This document is still being edited, please provide corrections or suggestions using the feedback form or by commenting directly in the Google documents. We really appreciate all ideas and feedback.
This material is for free distribution only.
Originally created by Ven. Bodhirasa. Updated and enhanced by Sāsanārakkha Buddhist Sanctuary Pāli Development panel under the guidance of Ven. Devamitta.
It has 13 classes + final test. Total 14 meetings.
Please download the latest version of all documents and dictionaries every week, after each class we make some new changes and corrections.
to download any of these documents, select the needed format:
File > Download > DOCX (or) PDF
It is a continuation of the Vocab Anki Deck from the Beginner Pāli Course.
It is recommended to use Special fields Add-on
How to update Anki Decks for Pāli Class
How to removing outdated words
Anki Deck Grammar Pāli Class
Anki Deck Roots.
Anki Deck Phonetic Changes.
Videos of the class are available and can be found on the SBS file server.
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Feel free to contact us if you need any assistance.
We recommend using the latest SBS Pali Dictionary. All exercises and vocabulary used in the course are labeled in the dictionary, highlighting the intended meanings of words in specific course examples. Many helpful links lead directly to grammatical analysis.
Beginner Pāli Course available for beginner Pāli students.
These work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.