; which overwhelms; which overgrows √ruh 1 a (ascend, grow) adhi > adhy > ajjh + ā + √ruh + a a adj 11
pubba 1.1 adj previous; earlier; former a adj 11
nissita 1 pp dependent (on); supported (by); based (on); relying (on) √si 1 a (depend on, associate with) ni + √si + ta a pp 11
akata 1 pp not done; not performed; not acted √kar 7 o (do, make) na > a + √kar + ta a pp 11
dhāta 1.1 pp remembered; retained in mind; known off by heart √dhar 8 *e (wear, hold, carry) dhāre + ta a pp 11
ohita 3 pp (of attention) applied; paid √dhā 1 a (place, support) ava + √dhā > (da)h + ita a pp 11
dullabha 1 adj difficult to find (for); hard to obtain (for); rare (for) √labh 1 a (get) dur + √labh + a a adj 11
karaṇa 1 adj doing; making; causing; effecting √kar 7 o (do, make) √kar + aṇa a adj 11
dubbala 1 adj frail; weak; feeble √bal 1 a (be strong, live) dur + √bal + a a adj 11
ṭhita 7 pp situated (in); standing (in); remaining (in) √ṭhā 1 a (stand) √ṭhā + ita a pp 11
nādhimuccati 1 pr is not drawn (to); is not attracted (to); does not incline (towards) √muc 2 ya (release, free) na + adhi + mucca + ti ati pr 13
dhātuso 1 ind as states; as elements; by way of the elements √dhā 1 a (place, support) √dhā + tu + so 13
damma 1.1 ptp able to be tamed; fit to be trained; tameable; trainable √dam 3 ya (be tame) √dam + ya a ptp 14
vinodayati pr dispels; drives out; removes √nud 1 *aya (drive out, reject) vi + nodaya + ti ati pr 14
kāreti 2 pr performs; practices √kar 7 *e (do, make) kāre + ti eti pr 14
vajja 1.1 ptp speaking; saying √vad 1 a (say, speak) √vad + ya > vajja a ptp 14
kāraṇa 1 nt task; labour √kar 7 *e (do, make) kāre + aṇa a nt 14
kāreti 1 pr makes one do; causes to make √kar 7 *e (do, make) kāre + ti eti pr 14
iccāyasmā sandhi thus (said) venerable iti > ity > icc + āyasmā 16
iccete sandhi (introducing a list) namely these iti > ity > icc + ete 16
caparaṃ sandhi and further; and what is more ca + paraṃ 16
tathārūpāssa sandhi of such kind, for him tathārūpā + assa 16
tatthāyaṃ sandhi here this; in this case this tattha + ayaṃ 16
manasānupekkhita pp mentally recollected; reconsidered; rechecked; re-investigated manasā + anupekkhita a pp 16
kecime sandhi whoever of these; whichever of these keci + ime 16
appekadā sandhi but some days; sometimes; on some occasions api > apy > app + ekadā 16
diyaḍḍha adj one and a half dvi > di + [y] + aḍḍha a adj 16
yāvatatiyañce sandhi if up to the third time yāva + tatiyaṃ + ce 17
imameva sandhi this very; this exact same; this here imaṃ + eva 17
mano 2 masc mind; mentality (object) √man 3 ya (think) √man + as + o as masc 18
āpas masc water; liquid √āp 4 uṇā (be wet) √āp + as as masc 18
gāvo 2 masc cattle (object) go + āvo go masc 18
vāyas masc air; wind √vā 1 a (blow, emit odour) √vā + [y] + as as masc 18
asma masc rock; stone a2 masc 18
cetasā masc with mind; by mind; with thought; with intention √cit 8 *e (think, intend) √cit > cet + *as + ā as masc 18
cetaso 2 masc of mind √cit 8 *e (think, intend) √cit > cet + *as + o as masc 18
ayo masc iron as masc 18
vacasā masc by word; by speech; verbally √vac 1 a (say, speak) √vac + as + ā as masc 18
atta 1.1 masc self; soul; spirit; essence a2 masc 18
gunnaṃ 1 masc of cattle; of cows go + ānaṃ go masc 18
attanā 1 masc with oneself; by oneself atta + anā a2 masc 18
manas masc mind; mental faculty; intellect √man 3 ya (think) √man + as as masc 18
attano 1 masc for self; for oneself; to oneself atta + no a2 masc 18
manasi masc in mind √man 3 ya (think) √man + as + i as masc 18
manaso masc of mind; mental √man 3 ya (think) √man + as + o as masc 18
mano 1 masc mind; mental √man 3 ya (think) √man + o as masc 18
anattani masc in what is not oneself; within what is impersonal na > an + atta + ni a2 masc 18
tejas 1 masc flame; fire; heat √tij 8 *e (be sharp, be hot) √tij > tej + *as as masc 18
bhasma masc ash √bhas 1 a (make ashes) √bhas + ma a2 masc 18
manasā masc by mind; with mind; mentally √man 3 ya (think) √man + as + ā as masc 18
rajas 1 masc (mental) impurity; defilement √raj 1 a (colour) √raj + as as masc 18
anatta 2 masc which is impersonal; non-self; not subject to identification na > an + atta a2 masc 18
rāja 1 masc king; sovereign; lord; ruler √rāj 1 a (rule, shine) √rāj + a rāja masc 18
rājā masc king; sovereign; lord; ruler √rāj 1 a (rule, shine) √rāj + a + ā rāja masc 18
rājāno masc authorities; officers √rāj 1 a (rule, shine) √rāj + a + āno rāja masc 18
attānaṃ masc self; himself; herself; itself; yourself; oneself (object) atta + ānaṃ a2 masc 18
attano 2 masc of self; of oneself; one's own; my own atta + no a2 masc 18
rajas 2 masc dust; dirt √raj 1 a (colour) √raj + as as masc 18
attani 1 masc in oneself; for oneself atta + ani a2 masc 18


pali pos meaning root construction pattern cl.
saṅgaha 3 masc friendliness; collaboration; mutual assistance; good relationship √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) saṃ + √gah + a a masc 2
kopa 1 masc anger; wrath; rage; temper √kup 3 ya (shake, be angry) √kup > kop + *a a masc 2
aruṇa 1 masc red light; reddish colour in the sky; rosy fingered dawn a masc 2
aṃsa 2.1 masc shoulder; shoulder-blade a masc 2
āsaṅga masc robe; cloak √sañj 1 a (clasp, embrace) ā + √sañj > saṅg + a a masc 2
veda 1 masc joy; inspiration; excitement; uplifting emotion √vid 1 a (know) √vid > ved + *a a masc 2
abhisanda masc outcome; outflow; stream √sand 1 a (flow) abhi + √sand + a a masc 2
paccūsa masc before dawn; early morning pati > paty > pacc + usa > ūsa + *a a masc 2
sūriya 1 masc sun √sur 1 a (shine, be supreme) √sur > sūr + *a + iya a masc 2
bhāva 1 masc state; condition; characteristic; nature √bhū 1 a (be, become) √bhū > bhāv + *a a masc 2
samijjhati pr achieves; succeeds; prospers; works out well √idh 3 ya (succeed, accomplish) saṃ + ijjha + ti ati pr 3
samudācarati 2.1 pr overwhelms; assails; assaults; (comm) occurs √car 1 a (move, walk) saṃ + ud + ā + cara + ti ati pr 3
ujjhāyati pr finds fault; looks down upon; thinks badly of √jhā 3 ya (think, meditate) ava > o > u + jhāya + ti ati pr 3
abhisajjati 2.1 pr loses one's temper; curses angrily; abuses; swears; (comm) sticks √sajj 1 a (relinquish, let loose) abhi + sajja + ti ati pr 3
papañceti pr proliferates (about); forms various opinions (about) √pañc 8 *e (expand, spread) pa + pañce + ti eti pr 3
khiyyati pr criticises; complains (about) √khī 1 a (exhaust, destroy) khiyya + ti ati pr 3
akampi aor shook; trembled; wavered; was disturbed √kamp 1 a (shake, tremble) a + √kamp + i i aor 4
appaccaya 1.2 masc indignation; outrage; bitterness √i 1 a (come, go) na > a + pati > paty > pacc + √i > ay + *a a masc 5
vaya 1 masc disintegration; decay; disappearance; dissolution; vanishing √i 1 a (come, go) vi + √i > ay + *a a masc 5
avivāda masc not quarrelling; non-dispute; no argument; harmony; peace √vad 1 a (say, speak) na > a + vi + √vad > vād + *a a masc 5
lajjī adj who has conscience; sensitive √lajj 1 a (be ashamed) √lajj + ī ī adj 5
suññatā fem emptiness; voidness; non-subjectivity suñña + tā ā fem 7
saṅkhā 2 fem definition; classification; concept; category √khā 1 a (tell, announce) saṃ + √khā + ā ā fem 7
saddhā 2 fem confidence (in); assurance (in); conviction (in) √dhā 1 a (place, support) sad + √dhā + ā ā fem 7
ādāya 1 ger taking √ādā 3 ya (take, seize) √ādā + ya 8
sāmaggī 1 fem concord; unity; peace; harmony saṃ > sām + agga + *ī ī fem 8
sampasādana 1 nt calming; tranquillising; pacifying; settling √sad 1 a (sink, sit, settle) saṃ + pa + √sad > sād + *ana a nt 9
ādhipateyya nt authority; influence; power; determining factor √pat 3 ya (command, control) adhi > ādhi + √pat + i + *eyya a nt 9
ārabhituṃ 1 inf (of energy) to arouse √rabh 1 a (begin) ā + √rabh + ituṃ 9
iṇa nt debt; loan a nt 9
nidāna 4 nt background story; narrative setting; introductory tale √dā 3 ya (tie, bind) ni + √dā + ana a nt 9
sikkhākāma adj desiring to train; wanting to practice sikkhā + kāma a adj 9
kīva ind how far?; how much? ka + iva 9
uggacchanta prp (of the sun) rising; ascending; coming up √gam 1 a (go) ud + gaccha + nta anta prp 10
uddhaste aruṇe nandimukhiyā rattiyā idiom when the rosy smile of dawn was rising; when dawn had risen and the night had a cheerful face 10
kukkuccaka adj principled; conscientious; scrupulous √kar 7 o (do, make) ku + √kar + ta + ya + ka aka adj 11
amata 1.1 nt deathless state; immortality; epithet of Nibbāna √mar 1 a (die) na > a + √mar + ta a nt 11
paccuppanna 1 pp present; presently arisen; existing; current √pad 3 ya (go, step) pati > paty > pacc + ud + √pad + na a pp 11
mogha adj useless; pointless; futile; ineffective; unprofitable; vain √muh 3 ya (be deluded, be confused) √muh > moh + *gha a adj 11
sacchi adj personal; with one's own eyes; witnessing for oneself √akkh 1 a (see) sa + √akkh + i i adj 11
nikkhanta 2 pp elapsed; passed; finished; over √kam 1 a (go) nī + √kam > kham + ta a pp 11
pacchima 1 adj last; final pacchā + ima a adj 11
anāsava 1 adj free from the effluents; taint-less; undefiled; epithet of Nibbāna √su 1 a (flow) na > an + ā + √su > sav + *a a adj 11
uttara 2.01 adj higher (than); superior (to) ud + tara a adj 11
avitakka adj free from thinking; without thought √takk 8 *e (think) na > a + vi + √takk + a a adj 11
upasaṃhita 1 pp connected (with); concerning; to do (with); based (on) √dhā 1 a (place, support) upa + saṃ + √dhā > (da)h + ita a pp 11
dūra 1 adj far away (from); distant (from) √dū 1 a (go, run) √dū + ra a adj 11
dussīla 1 adj unprincipled; immoral; of bad behaviour √sīl 1 a (conduct oneself) dur + √sīl + a a adj 11
apakkanta pp departed (from); left; strayed (from); veered away (from) √kam 1 a (go) apa + √kam + ta a pp 11
ogadha 1 pp immersed (in); absorbed (in); plunged (into) √gāh 1 a (dive, plunge) ava + √gāh + ta a pp 11
uddhasta 1 pp risen; appeared √dhaṃs 1 a (fall down, destroy) ud + √dhaṃs + ta a pp 11
gambhīra 3 adj profound; abstruse; hard to fathom a adj 11
patitthīyati pr is stubborn; is obstinate; is pig-headed; is resistant √thī 1 ya (stiffen, be compact) pati + thīya + ti ati pr 13
kacchamāna prp being spoken; being talked about √kath 8 ya (speak, narrate) kaccha + māna māna prp 13
akuppa 1 ptp unshakeable; unwavering; unassailable √kup 3 ya (shake, be angry) na > a + √kup + ya a ptp 14
pavedita pp taught; explained; proclaimed; made known √vid 1 *e (know) pa + vede + ita a pp 14
avicāra adj free from discursive thought √car 1 *e (move, walk) na > a + vi + cāre + a a adj 14
viññeyya 2 ptp could be known; should be recognized √ñā 5 nā (know) vi + √ñā + eyya a ptp 14
payojeti 1 pr (of work) engages (in); undertakes; takes (on) √yuj 2 *e (yoke, join) pa + yoje + ti eti pr 14
vipāceti pr spreads about; circulates; discusses widely √vac 1 *e (say, speak) vi + pāce + ti eti pr 14
desiyamāna prp being preached (by); being taught (by); being explained (by) √dis 1 *e + iya (point out, explain) desiya + māna māna prp 14
vicāra 1 masc consideration; exploring, examination; pondering √car 1 *e (move, walk) vi + cāre + a a masc 14
chayime sandhi these six cha + [y] + ime 16
etadattha 1 masc this is the purpose (of) etad + attha a masc 17
imasmiñca 2 sandhi and when this imasmiṃ + ca 17
mahārāja masc great king; supreme ruler mahā + rāja rāja masc 18
cetas masc mind; thought; intention √cit 8 *e (think, intend) √cit > cet + *as as masc 18
sikkhāpada nt precept; instruction; training rule sikkhā + pada a nt 19
mahaggata 1 adj enlarged; exalted; expansive; grand; impressive mahā + gata a adj 19
maraṇavaṇṇa masc praise of death; advantage of death; (of) beauty of death maraṇa + vaṇṇa a masc 19
maraṇadhamma adj subject to death; liable to die; having death intrinsic to one's nature maraṇa + dhamma a adj 19
manoseṭṭha adj with mind as chief; ruled by mind mano + seṭṭha a adj 19
manosañcetanā fem mental intention; mental volition; mental will mano + sañcetanā ā fem 19
manorama adj delightful; pleasant; attractive mano + rama a adj 19
manopubbaṅgama adj led by mind; preceded by mind; headed by mind; with mind as forerunner mano + pubbaṅgama a adj 19
manussitthī fem human woman; human female manussa + itthī ī fem 19
manussaviggaha masc human being; human individual manussa + viggaha a masc 19
mahācora masc master thief; criminal mastermind mahā + cora a masc 19
manussadhamma 1 masc human state; normal condition manussa + dhamma a masc 19
manasikāra masc attention; bringing-to-mind; observation; noticing; focussing manasi + kāra a masc 19
manasikaraṇīya ptp should be attended to; should be kept in mind manasi + karaṇīya a ptp 19
madhubhāṇī adj who talks sweetly; honey-tongued; who abstains from harsh speech madhu + bhāṇī ī adj 19
mattaññutā fem moderation (in); knowing the correct amount (of); temperance (in) matta + ñū + tā ā fem 19
maṇiratana nt jewel treasure; precious gem; valuable gemstone; one of the seven treasures of a universal ruler maṇi + ratana a nt 19
majjhekalyāṇa adj good in the middle; beneficial in the middle majjhe + kalyāṇa a adj 19
macchagumba masc school of fish maccha + gumba a masc 19
bhojaputta masc resident of the Bhoja country; (comm) hunter bhoja + putta a masc 19
bhūtapubbaṃ 1 ind formerly; previously; in the past bhūta + pubba + aṃ 19
bhiyyobhāva masc growth (of); increase (of); multiplication (of) bhiyyo + bhāva a masc 19
vītamala adj stainless; spotless; without taint; blemish free vīta + mala a adj 19
manuja masc human being; person manu + ja a masc 19
mahānadī fem great river; main river mahā + nadī nadī fem 19
mahābhūtā masc primary states; great elements; earth, water, fire and wind mahā + bhūta + ā a masc pl 19
mahāmatta masc chief minister; chancellor; cabinet member mahā + amatta a masc 19
yathāpaññatta adj as decreed; as prescribed; as formulated yathā + paññatta a adj 19
yathāṭhita adj however it is standing; just as it is positioned yathā + ṭhita a adj 19
yatthaṭṭhita adj where standing; wherever staying; where remaining yattha + ṭhita a adj 19
mosavajja nt lie; untruth; false speech mosa + vajja a nt 19
moghapurisa masc fool; worthless man; useless person; stupid person mogha + purisa a masc 19
vinayadhara masc expert in monastic law vinaya + dhara a masc 19
mettāsahagata adj filled with goodwill; full of friendliness mettā + sahagata a adj 19
mudubhūta adj pliable; supple; malleable mudu + bhūta a adj 19
muttakarīsa nt urine and excrement mutta + karīsa a nt 19
migadāya 1 masc name of a park outside Bārāṇasī miga + dāya a masc 19
vusitabrahmacariya adj fulfilled the holy life; completed the spiritual journey; epithet of an arahant vusita + brahmacariya a adj 19
migajāta masc type of deer; species of deer; (comm) herd of deer miga + jāta a masc 19
mādisa adj like me; resembling me maṃ > mā + disa aī adj 19
mātumātar fem grandmother; mother's mother mātu + mātar mātar fem 19
mātugāma masc woman; female; women in general; womankind mātu + gāma a masc 19
mātāpitar masc mother and father; parents mātā + pitar ar2 masc 19
vivekaja adj born from seclusion; (or) born from discrimination; (comm) secluded from the defilements viveka + ja a adj 19
maṃsalohita nt flesh and blood maṃsa + lohita a nt 19
mahāvana 1 nt name of a forest outside Vesālī mahā + vana a nt 19
mahāsena adj with a great army; having a mighty military mahā + senā + a a adj 19
mahāsamudda masc great sea; vast ocean mahā + samudda a masc 19
mahāmoggallāna masc name of an arahant monk; chief disciple; great disciple of the Buddha; foremost disciple in psychic power mahā + moggallāna a masc 19
mānābhisamaya masc complete comprehension of conceit; total understanding of comparison māna + abhisamaya a masc 19
vedanāgata adj related to felt experience; connected with feeling; concerning sensation; kind of feeling vedanā + gata a adj 19
bhikkhusahassa nt one thousand monks bhikkhu + sahassa a nt 19
bhikkhusata nt one hundred monks bhikkhu + sata a nt 19
purisaviggaha masc male; male human being purisa + viggaha a masc 19
purisayuga 1 nt pair of people; pair of individuals purisa + yuga a nt 19
purisamati fem man's intentions (to); man's proposal (to) purisa + mati i fem 19
purisapuggala masc individual; individual person purisa + puggala a masc 19
purisadammasārathi masc trainer of tameable persons purisa + damma + sārathi i masc 19
pubbenivāsānussatiñāṇa nt understanding from remembering one's previous lives; knowledge from the recollection of previous lives pubbe + nivāsa + anussati + ñāṇa a nt 19
pubbenivāsānussati fem recollection of one's previous lives pubbe + nivāsa + anussati i fem 19
hitesī 1 adj benevolent (towards); who wishes well (for); who wants the best (for) hita + esī ī adj 19
pubbenivāsa masc previous life; former existence pubbe + nivāsa a masc 19
pubbaṅgama 1 adj preceding (in); leading (in); first (in); as forerunner (of) pubbaṃ + gama a adj 19
pupphabhāṇī adj who speaks the truth puppha + bhāṇī ī adj 19
punabbhava masc appearing again; renewed existence; rebirth; future life puna + bhava a masc 19
punappunaṃ ind repeatedly; again and again puna + puna + aṃ 19
avatthukata adj uprooted avatthu + kata a adj 19
ñāṇūpapanna adj possessed of knowledge; having understanding; endowed with wisdom ñāṇa + upapanna a adj 19
puthujjana masc common man; ordinary man; normal person; man in the street puthu + jana a masc 19
puttadāra 1 masc wife and kids putta + dāra a masc 19
puññābhisanda masc stream of merit; outflow of goodness puñña + abhisanda a masc 19
pītipaṭisaṃvedī adj experiencing heartfelt joy; feeling delight; sensitive to happiness pīti + paṭisaṃvedī ī adj 19
piyarūpa adj agreeable; endearing; cherished piya + rūpa a adj 19
sammappadhāna 2 masc correct application of effort sammā + padhāna a masc 19
piyakaraṇa adj which create affection; creating friendship; which make one loved piya + karaṇa a adj 19
piṇḍapāta masc alms food piṇḍa + pāta a masc 19
purisuttama masc best of men; highest of men; ultimate man; epithet of the Buddha purisa + uttama a masc 19
phassapaññatti fem concept of contact; what is called sense impingement phassa + paññatti i fem 19
phussitagga adj with a blossoming crest; with flowering tops phussita + agga a adj 19
pheṇapiṇḍa masc lump of foam; ball of froth pheṇa + piṇḍa a masc 19
bhikkhusaṅgha masc community of monks; monastic order bhikkhu + saṅgha a masc 19
bhikkhuparisā fem assembly of monks; gathering of monastics bhikkhu + parisā parisā fem 19
veyyāvaccakara masc steward; helper veyyāvacca + kara a masc 19
brahmavihāra masc divine dwelling; heavenly abode; sublime state brahma + vihāra a masc 19
brahmasama adj holy; divine; equal to Brahma; like god almighty brahma + sama a adj 19
brahmacārī 2 masc celibate man; who abstains from sexual intercourse brahma + cārī ī masc 19
brahmacariyapariyosāna nt perfection of the holy life; ideal of the spiritual path; culmination of the holy life brahmacariya + pariyosāna a nt 19
brahmacariya 1 nt spiritual path; spiritual practice; holy life brahma + cariya a nt 19
byāmamatta adj fathom long byāma + matta a adj 19
bojjhaṅga 1 masc element of awakening; factor of enlightenment bodhi + aṅga a masc 19
buddhaputta masc son of the Buddha; child of the Buddha; disciple of an awakened one buddha + putta a masc 19
yathāpaṇihita adj however it is positioned; however it is disposed yathā + paṇihita a adj 19
bāḷhagilāna adj extremely ill; very sick; with strong illness bāḷha + gilāna a adj 19
bāhābala nt manual labour; hard work bāhā + bala a nt 19
vehāsaṅgama masc sky walker; air walker; flyer vehāsaṃ + gama a masc 19
bāladhamma masc idiotic teaching; doctrine of fools bāla + dhamma a masc 19
hatthidamma masc elephant to be tamed; elephant in training hatthī + damma a masc 19
bahussuta 1 adj very learned; well educated; knowledgeable bahu + suta a adj 19
bahulīkātabba ptp should be practised often; should be developed bahula > bahulī + kātabba a ptp 19
bahulīkata pp practised often; repeated a lot; done again and again bahula > bahulī + kata a pp 19
bahujana masc multitude; many people; mass of people bahu + jana a masc 19
bahukāra adj very useful; extremely helpful; of great service (for or in) bahu + kāra a adj 19
hatthidammasārathi masc elephant trainer; elephant tamer hatthī + damma + sārathi i masc 19
hatthiratana nt elephant treasure; one of the seven treasures of a universal ruler hatthī + ratana a nt 19
bāhābalaparicita adj built up by hard work bāhābala + paricita a adj 19
sīlakathā fem talk on ethical conduct; discussion about correct behaviour sīla + kathā ā fem 19
yānīkata adj mastered; familiarized yāna > yānī + kata a adj 19
raṭṭhapāla masc name of an arahant monk raṭṭha + pāla a masc 19
sammāsambuddha masc perfectly awakened one; fully enlightened being sammā + sambuddha a masc 19
sammāsati 1 fem right mindfulness; perfect presence; correct awareness sammā + sati i fem 19
sammāsaṅkappa 1 masc correct intention; right volition; proper thought sammā + saṅkappa a masc 19
sokanāsana adj eradicating sorrow; banishing grief soka + nāsana a adj 19
sammādiṭṭhi 1 fem right view; correct outlook; correct belief sammā + diṭṭhi i fem 19
sammadakkhāta adj well taught; well preached sammā + [d] + akkhāta a adj 19
sambhavesī adj who is seeking birth sambhava + esī ī adj 19
sokaparideva masc sorrow and mourning; sadness and crying soka + parideva a masc 19
sampajānamusāvāda masc deliberate lying; intentional lie sampajāna + musāvāda a masc 19
sampajānakārī adj attentive (to); alert (to); mindful (of); cultivating attention (with regard to) sampajāna + kārī ī adj 19
sotāpatti fem stream entry; first stage of the path sota + āpatti i fem 19
sotāpanna 1 adj who has entered the stream; entered the first stage of the path sota + āpanna a adj 19
vaggavādaka masc proponent of a faction; adherent of a group; loyalist supporter vagga + vādaka a masc 19
samudayavayadhammānupassī adj seeing the arising and disappearance of phenomena; (or) contemplating the nature of arising and disappearance samudayavaya + dhammānupassī ī adj 19
samudayadhammānupassī adj seeing the arising of phenomena; (or) contemplating the nature of arising samudaya + dhammānupassī ī adj 19
vacanapatha masc way of saying things; mode of expression; manner of speech vacana + patha a masc 19
vajjadassī adj who sees fault vajja + dassī ī adj 19
samādhija adj born from stable mind; produced by samadhi samādhi + ja a adj 19
samantapāsādika adj who inspires confidence in every way; totally awe-inspiring samanta + pāsādika a adj 19
samaṇabrāhmaṇā masc ascetics and Brahmans; monks and priests samaṇā + brāhmaṇa + ā a masc pl 19
sabbāsavasaṃvarasaṃvuta adj restrained with regard to all the effluents sabbāsava + saṃvara + saṃvuta a adj 19
sabbākāraparipūra adj complete in every aspect; fulfilled in every way sabba + ākāra + paripūra a adj 19
sabbasaṅkhāra masc all activities; all processes; all conditions; all fabrications; all formations sabba + saṅkhāra a masc 19
sedāvakkhitta adj earned by the sweat of one's brow seda + avakkhitta a adj 19
sabbaloka masc whole world; entire universe; all the world; every world sabba + loka a masc 19
sammāvāyāma 1 masc correct effort; right striving sammā + vāyāma a masc 19
sayanāsana nt living place sayana + āsana a nt 19
sīhanāda 1 masc confident assertion; bold statement sīha + nāda a masc 19
sāvatthinidāna nt (this) occurred at Sāvatthī sāvatthī + nidāna a nt 19
sīhaseyyā fem sleeping posture of a lion sīha + seyyā ā fem 19
sukhadukkha 1 nt ease and discomfort; pleasure and pain; happiness and sorrow sukha + dukkha a nt east 19
sāvakasaṅgha masc community of disciples sāvaka + saṅgha a masc 19
sukhassāhāra masc cause for comfort; support for ease sukhassa + āhāra a masc 19
sukhavihārī adj who lives at ease; who lives comfortably; experiencing bodily pleasure; abiding in sublime pleasure sukha + vihārī ī adj 19
sāsanakara adj following instructions; practising the teaching; complying with orders sāsana + kara a adj 19
sukhitatta adj happy; easy going; (comm) with pleased mind sukhita + atta a adj 19
sālarājamūla nt root of the king of sal trees sāla + rāja + mūla a nt 19
sugatavidatthi fem measure of length; standard span; well-gone span; from out-stretched thumb to baby finger; (comm) three hand spans in length sugata + vidatthi i fem 19
sāriputta masc name of an arahant monk; chief disciple; great disciple of the Buddha; foremost disciple in great wisdom sāri + putta a masc 19
sāyanhasamaya masc late afternoon; early evening sāyanha + samaya a masc 19
sāyanha masc evening sāyaṃ + anha a masc 19
suññatāpaṭisaṃyutta adj about emptiness (of a self); regarding non-subjectivity suññatā + paṭisaṃyutta a adj 19
sātarūpa adj with pleasant appearance; agreeable; beautiful sāta + rūpa a adj 19
suññāgāra 1 nt empty dwelling; uninhabited place suñña + agāra a nt 19
suññāgāragata adj gone to an uninhabited place; gone to an empty dwelling suññāgāra + gata a adj 19
suttanta 1 masc discourse; teaching; instruction sutta + anta a masc 19
saḷāyatana 1 nt six sense fields; six sense spheres; i.e. eye and forms, ear and sounds, nose and smells, tongue and tastes, body and physical sensations, mind and mental phenomena cha + [ḷ] + āyatana a nt 19
sahāya masc friend; companion; ally; fellow traveller saha + aya a masc 19
sahagata adj filled (with); accompanied (by); connected (with); associated (with) saha + gata a adj 19
sallaviddha adj pierced by an arrow salla + viddha a adj 19
subhagavana nt name of a wood in Ukkaṭṭhā subhaga + vana a nt 19
sabbarasa masc all tastes; every flavour sabba + rasa a masc 19
vatthukata adj made a foundation; made a basis; firmly established vatthu + kata a adj 19
sabbanimitta nt all objects; all signs; all mental images sabba + nimitta a nt 19
lokuttara adj supra-mundane; transcendental loka + uttara a adj 19
lokāmisādhimutta adj intent on material pleasure; fixated on worldly gain lokāmisa + adhimutta a adj 19
lokāmisa 1 nt worldliness; material pleasure; worldly pleasure; material delight loka + āmisa a nt 19
lokānukampā fem compassion for the world loka + anukampā ā fem 19
lokasamudaya masc source of the world; (comm) truth of arising loka + samudaya a masc 19
lokanirodhagāmī adj leading to the end of the world loka + nirodha + gāmī ī adj 19
lokanirodha masc ending of the world; cessation of the world; (comm) truth of cessation loka + nirodha a masc 19
lokanātha masc saviour of the world; protector of the planet loka + nātha a masc 19
lokadhātu fem world system; world sphere loka + dhātu u fem 19
vijjācaraṇasampanna adj endowed with knowledge and conduct; accomplished in understanding and action; perfect in wisdom and moral conduct vijjā + caraṇa + sampanna a adj 19
lokadhamma 1 masc worldly matter; things of the world; vicissitudes of life loka + dhamma a masc 19
viññāṇagata adj related to consciousness; concerning awareness; connected with sentience; kind of consciousness viññāṇa + gata a adj 19
viññuppasattha adj praised by the wise viññū + pasattha a adj 19
vitakkavicārā masc thinking and investigating; thought processes; inner dialogue vitakkā + vicāra + ā a masc pl 19
rohitassa masc previous name of a deity rohita + assa a masc 19
rūpagata 1 adj related to matter; connected with materiality; kind of matter rūpa + gata a adj 19
rukkhamūlagata adj gone to the foot of a tree rukkhamūla + gata a adj 19
rukkhamūla nt foot of a tree; base of a tree rukkha + mūla a nt 19
rājamahāmatta masc royal minister; cabinet member rāja + mahāmatta a masc 19
rājagaha nt name of a city; capital of Magadha rāja + gaha a nt 19
rāgānusaya 1 masc underlying tendency towards desire rāga + anusaya a masc 19
rasataṇhā fem craving for tastes; desire for flavours rasa + taṇhā ā fem 19
rattindiva 1 nt day and night ratti + [n] + diva a nt 19
sakadāgāmī adj returning (only) once; who has attained the second stage of the path saki > saka + [d] + āgāmī ī adj 19
sakkāyadiṭṭhi fem view that one is an embodied being; belief in self-identity; the view that this mind-body complex is an independent entity sakkāya + diṭṭhi i fem 19
vigatūpakkilesa adj without impurity; with no defilement; blemish-free vigata + upakkilesa a adj 19
vigatamiddha adj without drowsiness; with no lethargy vigata + middha a adj 19
sabbatthamaparājita adj undefeated everywhere; unconquered in every respect sabbattha + [m] + aparājita a adj 19
sappurisadhamma 1 masc teaching of righteous men sappurisa + dhamma a masc 19
sappurisa 1 masc good man; moral man; virtuous man; superior man sat + purisa a masc 19
santaruttaraparama nt an under robe and upper robe at most; not more than an inner and outer robe santara + uttara + parama a nt 19
vatthudesanā fem designating the site; appointing the place vatthu + desanā ā fem 19
saddheyyavacasa adj whose word can be trusted; believable; trustworthy; credible saddheyya + vacasa a adj 19
vanappagumba masc forest thicket; dense woodland vana + pagumba a masc 19
saddhāpabbajita adj who ordained out of confidence saddhā + pabbajita a adj 19
vayadhammānupassī adj seeing the disappearance of phenomena; (or) contemplating the nature of disappearance vaya + dhammānupassī ī adj 19
satthusāsana nt teacher's instruction; master's teaching satthu + sāsana a nt 19
satthahāraka 1 masc assassin; hit man sattha + hāraka a masc 19
yogakkhema masc (spiritual) safety; security; sanctuary yoga + khema a masc 19
sattabojjhaṅgā masc seven elements of awakening; seven factors of enlightenment satta + bojjhaṅga + ā a masc pl 19
satādhipateyya adj ruled by mindfulness; governed by awareness; (or) having mindfulness as controlling influence sati + ādhipateyya a adj 19
saññāvipallāsa masc deluded conception; distortion of perception; inversion of perception saññā + vipallāsa a masc 19
saññāgata 2 adj related to perception; concerning recognition; kind of perception; (comm) perception itself saññā + gata a adj 19
vassasata nt one hundred years; century vassa + sata a nt 19
saṅghādisesa 2 masc offence requiring suspension saṅgha + ādi + sesa a masc 19
saṅghapitar masc father of the community; community elder saṅgha + pitar ar2 masc 19
saṅghapariṇāyaka masc leader of the community saṅgha + pariṇāyaka a masc 19
piṇḍacāra masc going for alms round; alms wandering piṇḍa + cāra a masc 19
saṅkhāragata 1 adj related to mental activity; concerning intention; connected with volitional formation saṅkhāra + gata a adj 19
vāyodhātu 1 fem gas; gaseous state vāyo + dhātu u fem 19
saṅkhalikhita adj perfect; faultless; flawless saṅkha + likhita a adj 19
satipaṭṭhāna 1 masc attending mindfully; being present with mindfulness sati + upaṭṭhāna a masc 19
pāraṅgata adj reached the other shore; gone across safely; gone beyond; epithet of an arahant pāraṃ + gata a adj 19
akatapubba adj not done before; not previously performed na > a + kata + pubba a adj 19
pāragavesī 1 adj seeking salvation; who is looking for the beyond pāra + gavesī ī adj 19
ubhatodaṇḍaka adj two-handled; double-handled; with handles on both sides ubhato + daṇḍa + ka a adj 19
upayupādānābhinivesavinibandha adj attached to engaging, grasping and clinging; shackled to going near, grabbing and holding upaya + upādāna + abhinivesa + vinibandha a adj 19
upayupādāna nt engaging and grasping; approaching and clinging; going near and grabbing hold upaya + upādāna a nt 19
upaṭṭhitakāyassati adj with body awareness present; attending mindfully to the body upaṭṭhita + kāyassati i adj 19
uddhamadho ind above and below uddhaṃ + adho 19
udapāna masc well; (comm) pond; pool uda + pāna a masc 19
udakaphusita nt drop of water udaka + phusita a nt 19
uttarimanussadhamma masc super-human state; super-power; super human distinction uttari + manussadhamma a masc 19
uttarichappañcavācā fem more than five or six sentences; more than five or six lines uttari + chappañca + vācā ā fem 19
uttarāsaṅga masc upper robe uttara + āsaṅga a masc 19
uṭṭhānavīriyādhigata adj obtained by initiative and exertion uṭṭhāna + vīriya + adhigata a adj 19
uṭṭhānavīriya nt effort and exertion; get up and go uṭṭhāna + vīriya a nt 19
uṭṭhānasaññā fem notion of waking up; wake up time uṭṭhāna + saññā ā fem 19
uccāsoṇḍā fem (of an elephant) raised trunk; (comm) trunk of pride uccā + soṇḍā ā fem 19
isipatana nt name of a forest near Bārāṇasī isi + patana a nt 19
indriyasaṃvara masc control of the mind; sense restraint indriya + saṃvara a masc 19
iddhipāda 1 masc basis for success; road to power; basis for spiritual power iddhi + pāda a masc 19
itthiratana nt woman treasure; consort of a universal ruler; one of the seven treasures of a universal ruler itthi + ratana a nt 19
itthimati fem woman's intentions (to); woman's proposal (to) itthi + mati i fem 19
āragga nt pin-point; needle-tip; awl-point ārā + agga a nt 19
āmāvasesa masc undigested remains of food āma + avasesa a masc 19
āpodhātu 1 fem liquids; liquid state; (comm) element of cohesion āpo + dhātu u fem 19
āneñjappatta adj reached the imperturbable state; unflappable; unshakeable āneñja + patta a adj 19
ānāpānassati fem mindfulness while breathing in and out; mindfulness during inhalation and exhalation ānāpāna + sati i fem 19
ādikalyāṇa adj beneficial in the beginning; good from the get go ādi + kalyāṇa a adj 19
ekagga 1 adj unified; collected eka + agga a adj 19
ekaja adj once born; live born (not from an egg) eka + ja a adj 19
ekantaparipuṇṇa adj completely perfect; utterly complete ekanta + paripuṇṇa a adj 19
ekantaparisuddha adj completely pure; totally perfect ekanta + parisuddha a adj 19
kāyassati fem awareness of the body; mindfulness of the body kāya + sati i fem 19
kāyasamācāra masc physical conduct; bodily behaviour kāya + samācāra a masc 19
kāyasaṅkhāra 2 masc intention which results in bodily action kāya + saṅkhāra a masc 19
kāyaparihārika adj for looking after the body; for taking care of the body kāya + parihārika a adj 19
kāyakamma nt physical action; bodily act kāya + kamma a nt 19
kāmāsava masc effluent of sensual pleasure; oozing sensual desire kāma + āsava a masc 19
kāmapariḷāha masc fever for sensual pleasures; burning passion for sensual objects kāma + pariḷāha a masc 19
kāmataṇhā fem craving for sensual pleasure kāma + taṇhā ā fem 19
kāmacchanda masc interest in sensual pleasure; sensual desire (for); sensual impulse (for) kāma + chanda a masc 19
kalyāṇamitta 2 masc excellent friend; good spiritual companion kalyāṇa + mitta a masc 19
kalyāṇadhamma adj good-natured; upright nature; of solid character; virtuous kalyāṇa + dhamma a adj 19
kammanta 1 masc work; business activity kamma + anta a masc 19
āturakāya adj sick in body; physically unhealthy ātura + kāya a adj 19
kabaḷīkāra adj (of food) material; physical; edible kabaḷa > kabaḷī + kāra a adj 19
kathāsallāpa masc talk; conversation; discussion kathā + sallāpa a masc 19
katapubba adj done before; previously performed kata + pubba a adj 19
ohitasota adj listening attentively; with ears directed ohita + sota a adj 19
evaṃvedana adj having such feeling; having this kind of sensation evaṃ + vedanā + a a adj 19
evaṃrūpa adj of such form; like this evaṃ + rūpa a adj 19
evarūpī adj of such kind; of such quality eva + rūpa + ī aī adj 19
evarūpa adj such; similar kind of; of such quality evaṃ + rūpa aī adj 19
etādisa adj of this kind; of this type; such as this etaṃ > etā + disa aī adj 19
ekodibhāva masc singleness; integration; unification ekodi + bhāva a masc 19
ekībhāva 1 masc unity; harmony; becoming one eka > ekī + bhāva a masc 19
ekāsanabhojana nt eating in one sitting; (comm) eating up to seven times between dawn and noon ekāsana + bhojana a nt 19
ekaṃsa 1.1 adj definite; sure; straight; with absolute assurance eka + aṃsa a adj 19
kadariya 2 nt miserliness; stinginess; tight-fistedness ku > kad + ariya a nt 19
avipariṇāmadhamma adj with unchanging nature; of stable condition na > a + vipariṇāma + dhamma a adj 19
assaratana nt horse treasure; one of the seven treasures of a universal ruler assa + ratana a nt 19
asappurisa masc bad man; foolish man; unethical man; inferior man; person of no integrity na > a + sat + purisa a masc 19
anekajāti adj with many births; having multiple lives aneka + jāti i adj 19
anubyañjanaggāhī adj enticed by the details; focussing on the secondary characteristics anubyañjanāni + gāhī ī adj 19
anuppādadhamma adj never arising again na > an + uppāda + dhamma a adj east 19
anupubbasikkhā fem gradual training; step-by-step practice anupubba + sikkhā ā fem 19
anupubbapaṭipadā fem gradual progress; step-by-step path of practice anupubba + paṭipadā ā fem 19
anupubbakiriyā fem gradual undertaking; step-by-step activity; successive process anupubba + kiriyā ā fem 19
aniccānupassī adj observing impermanence (of); watching instability (of) anicca + anupassī ī adj 19
anāthapiṇḍika masc name of the Buddha's chief lay disciple anātha + piṇḍika a masc 19
anabhāvaṃkata adj utterly obliterated; totally annihilated anabhāvaṃ + kata a adj east 19
anattamana adj irritated; annoyed; displeased na > an + atta + mana a adj 19
adhunāgata adj recently come (to); newly arrived (to) adhunā + āgata a adj 19
adhicittamanuyutta adj engaged in meditation; devoted to mental development; cultivating the higher mind adhicittaṃ + anuyutta a adj 19
anekavassagaṇika adj many years old; accumulated for many years aneka + vassa + gaṇa + ika a adj 19
addhānakkhama adj able to endure a journey addhāna + khama a adj 19
atthaveda masc inspiration from the meaning; (comm) inspiration from the commentary attha + veda a masc 19
atthasaṃhita adj profitable; meaningful; beneficial attha + saṃhita a adj 19
atthaṅgata 1 pp (of the sun) set; gone down atthaṃ + gata a pp 19
attuddesa adj intended for oneself; designated for oneself atta + uddesa a adj 19
attamana adj pleased; happy; delighted; elated atta + mana a adj 19
atītānāgatapaccuppanna adj in the past, the future and the present atīta + anāgata + paccuppanna a adj 19
aṇumatta adj tiniest; smallest aṇu + matta a adj 19
aḍḍhateyyamāsa masc two and a half months aḍḍhateyya + māsa a masc 19
aṭṭhaṅgika adj with eight parts; eight-limbed; eightfold aṭṭha + aṅgika a adj 19
aṭṭhakathā fem commentary; exegesis; detailed explanation aṭṭha + kathā ā fem 19
acirapabbajita adj recently ordained acira + pabbajita a adj 19
aṅgamaṅgāni nt limb by limb; all the limbs aṅgaṃ + aṅga + āni a nt pl 19
adukkhamasukha 1 adj neutral; neither unpleasant nor pleasant; neither comfortable nor uncomfortable adukkhaṃ + asukha a adj 19
kittisadda masc reputation; renown kitti + sadda a masc 19
anekavihita adj various; different kinds of; many different aneka + vihita a adj 19
antaraghara 1 nt inner village; inhabited area antara + ghara a nt 19
alikavādī masc liar; who lies alika + vādī ī masc 19
alamariyañāṇadassanavisesa masc distinction in knowledge and vision suitable for a noble person; attainment of understanding and insight proper for a noble one alaṃ + ariya + ñāṇa + dassana + visesa a masc 19
alamariya adj suitable for a noble person; worthy of an awakened being alaṃ + ariya a adj 19
ariyasāvaka masc disciple of the noble ones; a noble disciple ariya + sāvaka a masc 19
ariyasacca nt truth of the Buddha; noble truth ariya + sacca a nt 19
ariyadhamma 2 masc teaching of the Buddha; noble teaching ariya + dhamma a masc 19
araññagata 1 adj gone to the forest; gone to the woods arañña + gata a adj 19
ayokaṭāha masc iron pot; iron pan ayo + kaṭāha a masc 19
amanasikāra 1 masc non-attention (to); ignoring na > a + manasi + kāra a masc 19
amanasikaraṇīya ptp should not be attended to; should not be kept in mind na > a + manasi + karaṇīya a ptp 19
amatogadha adj flowing into the deathless; immersed in the deathless; (comm) ending in Nibbāna amata + ogadha a adj 19
amatadvāra nt door to the deathless state; entrance to Nibbāna amata + dvāra a nt 19
antakiriyā fem relief (from); making an end (of); ending anta + kiriyā ā fem 19
abhedanamukha nt natural orifice na > a + bhedana + mukha a nt 19
abhijjhādomanassa masc covetousness and depression; wanting and unhappiness; craving and aversion abhijjhā + domanassa a masc 19
abhikkantavaṇṇa adj stunningly beautiful; of extraordinary appearance abhikkanta + vaṇṇa a adj 19
abyāpajjhaparamatā fem freedom from oppressive pain at the most; relief from suffering at the very least abyāpajjha + paramatā ā fem 19
appiyarūpa adj unpleasant; disliked; bad na > a + piya + rūpa a adj 19
appiccha adj with few wishes; wanting little; having few needs; modest appa + icchā + a a adj 19
appābādha adj well; healthy; seldom sick appa + ābādha a adj 19
apparajakkhajātika adj who has little dirt in the eye appa + rajas + akkha + jātika a adj 19
apparajakkha adj having little dirt in the eye appa + rajas + akkha a adj 19
appamāṇacetasa adj with immeasurable mind; with unrestricted mind appamāṇa + cetasa a adj 19
apattamānasa adj who has not achieved one's aim; who has not fulfilled one's intention; (comm) not reached the state of arahant apatta + mānasa a adj 19
andhakāra 1 masc darkness; blackness; blindness andha + kāra a masc 19
antarāya masc obstacle (for); danger (for) antara + aya a masc 19
abhinivesānusaya masc adhering and inclining; adherence and underlying tendency; settling in and inclination abhinivesa + anusaya a masc 19
kucchiparihārika adj for looking after the stomach; for taking care of the belly kucchi + parihārika a adj 19
kuṭivatthu nt site of the hut; grounds of the dwelling kuṭi + vatthu u nt 19
kulaputta masc son of a good family; respectable young man; young gentleman kula + putta a masc 19
nāmarūpa 1 nt name and form; naming and materiality; mental and physical phenomena; mental and physical objects of consciousness nāma + rūpa a nt 19
nāmagotta nt first name and surname; name and family clan nāma + gotta a nt 19
nandimukhī adj happy faced; bright faced; with a cheerful expression nandi + mukhī ī adj 19
dhutaṅga nt ascetic practice dhuta + aṅga a nt 19
dhammūpasaṃhita adj connected with the teaching; concerning the Dhamma; for the Dhamma dhamma + upasaṃhita a adj 19
dhammānupassī adj observing phenomena; who watches mental phenomena; (or) observing the nature of things dhamma + anupassī ī adj 19
dhammaveda masc inspiration from the teaching; enthusiasm from the Dhamma dhamma + veda a masc 19
dhammavinaya masc teaching and training; doctrine and discipline dhamma + vinaya a masc 19
dhammavicaya masc investigation of reality; examining states; analysing the teaching dhamma + vicaya a masc 19
dhammavara masc excellent teaching; sublime doctrine dhamma + vara a masc 19
dhammaladdha adj justly acquired; honestly gained; legally obtained; legitimately acquired dhamma + laddha a adj 19
dhammarasa masc taste of the Dhamma; flavour of the Dhamma dhamma + rasa a masc 19
niggayhavādī adj who reproves; who rebukes; who blames niggayha + vādī ī adj 19
dhammacakkhu nt insight into the nature of reality; spiritual insight; understanding of the way things are dhamma + cakkhu u nt 19
dvayanissita adj dependent on a duality; attached to two things dvaya + nissita a adj 19
devamanussā masc gods and human beings; deities and men deva + manussa + ā a masc pl 19
dubbalīkaraṇa adj which weaken dubbala > dubbalī + karaṇa a adj 19
dukkhasamudaya masc source of stress; arising of suffering; appearance of discomfort dukkha + samudaya a masc 19
dukkhappaṭikūla adj averse to suffering; opposed to pain dukkha + paṭikūla a adj 19
dīgharattaṃ ind for a long time dīgha + ratta + aṃ 19
divasaṃsantatta adj heated during the day; heated for the day divasaṃ + santatta a adj 19
diṭṭhivipallāsa masc deluded view; distorted opinion; inversion of view diṭṭhi + vipallāsa a masc 19
diṭṭhiṭṭhāna nt basis for opinion; grounds for view; standpoint for views diṭṭhi + ṭhāna a nt 19
diṭṭhigata nt (wrong or false) belief; misconception; theory; dogma; doctrine diṭṭhi + gata a nt 19
diṭṭhānusaya masc underlying tendency towards views; inherent inclination towards opinions; underlying conceptual beliefs diṭṭhi + anusaya a masc 19
thullaccaya nt (vinaya) heavy offence; grave transgression; class of serious offences thulla + accaya a nt 19
dvija 1 adj twice born; born from an egg; oviparous dvi + ja a adj 19
tejodhātu 1 fem fiery state tejo + dhātu u fem 19
nibbānagāmī adj leading to putting out the fire; conducive to Nibbāna nibbāna + gāmī ī adj 19
nimittaggāhī adj grasping the external characteristics; focusing on prominent features nimitta + gāhī ī adj 19
pānīyathālaka masc water cup; drinking bowl pānīya + thālaka a masc 19
pādatala nt sole of the foot pāda + tala a nt 19
pāṇabhūta 1 nt living being pāṇa + bhūta a nt 19
pariyosānakalyāṇa adj good at the end; beneficial at the conclusion pariyosāna + kalyāṇa a adj 19
pariyuṭṭhaṭṭhāyī adj who remains obsessed; who is stuck in the preconceived idea of pariyuṭṭha + ṭhāyī ī adj 19
pariṇāyakaratana nt counsellor treasure; one of the seven treasures of a universal ruler pariṇāyaka + ratana a nt 19
paramatapassī adj highly ascetic; supremely austere parama + tapassī ī adj 19
parattha 1.1 masc benefit of others para + attha a masc 19
papañcasaññāsaṅkhā fem proliferation of opinions, concepts and constructs; (or) classification of diverse perceptions papañca + saññā + saṅkhā ā fem 19
padhānakkhama adj capable of striving; able to make an effort; fit for exertion padhāna + khama a adj 19
padabyañjana nt words and phrases pada + byañjana a nt 19
pathavīdhātu 1 fem solids; solid state; earth element pathavī + dhātu u fem 19
nibbānapariyosāna adj culminating in Nibbāna; finishing with extinguishing; (or) having Nibbāna as conclusion nibbāna + pariyosāna a adj 19
pattapariyanta masc last bowl; worst bowl patta + pariyanta a masc 19
paṭighānusaya 1 masc underlying tendency to aversion; inherent inclination to resistance paṭigha + anusaya a masc 19
paṭighanimitta nt disliked image in the mind; mental image which irritates one paṭigha + nimitta a nt 19
sāsanārakkha masc guardian of the Buddha's teaching; protector of the message sāsana + ārakkha a masc 19
paṭikūlasaññā fem recognition of unpleasantness (of); perception of repulsiveness (of) paṭikūla + saññā ā fem 19
paññāvimutti fem liberation by understanding; emancipation by insight paññā + vimutti i fem 19
pañcupādānakkhandhā masc five heaps that are clung to; five grasping groups pañca + upādāna + khandha + ā a masc pl 19
pañcindriyāni 1 nt five faculties (confidence, effort, mindfulness, mental composure and understanding) pañca + indriya + āni a nt pl 19
pañcavaggiya adj belonging to the group of five pañca + vaggiya a adj 19
pañcanīvaraṇa nt five obstacles; five barriers; five hindrances pañca + nīvaraṇa a nt 19
pañcakkhandha masc five aggregates; five masses; materiality, feeling, perception, mental activities and consciousnes pañca + khandha a masc 19
neso 1 pron this (is) not na + eso ta pron 19
nisinnapubba adj seated before; previously attended nisinna + pubba a adj 19
paṭibaddhamana adj enamoured; infatuated; smitten; in love paṭibaddha + mana a adj 19
pāragāmī 1 adj who crosses over; who goes to the other shore pāra + gāmī ī adj 19
tālāvatthukata adj uprooted like a palm tree tāla + avatthu + kata a adj east 19
tasathāvara nt frail and firm; moving and unmoving; animals and vegetables; unawakened and awakened; all living beings; (comm) with and without craving tasa + thāvara a nt 19
cakkaratana nt jewelled wheel; wheel treasure; one of the seven treasures of a universal ruler cakka + ratana a nt 19
ghānaviññāṇa nt smelling; nose consciousness; olfactory awareness ghāna + viññāṇa a nt 19
ghānasamphassa masc contact with the nose; olfactory impression; nasal experience ghāna + samphassa a masc 19
gopālaka masc young cowherd; young cowboy go + pālaka a masc 19
gocara 3 masc sphere; domain; field; range go + cara a masc 19
gūthabhāṇī adj who lies; who talks crap; (or) foul in speech gūtha + bhāṇī ī adj 19
gimhānamāsa masc hot month; hottest month gimhānaṃ + māsa a masc 19
gahapatiratana nt steward treasure; householder treasure; one of the seven treasures of a universal ruler gahapati + ratana a nt 19
gahapati masc householder; landowner gaha + pati i masc 19
gahaṭṭha masc householder; layperson gaha + ṭha a masc 19
gahakāraka masc house builder; mason; carpenter gaha + kāraka a masc 19
gahakāra masc house builder; mason; carpenter gaha + kāra a masc 19
cakkavattī masc emperor; monarch; sovereign cakka + vattī ī masc 19
garukaraṇa adj which creates respect; which makes one revered garu + karaṇa a adj 19
gambhīrapañña adj with profound understanding; having deep wisdom gambhīra + pañña a adj 19
gambhīrattha adj with deep meaning; profound in implication; whose meaning is profound gambhīra + attha a adj 19
khīrapaka adj suckling; nursing khīra + paka a adj 19
khāribhāra masc load carried on a yoke across the shoulders khāri + bhāra a masc 19
kevalaparipuṇṇa adj altogether complete; completely realized; entirely perfect kevala + paripuṇṇa a adj 19
kevalakappa adj whole; entire kevala + kappa a adj 19
kesamassu nt hair and beard kesa + massu u nt 19
kūṭāgārasālā 2 fem name of monastery outside Vesālī kūṭāgāra + sālā ā fem 19
kūṭāgāra 1 nt building with a peaked roof kūṭa + agāra a nt 19
kusalābhisanda masc outflow of good; wholesome result; stream of merit kusala + abhisanda a masc 19
kusalamūla nt wholesome root; root of merit kusala + mūla a nt 19
kullūpama adj like a boat; similar to a raft kulla + upama a adj 19
gayāsīsa nt name of a rock hill near Gayā gayā + sīsa a nt 19
tādisa adj such; like that (of); of such character; of such quality; kind (of) taṃ > tā + disa aī adj 19
cakkhuviññāṇa nt seeing; eye consciousness; visual awareness cakkhu + viññāṇa a nt 19
caṅkamādhigata adj achieved by walking meditation; acquired on the walking path caṅkama + adhigata a adj 19
tadahujāta adj born that very day; born the same day tad + ahu + jāta a adj 19
tathūpama adj comparable in the same way; similar to that; like this tathā + upama a adj 19
tathāgatabhāsita adj spoken by the Buddha; preached by the Buddha tathāgata + bhāsita a adj 19
tathāgatappavedita adj preached by the Realised One; proclaimed by the Such Become tathāgata + pavedita a adj 19
tathāgata masc Such Become; Realised; being in such a state; arrived at the truth; epithet of the Buddha tathā + gata a masc 19
tatrupāya adj relevant to that; related to that; pertinent to that; suitable for that tatra + upāya a adj 19
taṇhānusaya masc underlying tendency towards craving; dormant desire taṇhā + anusaya a masc 19
ñāṇadassanavisesa masc distinction in knowledge and vision; attainment of understanding and insight ñāṇadassana + visesa a masc 19
ñāṇadassana nt total understanding; understanding and insight; knowledge and vision ñāṇa + dassana a nt 19
jighacchādubbalya nt hunger and weakness jighacchā + dubbalya a nt 19
jātisaṃsāra masc birth and wandering on; cycle of rebirth; endless rebirth jāti + saṃsāra a masc 19
jātisahassa nt one thousand lives jāti + sahassa a nt 19
cakkhuviññeyya adj visible; perceivable by the eye cakkhu + viññeyya a adj 19
jātisatasahassa nt one hundred thousand lives jāti + sata + sahassa a nt 19
jarādhamma adj liable to grow old; of the nature to decay jarā + dhamma a adj 19
jayaparājaya masc victory and defeat; conquest and loss; winning and losing jaya + parājaya a masc 19
janapada masc country; province; land; area; location jana + pada a masc 19
cetovimutti 1 fem mental liberation; emancipation of heart; (comm) samadhi obtained from fruition ceto + vimutti i fem 19
cīvaracetāpanna nt robe-fund; account for robe-cloth cīvara + cetāpanna a nt 19
cirapabbajita adj ordained long ago; of long standing as a monastic cira + pabbajita a adj 19
ciraṭṭhitika adj long lasting; enduring cira + ṭhitika a adj 19
cittavipallāsa masc deluded thought; mental hallucination; inversion of mind citta + vipallāsa a masc 19
cittaklesa masc mental defilement; impurity of mind citta + klesa a masc 19
caturaṅgasamannāgata adj endowed with four components; four-factored catu + [r] + aṅga + samannāgata a adj 19
caturaṅga nt four factors; four parts catu + [r] + aṅga a nt 19
catumadhura nt four sweets (ghee, honey, sugar and sesame oil) catu + madhura a nt 19
jātisata nt one hundred lives jāti + sata a nt 19
paṭikūlasaññāparicita adj fortified by the perception of repulsiveness (towards) paṭikūlasaññā + paricita a adj 19


pali pos meaning root construction pattern cl.
deva 4 masc sky; heavens √div 3 ya (shine) √div > dev + *a a masc 2
kosa 1.4 masc sheath; cocoon √kus 1 *a (fill, enfold) √kus > kos + *a a masc 2
sāṭaka 1 masc cloak; outer garment sāṭa + ka a masc 2
padosa 1.1 masc hatred; aversion √dus 3 ya (hate, dislike) pa + √dus > dos + *a a masc 2
kaccha 1.3 masc armpit hair a masc 2
pabbata 2 masc mountain; hill a masc 2
orohaka masc who descends; descender; who plunges into √ruh 1 *a (ascend, grow) ava + √ruh > roh + *aka a masc 2
sūpa 1 masc dahl; lentil curry; sauce a masc 2
sevāla masc aquatic plant (used to make garlands); Vallisneria a masc 2
paricārika masc attendant √car 1 a (move, walk) pari + √car > cār + *a + ika a masc 2
dosa 2.2 masc defect; corruption; problem √dus 3 ya (be angry, be corrupt) √dus > dos + *a a masc 2
saṅghāṭika masc ascetic who wears a patchwork robe; patchwork robe wearer √ghaṭ 1 a (join together) saṃ + √ghaṭ > ghāṭ + *i + ka a masc 2
piṇḍa 2 masc bit of food; alms food √piṇḍ 8 *e (collect) √piṇḍ + a a masc 2
putta 2 masc (used to form diminutives) young man; descendent; son of a masc 2
vividha 2 masc shoulder pole for carrying vi + vidha a masc 2
nigaṇṭha 1 masc Jain; naked ascetic √ganth 1 a (tie, bind) ni + √ganth > gaṇṭh + a a masc 2
attha 3.1 masc home; rest; shelter a masc 2
jaṭila masc dreadlocked ascetic √jaṭ 1 a (twist, tangle) √jaṭ + ila a masc 2
payirupāsati 1 pr associates closely (with); attends closely (to); sits at the feet (of) √ās 1 a (sit) pari + upa > payirupa + āsa + ti ati pr 3
atikkamati 3 pr passes by; goes past √kam 1 a (go) ati + kama + ti ati pr 3
passambhati pr calms down; relaxes; becomes quiet; becomes tranquil √sambh 1 a (be calm, be confident) pa + sambha + ti ati pr 3
sampasīdati pr is sure (about); is certain (about); is settled (regarding); is confident (about) √sad 1 a (sink, sit, settle) saṃ + pa + sīda + ti ati pr 3
licchavi masc name of a prominent group of Khattiyas based in Vesālī i masc 4
ādāyī adj taking; receiving; accepting √ādā 3 ya (take, seize) √ādā + [y] + ī ī adj 5
acelaka masc naked ascetic √cil 1 a (clothe) na > a + √cil > cel + *a + ka a masc 5
palāpī adj chattering; motor-mouthing; talking nonsense √lap 1 a (speak, chat) pa + √lap > lāp + *ī ī adj 5
anukampī adj compassionate; sympathetic; concerned (for) √kamp 1 a (shake, tremble) anu + √kamp + ī ī adj 5
nidhānavant adj worth treasuring; worth recording; worth keeping in the heart √dhā 1 a (place, support) ni + √dhā + na + vant ant adj 6
bhāsitar masc speaker; who talks (about) √bhās 1 a (speak) √bhās + itar ar masc 6
pariyantavant adj restricted; within limits; with defined purpose pari + [y] + anta + vant ant adj 6
kandarā fem grotto; gorge; gulley; valley; ravine √kand 1 a (wail, cry out) √kand + arā ā fem 7
jivhatā fem fact of having a tongue jivhā + tā ā fem 7
sākhā 2 fem rivulet; creek; streamlet ā fem 7
dabbī fem spoon; wooden spoon; ladle √dar 1 a (break, split apart) √dar + vī ī fem 8
pahāya 1 ger leaving behind; giving up; abandoning √hā 1 a (abandon) pa + √hā + ya 8
pārisuddhi 1 fem purity; purification √sudh 3 ya (be pure) pari > pāri + √sudh + ta + *i i fem 8
ādāya 3 ger holding; carrying; having; with √ādā 3 ya (take, seize) √ādā + ya 8
dassana 3 nt insight; realization; spiritual vision √dis 1 a (see) dassa + ana a nt 9
dhāraṇa 2 nt wearing √dhar 8 *e (wear, hold, carry) dhāre + aṇa a nt 9
padara 2 nt cleft; crack; crevice √dar 1 a (break, split apart) pa + √dar + a a nt 9
adhikaraṇa 1 nt (vinaya) issue; legal procedure; disciplinary proceedings √kar 7 o (do, make) adhi + √kar + aṇa a nt 9
tiṇa 2 nt weed a nt 9
lakkhaṇa 1 nt auspicious sign; birthmark; prognosticative mark √lakkh 8 *e (mark) √lakkh + aṇa a nt 9
uddhacca nt agitation; restlessness; distraction; excitement √dhar 1 a (hold, carry, endure) ud + √dhar + ta + ya a nt 9
jīva 2 nt life √jīv 1 a (live) √jīv + a a nt 9
dukkha 4 nt pain; physical discomfort √dukkh 1 a (be painful) √dukkh + a a nt 9
soceyya 1 nt purity; purification rites √suc 1 a (be pure, be bright) √suc > soc + i + *eyya a nt 9
pahāna nt giving up (of); letting go (of); removal (of); abandoning (of) √hā 1 a (abandon) pa + √hā + ana a nt 9
phusitaka nt droplet; small drop √phus 1 a (sprinkle, splash) √phus + ita + ka a nt 9
bāhulla 1 nt excess (of); over-abundance (of) √bah 1 a (increase) √bah > bāh + u + la + *ya a nt 9
khetta 1 nt field; plot of land √khi 1 a (live, abide peacefully) √khi > khe + *tta a nt 9
mukha 3 nt face a nt 9
pavattamāna 1 prp rolling forward; rolling down; flowing √vatt 1 a (be, proceed) pa + vatta + māna māna prp 10
bhāsamāna prp speaking (about); talking (about); saying √bhās 1 a (speak) bhāsa + māna māna prp 10
vassanta prp raining; pouring down √vass 1 a (rain) vassa + nta anta prp 10
dinna 2 nt offering (to); gift (to) √dā 1 a (give) √dā > dī + na a nt 11
pamudita pp pleased; delighted; happy √mud 1 a (be soft, be happy) pa + √mud + ita a pp 11
nihata 2 pp (vinaya) settled; closed; put to rest √han 1 a (strike, kill) ni + √han + ta a pp 11
paṭikkanta 1 pp returned (from); come back (from) √kam 1 a (go) pati + √kam + ta a pp 11
parūḷha pp long; grown long; overgrown √ruh 1 a (ascend, grow) pa + √ruh + ta > rūḍha > rūḷha a pp 11
pahūta 1 pp much; considerable; abundant; vast √hū 1 a (be) pa + √hū + ta a pp 11
pisuṇa adj (of speech) divisive; defamatory; slanderous; malicious √pis 8 *e (speak ill) √pis + uṇa a adj 11
pharusa 1 adj (of speech) harsh; rough; rude; unkind a adj 11
byāpanna pp malevolent; evil; hating √pad 3 ya (go, step) vi > vy > by + ā + √pad + na a pp 11
bhadra 1 adj fortunate; blessed; lucky; auspicious; good √bhad 1 a (be good, be lucky) √bhad + ra a adj 11
bhūta 02 pp true; correct; genuine; accurate √bhū 1 a (be, become) √bhū + ta a pp 11
bhūmaka 1 adj from the area; of the region √bhū 1 a (be, become) √bhū + mi + a + ka aka adj 11
matta 1.2 pp mere; simple; the fact of; by virtue of √mā 5 nā (measure) √mā + ta a pp 11
mālika adj wearing garlands; wreathed in flowers mālā + ika a adj 11
ninna 1 adj sloping (towards); slanting (towards); inclining down (to) √nam 1 a (bend) ni + √nam + a a adj 11
thulla 1 adj big; fat √thūl 8 *e (be fat, be coarse) √thūl > thull + a a adj 11
diṭṭhika adj having views; believing in; holding opinions √dis 1 a (see) √dis + ti + ka a adj 11
abhijjhālu adj covetous; avaricious; greedy √jhā 3 ya (think, meditate) abhi + √jhā + ā + ālu u adj 11
asukha 1 adj without ease; without comfort; not pleasant √sukh 1 a (please, be comfortable) na > a + √sukh + a a adj 11
sampha 1 adj frivolous; foolish; useless a adj 11
abyāpanna pp without ill-will; not malicious; without hate √pad 3 ya (go, step) na > a + vi > vy > by + ā + √pad + na a pp 11
viggāhika adj quarrelsome; argumentative √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) vi + √gah > gāh + a + *ika a adj 11
kamaṇḍaluka adj carrying water-pitchers kamaṇḍalu + ka a adj 11
sāpadesa adj with reason; reasonable; with grounds; with authority √dis 1 a (point out, explain) sa + apa + √dis > des + *a a adj 11
vīta 1.1 pp without; free from √i 1 a (come, go) vi + √i + ta a pp 11
adukkha adj comfortable; free from trouble; without suffering; pain-free √dukkh 1 a (be painful) na > a + √dukkh + a a adj 11
savitakka adj with thinking; accompanied with reflection √takk 8 *e (think) sa + vi + √takk + a a adj 11
uddesa 6 adj destined for √dis 1 a (point out, explain) ud + √dis > des + *a a adj 11
ohita 2 pp deposited; hidden; confined within √dhā 1 a (place, support) ava + √dhā > (da)h + ita a pp 11
nādhimuccati 2 pr does not draw a definite conclusion (about); is not resolved (about) √muc 2 ya (release, free) na + adhi + mucca + ti ati pr 13
micchā 1 ind false; untrue; wrong 13
guyha 1 ptp should be hidden (in); should be concealed (in) √guh 1 *a (hide, conceal) √guh + ya a ptp 14
savicāra adj with management; with planning; with consideration √car 1 *e (move, walk) sa + vi + cāre + a a adj 14
apadisitabba ptp should be referred to; should be claimed as; to be pointed to √dis 1 a (point out, explain) apa + √dis + itabba a ptp 14
atipātī 1 adj attacking; harming; killing √pat 1 *e (fall) ati + pāte + ī ī adj 14
roceti pr approves (of); agrees (with); finds pleasing √ruc 1 *e (shine, like) roce + ti eti pr 14
paññapeti 1 pr teaches; preaches; proclaims √ñā 5 *āpe (know) pa + ñape + ti eti pr 14
ukkoṭeti pr (of legal case) re-opens √kuṭ 1 *e (be crooked, be bent) ud + koṭe + ti eti pr 14
pāta 2 masc drop; dropping √pat 1 *e (fall) pāte + a a masc 14
pubbeva sandhi just before; previous to; as before pubbe + eva 16
ceva 4 sandhi and just ca + eva 16
idhassa sandhi here could be; there might be idha + assa 16
khārivividhamādāya sandhi carrying an assortment of bundles on a pole; carrying bundles of personal belongings on a pole khārivividhaṃ + ādāya 17
vimuttamattānaṃ sandhi one's freedom from; oneself as free from vimuttaṃ + attānaṃ 17
tesāhaṃ sandhi their I; I of them; to them I; for them I tesaṃ + ahaṃ 17
visuddhamattānaṃ sandhi one's own purification; oneself as purified visuddhaṃ + attānaṃ 17
punakamma nt (of a legal case) further action; re-opening; relooking at puna + kamma a nt 19
piṇḍapātapaṭikkanta adj after returning from alms-round piṇḍapāta + paṭikkanta a adj 19
thullaphusitaka 1 nt big fat droplet thulla + phusitaka a nt 19
adinnādāyī 1 adj who steals; who takes what is not offered adinna + ādāyī ī adj 19
atthavādī 1 adj who speaks what is beneficial; who says what is meaningful attha + vādī ī adj 19
atthaṅgama 1 masc disappearance (of); vanishing (of); settling down (of); subsiding (of); passing away (of) atthaṃ + gama a masc 19
bhūtavādī adj who speaks what is true bhūta + vādī ī adj 19
mahāpurisa masc great man; illustrious being mahā + purisa a masc 19
mahāpurisalakkhaṇa nt auspicious marks of a great man; characteristics of an illustrious being mahā + purisa + lakkhaṇa a nt 19
micchācārī adj who misbehaves oneself (regarding); who behaves wrongly (with) micchā + cārī ī adj 19
musāvādī adj who lies; lying; speaking falsely musā + vādī ī adj 19
byāpādapadosa masc ill-will and hatred; enmity and aversion byāpāda + padosa a masc 19
bhadramukha masc fine fellow; my dear; dearest; beautiful bhadra + mukha a masc 19
licchaviputta masc young Licchavi licchavi + putta a masc 19
pahūtajivhatā fem largeness of the tongue; fact of having a huge tongue pahūta + jivhā + tā ā fem 19
kosohita adj sheathed; enclosed kosa + ohita a adj 19
nihatādhikaraṇa nt (vinaya) closed case; legally settled case; legal issue which has been put to rest nihata + adhikaraṇa a nt 19
samaṇuddesa masc novice; apprentice monk samaṇa + uddesa a masc 19
sabbapāṇabhūtā masc all living beings sabba + pāṇa + bhūta + ā a masc pl 19
sabbapāṇabhūtahitānukampī adj compassionate for the well-being of all breathing beings sabbapāṇabhūta + hita + anukampī ī adj 19
pāṇātipātī adj who kills living beings; who destroys life pāṇa + atipātī ī adj 19
kāmesumicchācārī adj adulterous; who engages in sexual misconduct kāmesu + micchācārī ī adj 19
kathābāhulla nt excess of speech; over-abundance of talk kathā + bāhulla a nt 19
pabbatakandarapadarasākhā fem mountain gorges, crevices and creeks pabbata + kandarā + padara + sākhā ā fem 19
pabbatakandarā fem mountains and valleys; (or) mountain cave; hillside grotto pabbata + kandarā ā fem 19
dhammavādī 1 adj who speaks about Dhamma; who speaks according to the teaching dhamma + vādī ī adj 19
satipārisuddhi fem purity of mindfulness; pure awareness sati + pārisuddhi i fem 19
sevālamālika adj garlanded with aquatic plants; aquatic plant garland maker sevāla + mālika a adj 19
somanassadomanassa nt (mental) pleasure and displeasure; satisfaction and dissatisfaction; happiness and sadness somanassa + domanassa a nt 19
samphappalāpī adj who chatters frivolously; who talks rubbish; who gossips sampha + palāpī ī adj 19
parūḷhakacchanakhaloma adj with long armpit hair, nails and body hair parūḷha + kaccha + nakha + loma a adj 19
uparipabbata masc top of a mountain; mountain peak upari + pabbata a masc 19
vinayavādī adj who speaks about the discipline; who speaks in accordance with the training vinaya + vādī ī adj 19
tiṇadosa adj ruined by weeds; spoiled by weeds tiṇa + dosa a adj 19
sūparasa masc taste of soup; flavour of curry sūpa + rasa a masc 19
khārivividha nt assortment of bundles on a pole; bundles of personal belongings on a pole khāri + vividha a nt 19
vīsatigaṇa masc quorum of twenty monks vīsati + gaṇa a masc 20
yathābhūtaṃ ind as it truly is; in reality yathā + bhūta + aṃ 20
yathāmūḷhaṃ ind so misguidedly; so stupidly; so foolishly yathā + mūḷha + aṃ 20
loṇarasa adj salty; salt-flavoured; briny loṇa + rasa a adj 20
sabbattatāya ind to all beings; encompassing all living beings sabba + attatā + āya 20
vītarāga 2 masc saint; holy man vīta + rāga a masc 20
yāvatatiyaṃ ind as many as three times; after the third time; up to the third time yāva + tatiya + aṃ 20
rāgadosa 2.1 adj ruined by desire; spoiled by passion; corrupted by lust rāga + dosa a adj 20
vatthaguyha nt genitals vattha + guyha a nt 20
vigatābhijjha adj without greed; free from covetousness vigata + abhijjhā + a a adj 20
vimuttisāra 1 adj centred in liberation; having liberation as essence; with release at the core vimutti + sāra a adj 20
vimuttirasa adj having the flavour of freedom; with the taste of liberation; with the essence of emancipation vimutti + rasa a adj 20
vipariṇāmadhamma adj changing in nature; of changing character vipariṇāma + dhamma a adj 20
yāvajīvaṃ ind for one's entire life; as long as one lives yāva + jīva + aṃ 20
yathābālaṃ ind so foolishly; so stupidly yathā + bāla + aṃ 20
aggiparicārika masc fire worshipper; attendant of the sacred fire aggi + paricārika a masc 20
yathādhammaṃ ind fairly; correctly; justly; legally yathā + dhamma + aṃ 20
evaṃvādī adj of such view; who hold the view that; having a theory that evaṃ + vādī ī adj 20
evaṃdiṭṭhī adj of such view; who holds the theory that; of the opinion that; who thinks that evaṃ + diṭṭhī ī adj 20
ekuddesa adj (vinaya) following one Pātimokkha eka + uddesa a adj 20
ekavihārī adj hermetic; who lives alone eka + vihārī ī adj 20
ekasāṭaka 1 masc ascetic wearing a loin-cloth; one robe ascetic eka + sāṭa + ka a masc 20
ekarasa adj having one taste; with a single flavour eka + rasa a adj 20
ekamantaṃ 1 ind to one side; aside ekaṃ + anta + aṃ 20
ubhayamantarena ind in-between the two ubhayaṃ + antara + ena 20
upekkhāsatipārisuddhi adj which possesses purification of awareness by equanimity upekkhā + sati + pārisuddhi i adj 20
orenaddhamāsaṃ ind within less than a fortnight orena + addha + māsa + aṃ 20
udakorohaka masc bather; ritual bather udaka + orohaka a masc 20
ādittasīsa masc whose head is on fire; with a blazing head āditta + sīsa a masc 20
ādittacela adj whose clothes are on fire; with blazing garments āditta + cela a adj 20
avītarāga adj not free from desire (for); not without lust (for); not an arahant na > a + vīta + rāga a adj 20
abyāpannacitta adj with a kind mind na > a + byāpanna + citta a adj 20
appassuta adj ignorant; uneducated; unlearned appa + suta a adj 20
aññatitthiya adj who belongs to another sect; who follows another religion añña + titthiya a adj 20
ajjhattaṃ ind internally; inwardly; personally adhi > adhy > ajjh + atta + aṃ 20
ajjatagge ind from today onwards ajja + [t] + agga + e 20
aṅgulimāla masc name of an arahant monk aṅguli + mālā + a a masc 20
ucchinnamūla adj cut at the root; eradicated at the source ucchinna + mūla a adj east 20
yathāninnaṃ ind downwards yathā + ninna + aṃ 20
kālavādī adj who speaks at the proper time kāla + vādī ī adj 20
khīṇāsava adj who has destroyed the effluents; awakened; epithet of an arahant khīṇa + āsava a adj 20
yathākammaṃ 1 ind according to one's deeds yathā + kamma + aṃ 20
micchādiṭṭhika adj who has wrong view; who holds a false belief micchā + diṭṭhi + ka a adj 20
mahapphala adj of great fruit; yielding good results mahā + phala a adj 20
bhottukamyatā fem desire to eat; wish to eat bhottuṃ + kamyatā ā fem 20
byāpannacitta adj with a malicious mind; evil-minded; hateful; full of ill-will byāpanna + citta a adj 20
pharusavāca adj speaking harshly; using rough words pharusa + vāca a adj 20
pītimana adj delighted; exhilarated; thrilled; joyful pīti + mana a adj 20
pisuṇavāca adj who speaks divisively; who separates others by speech; who sows discord pisuṇa + vāca a adj 20
pahitatta 1.1 adj resolute; determined; applying oneself pahita + atta a adj 20
kūṭadanta masc name of a Brahman kūṭa + danta a masc 20
passaddhakāya adj with a relaxed body; who has a calm body; with bodily tranquility passaddha + kāya a adj 20
paññuttara adj with wisdom as chief characteristic; having understanding as the highest pañña + uttara a adj 20
pañcamatta adj five in number; five measures pañca + matta a adj 20
pacchābhattaṃ ind after eating; after the meal; in the late morning pacchā + bhatta + aṃ 20
paccūsasamayaṃ ind before dawn; early in the morning paccūsa + samaya + aṃ 20
tathārūpa 1 adj such; such kind; of such quality; so formed tathā + rūpa aī adj 20
tatonidānaṃ ind because of that; on that account; for that reason tato + nidāna + aṃ 20
chakkhattuparamaṃ ind six times at most; not more than six times chakkhattuṃ + parama + aṃ 20
ciṇṇamānatta adj who has performed penance; who has completed deference ciṇṇa + mānatta a adj 20
guttadvāra adj guarding the doors (of); with self-restraint (in); protecting the mind (wrt) gutta + dvāra a adj 20
pītisukha 2 adj having delight and ease; with joy and happiness pīti + sukha a adj 20
etadattha 2 adj having this purpose; with this goal etad + attha a adj 20


pali pos meaning root construction pattern cl.
dhīra 2.2 masc wise man; sage; intelligent person √dhī 1 a (think) √dhī + ra a masc 2
vippariṇāma masc change; alteration; transformation √nam 1 a (bend) vi + pari + √nam > ṇām + *a a masc 2
paribbāja masc homeless spiritual seeker; wandering monk √vaj 1 a (go on) pari + √vaj > baj > bāj + *a a masc 2
khaṇa masc moment; instant; point in time; opportunity a masc 2
yuñjati 3 pr gets back; regains √yuj 2 ṃa (yoke, join) yuñja + ti ati pr 3
ākirati 1 pr stirs up; heaps up; kicks up √kir 1 a (scatter, sprinkle) ā + kira + ti ati pr 3
nirākaroti pr rejects; spurns; gets rid (of) √kar 7 o (do, make) nī > nir + ā + karo + ti oti pr 3
parakkamati 2 pr tries (to); strives (to); makes effort (to); endeavours (to) √kam 1 a (go) parā + kama + ti ati pr 3
passati 3 pr finds; encounters; meets with √dis 1 a (see) passa + ti ati pr 3
samāsati pr associates (with); keeps close company (with) √ās 1 a (sit) saṃ + āsa + ti ati pr 3
socati pr sorrows (over); grieves (about); mourns (over) √suc 1 *a (grieve) soca + ti ati pr 3
vitakkayati pr thinks (about); reflects (on); ponders (over) √takk 8 *aya (think) vi + takkaya + ti ati pr 3
harāyati pr is ashamed (of); is humiliated (by); is worried (by) √har 3 āya (be ashamed) harāya + ti ati pr 3
parivaṇṇayi aor described; recommended; extolled √vaṇṇ 8 *aya (praise) pari + vaṇṇaya + i i aor 4
vinassa imp disappear!; vanish!; get lost! √nas 3 ya (be lost, disappear) vi + nassa + a ati pr 4
atthi 2.1 masc seeker; who wants; who needs; who desires √atth 8 *e (wish for) √atth + i i masc 4
nātimaññati pr does not despise; does not scorn; does not look down (on); does not have contempt (for); is not condescending (towards) √man 3 ya (think) na + ati + mañña + ti ati pr 5
nappaṭiggaṇhāti 2 pr (of an apology) does not accept √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) na + pati + gaṇhā + ti āti pr 5
visenā fem disarming; not opposing; (or) disassociating vi + senā ā fem 7
laddhāna abs having got; having obtained √labh 1 a (get) √labh > ladh + tvāna 8
viseni fem disarming; not opposing; (or) disassociating vi + senā > viseni i fem 8
katthaci 1 ind somewhere; anywhere ka + ttha + ci 8
aññāya 1 ger knowing; understanding; comprehending √ñā 5 nā (know) ā + √ñā + ya 8
bhadra 3 nt good fortune; good luck; blessing √bhad 1 a (be good, be lucky) √bhad + ra a nt 9
saka 2 nt one's own (property, possessions, etc.) sa + ka a nt 9
adassana 4 nt out of sight (of); disappearance (of); where one cannot be seen √dis 1 a (see) na > a + dassa + ana a nt 9
santhava 1 nt intimacy (with); close association (with) √thu 1 a (be familiar, praise) saṃ + √thu > thav + *a a nt 9
vata 2.1 nt religious duty; spiritual practice; ritual observance; vow √vat 1 a (be, proceed) √vat + a a nt 9
āyu 1 nt life √i 1 a (come, go) ā + √i > ay + *u u nt 9
adhiṭṭhahāna prp concentrating (on); focusing (on); fixing one's attention (on) √ṭhā 1 a (stand) adhi + ṭhaha + āna āna prp 10
avekkhanta prp seeing; regarding; viewing; considering √ikkh 1 a (see, mark) ava + ikkha + nta anta prp 10
samāna 2.1 prp being; having; existing √as 1 a (be) sa + māna māna prp 10
patirūpa adj suitable (for); proper (for); appropriate (for); befitting (for) √rūp 8 *e (form, produce) pati + √rūp + a a adj 11
abhikkanta 1 pp superb; surpassing; excellent √kam 1 a (go) abhi + √kam + ta a pp 11
sakya 2 adj of the Sakyan family √sak 4 uṇā (be able, be powerful) √sak + ya a adj 11
asassata adj not eternal; not endless; not perpetual na > a + sassati + a a adj 11
niggahita 1 pp restrained; held back; reigned in √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) ni + √gah + ita a pp 11
sithila 1 adj loose; lax; slack; (comm) loosely grasped a adj 11
suci 1 adj clean; pure √suc 1 a (be pure, be bright) √suc + i i adj 11
ānantarika 1 adj immediate; without delay; with no interval; with immediate results na > an > ān + anta + ra + *ika a adj 11
dīgha 1 adj long (in space or time); tall; deep a adj 11
kāyika 1 adj bodily; physical; related to the body √ci 5 nā (gather, accumulate) √ci > ki > kay + *a + ika a adj 11
cūḷa adj lesser; smaller; minor a adj 11
anariya 1 adj ignoble; vulgar; coarse na > an + ariya a adj 11
appa 2 adj short; small; insignificant a adj 11
vitta 1.1 nt wealth; property; possession √vid 2 ṃa (get, find) √vid + ta a nt 11
jiṇṇa 1 pp aged; old; ancient √jīr 1 a (grow old, decay) √jīr + na a pp 11
anānupuṭṭha pp unasked; unquestioned √pucch 1 a (ask, question) na > an + anu + √pucch + ta a pp 11
nāma 1 ind certainly; truly; for sure 13
avirujjhamāna prp not opposing; not clashing; not fighting √rudh 2 ya (obstruct) na > a + vi + rujjha + māna māna prp 13
aṭṭīyati pr is troubled (by); is perturbed (by) √add 8 īya (afflict) aṭṭīya + ti ati pr 13
iṅgha ind please!; come on!; go on!; move it!; check it out! √iñj 1 a (move, shake) √iñj > iṅgh + a 13
daḷhaṃ ind firmly; strongly; vigorously; perseveringly; unwaveringly √dah 1 a (be strong) √dah + ta > daḍha > daḷha + aṃ 13
samappita 2 pp ended up (in); consigned (to); delivered (to); committed (to) √ar 1 *āpe (move, attain) saṃ + appe + ita a pp 14
sampayojesi 1 aor quarrelled; engaged in conflict √yuj 2 *e (yoke, join) saṃ + pa + yoje + si esi aor 14
byārosanā fem causing anger; infuriating √rus 1 *e (be angry) vi > vy > by + ā + rose + anā ā fem 14
appevanāma sandhi it would be good if; perhaps; hopefully; if only api + eva + nāma 16
sabbhireva sandhi only with the wise; just with the virtuous sabbhi + [r] + eva 16
yuñjantāyasmanto sandhi the venerable must try (to) (get back); the venerable must strive (for) yuñjantu + āyasmanto 16
yesīdha sandhi among those here yesu + idha 16
hidaṃ sandhi indeed here; surely in this case hi + idaṃ 16
metaṃ 2 sandhi this for me me + etaṃ 16
itissa 1 sandhi thus for him; thus to him iti + assa 16
tatreko sandhi there one; in that a case a certain tatra + eko 16
idheva sandhi right here; just here; only here idha + eva 16
nāhaṃ sandhi I (am) not; I (do) not na + ahaṃ 16
appevanāmimassa sandhi of this it would be good if; his perhaps; of this hopefully api + eva + nāma + imassa 16
cāpi sandhi or even; and even; as well as ca + api 16
kayirāthenaṃ sandhi one should do it oneself; one must perform this oneself kayirātha + enaṃ 16
cedaṃ sandhi if this thing ce + idaṃ 16
pubbāpariya adj successive; continuous; ever increasing; first one then the following pubba + apara + iya a adj 16
saddhammamaññāya ger understanding the true teaching; comprehending the good doctrine saddhammaṃ + aññāya 17
dukkhamicchati pr wants suffering (for); desires discomfort (for) dukkhaṃ + icchati ati pr 17
yadajjhagā sandhi which he attained; which he experienced yad + ajjhagā 17
pāpamāgamā sandhi (may) evil (not) come (to); (may no) harm come (to) pāpaṃ + āgamā 17
tamāhu sandhi they call that taṃ + āhu 17
ahañceva 1 sandhi if I just; if I only ahaṃ + ce + eva 17
jīvitamāhu sandhi they say life jīvitaṃ + āhu 17
sayameva sandhi just by oneself; on one's own accord sayaṃ + eva 17
samādhimānantarikaññamāhu sandhi they say that stability of mind with immediate results samādhiṃ + ānantarikaṃ + yaṃ + āhu 17
daḷhamenaṃ sandhi firmly this; strongly this; vigorously this daḷhaṃ + enaṃ 17
maccurāja masc King of Death maccu + rāja rāja masc 18
ātuma 1 masc self; oneself; personality; individual a2 masc 18
anariyadhamma masc ignoble nature; poor in character na > an + ariya + dhamma a masc 19
visenikatvā abs having disarmed; not opposing; at peace; (or) having disassociated; (comm) having destroyed the army of defilements visenā > viseni + katvā 19
cūḷapanthaka masc name of an arahant monk; great disciple of the Buddha; foremost in creating a mind made body cūḷa + panthaka a masc 19
dukkhakkhandha masc heap of suffering; mass of difficulties; mountain of trouble dukkha + khandha a masc 19
dīghamāyu nt long life; longevity dīgha + [m] + āyu u nt 19
sīlavata nt precepts and practices; ethics and observances; rites and rituals sīla + vata a nt 19
paṭighasaññā 2 fem aversion; dislike; ill-will paṭigha + saññā ā fem 19
paramuggahīta adj grasped as supreme; held to be the highest; taken as best parama + uggahīta a adj 19
santipada nt state of peace; tranquillity; epithet of Nibbāna santi + pada a nt 19
saddhamma 1.1 masc good teaching; true doctrine; true nature of things; (comm) the five precepts, ten precepts, four foundations of mindfulness etc. sat + dhamma a masc 19
sakyamuni masc Sakyan sage sakya + muni i masc 19
abhikkantadassāvī adj of excellent vision abhikkanta + dassāvī ī adj 19
buddhaseṭṭha masc supreme Buddha; foremost Buddha buddha + seṭṭha a masc 19
vitakkūpasama masc calming of thoughts; settling the mind vitakka + upasama a masc 19
malamacchera nt stain of stinginess; impurity of miserliness mala + macchera a nt 19
vippariṇāmadhamma adj changeable in nature; with the characteristic of transformation; liable to alter vippariṇāma + dhamma a adj 20
khaṇātīta masc who has missed the chance; who lost the opportunity khaṇa + atīta a masc 20


pali pos meaning root construction pattern cl.
deva 3 masc rain god; rain cloud √div 3 ya (shine) √div > dev + *a a masc 2
kukkuṭa 1 masc cock; cockerel; rooster; chicken a masc 2
gāha 1.2 masc capture; seizure; being caught (by) √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) √gah > gāh + *a a masc 2
peta 2 masc departed; deceased; dead √i 1 a (come, go) pa + e + ta a masc 2
mitta 1 masc friend √mitt 1 a (be friendly) √mitt + a a masc 2
āya 1.1 masc coming in; income; entrance √i 1 a (come, go) ā + √i > ay + *a a masc 2
sambheda 1 masc confusion; disarray √bhid 2 ṃa (break, split) saṃ + √bhid > bhed + *a a masc 2
siṅgāla masc jackal a masc east 2
assa 1.1 masc horse a masc 2
sūkara masc pig sū + kara a masc 2
soṇa 3 masc dog a masc 2
vāsa 1.1 masc living; dwelling; residence; staying √vas 1 a (live) √vas > vās + *a a masc 2
vihāra 3 masc mode of living; way of life; way to spend time; mode of existence √har 1 a (live) vi + √har > hār + *a a masc 2
saṃsīdati 1 pr sinks down; drowns √sad 1 a (sink, sit, settle) saṃ + sīda + ti ati pr 3
santhambhati 1 pr stands firm; remains steadfast; is resolute; takes heart √thambh 1 a (support, be stiff) saṃ + thambha + ti ati pr 3
vinayati pr removes; dispels √nī 1 a (lead, carry) vi + naya + ti ati pr 3
pāleti pr protects; guards; takes care of; preserves √pāl 8 *e (protect) pāle + ti eti pr 3
vipassati pr sees deeply (into); sees in detail; understands with insight; has insight into √dis 1 a (see) vi + passa + ti ati pr 3
ussīdati pr rises up (onto); washes up (onto); runs aground (on) √sad 1 a (sink, sit, settle) ud + sīda + ti ati pr 3
upagacchati 1 pr veers towards; swerves towards √gam 1 a (go) upa + gaccha + ti ati pr 3
anuppavecchati pr gives; bestows; offers support √yam 1 a (support, stretch) anu + pa + veccha + ti ati pr 3
sañjānāti pr knows; knows as; perceives; conceives; recognizes √ñā 5 nā (know) saṃ + jānā + ti āti pr 3
bhava 1 imp be!; you must be! √bhū 1 a (be, become) bhava + a ati pr 4
dakkhi aor saw √dis 1 a (see) dakkha + i i aor issaṃ 4
etha imp come you all! √i 1 a (come, go) e + tha eti pr 2 4
akāsi 1 aor did; performed √kar 7 o (do, make) a + √kar > kā + si āsi aor 4
adāsi aor gave (to); offered (to) √dā 1 a (give) a + √dā + si āsi aor irreg 4
abbhuggañchi aor arose (into); rose up (into); flew up (into) √gam 1 a (go) abhi > abhy > abbh + ud + gañcha + i i aor 4
asissāmi fut I will eat √as 1 a (eat) √as + issa + āmi ati pr 5
amanussa 1 masc deity; god; daemon; ghost na > a + manu + ssa a masc 5
cārī 2.1 masc roaming (of); wandering (of) √car 1 a (move, walk) √car > cār + *ī ī masc 5
asissaṃ fut I myself will eat √as 1 a (eat) √as + issa + aṃ ati pr 5
upaññissati fut will explain; will teach √ñā 5 nā (know) upa + √ñā + issa + ti issati fut 5
vidvant masc who is wise; who is knowing; who is intelligent √vid 1 a (know) √vid + vant ant masc 6
garu 4 masc teacher; guru; esteemed person √gar 1 a (esteem, be heavy) √gar + u u masc 6
kadā ind when? ka + dā 6
mātucchā fem maternal aunt; mother's sister ?? mātu + chā ā fem 7
nindā fem blame; criticism; fault-finding; disgrace √nind 1 a (blame, abuse) √nind + ā ā fem 7
kasā fem whip; crop; lash ā fem 7
dhārā 1.1 fem rain-shower √dhar 1 a (hold, carry, endure) √dhar > dhār + *ā ā fem 7
hirī fem conscience; sense of right and wrong; scruples; (comm) originating from inside √hir 3 ya (be ashamed) √hir + ī ī fem 8
vatvā abs having said; having spoken (about) √vad 1 a (say, speak) √vad + tvā 8
mātulānī fem mother's brother's wife; aunt mātar + ula + anī ī fem 8
samādāna nt undertaking (of); taking upon oneself; perpetrating √ādā 3 ya (take, seize) saṃ + √ādā + ana a nt 9
nissaraṇa nt escape (from); exit (from); exodus (from); way out (of) √sar 1 a (go, flow) nī + √sar + aṇa a nt 9
paccanīka 1 nt opposition; resistance; conflict; argument √an 1 a (breathe, blow) pati > paty > pacc + √an + īya > īka a nt 9
paṭibhāna 1.1 nt eloquence; wit; ingenuity; quick response √bhaṇ 1 a (talk, speak) pati + √bhaṇ > bhāṇ + *a a nt 9
thala 1 nt dry land; firm ground; terra firma √thal 1 a (be firm) √thal + a a nt 9
kva ind where? 9
kuvaṃ ind where? ka > ku + vaṃ 9
uṭṭhāna 1 nt waking up; getting up; rising √ṭhā 1 a (stand) ud + √ṭhā + ana a nt 9
dhura 3 nt yoke-pole √dhar 1 a (hold, carry, endure) √dhar > dhur + a a nt 9
sotuṃ inf to hear √su 4 ṇā (hear) √su > so + *tuṃ 9
sotukāma adj wanting to hear; wishing to listen (to) sotuṃ + kāma a adj 9
bhuñjamāna 1 prp eating; consuming √bhuj 2 ṃa (use, eat, enjoy) bhuñja + māna māna prp 10
ujjhāyanta prp finding fault; thinking badly of √jhā 3 ya (think, meditate) ava > o > u + jhāya + nta anta prp 10
matta 1.1 pp amount of; as many as; measure of; consisting of √mā 5 nā (measure) √mā + ta a pp 11
aparipūra adj incomplete (in); deficient (in); lacking (in); unfulfilled (in) √pūr 1 a (fill, fulfil) na > a + pari + √pūr + a a adj 11
nisedha 2 adj restrained (by); controlled, (by); held back (by) √sidh 1 a (prevent, prohibit) ni + √sidh > sedh + *a a adj 11
saṅkhata pp created; constructed; conditioned; fabricated √kar 7 o (do, make) saṃ + √kar > khar + ta a pp 11
lahu 1 adj quick; fast; swift u adj 11
yutta 3 pp engaged (in); practising (to) √yuj 2 ṃa (yoke, join) √yuj + ta a pp 11
pārima adj (of shore) furthest; most distant parā + ima a adj 11
payutta 3 pp intent; devoted; applied; employed; engaged (in) √yuj 2 ṃa (yoke, join) pa + √yuj + ta a pp 11
maññita 1 nt imagination; make-believe; speculation; the conceived √man 3 ya (think) mañña + ita a nt 11
vicitra 1 adj diverse; varied √cit 1 a (mark) vi + √cit + ra a adj 11
puratthima adj eastern pura + tthā + ima a adj 11
aniketa adj homeless √kit 1 a (live) na > an + ni + √kit > ket + *a a adj 11
poṇa 1 adj sloping (to); inclining down (to); leading (to) √nam 1 a (bend) pa + ava + √nam + a a adj 11
asubhato ind as ugly; as disgusting; as unattractive √subh 1 *a (shine, adorn) na > a + √subh + a + to 11
pabbhāra 1 adj sloping (towards); inclining down (towards); leading (to); aiming (at) a adj 11
durabhisambhava 2 adj hard to attain; difficult to achieve √bhū 1 a (be, become) dur + abhi + saṃ + √bhū > bhav + *a a adj 11
avipariṇāma adj unchanging; not altering √nam 1 a (bend) na > a + vi + pari + √nam > ṇam > ṇām + *a a adj 11
dukkara 1 adj difficult to do; hard to achieve √kar 7 o (do, make) dur + √kar + a a adj 11
orima adj nearest; closest (shore) ora + ima a adj 11
jāta 1 pp born; born (in); born (from) √jan 3 ya (be born, produce) √jan > jā + ta a pp 11
ettaka adj so much; this much; so long ima + tta + ka aka adj 11
idaṃ 3 ind here; in this case ima > ida + aṃ 13
koci 2 ind somewhere; anywhere kva + ci 13
handa ind come on!; come now!; well then! 13
labbhati 3 pr is possible to get (to) √labh 1 ya (get) labbha + ti ati pr 13
vata 1.1 ind oh!; oh no!; oh dear!; wow! 13
bhiyyoso ind still more (than); even more (than); even greater (than); exceeding √bhū 1 a (be, become) √bhū > bhī + ya + o + so 13
asaṅkuppa ptp immovable; unshakeable; steady √kup 3 ya (shake, be angry) na > a + saṃ + √kup + ya a ptp 14
anubrūhayati pr fosters; nurtures; develops; cultivates; increases √brūh 1 *aya (increase) anu + brūhaya + ti ati pr 14
apabodheti pr avoids; shies away (from); draws away (from); keeps clear (of); is wary (of) √budh 3 *e (know, wake up) apa + bodhe + ti eti pr 14
dameti pr makes tame; masters; control √dam 3 *e (be tame) dame + ti eti pr 14
ārādhaka 1 adj successful; accomplished √rādh 3 *e (succeed, please) ā + rādhe + aka aka adj 14
paridevaneyya ptp lamentable; distressing; sorrowful √dev 1 a (lament) pari + √dev + aneyya a ptp 14
asaṃhira ptp unmovable; unshakeable; unassailable (by) √har 1 a (carry) na > a + saṃ + √har > hār + *iya a ptp 14
nayidha sandhi not here; there isn't; wouldn't be here na + [y] + idha 16
nevassa 2 sandhi would not even be na + eva + assa 16
appeva sandhi it is likely that; perhaps; maybe; hopefully; if only; please may; it would be good api + eva 16
asubhataddasa aor saw as ugly; perceived as unattractive asubhato + addasa ddasa aor 16
kvajja sandhi where today?; where tonight? kva + ajja 16
tumhepi sandhi even you all tumhe + api 16
bhavissanti sandhi 'I could be'; 'I will be'; 'may I be' bhavissaṃ + iti 17
evañca sandhi and thus; and like this; but like this evaṃ + ca 17
tadidaṃ sandhi this thing; this state tad + idaṃ 17
ayamahamasmi sandhi I am this ayaṃ + ahaṃ + asmi 17
kiṃsu ind what? ka > ki + iṃ + su 17
evamidaṃ sandhi thus this evaṃ + idaṃ 17
mayampi sandhi we too mayaṃ + api 17
ayamahamasmīti sandhi 'I am this' ayaṃ + ahaṃ + asmi + iti 17
maññitametaṃ sandhi this is imagination; this is an illusion maññitaṃ + etaṃ 17
dukkhamaddasā imperf saw discomfort; saw suffering dukkhaṃ + addasā addasā imperf 17
sakha masc friend; companion a2 masc 18
dukkhakkhaya masc wearing away of suffering; extinction of stress; termination of tension dukkha + khaya a masc 19
pañhapaṭibhāna nt intelligent answer to a question; eloquent response to an enquiry; lucid reply to a question pañha + paṭibhāna a nt 19
nibbānapoṇa adj sloping to Nibbāna; inclining to Nibbāna; leading to Nibbāna nibbāna + poṇa a adj 19
āvaṭṭaggāha masc clutch of a whirlpool; sucked in by a whirlpool āvaṭṭa + gāha a masc 19
attabhāvapaṭilābha 1 masc physical incarnation; individual existence attabhāva + paṭilābha a masc 19
ācariyabhariyā fem teacher's wife ācariya + bhariyā ā fem 19
ekāsana 3 nt one sitting; one time eka + āsana a nt 19
attabhāva 2 masc incarnation; personal existence; individual form; physical identity atta + bhāva a masc 19
ajeḷakā masc goats and sheep aja + eḷaka + ā a masc pl 19
nibbānapabbhāra adj slanting to Nibbāna; sloping to Nibbāna; inclining to Nibbāna nibbāna + pabbhāra a adj 19
nibbānaninna adj slanting to Nibbāna; sloping to Nibbāna; inclining to Nibbāna nibbāna + ninna a adj 19
hirīnisedha adj prevented by modesty; restrained by conscience; constrained by scruples hirī + nisedha a adj 19
āyamukha nt inflow; income; entrance āya + mukha a nt 19
soṇasiṅgālā masc dogs and jackals soṇa + siṅgāla + ā a masc pl 19
appābādhatā fem good health; healthiness appa + ābādha + tā ā fem 19
aniketacārī adj wandering homeless; roaming without an abode aniketa + cārī ī adj 19
phāsuvihāra masc comfortable existence; easy living; living in comfort phāsu + vihāra a masc 19
kukkuṭasūkarā masc chickens and pigs kukkuṭa + sūkara + ā a masc pl 19
manussaggāha masc clutch of humans; capture by human beings manussa + gāha a masc 19
kiñcimatta nt little something; small gift; trifle kiñci + matta a nt 19
katamanussaranta prp remembering what was done kataṃ + anussaranta anta prp 19
amanussaggāha masc capture by non-human beings; possession by spirits amanussa + gāha a masc 19
piṇḍapātamatta masc mere alms food piṇḍapāta + matta a masc 19
lahuṭṭhāna nt agility; nimbleness; lightness lahu + uṭṭhāna a nt 19
appātaṅkatā fem health; wellness; well-being appa + ātaṅka + tā ā fem 19
brahmacariyavāsa masc living the holy life; following the spiritual path brahmacariya + vāsa a masc 19
sammādhārā fem good rain; thorough downpour sammā + dhārā ā fem 19
antopūti adj rotten inside; corrupt anto + pūti i adj 19
ñātimittā masc family and friends ñāti + mitta + ā a masc pl 19
bhiyyosomattāya ind extremely; greatly; even more bhiyyoso + mattā + āya 20
tenaṅgena ind on account of that; in that respect; in that regard tena + aṅga + ena 20
sammādiṭṭhisamādāna adj who has undertaken right view sammādiṭṭhi + samādāna a adj 20


pali pos meaning root construction pattern cl.
ādīnava 1 masc danger (in); problem (in) √dī 3 ya (be afflicted) ā + √dī + na + vant + a a masc 2
khandha 2 masc shoulder; back √khandh 8 *e (collect, accumulate) √khandh + a a masc 2
gala 2.1 masc neck; throat √gal 1 a (eat) √gal + a a masc 2
saṃvibhāga masc sharing; donation; distribution; doling out √bhaj 1 a (divide, distribute) saṃ + vi + √bhaj > bhag > bhāg + *a a masc 2
saṅga 1 masc tie; bond; snare; sticking point √sañj 1 a (clasp, embrace) √sañj > saṅg + a a masc 2
avatthāraka masc spreading over; covering over; strewing down √thar 1 a (spread, expand) ava + √thar > thār + *a + ka a masc 2
guṇa 1.5 masc string; thread; tie a masc 2
byābādha masc injury; harm; affliction √bādh 1 a (press, oppress) vi > vy > by + ā + √bādh + a a masc 2
sannicaya masc hoard; pile; stockpile; cache; stash; accumulation √ci 5 nā (gather, accumulate) saṃ + ni + √ci > cay + *a a masc 2
patha 1 masc path; road; way √path 1 a (go, move) √path + a a masc 2
biḷāra masc cat a masc 2
samuppāda 1 masc origin (of); arising (of); appearance (of) √pad 3 ya (go, step) saṃ + ud + √pad > pād + *a a masc 2
atikkama 1 masc surpassing; transcending; going beyond; overcoming (of) √kam 1 a (go) ati + √kam + a a masc 2
kusīta 2 masc lazybones; who is slack; inactive person √sad 1 a (sink, sit, settle) ku + sīda > sīta + a a masc 2
vossagga 1 masc generosity; donation; giving √sajj 1 a (relinquish, let loose) vi + ava + √sajj > sagg + a a masc 2
assāda masc enjoyment; satisfaction; pleasure; gratification (in); (comm) sweetness √sād 8 *e (taste, relish) ā + sāde + a a masc 2
nijjhāyati 1 pr meditates; reflects; considers; ponders (over) √jhā 3 ya (think, meditate) ni + jhāya + ti ati pr 3
abhinippīḷeti 1 pr completely crushes down; squeezes down hard √pīḷ 8 *e (press, crush) abhi + nī + pīḷe + ti eti pr 3
paccanubhavati pr displays; manifests √bhū 1 a (be, become) pati > paty > pacc + anu + bhava + ti ati pr 3
avajjhāyati pr mis-meditates; stews (over); brews (over) √jhā 3 ya (think, meditate) ava + jhāya + ti ati pr 3
abhipatthayati pr longs (for); hopes (for); craves (for); aspires (for) √atth 8 *aya (wish for) abhi + pa + atthaya + ti ati pr 3
ajjhāvasati 1 pr lives (in); inhabits; stays (in); is settled (in); dwells (in) √vas 1 a (live) adhi > adhy > ajjh + ā + vasa + ti ati pr 3
ajjhokirati pr scatters down; pours down √kir 1 a (scatter, sprinkle) adhi > adhy > ajjh + ava + kira + ti ati pr 3
pajjhāyati pr broods; is anxious; is concerned; is overcome √jhā 3 ya (think, meditate) pa + jhāya + ti ati pr 3
abhippakirati pr completely covers; scatters (over); pours (onto) √kir 1 a (scatter, sprinkle) abhi + pa + kira + ti ati pr 3
karoti 2 pr makes √kar 7 o (do, make) karo + ti karoti pr 3
ottappati 1 pr regrets; feels remorse; feels guilty; is conscientious (about) √tapp 1 a (regret) ud > od + tappa + ti ati pr 3
abhigijjhati pr envies; begrudges; covets; is jealous (of) √gidh 3 ya (be greedy) abhi + gijjha + ti ati pr 3
anvāssavati pr streams in; floods in; overwhelms √su 1 a (flow) anu > anv + ā + sava + ti ati pr 3
abhiniggaṇhāti pr firmly grabs hold (of); seizes tightly; forces into submission; forcibly restrains √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) abhi + ni + gaṇhā + ti āti pr 3
paccaññāsi aor admitted; claimed √ñā 5 nā (know) pati > paty > pacc + a + √ñā + si āsi aor 4
mūsi masc rat; mouse √mus 1 a (steal) √mus > mūs + *i i masc 4
pāṇi 1 masc hand; palm i masc 4
pati 2.1 masc lord; master; ruler √pat 3 ya (command, control) √pat + i i masc 4
ajjhohari aor swallowed √har 1 a (take, seize) adhi > adhy > ajjh + ava + √har + i hari aor 4
accatari aor crossed beyond; transcended; overcame; escaped √tar 1 a (cross) ati > aty > acc + a + √tar + i i aor 4
khādi aor chewed; devoured; ate √khād 1 a (chew) √khād + i i aor 4
gāmī 1 adj leading (to); going (to); heading (to) √gam 1 a (go) √gam > gām + *ī ī adj 5
jhāyī 1 masc meditator; yogi √jhā 3 ya (think, meditate) √jhā + [y] + ī ī masc 5
jhāyī 2 adj meditating; contemplating √jhā 3 ya (think, meditate) √jhā + [y] + ī ī adj 5
nābbhaññāsi aor did not directly know; did not understand experientially √ñā 5 nā (know) na + abhi + a + √ñā + si āsi aor irreg 5
gihī masc householder; layperson √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) √gah > geh > gih + a + ī ī masc 5
nājjheti pr does not fret; does not worry; is not anxious √jhā 3 ya (think, meditate) na + ā + jhe + ti eti pr 5
vacī 1 adj verbal; with speech √vac 1 a (say, speak) √vac + ī ī adj 5
vidhā 3 fem type (of); kind (of); sort (of); variety (of) √dhā 1 a (place, support) vi + √dhā + ā ā fem 7
anupabbajjā fem following (of) into the monastic life; renunciation under √vaj 1 a (go on) anu + pa + √vaj > baj + yā ā fem 7
sampadā 1.1 fem attainment (of); achievement (of); accomplishment (of); success (in) √pad 3 ya (go, step) saṃ + √pad + ā ā fem 7
santhā fem meeting together; assembly √ṭhā 1 a (stand) saṃ + √ṭhā + ā ā fem 7
pallatthikā 1 fem sitting posture with something clasped around the knees √as 3 ya (throw, hurl) pari > pali > paly > pall + √as + ta + ikā ā fem 7
payirupāsanā fem closely associating (with); attending (to); sitting at the feet (of) √ās 1 a (sit) pari + upa > payirup + √ās + anā ā fem 7
guhā fem cave; cavern √guh 1 *a (hide, conceal) √guh + ā ā fem 7
vutti 1 fem livelihood; way of being; way of life; behaviour √vatt 1 a (be, proceed) √vatt > vutt + i i fem 8
iddhi 1 fem psychic power; psychic potency; supernormal ability √idh 3 ya (succeed, accomplish) √idh + ti i fem 8
abbuyha ger pulling up; pulling out; tearing up; uprooting √buh 1 a (pluck out, uproot) ā + √buh + ya 8
anussati fem memory (of); recollection (of) √sar 1 a (remember) anu + √sar + ti i fem 8
anādiya ger not taking up √ādā 3 ya (take, seize) na > an + √ādā > ādi + ya 8
kacca ger doing; making; acting; performing √kar 7 o (do, make) √kar + tya 8
sambodhi fem full awakening; enlightenment √budh 3 ya (know, wake up) saṃ + √budh > bodh + *i i fem 8
asaṅkhāditvā abs having not chewed; having not munched √khād 1 a (chew) na > a + saṃ + √khād + itvā 8
nikkhipitvā 1 abs having placed down; having laid on the ground; having dropped; having deposited √khip 1 a (throw) ni + √khip + itvā 8
īsī fem queen; female ruler √īs 3 ya (have power) √īs + a + ī ī fem 8
hutvā 1 abs having been √hū 1 a (be) √hū + tvā 8
yāca nt something asked for; begged item √yāc 1 a (beg) √yāc + a a nt 9
ghara 1 nt house; home; household a nt 9
macchera nt selfishness (for); stinginess (about); meanness; tight-fistedness macchara + iya a nt 9
mala 1 nt dirt; impurity; stain; dross; filth; grime; tarnish; grunge; contaminant √mal 1 a (dirty, stain) √mal + a a nt 9
upasaṅkamana nt approaching; visiting √kam 1 a (go) upa + saṃ + √kam + ana a nt 9
savana 1.2 nt hearing (of); listening (to) √su 4 ṇā (hear) √su > sav + *ana a nt 9
nagara 1 nt town; city a nt 9
abbhakkhāna nt misrepresenting; slandering; falsely accusing (someone of something) √khā 1 a (tell, announce) abhi > abhy > abbh + ā + √khā + ana a nt 9
kattuṃ inf to do; to make √kar 7 o (do, make) √kar + tuṃ 9
kattukāma adj intending to do; wanting to make; wishing to cause kattuṃ + kāma a adj 9
anta 4 nt intestines; entrails a nt 9
anubrūhanta prp fostering; nurturing; developing; increasing √brūh 1 a (increase) anu + brūha + nta anta prp 10
paccavekkhamāna prp reviewing; reflecting (on); looking (at) √ikkh 1 a (see, mark) pati > paty > pacc + ava + ikkha + māna māna prp 10
payata 1 pp generous; liberal; open √yam 1 a (support, stretch) pa + √yam + ta a pp 11
parāyana 1 adj destined for; culminating in; bound for √i 1 a (come, go) parā + √i > ay + *ana a adj 11
vokiṇṇa 1 pp strewn (with); covered (with); mixed up (with) √kir 1 a (scatter, sprinkle) vi + ava + √kir + na a pp 11
parinibbuta 1 pp (of mental defilement) completely quenched; entirely emancipated; completely cooled √vā 1 a (blow, emit odour) pari + nī + √vā > vu > bu + ta a pp 11
vihita 1 pp arranged; prepared √dhā 1 a (place, support) vi + √dhā > (da)h + ita a pp 11
samūla adj with the root; at the source; together with the foundation √mūl 1 a (support) sa + √mūl + a a adj 11
vitthata pp wide; extended; broad √thar 1 a (spread, expand) vi + √thar + ta a pp 11
bhumma 1 adj earthly; terrestrial √bhū 1 a (be, become) √bhū + mi + ya a adj 11
mutta 2.1 pp released (from); freed (from); liberated (from); let loose (from) √muc 2 ṃa (release, free) √muc + ta a pp 11
vigata 2 pp without; free from; devoid of √gam 1 a (go) vi + √gam + ta a pp 11
rata pp delighted (with); devoted (to); taking pleasure (in); pleased (with); enjoying √ram 1 a (delight, please) √ram + ta a pp 11
luddha 2 pp greedy; covetous √lubh 3 ya (be greedy) √lubh + ta a pp 11
sumana 1 adj glad; happy; pleased; satisfied; cheerful √man 3 ya (think) su + √man + a a adj 11
subhara adj easy to support; low maintenance √bhar 1 a (carry, support) su + √bhar + a a adj 11
sadhana 1.1 adj rich; wealthy √dhan 1 a (be rich) sa + √dhan + a a adj 11
santa 2.1 pp still; calm; at peace; tranquil √sam 3 ya (be calm, be tired) √sam + ta a pp 11
sallahuka 1 adj frugal; light saṃ + lahu + ka a adj 11
sama 1.2 adj like; equal (to); same (as); identical (to) a adj 11
samāgata 1 pp gathered; assembled; met √gam 1 a (go) saṃ + ā + √gam + ta a pp 11
phāliphulla adj flowering; in full blossom √phull 1 a (expand, bloom) pari > phāli + √phull + a a adj 11
yamaka 1 adj pair; twin √yam 1 a (support, stretch) √yam + a + ka a adj 11
akāla 3 adj out of season; unseasonal √kal 8 *e (spend time) na > a + √kal > kāl + *a a adj 11
nicchāta adj satiated; satisfied; desireless √chā 1 a (be hungry) nir + √chā + ta a adj 11
aṅgika adj consisting of x parts; composed of x factors √añj 8 *e (distinguish) √añj > aṅg + a + ika a adj 11
ananugiddha pp not greedy; without desire (among) √gidh 3 ya (be greedy) na > an + anu + √gidh + ta a pp 11
anupariyāya 1 adj going around; encircling; perimeter √yā 1 a (go) anu + pari + √yā + [y] + a a adj 11
appagabbha adj not cheeky; courteous; respectful; modest; unassuming √gabbh 1 a (be bold, be daring) na > a + pa + √gabbh + a a adj 11
abandhana 1 adj free; unchained; unshackled; untied √bandh 1 a (bind, tie) na > a + √bandh + ana a adj 11
abhisambuddha 1 pp realised (by); perfectly understood (by); discovered (by) √budh 3 ya (know, wake up) abhi + saṃ + √budh + ta a pp 11
asaṃvuta 2 pp unrestrained (in); uncontrolled (in); unguarded (in) √var 1 a (cover, dress, restrain) na > a + saṃ + √var > vur + ta a pp 11
ucca 1 adj high; tall ud + ya a adj 11
garu 1 adj heavy; onerous; weighty √gar 1 a (esteem, be heavy) √gar + u u adj 11
nipaka 1 adj intelligent; wise; discerning; astute nipa + ka a adj 11
chinna 5 pp (of a stream) cut across; breasted; forded √chid 2 ṃa (cut, steal) √chid + na a pp 11
hita 4 pp put; placed √dhā 1 a (place, support) √dhā > (da)h + ita a pp 11
dubbalatara adj weaker √bal 1 a (be strong, live) dur + √bal + a + tara a adj 11
thulla 2 adj coarse; gross; strong √thūl 8 *e (be fat, be coarse) √thūl > thull + a a adj 11
duraccaya adj difficult to escape; hard to cross; hard to overcome; difficult to get past √i 1 a (come, go) dur + ati > aty > acc + √i > ay + *a a adj 11
sahasā 1 ind forcibly; quickly; suddenly; all of a sudden √sah 1 a (overcome, prevail) √sah + as + ā 13
puro ind in front; at the head; leading pura + o 13
bahudhā ind in many ways; in many forms √bah 1 a (increase) √bah + u + dhā 13
tiro ind through; across; throughout; from outside √tir 1 a (cross) √tir + as + o 13
va 3.1 ind or vā > va 13
santussaka adj who is satisfied; who is pleased; who is content √tus 3 ya (be content, be pleased) saṃ + tussa + aka a adj 13
yadi 2 ind whether … or ya + di 13
dukkhaṃ ind badly; with difficulty; uncomfortably √dukkh 1 a (be painful) √dukkh + a + aṃ 13
abhisantāpeti pr tortures; torments √tap 1 *e (burn, radiate heat) abhi + saṃ + tāpe + ti eti pr 14
parihāpeti pr lets fall away; loses; wastes √hā 3 *āpe (decrease) pari + hāpe + ti eti pr 14
apasādeti pr disparages; belittles; puts down √sad 1 *e (sink, sit, settle) apa + sāde + ti eti pr 14
ṭhapetvā 2 abs having left; having set aside √ṭhā 1 *āpe (stand) ṭhape + tvā 14
vūpasameti 1 pr quells; settles; causes to become calm; causes to subside √sam 3 *e (be calm, be tired) vi + upa + same + ti eti pr 14
sabbeva sandhi all just; one and all; everyone; everything sabbe + eva 16
yānīdha sandhi whichever here yāni + idha 16
tāvāhaṃ sandhi as long as I; until I tāva + ahaṃ 16
samatthi sandhi there is equal (to); there is comparable (to) sama + atthi 16
idhāvuso sandhi here friend; now brothers; in this case brethren idha + āvuso 16
athopi sandhi and too; and even; nor even atho + api 16
evamevaṃ sandhi similarly; in exactly the same way; so too evaṃ + evaṃ 17
sakkacca ind respectfully; reverentially; carefully sat + kacca 17
ariyañcaṭṭhaṅgikaṃ sandhi and the Buddha's eight-part; and the noble eight-fold ariyaṃ + ca + aṭṭhaṅgikaṃ 17
yatvādhikaraṇamenaṃ sandhi on account of which this yato > yatv + adhikaraṇaṃ + enaṃ 17
taṇhamabbuyha sandhi uprooting desire; pulling out craving; removing thirst taṇhaṃ + abbuyha 17
aññamaññābhigijjhanti pr they are jealous of each other; they envy each other; they covet one another's (wealth) aññamaññaṃ + abhigijjhanti ati pr 17
vivekamanubrūhanta prp fostering seclusion; developing solitude vivekaṃ + anubrūhanta anta prp 17
rañño 2 masc of the king; king's √rāj 1 a (rule, shine) √rāj + a + ino rāja masc 18
sammāsambodhi fem perfect awakening; full enlightenment sammā + sambodhi i fem 19
thullavajja nt serious offence; expellable offence and offence requiring suspension thulla + vajja a nt 19
antaguṇa nt mesentery anta + guṇa a nt 19
vacīduccarita nt bad speech; verbal misconduct; misbehaviour in speech vacī + duccarita a nt 19
anupariyāyapatha masc encircling path; perimeter road anupariyāya + patha a masc 19
dukkhūpasamagāmī adj leading to relief from suffering; leading to alleviation of suffering dukkha + upasama + gāmī ī adj 19
analaṅkata 1 adj with insatiable appetite (for); unsatisfiable (by) na > an + alaṃ + kata a adj 19
dhammayoga adj devoted to (learning and preaching) the teaching dhamma + yoga a adj 19
attabyābādha masc hurting oneself; harm to oneself; self-affliction atta + byābādha a masc 19
vossaggarata adj delighting in generosity; enjoying giving vossagga + rata a adj 19
akālapuppha nt unseasonable flower; blossom appearing out of season akāla + puppha a nt 19
pattakalla nt good time; suitable occasion (for) patta + kāla > kalla a nt 19
vigatamalamacchera adj without the stain of stinginess; rid of the impurity of miserliness vigata + mala + macchera a adj 19
upādānakkhandha masc pile of fuel (for the fire); heap of acquisition; physical and mental conglomerations that are clung to; pile of matter and mind that are held onto as a self; grasping group upādāna + khandha a masc 19
iddhividhā fem kinds of psychic power; types of supernormal ability iddhi + vidhā ā fem 19
purohita masc chief priest; royal advisor puro + hita a masc 19
tirobhāva masc disappearance; vanishing tiro + bhāva a masc 19
tiṇavatthāraka masc (vinaya) covering with grass; sweeping under the carpet tiṇa + avatthāraka a masc 19
manoduccarita nt mental misconduct; misbehaviour by mind mano + duccarita a nt 19
mahesī 1.1 fem queen; royal consort mahā + īsī ī fem 19
muttacāga adj giving freely; freely generous; open handed mutta + cāga a adj 19
mudumūsi masc young mouse; small rat mudu + mūsi i masc 19
yamakasāla masc pair of sal trees yamaka + sāla a masc 19
cāgasampadā fem attainment of generosity; success in charitableness cāga + sampadā ā fem 19
payatapāṇi adj open handed; freely giving; generous payata + pāṇi i adj 19
cakkhundriya 1 nt sense of sight; visual faculty cakkhu + indriya a nt 19
sadattha 2.1 masc one's own benefit; personal welfare sa + [d] + attha a masc 19
gihippaṭisaṃyutta adj (vinaya) connected with laypeople gihī + paṭisaṃyutta a adj 19
dukkhasamuppāda masc arising of discomfort; origination of suffering dukkha + samuppāda a masc 19
kāyaduccarita nt physical misconduct; bodily misbehaviour kāya + duccarita a nt 19
santhāgāra nt meeting hall; council hall; (comm) sacrificial temple santhā + agāra a nt 19
dānasaṃvibhāgarata adj loving to give and share; who delights in sharing gifts; who enjoys distributing charity dāna + saṃvibhāga + rata a adj 19
sabbaphāliphulla adj in full flower; in full blossom sabba + phāliphulla a adj 19
dukkhūpasama masc calming of suffering; relief from suffering; alleviation of suffering dukkha + upasama a masc 19
gocara 1 masc food; fodder; grazing; pasture go + cara a masc 19
chinnasota adj who has cut the stream (of craving or becoming) chinna + sota a adj 20
appakicca adj unencumbered; with few obligations; with few duties; with little work appa + kicca a adj 20
santindriya adj calm; at peace santa + indriya a adj 20
tapparāyaṇa adj having that as one's goal; focussed on that; (comm) made of that tad + parāyaṇa a adj 20
sallahukavutti adj of frugal livelihood; living lightly sallahuka + vutti i adj 20
yācayoga adj charitable; open to requests; devoted to charity yāca + yoga a adj 20


pali pos meaning root construction pattern cl.
ussāha masc effort; activity; perseverance; strenuous and continuous exertion; energy √sah 1 a (overcome, prevail) ud + √sah > sāh + *a a masc 2
vīra 2 masc hero; great man √vīr 8 *e (be heroic, be hostile) √vīr + a a masc 2
kāsa 1.1 masc grass growing along river banks; Saccharum spontaneum a masc 2
usabha 2 masc who is foremost; finest example; leader a masc 2
balībadda masc ox; bull a masc 2
lābha 1 masc gain; acquisition; benefit; profit √labh 1 a (get) √labh > lābh + *a a masc 2
kāra 2 masc doer; maker; agent √kar 7 o (do, make) √kar > kār + *a a masc 2
nhātaka 1 masc who is perfected; who is purified √nhā 3 ya (bathe) √nhā + ta + ka a masc 2
vadha 2 masc killing; murder; execution; slaughter √vadh 8 *e (hurt, slaughter) √vadh + a a masc 2
okāsa 2 masc opportunity; chance √kās 1 a (shine, be visible) ava + √kās + a a masc 2
samugghāta 1 masc eradication; extermination; destruction √ghaṭ 8 *e (strike, kill) saṃ + ud + √ghaṭ > ghāṭ + *a a masc 2
paṭisaṃvediyati pr experiences; feels (a sensation) √vid 8 *aya (know, sense, feel) pati + saṃ + vediya + ti ati pr 3
āpajjati 1 pr comes to; experiences; gets (pleasure); suffers (pain); meets (with) √pad 3 ya (go, step) ā + pajja + ti ati pr 3
vibhajati 1 pr dissects; analyses in detail; explains at length √bhaj 1 a (divide, distribute) vi + bhaja + ti ati pr 3
piheti 2 pr desires (to); longs (for); yearns (for) √pih 8 *e (desire, envy) pihe + ti eti pr 3
jīyati 1.2 pr grows old; gets old; ages √jī 3 ya (age, decay) jīya + ti ati pr 3
pakkami aor went away (from); left; set off (from) √kam 1 a (go) pa + √kam + i i aor isuṃ 4
appaṭivānī masc indefatigably; zeal; tireless determination; resolute intention √vā 1 a (blow, emit odour) na > a + pati + √vā + na + ī ī masc 5
ñassati fut will know; could know √ñā 5 nā (know) √ñā + ssa + ti ssati fut 5
anaya 1.1 masc trouble; tragedy; misfortune; calamity; (comm) suffering √i 1 a (come, go) na > an + √i > ay + *a a masc 5
lābhī adj who gains; who gets; who has √labh 1 a (get) √labh > lābh + *ī ī adj 5
nappaṭikkosi aor did not disapprove (of); did not reject √kus 1 *a (call, insult) na + pati + kosa + i i aor 5
kārī 2 masc doer; maker; agent √kar 7 o (do, make) √kar > kār + *ī ī masc 5
yātrā 1 fem way of keeping going; means of sustaining; life support √yā 1 a (go) √yā + trā ā fem 7
māyā 2 fem magic; illusion; conjurer's trick ā fem 7
aññā 1 fem gnosis; spiritual insight; awakening; final knowledge √ñā 5 nā (know) ā + √ñā + ā ā fem 7
mettāvatā fem goodwill; friendship √mitt 1 a (be friendly) √mitt > mett + *ā + vant + tā ā fem 7
anavajjatā fem blamelessness; absence of sin √vad 8 ya (salute, praise) na > an + ava + √vad + ya + tā ā fem 7
ussoḷhi fem endurance; strenous exertion √sah 1 a (overcome, prevail) ud + √sah + ti > soḍhi > soḷhi i fem 8
abhibhuyya ger conquering; vanquishing; overcoming; overpowering; mastering √bhū 1 a (be, become) abhi + √bhū + ya 8
viditvā 2.1 abs having known; having perceived; having understood √vid 1 a (know) √vid + itvā 8
paṭisaṅkhā 1 ger reflecting; carefully considering; with due consideration √khā 1 a (tell, announce) pati + saṃ + √khā + (ya) > khā 8
byasana nt misfortune; disaster; calamity √as 1 a (be) vi > vy > by + √as + ana a nt 9
ādhāna 2 nt placing; putting; keeping; (comm) strongly √dhā 1 a (place, support) ā + √dhā + ana a nt 9
assaddhiya nt lack of confidence; no faith; disbelief; lack of conviciton √dhā 1 a (place, support) na > a + sad + √dhā + ā + iya a nt 9
api 1.4 ind have?; did?; was?; perhaps? 9
mukha 2 nt mouth a nt 9
yāpanāya nt for sustenance (of); for preservation (of); for continuance √yā 1 *āpe (go) yāpe + ana + āya a nt 9
āvudha 1 nt weapon; arms; (comm) bows and crossbows √yudh 3 ya (fight) ā + √yudh > vudh + a a nt 9
ajīyamāna prp not growing old; not getting old; not ageing √jī 3 ya (age, decay) na > a + jīya + māna māna prp 10
pavara 1 adj excellent; eminent; high-quality; distinguished √var 8 *e (wish, choose) pa + √var + a a adj 11
pariciṇṇa 1 pp served; attended; waited on (by) √car 1 a (move, walk) pari + √car > cir + na a pp 11
pavārita 2 pp satisfied; fulfilled; who has refused more √var 8 *e (wish, choose) pa + vāre + ita a pp 11
buddha 2 pp awakened; woke up; understood √budh 3 ya (know, wake up) √budh + ta a pp 11
saṃkhitta 1 pp brief; concise; contracted; abbreviated √khip 1 a (throw) saṃ + √khip + ta a pp 11
vipphandita 1 nt wriggling; writhing; quivering; vacillation √phand 1 a (shake, quiver) vi + √phand + ita a nt 11
visūkāyita 2 nt restlessness; impatience; turmoil visūka + āya + ita a nt 11
visevita nt trick; antic; craft √sev 1 a (serve, associate) vi + √sev + ita a nt 11
jita 1 nt conquest; victory; triumph √ji 5 nā (conquer) √ji + ta a nt 11
purāṇa 1 adj previous; former; old pura + aṇa a adj 11
anivesana adj without attaching; not clinging; without resting √vis 1 a (enter) na > a + ni + √vis > ves + *ana a adj 11
uddiṭṭha 1 pp recited (by); explained (by); mentioned (by) √dis 1 a (point out, explain) ud + √dis + ta a pp 11
upama 1 adj similar to; like √mā 5 nā (measure) upa + √mā + a a adj 11
aneja adj unperturbed; unmoved; unruffled; unshakeable √ej 1 a (move, shake) na > an + √ej + a a adj 11
anuruddha 1 masc name of an arahant monk; great disciple of the Buddha; foremost monk in the divine eye; cousin of the Buddha √rudh 3 ya (please, accept) anu + √rudh + ta a masc 11
anatiritta pp not leftover; not remaining √ric 2 ṃa (empty) na > an + ati + √ric + ta a pp 11
anaññāta pp unknown; not understood √ñā 5 nā (know) na > an + ā + √ñā + ta a pp 11
avibhatta 1 pp not analysed in detail √bhaj 1 a (divide, distribute) na > a + vi + √bhaj + ta a pp 11
adhimatta adj extreme; excessive; utmost; intense √mā 5 nā (measure) adhi + √mā + ta a adj 11
ssu ind certainly; definitely 13
palujjati pr breaks off; comes apart; crumbles √luj 3 ya (be broken apart) pa + lujja + ti ati pr 13
ajāyamāna prp not being born; not coming into being; not arising √jan 3 ya (be born, produce) na > a + jāya + māna māna prp 13
mīyati pr is killed; dies √mar 1 īya (die) mīya + ti ati pr 13
amīyamāna prp not dying √mar 1 īya (die) na > a + mīya + māna māna prp 13
ayoniso ind improperly; imprudently; unwisely; carelessly √yu 1 a (unite, fasten) na > a + √yu > yo + *ni + so 13
akuppamāna prp not being shaken (by); not being disturbed (by); not being agitated (by) √kup 3 ya (shake, be angry) na > a + kuppa + māna māna prp 13
vuyhamāna prp being carried away (by); being swept along (by) √vah 1 ya (carry, bring) vuyha + māna māna prp 13
saṃkhittena ind in brief; concisely √khip 1 a (throw) saṃ + √khip + ta + ena 13
kuppati 2 pr is shaken; is disturbed; is agitated; is upset √kup 3 ya (shake, be angry) kuppa + ti ati pr 13
yodheti pr fights (against); engages in battle (with); attacks √yudh 3 *e (fight) yodhe + ti eti pr 14
yāpana nt (of the body) sustenance (of); preservation (of); continuance (of); upkeep (of); support (of) √yā 1 *āpe (go) yāpe + ana a nt 14
vidaṃseti pr demonstrates; exhibits; shows off; displays √dis 1 *e (see) vi + daṃse + ti eti pr 14
bhojanīya nt cooked food; soft food; staple food √bhuj 2 ṃa (use, eat, enjoy) √bhuj > bhoj + anīya a nt 14
akārita 1 pp not caused to be done (by); not made to do √kar 7 *e (do, make) na > a + kāre + ita a pp 14
ṭhapetvā 3 abs having set up; having arranged; having strengthened √ṭhā 1 *āpe (stand) ṭhape + tvā 14
kicca 2 nt obligation (for); duty (for); work (for) √kar 7 o (do, make) √kar > kir + tya a nt 14
uppādeti pr produces; generates; causes; gives rise to √pad 3 *e (go, step) ud + pāde + ti eti pr 14
āhāreti pr eats; takes food; consumes √har 1 *e (take, seize) ā + hāre + ti eti pr 14
khādanīya 1 nt edible food; raw food; non-staple food (e.g. vegetables, sweets) √khād 1 a (chew) √khād + anīya a nt 14
kāriyamāna prp being made to do; being made to perform √kar 7 *e + iya (do, make) kāriya + māna māna prp 14
nibbāpana 1 nt (of fire) extinguishing; quenching; putting out √vā 1 *āpe (blow, emit odour) nī + bāpe + ana a nt 14
tasseva 2 sandhi of that very; of that exact; of the same tassa + eva 16
yenaññataro sandhi where a certain; to another yena + aññataro 16
tīṇimāni sandhi these three tīṇi + imāni 16
tenupasaṅkamati pr goes there; approaches that place tena + upasaṅkamati ati pr 16
yathāyaṃ sandhi like this; so that this yathā + ayaṃ 16
yeva sandhi only; just; merely; exclusively [y] + eva 16
kissassu sandhi of whom?; of what?; of which? kissa + ssu 16
kumbhūpama adj like a clay pot; similar to a water jar kumbha + upama a adj 16
cittamidaṃ sandhi this mind citta + idaṃ 16
evamārocesi aor reported thus; informed this evaṃ + ārocesi esi aor 17
tañhissa sandhi that truly for him; that indeed for him taṃ + hi + assa 17
kiccakārī 2 masc who has done one's duty (towards); who has done the job kicca + kārī ī masc 19
adiṭṭhapubba adj never seen before (by) adiṭṭha + pubba a adj 19
aññindriya nt faculty of awakening; power of final knowledge aññā + indriya a nt 19
aññātāvindriya nt faculty of one who is awakened aññātāvī + indriya a nt 19
catumahāpatha masc four-way intersection; crossroads; meeting of four great roads catu + mahāpatha a masc 19
vihārasamāpatti fem meditation attainment in which one lives; state of meditation in which one dwells vihāra + samāpatti i fem 19
akāritapubba adj not previously done; formerly unperformed na > a + kārita + pubba a adj 19
nagarūpama adj like a town; similar to a city nagara + upama a adj 19
asaddhammassavana nt not hearing the true teaching; not listening to the good doctrine na > a + saddhamma + savana a nt 19
santadassāvī adj who sees peace (in); who sees (something) as peaceful santa + dassāvī ī adj 19
anayabyasana nt misfortune and disaster; tragedy and ruin anaya + byasana a nt 19
mukhādhāna nt bit (of a bridle) mukha + ādhāna a nt 19
antevāsī 1 masc apprentice; assistant; understudy ante + vāsī ī masc 19
māyākārantevāsī masc magician's apprentice; illusionist's assistant māyākāra + antevāsī ī masc 19
māyākāra masc magician; illusionist; conjurer māyā + kāra a masc 19
mahesi masc great sage; mighty seer mahā + isi i masc 19
mahāpatha masc main road; high road; highway mahā + patha a masc 19
ekadhamma masc one single thing eka + dhamma a masc 19
brahmacariyānuggaha masc support for the spiritual practice; help for the holy life brahmacariya + anuggaha a masc 19
paññāvudha 1 nt weapon of wisdom; sword of understanding paññā + āvudha a nt 19
ayonisomanasikāra masc improper attention; imprudent use of the mind; unfocused attention ayoniso + manasikāra a masc 19
anaññātaññassāmītindriya nt faculty that senses 'I will know the unknown' na > an + aññāta + ñassāmi + iti + indriya a nt 19
appamāṇasamādhi masc immeasurable mental composure; boundless stability of mind appamāṇa + samādhi i masc 19


pali pos meaning root construction pattern cl.
paṇḍitaka masc learned little scholar paṇḍita + ka a masc 2
sadda 1 masc sound; noise √sadd 8 *e (sound) √sadd + a a masc 2
sāmaṇera masc novice; apprentice monk √sam 3 ya (exert, strive) √sam > sām + aṇa + *era a masc 2
kandaraka masc name of a wandering ascetic √kand 1 a (wail, cry out) √kand + ara + ka a masc 2
kaṇṇa 1 masc ear a masc 2
sotthiya masc learned Brahman; one well versed in sacred knowledge; theologian √su 4 ṇā (hear) √su > so + ti + *iya a masc 2
āroha 1 masc rider; driver √ruh 1 a (ascend, grow) ā + √ruh > roh + *a a masc 2
bhāgineyya masc nephew; sister's son √bhaj 1 a (divide, distribute) √bhaj > bhag > bhāg + inī + *eyya a masc 2
pasāda 1 masc inspiration; faith; trust; confidence √sad 1 a (sink, sit, settle) pa + √sad > sād + *a a masc 2
vāṇijaka masc pedlar vaṇija > vāṇija + *aka a masc 2
paribhuñjati 1 pr uses; makes use of √bhuj 2 ṃa (use, eat, enjoy) pari + bhuñja + ti ati pr 3
yāti 1 pr goes; goes to; goes forward; proceeds; travels √yā 1 a (go) yā + ti āti pr 3
porī adj urbane; polite; polished; refined pura > pora + *ī ī adj 5
hatthī 1 masc elephant hattha + ī ī masc 5
pāpimant 3 masc evil one; evil personified; epithet of Māra pāpa + [i] + mant ant masc 6
ñū 2 adj knowing; familiar with; understanding; recognizing √ñā 5 nā (know) √ñā + ū ū adj 6
iriyā 1 fem posture; deportment √īr 1 a (move, shake) √īr + iyā ā fem 7
sikkhamānā fem nun-in-training; female probationer √sikkh 1 a (learn, train) sikkha + māna + ā ā fem 7
dhānī fem seat; capital √dhā 1 a (place, support) √dhā + ana + ī ī fem 8
hantvā 1 abs having killed; having slain √han 1 a (strike, kill) √han + tvā 8
bhaginī 1 fem sister √bhaj 1 a (divide, distribute) √bhaj > bhag + a + inī ī fem 8
bodhi 1 fem awakening; enlightenment √budh 3 ya (know, wake up) √budh > bodh + *i i fem 8
sāmaṇerī fem female novice; female apprentice nun √sam 3 ya (exert, strive) √sam > sām + aṇa + *era + ī ī fem 8
kusāvatī fem name of the royal capital of king Mahāsudassana kusa + vant + ī ī fem 8
kāḷī 3 fem name of Mahāmoggallāna's sister in a previous incarnation kāḷa + ī ī fem 8
sūci 1 fem needle; any sharp pointed object i fem 8
hadaya 1 nt heart hada + ya a nt 9
tela nt (sesame) oil tila > tela + *a a nt 9
bhutta 3 nt eating √bhuj 2 ṃa (use, eat, enjoy) √bhuj + ta a nt 9
ratta 1.1 nt day; night ratti + a a nt 9
vevaṇṇiya 1 nt change of appearance; change of social order; state of having no caste √var 1 a (cover, dress, restrain) vi > ve + √var + na + *iya a nt 9
jāgariya nt being awake; wakefulness; lucidity √jāgar 1 a (be awake, be watchful) √jāgar + iya a nt 9
vācasika 2 nt verbal conduct √vac 1 a (say, speak) √vac > vāc + as + *ika a nt 9
ajjhupagata 1 pp arrived (at); reached; come to; entered; become √gam 1 a (go) adhi > adhy > ajjh + upa + √gam + ta a pp 11
samita 1.1 pp calmed; cooled; tranquillised √sam 3 ya (be calm, be tired) √sam + ita a pp 11
saṃkilesika adj defiling; dirtying; tainting; corrupting √kilis 3 ya (be dirty, be molested) saṃ + √kilis > kiles + *a + ika a adj 11
siniddha 3 pp smooth; soft; gentle; mild √snih 3 ya (love, be moist) √snih > sinih + ta a pp 11
vaṇṇa 1.02 masc colour √var 1 a (cover, dress, restrain) √var + na a masc 11
vipassaka adj who has clear insight; who perceives distinctly √dis 1 a (see) vi + passa + aka a adj 11
veyaggha adj belonging to a tiger; regarding a tiger; with a tiger vyaggha > veyaggha + *a a adj 11
sadara adj terrible; fearful; frightful; troublesome √dar 1 a (fear) sa + √dar + a a adj 11
pemanīya adj endearing; friendly; affectionate √pī 5 nā (love, please) √pī > pe + *ma + anīya a adj 11
nisevita 4 nt practise; pursuit; cultivation √sev 1 a (serve, associate) ni + √sev + ita a nt 11
gata 4 nt going; walking √gam 1 a (go) √gam + ta a nt 11
anīgha 1 adj untroubled; undisturbed; calm na > an + īgha a adj 11
pakkhiya 1 adj associated with; connected to; siding with pakkha + iya a adj 11
nela adj polite; gentle; inoffensive na + ela a adj 11
orasa 1 adj (of a child) natural; legitimate; own ura > ora + as + *a a adj 11
dvaya 1 adj twofold; dual; double dvi > dvay + *a a adj 11
appaccuddhāraṇaṃ ind (vinaya) not withdrawing (the assignment) √dhar 1 a (hold, carry, endure) na > a + pati > paty > pacc + ud + √dhar > dhār + *aṇa + aṃ 13
avecca 1 ind perfectly; absolutely; (comm) having gone deeply with wisdom √i 1 a (come, go) ava + e + tya 13
aho 2.1 ind (expressing pleasure, surprise or disbelief) oh!; wow! 13
re ind (expressing contempt) hey!; oh! are > (a)re 13
anuyoga 1 masc praxis (of); practice (of); devotion (to); pursuit (of); doing (of) √yuj 2 *e (yoke, join) anu + yoje > yoge + a a masc 14
anussāvesi aor announced (to); proclaimed (to) √su 4 *e (hear) anu + sāve + si esi aor 14
vūpakāsa masc seclusion; solitude; isolation; withdrawal √kas 1 *e (drag, draw) vi + upa + kāse + a a masc 14
vikappetvā abs (vinaya) having assigned ownership; having transferred ownership; having shared ownership √kapp 1 *e (be fit, be suitable) vi + kappe + tvā 14
dūsī 2 masc name of a Māra; previous incarnation of Mahāmoggallāna √dus 3 *e (be angry, be corrupt) dūse + ī ī masc 14
pessa 2 masc name of a layman √pis 8 *e (send) √pis > pes + *ya a masc 14
pāsādika 1 adj pleasing; inspiring confidence √sad 1 *e (sink, sit, settle) pa + sāde + a + ika a adj 14
ponobbhavika adj conducive to repeated becoming; leading to renewed existence; leading to rebirth puna > pono + bhava + *ika a adj 17
saddamanussāvesi aor proclaimed aloud; announced aloud saddaṃ + anussāvesi esi aor 17
cātummahārājika 1 adj of the Four Great Kings catu > cātu + mahā + rāja + *ika a adj 17
pubbaratta nt earlier part of the night; first third of the night; 6pm to 10pm pubba + ratta a nt 19
apararatta nt later part of the night; last third of the night; 2am to 6am apara + ratta a nt 19
hadayaṅgama adj heart warming; from the heart; touching the heart hadayaṃ + gama a adj 19
bahujanakanta adj pleasing to the people; loved by the people bahujana + kanta a adj 19
hatthārohaputta 1 masc elephant rider's son; mahout's child hatthāroha + putta a masc 19
hatthāroha 1 masc elephant rider; mahout hatthī + āroha a masc 19
bahussutaka masc great little scholar; well learned little man bahu + suta + ka a masc 19
veyagghapañcama adj with tiger as the fifth; (comm) with the path of tiger veyaggha + pañcama a adj 19
dhammanimmita adj created by the Dhamma; fashioned from the Dhamma dhamma + nimmita a adj 19
bhāvanānuyoga masc meditation practice bhāvanā + anuyoga a masc 19
aveccappasāda masc perfect clarity; absolute faith; epithet of stream entry avecca + pasāda a masc 19
bhāvanānuyogamanuyutta adj devoted to meditation practice; engaged in mental cultivation bhāvanā + anuyogaṃ + anuyutta a adj 19
dhammaja adj born from Dhamma; born of the teaching dhamma + ja a adj 19
āmisadāyāda masc material heir; inheritor of worldly things āmisa + dāyāda a masc 19
iriyāpatha 2 masc posture; pose; deportment; (specifically) walking, standing, sitting, and lying down iriyā + patha a masc 19
mahākassapa masc name of an arahant monk; great disciple of the Buddha; foremost disciple in preaching ascetic practices mahā + kassapa a masc 19
sūcivāṇijaka masc needle peddler sūci + vāṇijaka a masc 19
sūcikāra masc needle maker sūci + kāra a masc 19
kaṇṇasukha adj easy on the ear; pleasant to hear kaṇṇa + sukha a adj 19
kāyavūpakāsa masc physical seclusion; bodily isolation kāya + vūpakāsa a masc 19
pubbarattāpararattaṃ ind in the first and last part of the night; in the late evening and early morning pubbaratta + apararatta + aṃ 19
cittavūpakāsa masc mental seclusion; mental isolation citta + vūpakāsa a masc 19
jātijarā fem birth and old age; being born and ageing jāti + jarā ā fem 19
teladhārā fem stream of oil tela + dhārā ā fem 19
dukkhavipāka adj resulting in suffering; with painful results dukkha + vipāka a adj 19
rājadhānī fem royal city; capital city rāja + dhānī ī fem 19
dhammadāyāda adj spiritual heir; inheritor of the Dhamma dhamma + dāyāda a adj 19


pali pos meaning root construction pattern cl.
kilamatha 1 masc fatigue; tiredness; weariness √kilam 1 a (be weary) √kilam + a + tha a masc 2
thenaka masc thief; robber; burglar √then 8 *e (steal) √then + aka a masc 2
potaliya masc name of a householder a masc 2
puttaka 1 masc small son; young son putta + ka a masc 2
pārivattaka masc exchange; swap; trade √vatt 1 a (be, proceed) pari > pāri + √vatt + *aka a masc 2
daṇḍa 2 masc walking stick; staff a masc 2
paṭicchada masc covering; concealing; hiding √chad 8 *e (cover, conceal) pati + √chad + a a masc 2
niyāma 1 masc orderliness; certainty; inevitability; fixed order √yam 1 a (control, strive, end) ni + √yam > yām + *a a masc 2
paṭipisati pr beats against; bruises √pis 2 ṃa (grind, hurt) pati + pisa + ti ati pr 3
saddahati pr believes (in); has faith (in); has confidence (in); has conviction (in) √dhā 1 a (place, support) sad + daha + ti ati pr 3
khamati 2 pr seems good (to); is acceptable (to); is suitable (for); is pleasing (to) √kham 1 a (tolerate, endure) khama + ti ati pr 3
nindati pr blames; criticize; find fault √nind 1 a (blame, abuse) ninda + ti ati pr 3
akuhaka masc who is honest; who is not deceitful; who is straight-forward; who is trustworthy √kuh 8 *e (deceive) na > a + √kuh + aka a masc 5
bhāṇī adj speaking; talking; saying √bhaṇ 1 a (talk, speak) √bhaṇ > bhāṇ + *ī ī adj 5
makkhī adj who slanders; who denigrates; (comm) who erases the good qualities of another √makkh 8 *e (rub, erase) √makkh + ī ī adj 5
māyāvī 1 adj deceitful; hypocritical; fraudulent māyā + vī ī adj 5
upanāhī adj resentful; who bears a grudge; who harbours enmity; who is vengeful; having rancour √nah 3 ya (bind, arm) upa + √nah > nāh + *ī ī adj 5
amaccharī 1 adj free from avarice; not selfish; not stingy; not covetous na > a + macchara + ī ī adj 5
nacchādesi aor (food) did not agree (with); did not please; did not give pleasure (to) √chand 8 *e (desire, please) na + ā + chāde + si esi aor 5
anusārī 1.2 adj following; motivated by; acting according to √sar 1 a (go, flow) anu + √sar > sār + *ī ī adj 5
atula 1 masc name of a man √tul 8 *e (weigh) na > a + √tul + a a masc 5
anattha 1 masc harm; misfortune; damage; injury; hurt √ar 1 a (move, attain) na > an + √ar + tha a masc 5
yasavant adj famous; renowned yasas + vant ant adj 6
abhabbatā fem impossibility (for); something incapable of happening (for) √bhū 1 a (be, become) na > a + √bhū > bhav + *ya + tā ā fem 7
datvā 1 abs having given; having offered; having donated (something to someone) √dā 1 a (give) √dā + tvā 8
gopānasī fem beam; rafter; wooden framework of a thatch roof ī fem 8
bhūmi 4 fem plane; level; stage; sphere √bhū 1 a (be, become) √bhū + mi i fem 8
suvatthi 1 fem well being; prosperity (for) √as 1 a (be) su + [v] + √as + ti i fem 8
kahaṃ ind where? ka + haṃ 9
bālya nt foolishness; stupidity; childishness; ignorance bāla + ya a nt 9
pada 02 nt path; track; way √pad 3 ya (go, step) √pad + a a nt 9
kūṭeyya nt crookedness; fraud; deceit; trickery √kuṭ 1 a (be crooked, be bent) √kuṭ > kūṭ + *a + eyya a nt 9
anādariya nt disrespect (for); rudeness (towards); contemptuous (towards) √dar 1 a (respect, have affection) na > an + ā + √dar + a + iya a nt 9
pesuṇeyya nt divisive speech; slander; defamation; denigration; back-biting √pis 8 *e (speak ill) √pis > pes + *uṇa + eyya a nt 9
vaṅkeyya nt fraud; deception; dishonesty √vañc 8 *e (be bent, deceive) √vañc > vaṅk + a + eyya a nt 9
ottappiya nt regret; shame in wrongdoing; respect for others √tapp 1 a (regret) ud > od + √tapp + *iya a nt 9
āyu 3 nt long life; longevity √i 1 a (come, go) ā + √i > ay + *u u nt 9
paṭibhānaka 2 nt understanding; intelligence; intuition √bhaṇ 1 a (talk, speak) pati + √bhaṇ > bhān + *a + ka a nt 9
dhana 3 nt virtue; value; quality √dhan 1 a (be rich) √dhan + a a nt 9
sammatta 2.1 nt goodness; correctness; rightness; perfection sammā + tta a nt 9
sāṭheyya nt treachery; fraud; scamming; conning; deviousness √saṭh 1 a (deceive) √saṭh > sāṭh + a + *eyya a nt 9
jimheyya nt crookedness; dishonesty; subterfuge jimha + eyya a nt 9
pavedhamāna 1 prp shaking; trembling; quivering √vedh 1 a (shake, fear) pa + vedha + māna māna prp 10
pariharanta 1 prp taking care (of); looking after; nurturing √har 1 a (carry) pari + hara + nta anta prp 10
puthu 3 adj individual; separate; single √puth 1 a (expand) √puth + u u adj 11
aññātaka 1 adj unrelated; not blood-related √ñā 5 nā (know) na > a + √ñā + ta + ka aka adj 11
abhikkantatara adj more brilliant (than); more excellent (than); more wonderful (than) √kam 1 a (go) abhi + √kam + ta + tara a adj 11
porāṇa 2 adj ancient; of old pura > pora + *aṇa a adj 11
bāḷha pp very strong; extreme; intense √bah 1 a (increase) √bah + ta > bāḍha > bāḷha a pp 11
agga 1.2 adj most; very; extremely; superbly a adj 11
bhogga 2.1 adj bent; crooked; curved √bhuj 1 a (bend) √bhuj > bhoj > bhog + *a + ya a adj 11
ajeguccha 1 adj honourable; respectable; estimable; (comm) likeable √gup 1 sa (dislike) na > a + jiguccha > jeguccha + ā + *a a adj 11
mita 1 pp measured; balanced; limited √mā 5 nā (measure) √mā > mi + ta a pp 11
yuta pp engaged (in); devoted (to) √yu 1 a (unite, fasten) √yu + ta a pp 11
loṇika adj salty loṇa + ika a adj 11
sañhita pp connected with; concerning; having √dhā 1 a (place, support) saṃ + √dhā > (da)h + ita a pp 11
sattama 2.1 adj best; most excellent; highest √as 1 a (be) sa + nta > (n)t(a) + tama a adj 11
akhārika adj mild; not alkaline na > a + khāra + ika a adj 11
sanantana adj eternal; perpetual; everlasting; ancient sanaṃ + tana a adj 11
suta 1.4 nt learning; knowledge √su 4 ṇā (hear) √su + ta a nt 11
suppadhaṃsiya adj easily overwhelmed (by); easily overcome (by); easily knocked over (by) √dhaṃs 1 a (fall down, destroy) su + pa + √dhaṃs + iya a adj 11
vaṅka 1 adj bent; crooked; curved; distorted √vañc 8 *e (be bent, deceive) √vañc > vaṅk + a a adj 11
vaṇṇa 1.01 masc beauty; good looks √var 1 a (cover, dress, restrain) √var + na a masc 11
vipanna 1 pp gone wrong; failed (in) √pad 3 ya (go, step) vi + √pad + na a pp 11
ajjatana adj modern; related to today ajja + tana a adj 11
patilīna pp withdrawn; retired; secluded; solitary √lī 3 ya (stick, hide) pati + √lī + na a pp 11
parāyaṇa 3 adj supported (by); leaning (on) √i 1 a (come, go) parā + √i > ay + *aṇa a adj 11
vītivatta 2 pp passed; left behind; transcended √vatt 1 a (be, proceed) vi + ati + √vatt + ta a pp 11
apihālu adj not covetous; not envious; not jealous √pih 8 *aya (desire, envy) na > a + √pih + ā + ālu u adj 11
kodhana adj angry; irritable; cranky; crotchety √kudh 3 ya (be angry) √kudh > kodh + *ana a adj 11
paṇītatara adj more sublime (than); more refined (than); more delicious (than) √nī 1 a (lead, carry) pa + √nī + ta + tara a adj 11
khārika 1.1 adj alkaline; caustic khāra + ika a adj 11
gilāna 1 adj sick; ill; unwell √gilā 3 ya (be sick, be tired) √gilā + ana a adj 11
okkanta pp entered; gone (into) √kam 1 a (go) ava + √kam + ta a pp 11
jiṇṇa 2 pp worn out; spent; old; decayed √jīr 1 a (grow old, decay) √jīr + na a pp 11
tittaka 1 adj bitter; sharp √tij 1 a (be sharp, be bitter) √tij + ta + ka a adj 11
anindita 2 pp not blamed; not criticized √nind 1 a (blame, abuse) na > a + √nind + ita a pp 11
kaṭuka 2 adj bitter; acerbic kaṭu + ka a adj 11
ambila 1 adj sour amba + ila a adj 11
aloṇika adj bland; not salty na > a + loṇa + ika a adj 11
āsīna 1 pp seated; sitting √ās 1 a (sit) √ās + [ī] + na a pp 11
sammati 1.1 pr is calmed; is cooled; is appeased √sam 3 ya (be calm, be tired) samma + ti ati pr 13
tuṇhiṃ ind silently; quietly tuṇhī + iṃ 13
adhimuccati 2 pr is settled (on); has made up one's mind (about); has faith (in); inclines (towards) √muc 2 ya (release, free) adhi + mucca + ti ati pr 13
uda 1.1 ind either; or 13
panassa sandhi and for him; and his pana + assa 16
cāyaṃ sandhi and this; but this; than this ca + ayaṃ 16
idampi sandhi just this; this very; this exact idaṃ + api 17
tuṇhimāsīna adj sitting silently; who is quietly seated tuṇhiṃ + āsīna a adj 17
kimaññatra sandhi how except for?; what besides?; what apart (from)? kiṃ + aññatra 17
muhuttampi sandhi even for a moment; just for an instant muhuttaṃ + api 17
uras masc breast; heart; chest as masc 18
sīladhana nt value of good behaviour; treasure of conduct sīla + dhana a nt 19
saddhānusārī 1 masc who has attained stream enterer through faith saddhā + anusārī ī masc 19
ambilagga adj predominantly sour ambila + agga a adj 19
ekaputtaka masc only young son; single young boy eka + puttaka a masc 19
sammattaniyāma masc path with an inevitable destination; fixed correct course; (comm) noble path sammatta + niyāma a masc 19
saddhādhana nt value of confidence; wealth of faith saddhā + dhana a nt 19
sutadhana nt value of learning; treasure of knowledge suta + dhana a nt 19
sappurisabhūmi fem level of good person; realm of the great man sappurisa + bhūmi i fem 19
attakilamathānuyoga masc practice of self-mortification atta + kilamatha + anuyoga a masc 19
kumbhatthenaka masc burglar kumbha + thenaka a masc 19
anatthasañhita adj unprofitable; meaningless; unbeneficial na > an + attha + sañhita a adj 19
pāpamakkhī adj who slanderers badly; who badly denigrates other's worth pāpa + makkhī ī adj 19
attakilamatha masc self-mortification; self-torture atta + kilamatha a masc 19
puttamaṃsa nt son's flesh; child's meat putta + maṃsa a nt 19
kaṭukagga adj predominantly pungent; very spicy kaṭuka + agga a adj 19
puthujjanabhūmi fem level of the common man; stage of being a normal person puthujjana + bhūmi i fem 19
mitabhāṇī adj speaking in moderation; who is measured in speech mita + bhāṇī ī adj 19
balamattā fem some strength; measure of energy bala + mattā ā fem 19
tittakagga adj predominantly bitter tittaka + agga a adj 19
gopānasivaṅka adj as crooked as a rafter gopānasī + vaṅka a adj 19
madhuragga 2 adj predominantly sweet madhura + agga a adj 19
daṇḍaparāyaṇa adj leaning on a stick; supported by a staff daṇḍa + parāyaṇa a adj 19
bahutthika adj with numerous females; with many women bahu + itthi + ka a adj 20
diṭṭhapada adj who has seen the way; who has seen the state (of Nibbāna) diṭṭha + pada a adj 20
bahubhāṇī adj who speaks a lot; who talks much bahu + bhāṇī ī adj 20
dīghāyu adj living long; long-lived; with a long lifespan dīgha + āyu u adj 20
vipannadiṭṭhi adj who has wrong view; with perverted belief vipanna + diṭṭhi i adj 20
appapurisa adj with few men appa + purisa a adj 20


pali pos meaning root construction pattern cl.
avakkāra masc leftovers; remains √kar 7 o (do, make) ava + √kar > kār + *a a masc 2
vehāsa masc air; sky; heaven viha + āya + sa a masc 2
vihāra 1 masc dwelling; residence √har 1 a (live) vi + √har > hār + *a a masc 2
gaṇa 1 masc group; crowd √gaṇ 8 *e (calculate, group) √gaṇ + a a masc 2
mañca masc bed √mañc 1 a (hold up, support) √mañc + a a masc 2
jana 2 masc men; people; population √jan 3 ya (be born, produce) √jan + a a masc 2
abhinipajjati 1 pr lies down hard (on); lies down heavily (on) √pad 3 ya (go, step) abhi + ni + pajja + ti ati pr 3
panudati pr dispels; drives out; rejects; pushes away √nud 1 a (drive out, reject) pa + nuda + ti ati pr 3
paṭikkamati 1 pr returns (from); comes back (from) √kam 1 a (go) pati + kama + ti ati pr 3
vedeti 2 pr knows; understands; learns about √vid 8 *e (know, sense, feel) vede + ti eti pr 3
lajjati 1 pr is ashamed (of); is embarrassed (about) √lajj 1 a (be ashamed) lajja + ti ati pr 3
abbheti pr (vinaya) rehabilitates; reintegrates; readmits √vhe 1 a (call, name) ā + bhe + ti eti pr 3
vattati 4 pr (of power) wields; exercises √vatt 1 a (be, proceed) vatta + ti ati pr 3
abhinisīdati 1 pr sit down hard (on); sits heavily (on); sits forcibly (on) √sad 1 a (sink, sit, settle) abhi + ni + sīda + ti ati pr 3
sārī 1.1 adj wandering; going around; travelling √sar 1 a (go, flow) √sar > sār + *ī ī adj 5
diṭṭhī 2 masc who has a view; who has the opinion √dis 1 a (see) √dis + ti + ī ī masc 5
duggati fem state of misery; bad destination; hell √gam 1 a (go) dur + √gam + ti i fem 8
pāti 1.1 fem cup; drinking bowl √pā 1 a (drink) √pā + ti i fem 8
suddhi fem purity; purification; holiness; epithet of Nibbāna √sudh 3 ya (be pure) √sudh + ti i fem 8
viggayha ger quarrelling (with); contending (with); arguing (with) √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) vi + √gah + ya 8
pīṭha nt chair; bench; seat; stool a nt 9
kathina 2 nt kathina privileges; kathina allowances a nt 9
ghātetuṃ inf to slay; to kill; to execute; to murder √ghaṭ 8 *e (strike, kill) ghāte + tuṃ 9
yo so idiom whoever … he; whichever … that 9
aha 1.1 nt day a nt 9
vuṭṭhāna 1 nt emerging; surfacing; rising out of √ṭhā 1 a (stand) [v] + ud + √ṭhā + ana a nt 9
vadāna prp speaking; saying; asserting; professing √vad 1 a (say, speak) √vad + āna āna prp 10
paṭijānamāna 1 prp agreeing; admitting; assenting; acknowledging; confirming √ñā 5 nā (know) pati + jānā + māna māna prp 10
niṭṭhitacīvarasmiṃ nt when the robe-cloth is complete; when the robe is finished niṭṭhita + cīvara + smiṃ a nt 10
sampassanta prp seeing; looking at; regarding; considering √dis 1 a (see) saṃ + passa + nta anta prp 10
satī 1.2 prp when is; when exists √as 1 a (be) sa + nta + ī santa prp 10
asantiyā prp when not existing; when not being present; when … does not exist √as 1 a (be) na > a + sa + nta + iyā anta prp 10
pādaka 1 adj having feet; with legs; about feet √pad 3 ya (go, step) √pad > pād + *a + ka a adj 11
paṭipanna 1 pp practising (for) √pad 3 ya (go, step) pati + √pad + na a pp 11
atireka 1 adj surplus; excess; leftover; too much √ric 2 ṃa (empty) ati + √ric > rek + *a a adj 11
anabbhita pp not rehabilitated; not reintegrated; not re-admitted √vhe 1 a (call, name) na > an + ā + bhe + ita a pp 11
niṭṭhita 1 pp finished; completed; accomplished √ṭhā 1 a (stand) ni + √ṭhā + ita a pp 11
vedayita nt which is felt; felt experience; feeling √vid 8 *aya (know, sense, feel) vedaya + ita a nt 11
diṭṭha 1.2 nt what is seen √dis 1 a (see) √dis + ta a nt 11
ritta 2 pp free (from); rid (of) √ric 2 ṃa (empty) √ric + ta a pp 11
abhigīta pp sung over; chanted over √gā 3 ya (sing) abhi + √gā > gī + ta a pp 11
pācittiya 2 adj (vinaya) related to an offence requiring confession a adj 11
avasitta pp anointed; consecrated; crowned (on) √sic 2 ṃa (sprinkle, pour) ava + √sic + ta a pp 11
samāpanna 1 pp entered; reached; attained; achieved √pad 3 ya (go, step) saṃ + ā + √pad + na a pp 11
sopadhīka adj who has attachments √dhā 1 a (place, support) sa + upa > sopa + √dhā + i + ika a adj 11
asamphuṭṭha pp not touched (by); not felt (by); not physically contacted (by) √phus 1 a (touch) na > a + saṃ + √phus + ta a pp 11
vijita 1 nt kingdom; realm √ji 5 nā (conquer) vi + √ji + ta a nt 11
ūna 1 adj deficient (in); lacking; wanting; short (by); less than (by) a adj 11
ubbhata 2 pp withdrawn; disallowed; suspended √dhar 1 a (hold, carry, endure) ud + √dhar > bhar + ta a pp 11
saṅghika adj belonging to the community √ghaṭ 1 a (join together) saṃ + √ghaṭ + a + ika a adj 11
sita 2.1 pp planted (in); embedded (in); fixed (into) √si 1 a (depend on, associate with) √si + ta a pp 11
paramaṃ ind at the very most; for a maximum of para + ma + aṃ 13
paṭhamaṃ 1 ind first; firstly; at first; first of all √ṭhā 1 a (stand) pa + √ṭhā + ma + aṃ 13
sujjhati pr is purified; is cleansed; is washed away √sudh 3 ya (be pure) sujjha + ti ati pr 13
sat 2 ind true; good; right √as 1 a (be) sa + nta 13
api 1.5 ind but; however; yet 13
vo 3.1 ind indeed; truly; surely 13
phoṭṭhabba 1 nt touch; physical sensation; tactile sensation √phus 1 a (touch) √phus > phos + *tabba a nt 14
sammodanīya ptp (of conversation) pleasant; friendly √mud 1 a (be soft, be happy) saṃ + √mud > mod + *anīya a ptp 14
bhavitabba 1 ptp there should be; it must be; it should exist √bhū 1 a (be, become) √bhū > bhav + *itabba a ptp 14
vodāniya ptp purifying; cleansing √dā 3 ya (be pure, be clean) vi + ava + √dā + aniya a ptp 14
pānīya 1 nt water; drinking water √pā 1 a (drink) √pā + anīya a nt 14
vītisāretvā abs (of conversation) having conducted; having concluded √sar 1 *e (go, flow) vi + ati + sāre + tvā 14
vedaniya ptp could be felt; experienceable; tangible √vid 8 *e (know, sense, feel) √vid > ved + *aniya a ptp 14
phuseyya ptp could be felt; tangible; can be physically touched √phus 1 a (touch) √phus + eyya a ptp 14
paññapeti 3 pr (of a seat, water, etc.) prepares; sets out √ñā 5 *āpe (know) pa + ñape + ti eti pr 14
pabbājetuṃ inf to banish (from); to exile (from) √vaj 1 *e (go on) pa + bāje + tuṃ 14
atikkāmayanta prp exceeding; going over √kam 1 *aya (go) ati + kāmaya + nta anta prp 14
abhojaneyya ptp not edible; not fit to be eaten √bhuj 2 ṃa (use, eat, enjoy) na > a + √bhuj > bhoj + *aneyya a ptp 14
asampakampiya ptp unshakeable (by); unmovable (by) √kamp 1 a (shake, tremble) na > a + saṃ + pa + √kamp + iya a ptp 14
āhacca 2.1 ptp removable; detachable √har 1 a (carry) ā + √har + tya a ptp 14
upaṭṭhāpeti 1 pr sets out; makes available; provides √ṭhā 1 *āpe (stand) upa + ṭhāpe + ti eti pr 14
paribhojanīya nt washing water; rinsing water √bhuj 2 ṃa (use, eat, enjoy) pari + √bhuj > bhoj + *anīya a nt 14
kicca 1 ptp should be done (by); ought to be made (by) √kar 7 o (do, make) √kar > kir + tya a ptp 14
gārayha ptp blameworthy; culpable; contemptible √garah 1 a (blame) √garah > gārah + *ya a ptp 14
ghātetāya ptp fit to be killed; worthy to be executed √ghaṭ 8 *e (strike, kill) ghāte + tāya a ptp 14
jāpetāya ptp fit to be fined; worthy to be fined √hā 3 *āpe (decrease) jāpe + tāya a ptp 14
kāretabba 2 ptp (vinaya) should be made to do (by); should be dealt with √kar 7 *e (do, make) kāre + tabba a ptp 14
jāpetuṃ inf to fine; to confiscate √hā 3 *āpe (decrease) jāpe + tuṃ 14
pabbājetāya ptp fit to be banished; worthy to be exiled √vaj 1 *e (go on) pa + bāje + tāya a ptp 14
ekenapi sandhi by even one; with only a single ekena + api 16
nesa sandhi this is not na + esa 16
dasāhaparamaṃ ind for ten days at the most; for a maximum of ten days dasa + aha + parama + aṃ 16
ajjeva sandhi this very day; just today; right now ajja + eva 16
hāvuso sandhi truly friend; indeed brothers hi + āvuso 16
kiccamātappaṃ sandhi effort should be made (by); one should strive kiccaṃ + ātappaṃ 17
apurakkharāna prp not preferring; not choosing na > a + pura + kharāna āna prp 19
avakkārapāti fem bowl for leftovers; dish for remains of the meal avakkāra + pāti i fem 19
attapaṭilābha masc acquisition of a self; personal existence atta + paṭilābha a masc 19
atirekacīvara nt surplus robe; excess robe-cloth atireka + cīvara a nt 19
alajjitāya ptp should not be ashamed (of) √lajj 1 a (be ashamed) na > a + √lajj + itāya a ptp 19
poṭṭhapāda 1 masc name of a wandering ascetic poṭṭha + pāda a masc 19
asamphuṭṭhapubba adj never touched before; never felt before asamphuṭṭha + pubba a adj 19
aniketasārī adj wandering homeless; roaming without an abode aniketa + sārī ī adj 19
āyusaṅkhāra 1 masc condition for life; life force; vital power; motive force; (comm) life itself āyu + saṅkhāra a masc 19
muddhāvasitta adj head-anointed; consecrated; inaugurated muddhā + avasitta a adj 19
āhaccapādaka adj with removable legs; with detachable feet āhacca + pāda + ka a adj 19
yathāpaṭipanna adj which practised; when followed yathā + paṭipanna a adj 19
niṭṭhitacīvara 1 nt completed robe-cloth; finished robe niṭṭhita + cīvara a nt 19
uparivehāsa adj upper; upstairs; above the ground upari + vehāsa a adj 19
uparivehāsakuṭi fem loft bedroom; upper-floor room; attic room upari + vehāsa + kuṭi i fem 19
kāyaviññeyya adj touchable; known by the body kāya + viññeyya a adj 19
gāthābhigīta adj chanted over with verses; recited over gāthā + abhigīta a adj 19
saññāvedayitanirodha masc ending of recognition and feeling; cessation of conception and what is felt saññāvedayita + nirodha a masc 19
saññāvedayita nt perception and felt experience saññā + vedayita a nt 19
micchādiṭṭhi 1 fem wrong view; incorrect belief micchā + diṭṭhi i fem 19
saṅghādisesa 1 adj related to an offence requiring suspension saṅgha + ādi + sesa a adj 19
micchādiṭṭhisamādāna nt taking up wrong views; believing wrong theories micchādiṭṭhi + samādāna a nt 19
nissaggiyapācittiya nt offence requiring relinquishment and confession nissaggiya + pācittiya a nt 19
indakhīla 1 masc (of a city) Inda's column; gate post of a city inda + khīla a masc 19


pali pos meaning root construction pattern cl.
aṅkusa 1 masc hooked pole (used for elephant control) √añc 1 a (bend) √añc > aṅk + usa a masc 2
issara 2 masc god; creator; god almighty; (comm) lord of the world √īs 3 ya (have power) √īs > iss + ara a masc 2
udāna 1 masc inspired saying; exclamation; one of the nine kinds of suttas √an 1 a (breathe, blow) ud + √an > ān + *a a masc 2
kapaṇa 2 masc beggar; pauper; cripple √kap 1 a (take pity) √kap + aṇa a masc 2
gamika 1 masc traveller; leaver; who is going on a journey √gam 1 a (go) √gam + ika a masc 2
gaha 1 masc grip; grabbing; seizing; holding √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) √gah + a a masc 2
gārava 1 masc respect; reverence; esteem; value √gar 1 a (esteem, be heavy) √gar > gār + u > av + *a a masc 2
addhika masc traveller; tramp; homeless wanderer addha + ika a masc 2
gilāna 2 masc sick person; patient √gilā 3 ya (be sick, be tired) √gilā + ana a masc 2
duma 1 masc tree a masc 2
nivāta 2 masc humility; gentleness; politeness; obedience √vā 1 a (blow, emit odour) ni + √vā + ta a masc 2
yācaka masc beggar; mendicant √yāc 1 a (beg) √yāc + aka a masc 2
sagga 1.2 masc heaven; paradise √sar 1 a (shine) √sar + ga a masc 2
vanibbaka masc mendicant; beggar; pauper a masc 2
vasanta 2 masc spring; springtime √vas 1 a (live) vasa + nta a masc 2
āgantuka 1 masc guest; newcomer; new arrival; stranger √gam 1 a (go) ā + √gam + tar > tu + ka a masc 2
pariyāpuṇāti pr studies well; learns thoroughly; masters √ap 4 uṇā (reach, attain) pari + [y] + ā + apuṇā + ti āti pr 3
pavāti pr (of a smell) exudes; gives off; releases; diffuses √vā 1 a (blow, emit odour) pa + vā + ti āti pr 3
ramati pr enjoys; finds pleasure (in); takes delight (in); likes √ram 1 a (delight, please) rama + ti ati pr 3
āviñjati 1 pr pulls; pulls on √iñj 1 a (move, shake) ā + vi + iñja + ti ati pr 3
niggaheti 1 pr holds back; restrains; arrests √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) ni + gahe + ti eti pr 3
anumajjati pr strokes; massages; rubs √majj 1 a (rub, polish) anu + majja + ti ati pr 3
ācikkhati 2 pr describes; points out; shows (something to someone) √cikkh 1 a (show, tell) ā + cikkha + ti ati pr 3
accayati 2 pr (of time) passes; flies past √i 1 a (come, go) ati > aty > acc + aya + ti ati pr 3
acāri 1.1 aor walked around; wandered around; roamed √car 1 a (move, walk) a + √car > cār + i i aor isuṃ 4
bhāgī 1 masc shareholder; who shares (in); who partakes (in) √bhaj 1 a (divide, distribute) √bhaj > bhag > bhāg + *ī ī masc 5
vasī 1.2 masc master (of); controller (of); ruler (over) √vas 1 a (want, control) √vas + a + ī ī masc 5
vattī 1.2 adj (of power or control) wielding; exercising √vatt 1 a (be, proceed) √vatt + ī ī adj 5
utu 3 masc season; time of year u masc 6
abhibhū 2 masc overlord; supreme being √bhū 1 a (be, become) abhi + √bhū + ū ū masc 6
pure 1 ind before; earlier 6
nimmātar masc creator; designer; maker √mā 5 nā (measure) nī + √mā + tar ar masc 6
ajjhupekkhitar masc equanimous observer (of); who observes indifferently √ikkh 1 a (see, mark) adhi > adhy > ajjh + upa + √ikkh + itar ar masc 6
sajitar masc designator; assigner; author √saj 1 a (relinquish, let loose) √saj + itar ar masc 6
pamodanā fem delighting; being happy; being joyful √mud 1 a (be soft, be happy) pa + √mud > mod + *anā ā fem 7
khiḍḍā fem amusement; play; fun; entertainment √kīḷ 1 a (play) ?? √kīḷ + ā ā fem 7
pasaṃsā fem praise (by); approval (of); commendation (of) √saṃs 1 a (proclaim, praise) pa + √saṃs + ā ā fem 7
cārikā fem walking tour; walking journey √car 1 a (move, walk) √car > cār + *ikā ā fem 7
gāthā 2 fem suttas comprised of verse; one of the nine kinds of suttas √gā 3 ya (sing) √gā + thā ā fem 7
esanā 1 fem searching; seeking; quest √es 1 a (seek, search) √es + anā ā fem 7
santuṭṭhi fem satisfaction; contentment (with) √tus 3 ya (be content, be pleased) saṃ + √tus + ti i fem 8
ratī 1 fem pleasure; enjoyment; delight √ram 1 a (delight, please) √ram + tī ī fem 8
añjana 1 nt collyrium; black pigment; pitch-black colour √añj 1 a (smear, anoint) √añj + ana a nt 9
odaka 1 nt water √ud 2 ṃa (be wet) √ud > od + *aka a nt 9
kusuma nt flower; blossom a nt 9
jātaka 1 nt stories of previous lives; birth story; one of the nine kinds of suttas √jan 3 ya (be born, produce) √jan > jā + ta + ka a nt 9
coḷa 2 nt cloth; rag a nt 9
middha 1 nt drowsiness; sluggishness; lethargy a nt 9
dubbhikkha 1 nt famine; scarcity of alms-food √bhikkh 1 a (beg) dur + √bhikkh + ā + a a nt 9
netta 2 nt eye √nī 1 a (lead, carry) √nī > ne + *tta a nt 9
madhura 1.3 nt sweet smell; beautiful fragrance madhu + ra a nt 9
gatta 1 nt (of the body) limb √gam 1 a (go) √gam + tta a nt 9
veyyāvacca 1 nt service; assistance √par 1 a (be active) vi > vy > veyy + ā + √par > var + ta + *ya a nt 9
veyyākaraṇa 2 nt detailed exposition; one of the nine kinds of suttas √kar 7 o (do, make) vi > vy > veyy + ā + √kar + aṇa + *a a nt 9
manussatta 1 nt human existence; human state manu + ssa + tta a nt 9
patthayāna prp wishing (for); aspiring (for); craving (for) √atth 8 *aya (wish for) pa + atthaya + āna āna prp 10
patiṭṭhita 1 pp firmly grounded (in); well established (in) √ṭhā 1 a (stand) pati + √ṭhā + ita a pp 11
patthiya 1 adj desiring; wishing; aspiring √atth 8 *e (wish for) pa + √atth + iya a adj 11
panna pp dropped; lowered; put down √pat 1 a (fall) √pat + na a pp 11
bhiṃsanaka adj frightening; terrifying; scary; (comm) producing fear √bhis 2 ṃa (fear) bhiṃsa + ana + ka a adj 11
pasuta 1.1 pp engaged (in); engrossed (by); occupied (with); pursuing; looking (for) √si 5 nā (bind) pa + √si > su + ta a pp 11
sādhu 1 adj good; pleasant; auspicious √sādh 3 ya (accomplish) √sādh + u u adj 11
pupphita pp blossomed; bloomed; flowered √pupph 1 a (flower, expand) √pupph + ita a pp 11
bhadda 1 adj good; excellent; lucky; auspicious √bhad 1 a (be good, be lucky) √bhad + ra a adj 11
supupphita adj in full bloom; abounding in blossoms; covered with flowers √pupph 1 a (flower, expand) su + √pupph + ita a adj 11
makkhita pp smeared (with); stained (with) √makkh 8 *e (rub, erase) √makkh + ita a pp 11
samuṭṭhita 2 pp full (of); laden (with) √ṭhā 1 a (stand) saṃ + ud + √ṭhā + ita a pp 11
bhūta 04 pp become; born √bhū 1 a (be, become) √bhū + ta a pp 11
suta 1.1 pp heard √su 4 ṇā (hear) √su + ta a pp 11
muta 1 pp sensed; perceived; (or) thought; (comm) smelled, tasted, touched √mun 5 nā (think, know) √mun + ta a pp 11
pabhinna 1 pp (of an elephant in rut) with juices flowing; releasing excretions √bhid 2 ṃa (break, split) pa + √bhid + na a pp 11
sotatta adj scorched; burnt √tap 1 a (burn, radiate heat) su > so + √tap + ta + *a a adj 11
icchaka adj wanting; desiring √is 1 a (wish for) iccha + ā + ka a adj 11
uparata pp abstained (from); stopped (from); desisted (from) √ram 1 a (stop, abstain) upa + √ram + ta a pp 11
kappiya 2.1 adj constructing ideas; fabricating concepts √kapp 8 *e (think) √kapp + iya a adj 11
nūparata 1.1 pp not abstained; not stopped; not restrained √ram 1 a (stop, abstain) na + upa + √ram + ta a pp 11
anabhibhūta pp unconquered (by); unvanquished (by); undefeated (by); not overcome (by) √bhū 1 a (be, become) na > an + abhi + √bhū + ta a pp 11
atandita pp energetic; effortful; active; alert √tand 1 a (be slow, be lazy) na > a + √tand + ita a pp 11
nagga adj naked; nude a adj 11
sosinna adj frozen; freezing; (comm) soaked √sid 1 a (be cool) su > so + √sid + na + *a a adj 11
dalidda adj poor; needy; impoverished aī adj 11
dūhara adj hard to steal (for); hard to take (for) √har 1 a (carry) dur > dū + √har + a a adj 11
dasa 2.1 adj seeing; understanding √dis 1 a (see) dasa + a a adj 11
tato 5 ind after that; then; next ta + to 13
jāyati 1 pr is born (in); comes into being (from) √jan 3 ya (be born, produce) jāya + ti ati pr 13
labbhati 1 pr is obtained (among); is acquired (from); is received (from) √labh 1 ya (get) labbha + ti ati pr 13
khīyati 1 pr is destroyed; is exhausted; is worn away; is drained √khī 1 ya (exhaust, destroy) khīya + ti ati pr 13
kiñci 1 ind something; anything ka > ki + iṃ + ci 13
sabbaso 2 ind all around; everywhere; from all sides sabba + so 13
kicchena ind with difficulty; painfully; with hardship kiccha + ena 13
dīyi aor was given; was offered √dā 1 īya (give) dīya + i i aor 13
macca masc man; mortal man √mar 1 a (die) √mar + tya a masc 14
geyya 1 nt mixed verse; mixed prose; one of the nine kinds of suttas √gā 3 ya (sing) √gā + eyya a nt 14
vedalla nt questions-and-answers; catechism; one of the nine kinds of suttas √dal 8 *e (split, tear apart) vi > ve + √dal + *ya a nt 14
bhabya ptp who are able to be; who will be; who could be √bhū 1 a (be, become) √bhū > bhav > bhab + *ya a ptp 14
aññadatthu 1 ind most certainly; indeed; only añña + [d] + atthu 16
tepi sandhi they too; and those too te + api 16
kataññutā fem gratitude; thankfulness; appreciativeness kata + ñū + tā ā fem 17
vihārimātāpiṃ sandhi living ardently; remaining persistent; making continuous effort vihāriṃ + ātāpiṃ 17
caggimāsīno sandhi and seated (next to a) fire ca + aggiṃ + āsīno 17
tadajjahaṃ sandhi that today I; that now I tad + ajja + ahaṃ 17
rajas 3 masc pollen; spore √raj 1 a (colour) √raj + as as masc 18
vittalābha masc gaining of wealth; acquiring riches vitta + lābha a masc 19
samaṇabrāhmaṇakapaṇaddhikavanibbakayācakā masc ascetics, priests, tramps, homeless wanderers and beggars samaṇa + brāhmaṇa + kapaṇa + addhika + vanibbaka + yācaka + ā a masc pl 19
visenibhūta adj disarmed (wrt); not opposing; at peace (with); (or) disassociated (from) visenā > viseni + bhūta a adj 19
samādhisambojjhaṅga masc stability of mind as an element of awakening; mental composure as a factor of enlightenment samādhi + sambojjhaṅga a masc 19
sabbadhamma masc everything; all things; all mental phenomena; all states of mind; all teachings sabba + dhamma a masc 19
aṅkusaggaha masc mahout; elephant driver; (comm) elephant trainer aṅkusa + gaha a masc 19
sambojjhaṅga masc element of awakening; factor of enlightenment sambodhi + aṅga a masc 19
vasavattī 1 adj with control (of); wielding power (over); having authority (over) vasa + vattī ī adj 19
ahorattaṃ ind day and night; continuously; continually aho + ratta + aṃ 19
aṭṭhapadakata adj arranged in eight ways; plaited eightfold aṭṭhapada + kata a adj 19
ahorattamatandita adj tireless throughout the day and night; energetic all the time ahorattaṃ + atandita a adj 19
ahoratta nt day and night; days and nights; time aha + ratta a nt 19
esanāpasuta adj engaged in seeking; devoted to the quest esanā + pasuta a adj 19
kaṇṇasota nt ear hole kaṇṇa + sota a nt 19
kapaṇaddhika masc tramps and travellers kapaṇa + addhika a masc 19
kunnadī fem stream; rivulet ku + nadī ī fem 19
kusumarajas masc flower pollen kusuma + rajas as masc 19
abbhutadhamma 1 nt marvellous accounts; unbelievable stories; one of the nine kinds of suttas abbhuta + dhamma a nt 19
tathāsamāhita adj thus composed; thus centred; thus settled tathā + samāhita a adj 19
hatthippabhinna adj elephant in rut hatthī + pabhinna a adj 19
aṭṭhapada 2 adj in eight ways; eightfold aṭṭha + pada a adj 19
paṭhamavasanta masc first flush of spring; early spring; first month of spring paṭhama + vasanta a masc 19
añjanamakkhita adj with eyeliner; outlined añjana + makkhita a adj 19
bhāvanāpāripūri fem maturity by development; completion by cultivation; full development by meditation bhāvanā + pāripūri i fem 19
bhūtabhabya adj who are and who will be; who exist and could exist bhūta + bhabya a adj 19
mahābrahma 1 masc great God almighty; supreme spirit mahā + brahma brahma masc 19
dhammassavana nt hearing the teaching; hearing a sermon; listening to the Dhamma dhamma + savana a nt 19
yenicchakaṃ ind wherever one wants; as one likes; according to desire; (comm) by whichever way one wants to go yena + icchaka + aṃ 20
pannabhāra adj who has dropped the burden; who has laid down the load panna + bhāra a adj 20
bhaddekaratta 2 adj having a single auspicious night; (or) having an auspicious night alone bhadda + ekaratta aī adj 20
yatthakāmaṃ ind as one wants; where one likes yattha + kāma + aṃ 20
yathāsukhaṃ ind as one likes; as is comfortable; according to one's pleasure yathā + sukha + aṃ 20


pali pos meaning root construction pattern cl.
kāma 4 masc (objects of) pleasure; sensual pleasure; sexual pleasure √kam 8 *e (desire) √kam > kām + *a a masc 2
paṅka 1 masc dirt; mud; mire; swamp a masc 2
inda 1 masc lord; king; ruler a masc 2
vinicchaya 1 masc discrimination; distinction; evaluation; assessment √ci 5 nā (gather, accumulate) vi + nī + √ci > chay + *a a masc 2
attha 1.4 masc matter; affair; legal case; lawsuit √ar 1 a (move, attain) √ar + tha a masc 2
gantha 1 masc (mental) tie; knot; bond √ganth 1 a (tie, bind) √ganth + a a masc 2
pamoha masc bewilderment; bafflement; confusion √muh 3 ya (be deluded, be confused) pa + √muh > moh + *a a masc 2
nāga 4 masc noble person; great man; epithet of an arahant; epithet of the Buddha a masc 2
vāda 6 masc doctrine; religious belief; belief system √vad 1 a (say, speak) √vad > vād + *a a masc 2
vāda 3 masc debate; argument; disputation √vad 1 a (say, speak) √vad > vād + *a a masc 2
dahāti pr considers as; takes as; regards as √dhā 1 a (place, support) daha + ti āti pr 3
jappati pr desires; longs (for); yearns (for); hungers (for) √japp 1 a (mutter, pray) jappa + ti ati pr 3
eti 2 pr goes (to) √i 1 a (come, go) e + ti eti pr 2 3
vadeti 1 pr say; speaks; calls; describes (as) √vad 1 a (say, speak) vade + ti eti pr 3
pacceti 2 pr believes (to be); assumes (to be); takes as √i 1 a (come, go) pati > paty > pacc + e + ti eti pr 3
vivadati pr disagrees (with); disputes (with); argues (with); quarrels (with); conflicts (with) √vad 1 a (say, speak) vi + vada + ti ati pr 3
vadati 2 pr disputes; argues; debates √vad 1 a (say, speak) vada + ti ati pr 3
vicarati pr moves about (in); wanders about (in); roams (in) √car 1 a (move, walk) vi + cara + ti ati pr 3
hoti 2 pr exists (for) √hū 1 a (be) ho + ti hoti pr 4
adassi aor saw; has seen √dis 1 a (see) a + dassa + i i aor 4
aggahesi 2 aor seized; caught; grabbed hold (of) √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) a + gahe + si esi aor 4
nāhosi aor was not; did not exist; did not become √hū 1 a (be) na + a + ho + si hosi aor 5
visesī adj better; distinguished; attained; superior √sis 8 *e (remain, distinguish) vi + √sis > ses + *ī ī adj 5
vedagū masc who has perfect knowledge; who has complete understanding veda + gū ū masc 6
gū 2 masc who is skilled in; who is fulfilled in; who is complete in √gam 1 a (go) √gam + ū ū masc 6
taṇhā 3 fem name of one of the three daughters of Death √tas 6 ṇhā (thirst) taṇhā + ā ā fem 7
kathā 2 fem argument; debate √kath 8 *e (speak, narrate) √kath + ā ā fem 7
asīlatā fem free from moral conduct √sīl 1 a (conduct oneself) na > a + √sīl + a + tā ā fem 7
icche opt would wish (to); would desire (to); would want (to) √is 1 a (wish for) iccha + e ati pr 7
paṭisaṃyujeyya opt (of an argument) would start; would begin; would engage (in) √yuj 2 ṃa (yoke, join) pati + saṃ + √yuj + eyya eyya opt 7
ragā fem name of one of the three daughters of Death √raj 3 ya (desire) √raj > rag + ā ā fem 7
saññā 2 fem name; label; concept; idea; notion; impression; representation; symbol √ñā 5 nā (know) saṃ + √ñā + ā ā fem 7
vidhā 1 fem distinction; discrimination; categorization; conceit √dhā 1 a (place, support) vi + √dhā + ā ā fem 7
jappe opt could desire; would long (for); could yearn (for) √japp 1 a (mutter, pray) √japp + e ati pr 7
muti fem opinion; thought; belief √mun 5 nā (think, know) √mun + ti i fem 8
santi 1.1 fem peace; calm; tranquillity √sam 3 ya (be calm, be tired) √sam + ti i fem 8
suti 1 fem learning; sacred knowledge √su 4 ṇā (hear) √su + ti i fem 8
niccheyya ger evaluating; ascertaining; discriminating; distinguishing the difference (between) √ci 5 nā (gather, accumulate) nī + √ci > chay + *ya 8
nissajja ger giving up; relinquishing; leaving behind √saj 1 a (relinquish, let loose) nī + √saj + ya 8
upapatti 1 fem rebirth; re-arising; reappearance √pad 3 ya (go, step) upa + √pad + ti i fem 8
uggayha 1 ger taking up; grasping; embracing; holding (onto); taking a stand (on) √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) ud + √gah + ya > gayha 8
anissāya ger not leaning (on); not depending (on); being independent (of) √si 1 a (depend on, associate with) na > a + ni + √si > sāy + ya 8
adiṭṭhi fem without view; no belief √dis 1 a (see) na > a + √dis + ti i fem 8
arati 2 fem name of one of the three daughters of Death √ram 1 a (delight, please) na > a + √ram + ti i fem 8
assuti fem without learning √su 4 ṇā (hear) na > a + √su + ti i fem 8
anuggahāya ger not grasping; not embracing; not taking up √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) na > an + ud + gahā + ya 8
ambu nt water u nt 9
añāṇa nt without knowing; without understanding; without insight √ñā 5 nā (know) na > a + √ñā + aṇa a nt 9
ratana 1.4 nt queen; woman a nt 9
samphusituṃ inf to touch; to bring into contact (with) √phus 1 a (touch) saṃ + √phus + ituṃ 9
karīsa 1 nt faeces; excrement a nt 9
mutta 1.1 nt urine a nt 9
methuna 2 nt sexual intercourse; sexual activity √mith 1 a (pair) √mith > meth + una + *a a nt 9
veda 3 nt knowledge; understanding; realization; insight √vid 1 a (know) √vid > ved + *a a nt 9
jala nt water √jal 8 *e (hide, conceal) √jal + a a nt 9
nivesana 1 nt house; home √vis 1 a (enter) ni + √vis > ves + *ana a nt 9
avikampamāna 1 prp unshaken (by); unstirred (by); unaffected (by); unruffled (by) √kamp 1 a (shake, tremble) na > a + vi + kampa + māna māna prp 10
akubbanta prp not doing; not making √kar 7 o (do, make) na > a + kubba + nta anta prp 10
ghaṭṭayanta prp colliding; conflicting; clashing; offending √ghaṭṭ 8 *aya (hit, strike) ghaṭṭaya + nta anta prp 10
anupucchamāna prp asking; enquiring; questioning (somebody about something) √pucch 1 a (ask, question) anu + puccha + māna māna prp 10
pacinanta 2 prp discerning; distinguishing; recognizing √ci 5 nā (gather, accumulate) pa + cinā + nta anta prp 10
anūpanīta pp not led (into); not brought (into) √nī 1 a (lead, carry) na > an + upa + √nī + ta a pp 11
viratta pp detached (from); without desire (for); become indifferent (to); lost interest (in) √raj 3 ya (desire) vi + √raj + ta a pp 11
anūpalitta pp not smeared (by); not sullied (by); untainted (by); unstained (by) √lip 2 ṃa (coat, smear) na > an + upa + √lip + ta a pp 11
visama 2 adj unequal; different vi + sama a adj 11
ajjhatta adj inner; internal; personal; in oneself adhi > adhy > ajjh + atta a adj 11
agiddha pp without greed; without desire √gidh 3 ya (be greedy) na > a + √gidh + ta a pp 11
samuggahīta 1 pp embraced; accepted; chosen; taken up √gah 6 ṇhā (grasp) saṃ + ud + √gah + ita a pp 11
vivitta 1 pp separated; detached; secluded; solitary; aloof √vic 1 a (separate) vi + √vic + ta a pp 11
abbata adj without religious practice; without ritual observances; not keeping vows √vat 1 a (be, proceed) na > a + √vat > bat + a a adj 11
momuha adj very foolish; completely confused; totally deluded; entirely stupid √muh 3 ya (be deluded, be confused) momuha + a a adj 11
momuhato ind as very foolish; as completely confused; as totally deluded; as entirely stupid √muh 3 ya (be deluded, be confused) momuha + a + to 11
kaṇḍaka 1 adj thorny-stemmed; prickly-stemmed √kat 2 ṃa (cut) kaṇḍa + a + ka a adj 11
nihīna 1 pp low; inferior; worse; deficient; worthless √hā 3 ya (decrease) ni + √hā > hī + na a pp 11
puṇṇa 1 pp filled (with); full (of) √pūr 1 a (fill, fulfil) √pūr + na a pp 11
patthita 1 pp wished for (by); sought after (by); desired (by) √atth 8 *e (wish for) pa + √atth + ita a pp 11
pakappita pp (of an idea or opinion) imagined; fabricated; fashioned; designed; devised; concocted √kapp 8 *e (think) pa + √kapp + ita a pp 11
ito 4 ind because of this ima + to 13
musā 3 ind false; untrue; untruthful √mus 3 ya (lie, forget) √mus + ā 13
neyya 1.1 ptp could be led astray (by); could be misguided (by) √nī 1 a (lead, carry) √nī + eyya a ptp 14
nopi sandhi nor; nor even no + api 16
tammaya adj identified (with) taṃ + maya a adj 17
kimevidaṃ 2 sandhi not to mention this kiṃ + eva + idaṃ 17
yametamatthaṃ sandhi whatever this means; concerning this matter yaṃ + etaṃ + atthaṃ 17
ambuja 1 adj born in water; living in water; aquatic ambu + ja a adj 19
paññāvimutta adj liberated by understanding; emancipated by insight paññā + vimutta a adj 19
apurekkharāna prp not preferring; not choosing na > a + pure + kharāna āna prp 19
sīlabbata nt precepts and practices; ethics and observances; rites and rituals sīla + vata a nt 19
bhavūpapatti fem state of being and rebirth bhava + upapatti i fem 19
narinda masc ruler of men; lord of men; king; chief nara + inda a masc 19
kīdisa adj of what kind?; how is it?; what is it like? kaṃ > kiṃ > kī + disa aī adj 19
saññāviratta adj detached from perception; indifferent to concepts saññā + viratta a adj 19
vārija 2 nt lotus vāri + ja a nt 19
jalambuja nt aquatic lotus; white lotus jala + ambu + ja a nt 19
santivāda adj promoting a doctrine of peace; professing peace santi + vāda a adj 20